5.000 a plane is taking off an air plane is taking off 3.800 a man is playing a large flute a man is playing a flute 3.800 a man is spreading shreded cheese on a pizza a man is spreading shredded cheese on an uncooked pizza 2.600 three men are playing chess two men are playing chess 4.250 a man is playing the cello a man seated is playing the cello 4.250 some men are fighting two men are fighting 0.500 a man is smoking a man is skating 1.600 the man is playing the piano the man is playing the guitar 2.200 a man is playing on a guitar and singing a woman is playing an acoustic guitar and singing 5.000 a person is throwing a cat on to the ceiling a person throws a cat on the ceiling 4.200 the man hit the other man with a stick the man spanked the other man with a stick 4.600 a woman picks up and holds a baby kangaroo a woman picks up and holds a baby kangaroo in her arms 3.867 a man is playing a flute a man is playing a bamboo flute 4.667 a person is folding a piece of paper someone is folding a piece of paper 1.667 a man is running on the road a panda dog is running on the road 3.750 a dog is trying to get bacon off his back a dog is trying to eat the bacon on its back 5.000 the polar bear is sliding on the snow a polar bear is sliding across the snow 0.500 a woman is writing a woman is swimming 3.800 a cat is rubbing against baby 's face a cat is rubbing against a baby 5.000 the man is riding a horse a man is riding on a horse 3.200 a man pours oil into a pot a man pours wine in a pot 2.800 a man is playing a guitar a girl is playing a guitar 4.600 a panda is sliding down a slide a panda slides down a slide 3.000 a woman is eating something a woman is eating meat 5.000 a woman peels a potato a woman is peeling a potato 4.800 the boy fell off his bike a boy falls off his bike 5.000 the woman is playing the flute a woman is playing a flute 4.200 a rabbit is running from an eagle a hare is running from a eagle 4.200 the woman is frying a breaded pork chop a woman is cooking a breaded pork chop 4.000 a girl is flying a kite a girl running is flying a kite 4.000 a man is riding a mechanical bull a man rode a mechanical bull 4.909 the man is playing the guitar a man is playing a guitar 3.000 a woman is dancing and singing with other women a woman is dancing and singing in the rain 2.400 a man is slicing a bun a man is slicing an onion 4.200 a man is pouring oil into a pan a man is pouring oil into a skillet 3.400 a lion is playing with people a lion is playing with two men 5.000 a dog rides a skateboard a dog is riding a skateboard 3.750 someone is carving a statue a man is carving a statue 2.750 a woman is slicing an onion a man is cutting an onion 5.000 a woman peels shrimp a woman is peeling shrimp 4.000 a woman is frying fish a woman is cooking fish 3.600 a woman is playing an electric guitar a woman is playing a guitar 1.600 a baby tiger is playing with a ball a baby is playing with a doll 1.750 a person is slicing a tomato a person is slicing some meat 5.000 a person cuts an onion a person is cutting an onion 1.000 a man is playing the piano a woman is playing the violin 1.000 a woman is playing the flute a man is playing the guitar 2.375 a man is cutting up a potato a man is cutting up carrots 3.800 a kid is playing guitar a boy is playing a guitar 3.200 a boy is playing guitar a man is playing a guitar 3.200 a man is playing guitar a boy is playing a guitar 4.400 a little boy is playing a keyboard a boy is playing key board 3.750 a man is playing a guitar a man is playing an electric guitar 4.750 a dog licks a baby a dog is licking a baby 3.200 a woman is slicing an onion a man is cutting and onion 1.556 a man is playing the guitar a man is playing the drums 3.938 a woman is slicing a pepper a woman is cutting a red pepper 5.000 a man is playing the drums a man plays the drum 5.000 a woman rides a horse a woman is riding a horse 4.000 a man is eating a banana by a tree a man is eating a banana 1.600 a cat is playing a key board a man is playing two keyboards 4.750 a man chops down a tree with an axe a man cut a tree with an axe 3.500 a kid plays with a toy phone a little boy plays with a toy phone 1.400 a man is riding a motorcycle a man is riding a horse 1.400 a man is riding a motorcycle a man is riding a horse 4.000 a squirrel is spinning around in circles a squirrel runs around in circles 5.000 a man and a woman are kissing a man and woman kiss 3.833 a man is getting into a car a man is getting into a car in a garage 0.600 a man is dancing a man is talking 2.917 a man is playing the guitar and singing a man is playing the guitar 4.200 a person is cutting mushrooms a person is cutting mushrooms with a knife 2.000 a tiger cub is making a sound a tiger is walking around 2.600 a person is slicing onions a person is peeling an onion 1.600 a man is playing the piano a man is playing the trumpet 2.000 a woman is peeling a potato a woman is peeling an apple 4.200 a pankda is eating bamboo a panda bear is eating some bamboo 2.000 a person is peeling an onion a person is peeling an eggplant 4.800 a monkey pushes another monkey the monkey pushed the other monkey 4.400 a squirrel runs around in circles a squirrel is moving in circles 5.000 a man is tying his shoe a man ties his shoe 3.000 a boy is singing and playing the piano a boy is playing the piano 4.250 a dog is eating water melon a dog is eating a piece of watermelon 4.250 a woman is chopping broccoli a woman is chopping broccoli with a knife 3.800 a man is peeling a potato a man peeled a potatoe 2.400 a woman is playing a guitar a man plays a guitar 1.600 a woman is slicing tomato a man is slicing onion 2.000 a man swims underwater a woman is swimming underwater 1.600 a man and woman are talking a man and woman is eating 4.000 a small dog is chasing a yoga ball a dog is chasing a ball 2.200 the men are playing cricket the men are playing basketball 4.400 a man rides off on a motorcycle a man is riding on a motorcycle 3.600 a man is playing a guitar a man is singing and playing a guitar 3.600 the man talked on the telephone the man is talking on the phone 0.500 a man is fishing a man is exercising 0.800 a man is levitating a man is talking 0.600 two boys are driving two bays are dancing 2.600 a man is riding on a horse a girl is riding a horse 2.000 a man is riding a bicycle a monkey is riding a bike 2.200 a man is slicing potatoes a woman is peeling potato 2.400 a woman is peeling a potato a man is slicing potato 3.600 a man is playing a guitar someoen is playing guitar 2.200 a woman is slicing a leek a woman is slicing ginger 4.800 the man cut a paper plate a man is cutting a paper plate 1.643 the man is playing the guitar a man is playing the flute 1.750 a man is playing the piano the man is playing the violin 2.250 a woman is slicing up some meat a woman is breading some meat 4.000 a man is playing on his keyboard a man is playing a keyboard piano 4.800 the lady chopped up the green onions the lady cut up a green onion 3.200 someone is sitring noodles in water a woman is boiling noodles in water 4.000 lionel richie is dancing on the ceiling lionel ritchie dances while standing on the ceiling 4.400 a man is playing a piano a person is playing the piano 4.600 a woman is playing flute a woman plays on a flute 3.800 a boy is checking a calender a boy is looking at a calendar 4.800 a woman is cutting an onion a woman is chopping onions 4.857 a man is playing guitar a man plays a guitar 5.000 a woman is using a sewing machine a woman is sewing on a machine 2.533 a woman is flipping pancakes a cartoon chef is flipping pancakes 1.000 a man is running on the road a car is driving down the road 1.000 a man is riding on a horse a man is talking on a phone 2.000 a man is riding a bike a man is riding on a horse 0.143 a woman is dancing a man is eating 2.000 a man is playing a piano a man is playing a flute 1.600 a man is playing a flute a man is playing a piano 1.600 a man is spinning a man is dancing 3.400 a monkey is swinging from limb to limb a monkey is swinging from tree to tree 4.000 the people got off the train the people got off the train at the station 4.800 a dog is jumping on a trampoline a dog bounces on a trampoline 2.500 a boy is playing an instrument a man is playing a trumpet 1.750 a woman plays the guitar a man sings and plays the guitar 1.000 a woman is picking a can a woman is slicing a tomato 5.000 a man is climbing a rope a man climbs up a rope 1.400 a man is lifting a car a man is climbing a wall 4.000 a man and woman are driving down the street in a jeep a man and woman are driving down the road in an open air vehicle 3.800 the shirtless man sat in a chair a shirtless man is sitting on a chair 4.000 two women are wrestling two women are wrestling on the floor 4.000 the puppy played with a blue tennis ball a puppy is playing with a tennis ball 4.800 a kangroo is eating something a kangaroo is eating 0.600 a cat is playing a piano a man is playing a guitar 4.750 the man cut some carpet with a knife a man is cutting carpet with a knife 2.200 a woman is riding a motorized scooter down a road a man is riding a motor scooter 3.000 someone is slicing a vegetable someone is slicing a tomato 0.000 a woman is dancing a man is talking 2.200 a dog licks up a baby 's drool a dog licks a baby 0.400 a man is rowing a boat a man is slicing a tomato 4.800 a man cuts up potatos a man slices potatoes 4.800 a woman is chopping up garlic the woman is dicing garlic 3.800 an animal run in circles a squirrel runs in circles 3.000 a man is walking slowly across a rope bridge a boy is walking across a bridge 4.000 a man is playing the guitar a man seated in a room is playing the guitar 5.000 a man plays the flute a man is playing a flute 3.800 a woman cracks two eggs into a glass bowl a woman is cracking an egg into a bowl 3.000 a man is cutting a fish a man guts a fish 4.400 two men are packing suitcases into the trunk of a car the men are putting suitcases into the car 's trunk 3.800 a man pours oil on some tomatos the man poured oil on the cut tomatoes 3.000 a man is slicing something a man is slicing a bun 0.667 a man is paddling a canoe a man is playing a harp 4.000 a man and woman are walking together through the woods a man and woman are walking arm in arm through a wooded area 3.750 the woman picked up the kangaroo a woman picks up a baby kangaroo 4.133 fish are swimming a fish is swimming 4.000 two women mix something in a food processor two women make something in a blender 3.600 a person is surfing a large wave a person is surfing 1.200 a man is playing a guitar a man is stabbing a target 1.600 a man is playing a flute in a band a man is playing a guitar 4.000 the man spread butter on the loaf of bread a man is spreading butter onto bread 4.000 a person is boiling noodles a woman is boiling noodles in water 3.200 a group of people dance on a hill a group of people are dancing 1.000 a man is dancing outside a man is playing flute 1.000 a woman is feeding a man a woman is mixing meat 0.600 a man is putting a pan into an oven a woman is cutting an onion 0.400 a woman is sitting at a desk a woman is riding a donkey 3.400 medics transport a patient on a stretcher a doctor rushes a patient on a stretcher 3.600 a woman is playing a flute on stage the woman is playing the flute 3.000 two baby pandas are playing two pandas are laying together 4.000 a baby is laughing a baby is laughing and giggling 1.200 a man is playing a guitar a boy is playing a piano 0.600 a man is folding paper a woman is slicing a pepper 1.600 three women are dancing the man is dancing 2.600 the cats are playing with each other two cats are fighting each other 3.600 a person is writing a person is writing with a pencil 3.500 a man is running a man is running down a road 3.765 the woman is rolling dough a woman is flouring and rolling dough 2.750 a woman is adding spices on a meat woman is adding sugar to meat 2.250 a woman is adding oil on fishes a woman is pouring water on fish 2.750 a young boy is holding a guitar a little boy is playing a guitar 3.800 a cheetah is running a cheetah is running across a field 4.800 the man is eating pizza a man is eating a slice of pizza 3.600 an orangutan is riding a bus a monkey is riding on a bus 1.200 a man and a woman talk in a diner a man and a woman are riding on a bicycle 0.400 a man is playing a guitar a man is cleaning a glass door 2.400 a girl is singing and playing a guitar a young man is singing while playing the guitar 3.941 a girl is communicating with sign language a young girl is using sign language 0.500 a woman is doing weight exercises a woman is doing her hair 3.750 a man is getting inside a car an elderly man is getting into a red car 4.000 a big green ball knocks a potato over a large green ball hits a potato 3.000 a cat is playing keyboards a cat is playing a piano 4.200 two dogs swim in a pool dogs are swimming in a pool 2.000 the man used a chopper to chop the onion the man used a machine to chop up a potatoe 5.000 a woman slices tofu a woman is cutting tofu 3.000 a herd of deer are crossing the street a herd of caribou are crossing a road 3.800 the person is riding the horse a man is riding a horse 0.000 someone is feeding a animal someone is playing a piano 0.000 someone is slicing tortila 's someone is riding a horse 0.250 someone is mixing ingrediants someone is sewing things 4.000 a rooster pecks at a dead mouse a chicken is pecking at a dead mouse 3.250 a woman holds a kangaroo a woman is picking up a kangaroo 0.750 a man is playing with frogs a cat is playing with a camera 1.500 two men are talking two men are playing guitar 3.500 a man spreads butter on a big piece of bread a man is smearing butter on a slice of garlic bread 3.000 a man is running across a high wire a man is running on rope 0.200 a man is mowing a lawn a woman is cutting a lemon 0.800 a man is opening a door a man is playing a guitar 4.200 a man is slicing a potato into pieces a man is cutting a potato 3.800 the woman is cutting cooked octopus a woman is chopping octopus 0.400 a man is punching through boards a dog is running through water 0.800 a man is dancing a man is eating bread 1.200 someone is playing a piano a man is playing a guitar 2.800 two foxes are eating from a plate on a brick patio foxes are eating from a plate 3.200 a boy is playing a key board a boy is playing the piano 5.000 a person plays a keyboard someone is playing a keyboard 0.000 a man is shooting a gun a man is spitting 1.000 someone is slicing an onion someoen is peeling a potato 0.000 a man is swimming a woman is slicing meat 3.750 a man is playing the guitar a man plays an acoustic guitar 0.400 a woman is slicing a pumpkin a woman is riding an elephant 0.400 a woman is dancing a woman is kneading dough 0.600 a woman is cracking eggs into a bowl a woman is placing skewers onto a rack 4.000 a car is moving through a road a car is driving down the road 0.400 someone is greasing a pan smeone is laying down 0.400 a man is playing guitar a man is draining pasta 0.400 a woman is drinking vodka a woman is exercising 4.800 a woman is cutting meat into pieces a woman is cutting up some meat 0.600 a man is rinsing a steak a man is playing a guitar 0.800 a man is selling items a man is cleaning the house 3.200 a man is jumping a wall a man jumps onto a short wall 3.200 runners race around a track runners compete in a race 0.600 a man is kicking a soccer ball a man is mixing a bowl 0.600 a woman is frying something a woman is riding a horse 0.000 a cat is licking a sucker a woman is slicing cucumber 1.400 a woman is dancing by a fire a woman is taking a bath 2.200 the man is slicing a fish open a man is slicing a potato 3.600 butter is melting in a pan a man is melting butter in a pan 3.111 three boys are dancing kids are dancing 0.600 a woman is playing a game with a man a man is playing piano 0.400 the man is driving a white car a man is giving an interview 4.250 a man drove his car a man is driving a car 3.000 a car backs out of a space a car is backing out of a blocked lane 5.000 a man puts some cheese on a pizza the man sprinkled cheese on the pizza 5.000 the boy is playing the piano a boy plays a piano 3.750 the man played his guitar a man is playing a guitar 0.200 a man is riding a horse a man is playing a keyboard 0.400 a man is walking on a rope a man is riding a mo pad 1.286 a girl is playing a flute a band is playing on a stage 4.600 people step off a train a group of people get off a train 0.600 a woman is sewing on a machine a woman is breading some meat 2.000 a dog is looking into swimming pool a dog is walking around a pool 5.000 a man is buttering a piece of bread a man is applying butter to bread 1.800 a man is cutting tomatoes into pieces a woman is cutting some vegetables 2.400 three teenage girls danced in the room some teenage girls are dancing for the camera 2.400 a lion is walking a lion is pacing in a pen 0.400 a man shooting a car a man is cutting a potato 4.200 a black horse is running around the horse is running 0.000 a woman is deveining shrimp a man is dancing in rain 0.000 a man is riding a horse a woman is washing a freezer 0.800 a man walks down a path a man walks across a tight rope 1.400 a man is slicing a potato a woman is cutting a jalepeno 1.500 a dog is barking at a ball a dog swims after a tennis ball 2.500 a kid runs away from a fish swinging around on a fishing pole a little kid is running around a fishing pole 2.500 a man is walking along a path through wilderness a man is walking down a road 3.500 an elderly man is speaking at a podium a man is making a speech at the podium 3.400 a man riding a horse in slow motion a man is riding on a horse 3.800 a person is cutting some burrata cheese the person is slicing cheese 3.800 the man is shooting an automatic rifle a man is shooting a gun 1.500 a man is crushing garlic with the back of a knife a woman is slicing meat with a knife 0.500 a woman is filing her fingernails with an emery board a woman is feeding her baby with a bottle 0.000 a man is riding a skateboard a woman is cutting a potato 0.000 a woman is taking a shower a man is riding a white horse 0.800 a man is dancing a man is riding a horse 0.850 a man is rowing a boat a man is shooting off a gun 3.400 a man is swinging from a rope attached to the ceiling a man is swinging on a rope 0.400 a woman is riding a horse on a beach a man is carrying another man on his back 1.750 a man holds a small animal in one hand a man shows off a small monkey 3.250 a person is folding a square paper piece a man is folding paper 0.750 a person is frying meat in a pan a person is holding a skunk 0.000 a chimpanzee is hurting a woman a man is driving a car 0.000 the woman is peeling shrimp the man is holding a lemur 4.250 two zebras are playing zebras are socializing 1.800 a woman is slicing butter a woman slices tofu 3.200 some men are playing guitars three men are playing guitars and singing together 3.600 the elephants sprayed water on themselves elephants spray themselves with water 2.600 a dog sat at the counter of a store the dog is standing at the counter 3.200 someone drills a hole in a strip of wood with a power drill a man drills a hole in a piece of wood 2.800 a woman is slicing some vegetables the woman is dicing garlic 4.600 a badger is burrowing a hole a badger is digging the earth 0.000 a woman is water skiing on a lake a man is playing a flute 0.250 a girl is playing a violin a baby is laughing and giggling 3.923 a helicopter is landing on a helipad a helicopter lands 2.750 a woman is cutting up a chicken a woman is slicing meat 0.000 a woman is cutting a cucumber a man is playing a guitar 3.000 a woman rides an elephant in front of an adoring crowd a woman rides an elephant 3.800 a puppy is sliding backwards along the floor a puppy is pushing itself backwards 4.600 a woman splits garlic cloves a woman is breaking a head of garlic into cloves 2.600 a dog is looking into swimming pool a dog is walking along the edge of a pool 3.600 a woman mixes a beauty treatment in a glass a woman is mixing a cream in a glass with a spoon 3.600 a man is drawing a picture a person is drawing 1.000 a woman is picking tomatoes a woman is pouring batter into a bowl 2.750 a man is looking at a computer monitor a man is using a laptop 1.250 the boy is riding a tricycle a woman is riding a water scooter 2.750 two men compete in a tire rolling race two people flipped tractor tires in a race 0.000 a person is cutting a meat a person riding a mechanical bull 0.000 a man is playing a violin a woman is using a sewing machine 2.400 the baby crawled through the doorway a baby is crawling across the floor 2.200 a man is playing keyboard a person is playing a piano 0.200 a man is smelling two pizzas a woman is feeding a man 2.800 a monkey pulls the tail of a dog a monkey is teasing a dog at the zoo 4.000 a dog lies on his back on a wooden floor a dog is laying on the floor 0.000 a woman is frying something in the pan a man is playing his guitar 5.000 a man puts seasoning in a bowl of water the man added seasoning to water in a bowl 0.000 an elderly woman is pouring oil into a frying pan a tied man is putting into water 3.200 a woman is chopping an onion a woman is slicing partially into half of an onion 3.500 the woman picked up the kangaroo a woman is carrying a kangaroo 1.750 a dog biting on a can a dog opens a can of food 1.250 a woman is deboning a fish a man catches a fish 0.833 a man is mowing grass a man is busting concrete 0.000 a cat is watching a tv a man is slicing a leave 3.750 the boy is stuck in the door of the doghouse a child is stuck in a dog house 2.750 people flip into a swimming pool men are falling into a pool 3.800 a woman swims underwater a woman is swimming 0.200 a man is playing a guitar a woman is dancing 3.400 an airplane is flying in the air a south african airways plane is flying in a blue sky 1.400 a bear is running from two dogs a bear is fighting wolves 3.800 a woman is resting in a floating raft a woman relaxes in an inner tube 0.400 a man is dieing in an operating room a man is kissing a woman in stage 0.000 a man is holding a leaf a woman is watching television 0.000 a person is riding a horse a woman is slicing potatoes 0.000 a woman is slicing octopus a man is playing the guitar 0.200 a man is breaking water jugs a woman is peeling garlic 0.000 a man is playing a guitar a woman is cutting vegetable 0.000 a girl is eating a cupcake a man is slicing a cucumber 3.800 the little girl played on the grass with a dog and a ball a baby plays with a dog and ball 2.250 people ride and paddle a raft four people are floating on a raft 2.400 the lady cut up a potatoe a man is cutting a potato 3.200 the missile exploded a rocket exploded 1.600 a dog is playing in the snow a dog is pawing at a fly in the carpet before it 0.400 a woman is dancing with other women a woman is shredding chicken 0.000 a boy is pushing a van a person is slicing a tomato 0.400 a boy is making some dance steps a boy is pouring something from a pitcher 0.600 a woman is opening a soda and drinking it a woman is riding on an elephant 1.000 a man is assembling speaker parts a man is playing the guitar 4.600 the dog walked along the edge of the pool a dog is walking along a pool 4.250 butter is being put into a bowl a man cutting butter into a mixing bowl 1.500 raccoons are eating a man is eating 3.500 someone fell off a horse a man gets knocked off of a horse 0.000 a woman peels an apple a man pops wheelies on a motorcycle 0.000 a man is taking some math classes a man is rinsing a steak 0.000 animals are playing in water two men are playing ping pong 0.333 a man is riding a horse and jumping over obstacles a man is kicking a soccer ball 0.333 a person is doing pencil tricks with his hand a person is slicing carrots in half 3.333 the person lit the cameras on fire a person is blow torching cameras 4.333 the man is slicing the tape from the box a man is cutting open a box 0.800 a man is fishing in the river a man is singing while walking down the sidewalk 0.200 a man is riding a bike a woman is dancing in the street 0.000 a man is doing push ups a woman is cutting some octopus 0.000 a man is playing guitar a woman is slicing up some pork 2.800 the little boy is singing and playing the guitar a baby is playing a guitar 0.800 a woman is powdering her face the woman is tapping her fingers on the table 0.000 a woman is peeling a potato a lion is walking around 0.250 a woman is firing a rifle a man is performing stunts 0.500 a woman puts a garland over a man 's shoulders a man pours water over a pilots head 3.750 an old woman is shaking hand with a man a man and a woman shake hands 1.750 the woman is waterskiing a woman is wake boarding on a lake 2.667 trees are bending in storm trees are hit by very hard winds 0.400 a man and woman is riding in a car a woman is frying shrimp 0.000 a man is moving a tree limb the woman is playing the violin 1.000 a man plays a piano a woman is playing the violin 0.800 a person pours oil on a skillet a person is dicing an onion 0.000 the animal is eating a woman is dancing 4.000 the woman is walking her dog a woman walks her dog down the street 5.000 a group of people sing some people are singing 4.400 the cat is drinking milk a cat is licking from a saucer of milk 2.000 a girl is making eyelid a woman is applying eyeshadow 2.800 two men are fighting two men are fighting using a form of martial arts 2.500 the military officer barked at the recruits an officer is talking to recruits 2.500 the man is putting chicken into the container a man is putting foods in a box 2.250 a man is tying on a stenographers machine the man used a stenograph 3.600 a woman is adding pasta to a pot of water a woman is making noodles 1.200 a woman is lying on a blanket on a rock and reading a book a woman seated is singing a song and playing the guitar too 0.200 two puppies are playing with each other some men are playing soccer 1.000 a man is running on a field a man climbs up a rope 0.400 a man is hugging someone a man is taking a picture 2.800 someone is pouring ingrediants into a pot a man puts vegetables into a pot 0.000 a couple are walking some men are sawing 3.000 a person is playing a guitar the man played his guitar 3.000 a person is adding food in a pan a woman puts rice into a pan 2.800 a group of penguins is walking a large amount of penguins are heading to the ocean 0.000 a man is playing a guitar someone is handling a bun 0.000 a dog is jumping on a trampoline a boy is playing a guitar 2.200 a man is shaking a container over a kitchen sink a man is emptying a plastic container 3.750 a man is walking with a horse a man is leading a horse around by it 's halter 4.000 paper is being cut with scissors a piece of paper is being cut 3.500 a person peels shrimp the lady peeled the shrimp 0.800 a man is playing a guitar a man tries to read the paper 0.800 a man making a bed in a hotel a man is holding a animal 1.750 the dog pulled the dogs tail and then his leg a monkey pulled a dogs tail 3.000 a woman beats two eggs in a bowl a person is mixing ingredients in a bowl 0.000 a man is jumping rope outside a woman is slicing a cucumber 0.000 a person is slicing some onions a hamster is singing 0.000 a woman holds a kangaroo a man in a hat sings a song 3.800 soccer players are kicking a soccer ball into the goal a soccer player scores a goal 3.200 a woman is cooking something a woman is pouring ingredients into a frying pan 3.200 a woman is swimming in the beach a woman splashes around in the ocean 's waves 0.800 a man is carrying another man a man sprays another man with water from a hose 1.500 the woman is putting paste into a dish a woman is pulling some kind of sticky goo out of a bowl 2.750 a man is holding up and talking about a gray you tube t shirt a man is showing a t shirt 3.750 someone pours olive oil into a bowl of tomato wedges the man poured oil on the tomato slices 3.200 a man is playing the guitar the man played his guitar with a friend 0.800 someone is boiling okra in a pot someone pours olive oil into a bowl of tomato wedges 0.000 a person is peeling a potato a cat is licking a small bottle 0.000 a cat is jumping into a box a young man is talking to a leaf 1.400 the woman is seasoning the oil a woman is pouring ingredients in a bowl 3.200 a cat is sliding upside down under a couch a cat is crawling under a piece of furniture on it 's back 2.200 a woman dances while a man plays the keyboard a woman is dancing on a stage 2.533 a chef is cleaning up a bowl of soup a man is wiping the edge of a bowl off 3.400 an explosion is booming in the desert a nuclear weapon explodes in a desert 0.000 a woman slices a lemon a man is talking into a microphone 0.800 an overweight man is skipping rope a young man is dancing 3.200 the lady cracked two raw eggs the woman is cracking eggs into a bowl 0.000 a man sharpens a pencil using a knife a woman is dancing in the rain 0.000 plastic toys are floating in water the ladies are performing a dance 3.000 the turtle followed the fish a sea turtle is hunting for fish 2.800 the woman is pencilling on eye shadow the girl is using an eye pencil on her eyelid 0.000 a man is tying his shoe a dog is riding on a bicyclists shoulders 0.417 a woman is slicing meat with a knife a man is spreading out dough 0.000 a dog is running on the ground a girl is tapping her finger nails 1.000 a man is petting a tied up dog a man is showing his dog to the camera 2.000 a woman is walking on an open ground with a pet dog as some other dogs follow them a man is walking with several dogs 0.000 a woman is mincing some garlic a person is cleaning a disk 2.500 two teams are playing soccer different sets of teams are playing football on a field 2.000 a rat like creature is smelling around an animal is walking on the ground 0.000 two sumo ringers are fighting each other a man rides a water toy in the water 0.000 a man lays on the ground and aims a rifle a man is spreading butter on a tortilla 2.818 a couple are running towards the ocean a man and and woman are running together holding hands 3.533 a woman is chopping a hard egg a person is cutting boiled egg into pieces 3.800 two robots share a kiss a male and female robot are kissing 3.250 a cat is trying to touch a dog the cat teased the dog by touching his head 4.000 the rhino grazed on the grass a rhino is grazing in a field 0.000 the man drove his little red car around the traffic the dog ran in the water at the beach 1.000 a man is cutting bread a man is doing tricks with a soccer ball 2.600 a cat rapidly swats a kid in the head a cat and a boy play together 1.400 a cat is playing in a box the dog is playing with the floor cleaner 3.200 the couple danced in the church a couple slow dances 0.000 a man is patting an alligator on the mouth a person is dumping chopped vegetables into a pot on the stove 0.000 a person checks some rice pudding a horse is running 0.000 a woman is stirring two eggs in a glass bowl a young girl is singing on a stage 0.000 the man is playing the drums a man pours cleaner in his sink 3.800 a man is slicing a pepper a person cuts a big green pepper apart 0.643 a woman is speaking in sign language a woman spices some seafood 0.000 a boy is crawling into a dog house a cat is playing on the floor 2.250 the girl flew her kite while she ran up a hill a girl loses her kite 1.250 a woman is placing food in a pot of hot water a woman is frying meat 3.400 a small monkey walks through water a monkey is wading across a marsh 0.000 a man is riding a bike a panda bear is eating 0.200 a young man is singing and playing the piano the man is writing a letter 0.500 a boy takes off his sunglasses a boy is screaming 0.000 a girl is playing a piano a boy is doing push ups 4.000 the lady sliced a tomatoe someone is cutting a tomato 0.000 someone is holding a hedgehog a onion is being sliced 1.000 a woman peels a potato a woman is grilling pineapples 0.000 a cat is drinking some water a truck is going down a hill 0.000 a person is putting salt and pepper on a piece of pork a youngster is sitting on a piano 0.000 the man sat in his chair and stared the little girl is putting her hair into a pony tail 1.800 a woman is dicing a potato a woman cuts tofu into tiny pieces 1.200 a baby is crawling happily a baby sneezed and scared another baby 0.600 a person is frying a meat in the pan a man is cutting a vegetable 0.250 a man is looking out of a window a woman is swimming in the water 3.250 a man seated is playing the guitar a man is playing an acoustic guitar and singing into a microphone 1.250 a woman is slicing an onion with a knife a man is preparing some dish 4.000 a rider is running and jumping her horse a woman jumps hurdles on a horse 3.250 a boy is playing a key board a boy is sitting in a room playing a piano by lamp light 0.750 two men are fighting the man is exercising 3.250 a man is playing a wooden flute while several other men play bongo drums a man is playing a flute 1.200 a person is petting a monkey a man is holding a slow loris 3.800 two cartoon rabbits are kissing a rabbit is kissing another rabbit 3.400 the hedgehog chewed on the towel a hedgehog is biting at a blanket 0.000 a cat is licking himself a man is slicing a white onion with a mandolin slicer 3.500 a small guinea pig is gnawing and eating a piece of carrot on the floor a guinea pig eats a carrot 3.750 four boys are standing in front of the burning car four young men stand still as a car explodes behind them 4.000 a man is smoking the man sat in his suit and smoked 0.200 a woman is adding sauce to some food a person is cutting leaves 0.000 three children are eating their food the deer jumped over the fence 0.000 a submarine is going through water a baby is falling asleep 0.800 a man is running on a street a man plays the guitar 0.000 a person is slicing an onion a cat is pooping into a toilet 0.000 a badger is digging in the dirt a man is moving large rocks 0.000 a woman is slicing big pepper a dog is moving its mouth 5.000 a man is riding a bicycle a man is riding a bike 0.600 a man and a woman are kissing each other a man and a woman are talking to each other 4.200 a woman is slicing an onion a woman is cutting an onion 3.750 a small boy is playing with a dog a baby is playing with a dog 5.000 the man is drawing a man is drawing 1.250 a man is cutting a potato a woman is cutting a tomato 3.600 a boy is playing a guitar a kid is playing a guitar 5.000 a woman is cutting an onion a woman is cutting through an onion 5.000 a toy train is striking a toy car a toy train strikes a toy car 2.200 a man is playing the guitar a man is playing the flute 5.000 a cat opens a drawer and climbs inside a cat is opening a drawer and climbing inside 4.250 a woman is frying a food a woman is deep frying food 2.500 a man is dicing an onion a woman is cutting an onion 2.800 a girl is playing a guitar a man is playing a guitar 2.800 a girl is singing on stage a man is singing on stage 2.800 a woman is riding a horse a woman is riding a donkey 2.800 a girl is playing a guitar a man is playing a guitar 5.000 a woman is brushing some shrimp a woman brushes some shrimp 4.800 a man is dancing on the ceiling a man is dancing on the ceiling of a room 4.200 a woman thinly slices an onion with a large knife a woman is slicing onions with a large knife 5.000 a man is playing a keyboard a man plays a keyboard 5.000 a man plays the guitar a man is playing the guitar 5.000 a woman is peeling a potato a woman peels a potato 3.750 a woman is handling a frog a man is holding a frog 2.000 a man is playing a flute a man is playing a guitar 1.583 a man is playing a guitar a man is playing a flute 1.778 a man is playing a piano a man is playing a guitar 2.000 a man is playing a guitar a man is playing a piano 2.000 a man is playing a flute a man is playing a guitar 2.000 a man is playing a flute a man is playing a guitar 3.200 two women are on a couch two women are hugging on a couch 3.800 someone is slicing a cucumber a man is slicing a cucumber 4.400 a kitten is playing with a blue rope toy a kitten is playing with a toy 5.000 the dog is barking at the toy a dog is barking at a toy 3.500 a person folds a tortilla a man folds a tortilla 4.000 a cat is drinking milk a kitten is drinking milk 3.500 a person is driving a car a man is driving a car 4.400 a turtle is walking a tortoise is walking 3.800 a cow is eating grass a cow is eating hay 2.600 a woman is chopping broccoli a woman is chopping garlic 3.000 a man is crying a man is screaming 5.000 the man is playing the guitar a man is playing guitar 3.667 a man is cutting an onion a man is cutting a plantain 2.333 a man is slicing a potato a woman is peeling a potato 4.000 a woman is tapping her fingers on a table a woman is tapping her fingers 4.400 someone is boiling okra in a pot someone is cooking okra in a pan 0.200 a man is smoking a man is mixing 5.000 the man is playing the drums a man is playing drums 5.000 a man dives into a pool a man is diving into a pool 4.000 a woman is cutting a leak a woman is slicing a leek 4.600 a little boy is playing a guitar a boy is playing guitar 2.600 a woman is dancing the man is dancing 2.600 women are talking the men are talking 2.600 a girl is putting gel in her hair a woman is putting gel on her hair 2.200 a kid is playing guitar a man is playing a guitar 1.700 a group of people are marching in place a group of people are dancing in concert 2.000 the woman is shooting a machine gun the man is shooting a gun 4.000 a man played the piano a man plays a piano 3.250 a woman is slicing an onion someone is slicing a onion 4.500 a man is slicing a cucumber a man is cutting cucumbers 2.600 a girl is eating a cupcake a woman is eating a cupcake 2.000 a woman is cutting an onion a man is chopping an onion 1.800 the man is playing a guitar a baby is playing a guitar 1.556 a man is playing the guitar a man is playing the drums 4.500 two little girls talk on the telephone two girls talk on the phone 4.000 a man is chopping a log with an axe a man is chopping a tree trunk with an axe 1.600 a person is cutting a capsicum into pieces a person is slicing a garlic into pieces 0.500 a man is talking with a woman a woman is walking with a dog 1.400 the man is walking a man is talking 1.600 someone is pouring oil into a skillet someone is pouring milk into a blender 4.400 a small kitten is playing a ball a kitten is playing with a ball 1.800 a man is playing a guitar a woman is playing a flute 2.600 a girl is playing a violin a girl is playing a flute 1.600 a man is playing two pianos a cat is playing a piano 3.000 a man is exercising a girl is exercising 2.000 a person is slicing a scallop a person is slicing octopus 2.000 a man and a woman are riding on their bicycles a man and woman are riding a motorcycle 4.000 two men are fighting in a cow pasture two men are fighting in a cattle pen 3.000 a woman is adding oil to a pan a man is pouring oil into a pan 4.400 a girl makes up her bed a young girl makes her bed 4.800 the cat played with a watermelon a cat is playing with a watermelon 4.800 a girl jumps on a car a girl is jumping onto a car 0.727 a man is praying a man is running 0.000 a car is parking a cat is playing 1.250 a man is running a man is dancing 0.500 a man is singing a man is dancing 3.250 a man is carrying another man over his shoulder a man is carrying someone on his shoulder 1.333 a woman is peeling a potato a woman is slicing a tomato 1.000 a woman is cutting a tomato a woman is slicing a potato 1.400 someone is peeling a potato someone is slicing a tomato 1.333 a woman is peeling a potato a woman is slicing a tomato 5.000 two robots kiss two robots are kissing 4.000 two boys on a couch are playing video games two boys are playing a video game 4.400 a woman is squeezing a lemon a woman is squeezing juice out of a lemon 1.200 a woman is slicing an onion a man is slicing a tomato 1.200 a woman is slicing a carrot a man is slicing a tomato 1.250 a girl is styling her hair a girl is filing her nails 5.000 a man walking down the stairs a man walks down a staircase 2.000 two people are riding a motorcycle two people are riding a bike 2.200 a man is playing a guitar a woman is playing an electric guitar 3.200 a man is playing a guitar and singing a man is playing a guitar 1.500 a man is walking in the rain a man and woman is walking in the grand 4.750 a kangaroo is eating kangaroo eating 0.500 a man is fishing a man is exercising 0.067 a woman is swimming a man is singing 1.600 a woman is eating a animal is eating 2.600 a boy and a girl is dancing in the rain a man and woman is dancing in the rain 4.875 a man is driving a car a man drives a car 5.000 a woman is grating onion a woman grates onions 2.000 two roosters are fighting two men are fighting 1.400 a man is riding a horse a man is driving a car 1.400 a man is riding a horse a man is driving a car 0.800 a man is shooting a gun a man is slicing a bun 2.000 a woman is cutting an onion a woman is cutting meat 1.600 the woman is slicing herbs the man is slicing bread 3.000 a boy is playing the piano a man is playing a piano 3.615 a baby elephant is eating a baby elephant eats a sapling 4.000 a woman is cracking eggs into a bowl a woman is cracking eggs 4.000 a person is playing the keyboard a boy is playing a key board 3.333 a boy whacks a man with a sword a boy spanks a man with a plastic sword 1.500 a person is slicing a carrot into pieces a person is cutting an onion into pieces 4.400 a man sliced through a bunch of water bottles with a knife a man is slicing a line of water bottles with a knife 2.875 a man is writing in a book a man is writing on a paper 2.200 a woman is slicing a garlic a woman is slicing a big pepper 0.200 a person is making a bed a person is eating at a table 1.800 a man is playing keyboard a man is playing guitar 1.600 a man is playing a violin a man is playing a harp 0.200 the woman is smoking the man is walking 3.000 the man erased what the other man had on the board the man erased the work on the board 3.500 a man is riding a motorcycle a man is riding a motorcycle through a town 3.500 a man is riding a motorcycle on the highway a man is riding a motorcycle 2.000 a woman is slicing up some meat a woman is slicing some onions 5.000 a woman cuts up broccoli a woman is cutting broccoli 0.000 a man is playing a piano a woman is peeling a potato 3.200 someone is slicing a tomato someone is slicing fruit 3.250 a woman is dancing in a cage a woman is dancing 0.000 a woman is swimming a man is spitting 1.000 a man is running a man is mooing 3.667 the man is playing the guitar the man played his guitar 3.000 a cat stares into the camera a cat addresses the camera 4.200 the baby is laughing and crawling a baby is laughing and crawling on the floor 4.091 a woman is shooting a gun a woman shoots a shotgun 2.000 a woman is dancing in the rain a woman is dancing in railway station 1.000 a woman is dancing a woman is exercising 3.800 a kid is playing an instrument a young boy is playing a wind instrument 4.000 someone slices a bottle with a sword a man breaks a bottle with a sword 1.800 a woman is cutting an apple a woman is cutting potato 5.000 the man is peeling an apple a man peels an apple 1.000 the man is playing the guitar the man is playing with a skull 3.000 an animal is walking on the ground a solenodon is walking along the ground 2.600 a little girl is playing a grand piano on stage a little girl is playing the piano 3.400 a group of people dancing a group of men are dancing 2.000 a man plays a guitar a woman is playing guitar 4.200 a cat swings on a ceiling fan a cat is spun around by a ceiling fan 3.800 a woman is playing the flute a girl is playing a flute 4.400 the woman is dicing onions a woman is cutting an onion 4.200 a monkey is brushing a bull dog a monkey brushes a dog 1.200 a woman is slicing a onion a woman is cutting a potato 1.200 a man is playing the piano a woman is playing a guitar 0.800 a woman is washing her hands a woman is straightening her hair 3.200 a woman fires a shotgun a woman is shooting a gun 4.000 a man is eating a bowl of cereal the man is eating cereal 4.400 a woman is bathing into bath tub a woman is taking a bath 4.200 a motorcyclist crashes on his motorcycle a person crashes on a motorcycle 3.200 a man is dangling a mouse near a snake a man is feeding a mice to a snake 3.400 a man and a woman are walking in the woods a man and woman are walking through the jungle 4.000 a person pours some rice pudding into a bowl the lady poured the rice pudding into a bowl 4.800 a man stares out a window a man looks out the window 0.200 a woman is firing a rifle a woman is cutting a lemon 1.800 a man is eating a banana someone is peeling a banana 2.600 the men are performing on stage the comedic mimes performed on stage 2.800 a cartoon woman dives into a pool a cartoon woman is diving off a board 5.000 the lady put the baby int a trashcan a woman puts a baby in a trash can 0.250 someone is frying meat someone is playing paino 3.750 a man is rapidly chopping some mushrooms using a knife a person is quickly chopping mushrooms with a knife 1.750 a woman is adding ingredients to a bowl a woman is cracking three eggs into a bowl 3.500 a skateboarder does tricks on a half pipe a man skateboards on a half pipe 3.400 a man is speaking on a stage a man is speaking at a podium 1.400 a man is playing a guitar a man in a hat is playing a harp 1.400 a man is playing on his keyboard a man is playing a guitar 1.000 a person is cutting a potato a person is slicing a shallot 4.600 a man is dancing on the ceiling of a room a man is dancing upside down on the ceiling 0.400 two men are dancing two women are shopping 3.600 someone is seasoning eggs someone is seasoning two raw eggs in a bowl 1.250 a man is swinging in a rope a gibbon is swinging in the trees 1.500 a man is cutting tomatoes a woman is cutting broccoli 1.000 a woman is boiling shrimp a woman is combing her hair 3.750 a man cuts a potato a man is slicing a potato 3.250 a man is dancing on the road a man is dancing 4.000 the deer jumped over the fence a deer jumps over a cyclone fence 3.000 a girl dances in the rain a woman is dancing in the rain 1.667 a woman is writing a letter a woman is sitting at a desk 3.333 a gorilla is playing the drums a monkey is playing drums 0.500 a woman is riding on a horse a woman is picking tomatoes 3.750 the boy cut the grass by the curb with scissors a boy cuts grass with scissors 3.250 a man with glasses is talking a man in a library is talking 1.000 a woman is cutting some flowers a woman is cutting broccoli 3.500 a person is walking down a stone path a man is walking down a sidewalk 4.400 a man plays the keyboard with his nose the man is playing the piano with his nose 0.400 a man is playing guitar a cat is playing 0.400 a animal is eating the animal is hopping 4.200 a man is lifting weights a man is lifting a barbell 2.500 a man is running with a bus a man runs with a truck 0.250 a man is climbing a rope a man is sitting on a rock 0.250 a cat is playing the piano a cat is licking its paw 0.250 a woman is dancing in the rain a woman is adding oil to a dish 2.600 men are running a race racers are running down a track 1.800 a man is cutting tomatoes into pieces a woman is cutting potatoes 0.000 a man is playing a flute a woman is applying eye liner 1.200 a woman is cutting potatoes a woman is slicing carrots 3.600 a chicken is pecking at a dead mouse a rooster pecks at a dead mouse 1.200 the woman is thinly slicing a cucumber the woman is slicing a tomato 3.200 a person is slicing a bread pieces a man is slicing bread 2.200 a woman is cutting a squash a woman is cutting big pepper 0.800 a woman is adding oil on fishes a woman is riding a horse 1.600 a woman is grating carrots a woman is coating a pork chop 2.800 someone is cleaning a animal a woman is cleaning a shrimp 3.200 a man is talking on the phone a man is talking 0.800 a woman is smoking a woman is making some food 3.800 a man laying down and shooting a gun a man is laying on the ground shooting a rifle 0.000 a man is being put into an abulance a man is pouring pasta onto a plate 0.667 a man is diving into a swimming pool a man is singing into a microphone 5.000 a man is firing a shot gun a man shoots a shotgun 1.800 a man playing the guitar a man is playing a flute 0.400 a man is peeling potato a man is playing a guitar 2.000 the woman is riding a horse a man is riding a horse in an arena 2.800 an airplane moves along a runway a plane is landing on a runway 0.800 a woman is slipping in the water tub a woman is lying in a raft 0.800 a man is mowing a lawn a man is mixing 0.750 a woman is peeling a potato a woman is hitting a man 0.750 a man is playing piano a man is laying on the ground 1.000 a woman is doing ballet a woman is riding on a horse 0.800 a woman is cutting an onion a woman is rowing a boat 2.769 a woman is stirring rice in a pot someone is putting rice in a pan 2.400 a woman puts slabs of meat in a pan a man puts pieces of meat into a plastic bag 4.400 the boy played his trumpet a boy is playing the trumpet 1.800 a person is riding a horse a man is riding a motorcycle 1.400 a woman is slicing an onion a woman is cutting a carrot 2.250 a man is slicing vegetables a woman is slicing a potato 0.250 a cat is playing a woman is playing flute 3.250 a man is riding a bicycle a man is riding a bicycle around a parking lot 4.500 a band is performing on a stage a band is playing and singing on a stage 0.800 the woman is slicing fish cake the woman is riding a horse 0.800 a man is eating bread a man is playing flute 0.800 a woman is cooking shrimp a woman is dancing 0.250 a woman is dancing a woman is slicing ginger 3.500 a woman tosses a cat in the air and the cat hangs off a rod on the ceiling a person throws a cat in the air and it grabs onto the ceiling 4.250 a big turtle is walking the tortoise is walking 0.500 a man is burning a flag a man is shooting a gun 0.000 the man is pushing the van the woman is singing 0.500 a man is eating wood a man is adding oil to car 0.600 a dog is speaking to the camera a dog is eating some water melon 2.200 a man is putting two paper towels on a paper plate a man is putting papers on a dish 3.200 a man and woman are walking a man and woman walking hold each other 4.400 a man is cutting a rope with a sword the man slced through a thick rope with a sword 3.000 the man is singing and playing the guitar a man is playing a guitar 2.583 a man is cutting a paper a person is tearing paper 0.000 a man is dancing a rat is running 1.800 two boys are talking on the phone a woman is talking on a telephone 0.000 a man is playing guitar a woman is peeling a tuber 1.400 a woman is slicing an onion a women slicing lemons 0.000 a woman is riding a horse a man is running on rope 0.400 a man is playing soccer a man is drawing some figures 0.000 a woman is peeling an orange a man is playing a flute 3.000 someone is cracking an egg open a man is breaking an egg 2.000 a man is cutting a snake to cook a woman is cutting meat 0.000 a woman is scraping a carrot a man is striking clay pots 1.667 a man and woman are bollywood dancing a man an woman are dancing in the rain 1.000 a woman is cutting flowers a man is holding huge sunflowers 0.000 the man danced in the diner the bomb exploded in the desert 4.200 american flag is waving a american flag is blowing in the wind 2.600 a lion is walking in an enclosed area a lion is walking around 0.250 a woman is slicing a lemon a man is showing a bread 0.400 a woman is playing the flute a woman is slicing some tuna 3.500 the dog is barking at the toy a dog is barking at an electronic toy duck 3.500 a woman is adding an egg and stirring a woman is mixing an egg in a bowl 3.000 a woman covers a piece of meat with flour a woman is seasoning a piece of meat 3.400 a white cat perched on a small wooden cabinet is looking outside the window a cat perched on a table looks out the window 3.600 a man does floor exercises a man is exercising 1.000 a man is slicing a potatoe a man is peeling a banana 3.600 someone is playing piano a person is playing a keyboard piano 2.800 the woman is putting makeup on the man a woman is painting the face of a man 4.000 the woman droppped eggplant into the pan a woman puts chopped eggplant into a skillet 3.400 a man plays a trumpet a man is playing a musical instrument 2.667 a woman is slicing a lemon a woman in a kitchen peels a lemon 3.000 a tiger trys to climb the wall a lion is trying to climb up over a wall 4.667 a man is preparing a hanging rope a man is tying a noose 3.200 a woman dances on a stage a woman is dancing 0.200 the girl is riding the horse the girl is spraying the plants with water 1.200 a person is frying a person is peeling a potato 0.800 a man is shooting a pistol a woman is chopping garlic 0.800 a woman is swinging her arms a woman is slicing an onion 0.750 a man is walking outside a man is dancing 0.250 a man dries his hands a woman fixes her hair 3.250 a soccer player is kicking the soccer ball into the goal from a long way down the field a soccer player kicks the ball into the goal 3.333 a girl is playing the piano a little girl is playing a grand piano on stage 3.333 a man is drawing some figures a man is drawing on a digital dry erase board 2.000 the monkey is hanging from the trees the monkey swung from branch to branch 3.000 some children are jumping on trampoline two boy are playing on a trampoline 4.000 a woman with a knife is slicing a pepper a women slicing green pepper 2.000 a man is adding oil to car a man is putting anti freeze into a car 0.400 a man is slicing a carrot by a machine a man is climbing a rope 3.200 a boy played a keyboard a person is playing a piano keyboard 0.400 a cat is playing with an antenna a boy is playing in the mud 2.000 a woman is slicing pumpkin a person is slicing cantaloupe 4.500 the people threw the dummy over the cliff edge some people are throwing a dummy off a cliff 0.500 a gun is being fired a potato is being peeled 0.500 a woman is cutting a plastic sheet a woman is playing a guitar on streets 4.000 a woman cuts a pineapple a woman is slicing a pineapple into pieces 3.750 a woman is adding spices on a meat a woman adds ingredients to beef 4.250 a person is adding oil in the pan the cook pouring oil into the pan 3.750 a cook seasons some dough a man is seasoning some dough in a pan 2.750 a boy is running on a beach two boys are playing in the beach 3.250 a baby monkey scratches itself the monkey scratched his tummy 0.800 a boy is riding a bike on a gate a woman is riding a horse 0.250 a man is doing a card trick a man is squeezing water 0.750 a man is playing the piano someone is playing guitar 4.800 a man is mowing grass a guy is mowing the lawn 0.800 a person is mixing water and flour a person is hitchhiking on a road 0.000 the two dogs were in the pen the cowboy rode his horse in the desert 3.000 a man is riding on one wheel on a motorcycle a person is performing tricks on a motorcycle 3.750 a cat opens a drawer and climbs inside a big cat opens a plastic drawer with his paws and then hops inside 0.000 a man is opening a box using a knife a man is playing a guitar 0.250 a man is kicking oots of water a woman is slicing a red pepper 0.000 a man is eating a woman is rock climbing 3.500 a puppy is repeatedly rolling from side to side while on its back a dog is rolling from side to side 3.250 a young boy sings and plays a guitar a kid plays the guitar 0.400 the woman is peeling lemon the man is balancing on the wire 0.800 a man is playing the trumpet someone is playing with a toad 1.600 a dog is looking around a dog is watching a store counter 1.200 a woman is slicing an onion a man is shown slicing a carrot with a knife 4.200 the man drilled holes into the wood a man drills wood 0.200 someone is cutting a circle out of a pink sheet of paper someone is pouring tomato sauce into a pot of meat 0.200 a man is playing flute a man is petting a tied up dog 0.500 a man is placing meat in a bag a man is drivong a car 0.000 a girl is eating a cupcake a man is playing a trumpet 4.500 a rabbit is sniffing and pawing a stuffed rabbit a live rabbit is playing with a stuffed animal bunny 0.000 a man is buttering bread a woman is ridint a horse 0.750 a woman is squeezing some cucumber slices a woman is getting doused in green slime 4.000 a man is taking out the insides of a green pepper someone is removing the seeds from a bell pepper 2.750 a man takes a piece of pepperoni pizza out of a pizza box and puts it on the lid after he closes the box the man took a piece of pepperoni pizza out of the box 3.400 the man added vegetables to the broth in the pot a man is adding sliced vegetables to a cooking bowl with water 3.400 the man ran and jumped against the wall a man jumps into a wall 2.400 the man is seasoning the sausages the man added seasoning to water in a bowl 3.000 a clown is singing and people are dancing a clown is singing 0.400 a woman is feeding an aardvark a woman is chopping up garlic 3.929 a person is rinsing a steak off with water a man is rinsing a large steak 3.000 a boy rode his bike on top of a metal fence a bmx biker rides along the top of a fence 1.750 a man is throwing knives at a tree a man is showing magic 2.600 girls are walking on the stage women models are walking down a catwalk 3.500 a woman is doing weight exercises a woman is exercising with a barbell 0.500 a man is peeling a potato a man is hiking 3.500 a large bird standing on a table picks up a plastic glass containing liquid and places it in a bowl of something a bird picks up a plastic cup containing a liquid with it 's beak and puts the cup into a bowl 0.000 a woman is in the rain a car is driving along the road 0.000 a woman is hitting a man a man is holding a slow loris 0.000 a woman is riding an elephant a man is lifting himself 1.000 a man is lifting weights a woman is exercising her abs 2.000 a person is riding a jetski in the waves a woman is riding a seadoo 0.600 a woman is wearing headphones a woman is chopping some shiso leaves 4.000 a kitten is eating its food from a plate a kitten eats some food 0.500 a woman is reading a lifestyle magazine a woman is slicing a meat into pieces 2.500 a man is pouring chili into a bowl a man opens a can and pours the contents into a bowl 3.250 the bird ate the food in the tree from a bowl a bird is eating from a bowl 2.000 a group of girls are exiting a taxi a video clip of rihanna leaving a taxi 0.000 a woman is seasoning a piece of meat a man is loading a rifle with bullets 0.800 a man is chopping coriander leaf a man is playing a guitar 0.800 a man takes a slice of pizza a man talks on his cell phone 0.400 a man is placing meat inside a plastic bag a woman is carrying a wallaby in a bag 0.000 a rabbi is talking a man is walking on a rope 0.000 a man rides a horse a woman rubs a baby 's leg 0.000 a man is playing guitar smeone is laying down 0.400 a man is slicing a bun a man is breaking pots 0.000 a man is driving a car a woman dips a shrimp in batter 3.600 a dog is pawing at a fly in the carpet before it the dog played with a bug on the carpet 0.231 a dog is barking a jet is flying 0.000 a monkey is walking on a bed a man is riding a horse 0.500 a woman is cooking broccoli a man is eating his food 0.000 a man is frying a tortilla a person is performing a card trick 2.750 a woman serving volleyballs over a net one woman hands volleyballs to another woman who serves them 0.750 a man is slicing cucumber with a knife a man is cooking a tortilla in a skillet 1.250 a man is playing an electronic keyboard a band is playing instruments 0.000 a man is playing a violin the baby is laughing and crawling 3.750 a man severs the toe of an empty leather boot using a sword a man is cutting a boot with a sword 5.000 the person is removing the scales from the fish a person is descaling a fish 0.000 people are walking in the garden one boy is talking with other man 3.200 a young child rides a horse the little girl rode a horse 0.750 a person is cutting garlic into pieces with a knife someone is putting ingredients into a wok 0.500 a man is folding a piece of paper a man is slicing a plastic container with a sword 2.500 the man was pushed into the water a man pushes another man into the ocean 1.750 a boy is upset playing video games someone is playing a gameboy 4.000 a man makes a call on a cell phone a man is making a phone call 0.000 a man is speaking on a phone a panda bear is chewing on a stick 4.600 a woman is applying cosmetics to her face a woman is putting on makeup 4.000 the man lifted barbells a man lifts weights 3.000 a woman feeds an animal by hand the women are feeding the animal 2.200 several ferrets climb out of their cage ferrets climb down from a shelf 0.000 a young woman is playing the flute a woman is washing off the top of a freezer 2.800 a woman shoots a shotgun the woman is shooting a rifle 3.800 a person is adding chili powder to chili with beans the man is adding seasoning to the beans 4.400 a woman rapidly fires a handgun a woman is shooting off a gun 0.000 a person is slicing an onion a solenodon is walking along the ground 1.750 a dog is opening a fridge a dog closes a refrigerator door 1.000 a woman is holding a dancing baby up a woman is abusing her child 1.800 a woman is doing a joker make up on a man the girl applied face makeup to a man 1.600 the lady added cheese to the sauce a man pours a plate of shredded cheese into a pot of sauce 2.333 a man is giving a lecture on a podium a man is delivering a lecture at an event celebrating the game of cricket 2.000 the cat shimmied under the bed a cat is crawling upside down under the couch 1.000 a woman is chopping garlic a woman slices a fish 0.000 a man is cutting grass a masked man sings 0.000 a man is cutting grass a clown is singing 3.000 a boy runs away from his fishing line a boy is running in front of fish hanging on fishing rod 0.400 the man played haki sak in the office the man is seasoning the vegetables 0.400 a man is carrying another man on his back a man is taking pictures of ant 3.250 meat is dropped into a pan a woman is putting meat in a pan 0.000 a woman is cutting scallions a woman falls on a sand castle 0.000 a man is slam dunking a ball a woman is slicing some onions 0.000 a machine is sharpening a pencil a girl is riding a bicycle 0.000 a woman is brushing her feet the sun is rising behind trees 0.400 a man is cleaning the windows a man is driving a car 1.000 a person is stirring rice a woman is cracking an egg 0.250 a man puts a knife in a vice a man is dancing 4.250 a boy plays violin on stage a boy is onstage playing the violin 0.118 a woman cuts a pink loaf with a knife a man is playing a guitar 1.000 a man is adding pork chops to a pan a woman is peeling a potato 0.400 the men are fighting each other the man drew on the white paper 0.000 a man is catching a ball a cat is rubbing against a baby 0.000 a girl is reading a newspaper a chef is peeling a potato 2.500 a slow loris bites a persons fingers a small animal is chewing on a finger 0.750 a man is walking along a path through wilderness a man is peeling an onion 3.000 the man played his guitar a guy is singing while playing his guitar 2.600 some men are skating on the road two boys are skate boarding 2.600 a man pours liquid into a pan the chef poured oil in the pan 0.000 a boy is playing piano and singing a pig is agitating a lion 4.250 a cat and a ferret are playing a ferret and kitten play together 0.000 a monkey is walking through the water a guy is playing a trumpet 0.000 a woman is putting on makeup a band is singing 0.000 a dog is driving a car a guy is talking into a microphone 3.500 the man sang on stage into the microphone a man in a suit is standing at a microphone and singing 2.400 a car backs out of a space a car is taking reverse 0.600 a man is holding a frog a man is emptying a plastic container 0.000 a man is traveling in a boat a woman is cutting up a carrot with a knife 3.750 the man rode his motorcycle down the highway a person is driving a motorcycle on a road 0.400 a man is dicing an onion the man is playing the guitar 0.400 a man performs on a stage a man guts a fish 2.600 the women are sitiing down two women are sitting close to each other and talking 1.750 a man removes a couple of toaster scrambles from a plastic packet a man removes food from a bag 0.000 a woman is dancing by a fire a man ties a noose 0.750 a man is meditating the man is riding the horse 0.000 a boy is cutting paper a man is loading a rifle 0.000 the man talked on the telephone girls are walking on the stage 0.800 a man is playing the guitar and singing a man is opening a package containing headphones 3.400 the soccer player kicked the ball side to side between his legs a person is kicking a soccer ball back and forth between his feet 0.000 an animal is walking a woman is applying eye makeup 2.000 someone is scratching an animals belly a woman is stroking a lemur 0.250 a man is lifting heavy weights a wallaby is licking a woman 's hand 3.000 a boy is playing with a toy a boy plays a handheld game 0.667 a man dives off of a cliff a man is riding a motorcycle 3.200 a man is coming out into the water a man rises from a swamp 0.333 a man and woman dance a man is petting a dog 3.333 a man is sweeping the floor of a house using a long broom the man swept the empty living room 3.333 a group of couples are dancing men and women are dancing slowly 1.000 a man is scaling a fish a man pours some cooking oil into a pot 2.200 the man set up his camera to take sunset pictures at the beach a man is taking pictures of a lake 0.400 someone is holding and petting a baby tiger someone is rinsing a large beef steak at the kitchen sink 0.000 the man is playing the guitar the cat cleaned his face with his paw 0.250 the man did pushups on a wall the man tased the food 2.250 a woman cuts up a vegetable a woman is slicing egg plant 2.600 a person breaks an egg into a small bowl a man cracks an egg 1.200 a man is playing keyboards a man is riding a mechanical bull 3.200 a dog is running around a yard a black pet dog runs around in the garden of a house 1.400 a child is walking down the street as a jeep pulls up a woman is walking along a road and a man in a motorcar pulls up beside her 0.200 a man is adding oil to a pot a dog is catching a fish in a river 2.750 the girl danced in front of the bonfire a woman is dancing to music standing near a bonfire 0.600 a man is chopping butter into a container a woman is cutting shrimps 3.800 a girl is dragged downhill by a dog a dog is pulling a child down a hill 3.400 the man took off his sunglasses while talking a man wearing a hard hat removes his glasses as he speaks 1.500 the two men did a funny skit with a boxer in front of a crowd of people boys are dancing in front of people 2.500 the girl is tiding up her bed a woman is making a bed 0.000 someoen is cooking onions a man is swinging nunchucks 5.000 the man is using a sledghammer to break the concrete block that is on the other man a man breaks a slab of concrete that is lying on a prone man with a sledge hammer 4.333 the lady put the dried noodles in the hot water to cook a woman places a container of noodles in a pan of water 0.333 the girls danced on the stage a girl is putting on makeup 3.333 a panda bear is laying down a baby panda relaxes on some logs 4.200 two kids are playing in a swimming pool with a green colored crocodile float two kids push an inflatable crocodile around in a pool 0.800 a couple of policewomen are singing karaoke two women are dancing 1.000 a man is putting broccoli into water a person is peeling a potato 2.800 the doctor was helping the patient doctors are trying to revive a man 1.500 some is grating onion into water a person grates a potato into a bowl 1.200 a baby is talking a boy is trying to say firetruck 3.000 a woman boils eggs a woman places two eggs into a pot of water 0.000 a woman puts ingredients in a whisked egg a man pours gasoline 0.600 a woman is slicing mango a man is putting cheese on a tortilla 1.000 a girl is slicing a butter into two pieces a woman is slicing tofu 0.000 a man is playing the guitar a person is slicing a meat into pieces 0.000 a man is opening a package containing headphones a woman is riding a horse 1.000 a girl is playing a guitar a boy is playing a key board between the people 0.000 a little girl plays the violin on a beach the girl sat on the couch to crochet 3.500 a monkey is karate kicking at someone 's gloved hand a monkey pratices martial arts 0.000 a female applies something to he hair with her hands a cat is eating a slice of watermelon 2.500 a man is karate kicking at another man wearing protective boxing gloves a man is kick boxing with a trainer 0.000 the man is playing the wooden flute a little boy is vacuuming the floor 0.750 a young woman is playing a guitar a woman cuts up some meat 0.000 the men are playing soccer a man is riding a motorcycle 0.000 a woman is running on the beach a dog is swimming in a pool 0.000 a man is straining pasta a man plays a wooden flute 0.800 panda 's play on a swing a man is playing guitar 4.4 two green and white trains sitting on the tracks two green and white trains on tracks 2.6 a small white cat with glowing eyes standing underneath a chair a white cat stands on the floor 3.2 a large boat in the water at the marina a large boat on the sea 4 a bus driving in a street red double decker bus driving down street 4.8 a passenger train waiting in a station a passenger train sits in the station 3.4 a woman at a dinner table writing on her notebook woman at table busy with something 3.8 an apple computer sitting on the floor a macintosh computer sitting on the floor 3.4 a close up of a brown horse 's head a side view of a horse 's head 2.8 a group of people eat at a table outside group of elderly people sitting around a table 3.8 a jockey riding a horse a jockey riding a horse in a pen 4 the man is riding a motorcycle down the road a man is riding a red motorcycle on the road 3.8 a woman riding a brown horse a young girl riding a brown horse 0 a kid jumping a ledge with a bike a black and white cat playing with a blanket 3 a black dog standing in front of yellow flowers a black dog standing in a field 4.4 close up of a bottle of water a close up view of a bottle of water 0.6 a close up of a brown faced cat a close up of an ostrich face 3.2 sheep standing in afield a sheep grazing in a field 3.6 a longed haired cat with it 's eyes closed a close up of a cat with its eyes closed 2.6 a woman in a gray shirt smiles for the camera while the woman behind her makes a face a woman with a surprised look on her face is holding a smiling woman from behind 0.6 a silver and blue amtrak train on the tracks near a small train station a small white car parked at the gas station 0 a person in a blue shirt reclines near a coffee table and television a person stands on the motorcycle seat and pops a wheelie 1.4 a black and white photo of a woman showing a horse a black and white photo of cows in their stalls 4.2 a dark brown horse standing in a field a brown horse stands in a lush green field 0 a pitched tent with a horse in the background a black and white lamb with other lambs in the background 4 a group of people sitting around a table with food on it a group of people sit around a table with food and beer 3.8 a brown horse stands in a lush green field a brown horse in a green field 4 a black and white cow in hay a black and white cow in a pen with hay 5 an elderly woman stands in a kitchen with two cats at her feet the old lady is standing in the kitchen with two cats at her feet 1 a school bus is driving uphill on a rural road a race care driving along a dirt road 4.4 camouflage airplane sitting on grassy field a camouflaged plane sitting on the green grass 0.4 three young women standing in a room together two indian women with two indian girls near the water 4 red double decker bus driving through the streets double decker passenger bus driving with traffic 1.2 a white sheep on a hillside looking at the camera the skinny cows are standing on the grass 1.6 a group of sheep in a field a group of horses grazing in a field 0 a close up distorted photo of an empty glass coke bottle a close up picture of a desk with a computer and papers on it 3 very crowded office desk with computer monitor on messy computer desk with two monitors 3.2 a man sitting in a cluttered room a man lies in a bed in a cluttered room 1.4 two white cows in a green pasture the tan horse is in the pasture 3.8 black cow walking under trees in pasture cow walking under the tree in a pasture 1.8 two people sitting at a table at a restaurant four people sitting at a table 3.2 a smiling woman with a beer sitting outside with another smiling woman two women sitting outside laughing 3.2 a bird holding on to a metal gate a multi colored bird clings to a wire fence 0.6 the skinny cows are standing on the grass the white ducks are standing on the ground 2.2 a women laying across two men sitting on a sofa a man and two women smiling at the camera while sitting on a blue sofa 3.4 a woman with a big necklace a young woman with a black top and a necklace 1.8 brown cow with horns standing in a field brown horse standing in middle of grassy field 4.4 a cruise liner docked at the shoreline a cruise ship docked at shore 2.4 black and white cat lying under bush the black and white cat with yellow eyes lounges in the dirt 3.6 brown and white cow standing in grass at side of road a brown and white cow standing in a grassy area with trees behind 0.8 a small dog looking up at the camera while standing on grass a man and women smiling at the camera while standing in a kitchen 0.6 a tan calf with a yellow tag on his left ear looking at the camera a man with glasses and two plastic bottles in the foreground 0 black and white photo of couch with purse at one end a black and white photo of a cow under a tree 2.4 two men on boat floating on the water large green boat floating on waterl 3.6 this is a rear view of a chevrolet sports car the rear view of a red chevrolet concept car 3.2 a person wearing a helmet rides a bike near a white structure a person wearing a bike helmet rides a bike on a path through trees 0.2 a black and white photo of an old train station a black and white photo of a motorcycle laying on the ground 2.4 a grey and white tabby cat is sleeping on purple fabric black and white cat sleeping on a brown tarp 4 a woman holding a small baby a smiling woman holding a small baby 4.6 group of horses grazing in grassy field a group of horses grazing in a field 3.4 three men are sitting down at a table that has drinks on it three men sitting at the table with beer and food 0.4 two people dressed in white standing on a grass field a person is standing underneath an overpass near a highway 0.6 an orange tabby cat sleeping on the sofa a man is watching tv on the foot of his bed 3.8 two eagles perched on a branch two bald eagles perched on a branch 3.8 a striped cat laying down on a bag of cat litter domestic cat laying on back of cat litter 2.4 a man and small child in a living room posing for the camera a man and woman are posing for the camera 3 a home office with three computer monitors and other equipment on a desk room with several computer monitors 3.8 five birds stand on the snow several cardinals stand in the snow 2.6 a black vehicle parked with a vies of low lying mountains a black car parked in the dirt out in the country 2.2 a passenger train in the snow a passenger train waiting in a station 5 the black bird is sitting on the ground a blackbird sitting on the ground 2 the black and white bull is looking at the camera a black and white dog looking at the camera 3.8 a young girl riding a white and grey horse a young blonde girl in riding gear sits on top of a gray and white horse 0.8 a black and white sheep is walking next to a white sheep little black and white calf with a tag on its ear 0 a living room with a dining table in the background a boy doing a wheelie on a plank with the beach in the background 2.2 the dining room table gets some afternoon sun dining room with wooden dining table set with playmates 3.6 a red moped parked on a sidewalk in front of graffiti the red scooter is sitting on the street in front of the building 3.6 the seagull is floating on the water a little bird floating in the water 0 a black dog stands next to materials at a construction site an asian toddler girl sits next to a pot of flowers on a marble post 4.4 a woman posing in front of an apartment building in the snow a woman stands in front of a building in the snow 1 five cows are grazing beside the road several sheep grazing in the field 3.2 two mountain goats grazing in front of an alpine lake two animals grazing next to a mountain and a body of water 3.2 black and white cows behind a fence two black and white cows behind a metal gate against a partly cloudy blue sky 4 a passenger train waiting in a station a passenger train waiting at the city train station 3.4 a white animal running through snow covered woods a white dog runs through a snow covered wood 0 a man sitting on the grass looking toward the sky the train is riding on the tracks in the snow 4 a black flat screen television placed on the floor a flat screen tv on the floor 2.4 a silver bicycle is parked in a living room a bicycle in a dining room 4.1 black train on train tracks a train on the train tracks 4.1 black train on train tracks a train on the train tracks 0 an orange tabby cat sleeping on the sofa man wearing a bib sitting on a green couch 2.6 the bald eagle is perched on a rope two bald eagles perched on a branch 4 a couple posing for a picture on a couch young couple sitting on couch 0 the men are playing a guitar and having a drink there is a young boy with a red and blue jacket on feeding a sheep 3.8 two cats sitting together on the sofa looking out the window two cats are looking at a window 3.75 red double decker bus red double decker bus with hood up 0 a close up of an animal with a long face standing on grass near a tree a close up of a woman with black boots next to a blue motorcycle 1.8 a brown and white dog sits on a floral patterned chair a small orange and white dog with a collar and a bell relaxes on a flower print pillow 4.2 a group of people sitting at a restaurant table a group of people sitting around a table with food on it 2 two sheep on to of a cliff looking at the camera two sheep are standing looking at the camera face opposite directions 1.6 a black and white photo of an empty train station a black and white photo of a cat lying down 1.2 a row of locomotives on a siding in a field a dark brown horse standing in a field 3.6 a white apple computer sits on the beige carpeting of a bedroom an apple computer sitting on the floor 4.6 a dog napping under a small table a dog sleeping under a table 3.6 a boat with four sails is sailing on water sail boat sailing on the water 4.6 red sports car racing down track a red sports car driving quickly on a track 0.8 black bird sitting on a concrete slab small dog sitting next to white wall 3.2 a victory liner bus is white with red and gold stripes a white tour bus with red orange and yellow stripes 4.4 red double decker bus on side of street a red double decker bus on a city street 0.4 a group of river barges with trees in the background a young girl wearing a bike helmet with a bicycle in the background 1.2 the seagull is floating on the water large cruise ship floating on the water 3 a motorcycle parked next to a car a bmw motorcycle parked between two cars 4 gray cat looking out the window a cat looking out of a window 4.2 a black and white photo of a cow under a tree a black and white photo of a cow walking under a tree in a field 2.8 a potted plant in sunlight from a window a potted plant with only a few sprouting 2.8 four people are rowing a boat near the shore four people are on a boat on green water 0 a girl in a red shirt is riding a brown horse a tan and white dog laying in bed with a yellow coverlet 1.4 there is a small desk and chair in front of the laundry room a room with tan walls and a washer and dryer 4 an amtrak passenger train waiting at a station a passenger train waiting in a station 1.8 a large jet on the ground at the airport a passenger jet flies through the air 2 a young girl wearing a helmet riding a pony a girl wearing a red blouse riding a brown horse 1.4 people sitting on the porch people sitting on acouch 1.6 two horses standing in a pen a group of horses grazing in a field 3.4 the red train and the yellow train on on the tracks two trains are traveling on the track 1 two people sitting at a table at a restaurant a group of people sitting around a table on a porch 1.4 a lamb stands near two tiny animals a sheep standing near her children 2.2 a person riding a dirt bike in the outdoors a person jumping a motorbike in the air 0.2 tan cow with ear tags on a grassy field many sheep standing on a green hill 4.2 sail boat sailing on the water sail boat floating on the blue water 4.2 a woman with a viking hat on smiling woman sitting wearing a viking hat 4.2 parked white double decker bus a red and white double decker bus is parked 2.8 a field of black faced sheep a black faced sheep 4 two birds are perched on a metal band two small birds perched on a metal bar 1.6 table with blue table cloth in kitchen wooden cabinets in kitchen 4 a young woman with a bracelet is wearing a bikini top and jeans a women wearing a bikini top and jeans 4 a brown horse grazing in a field of green grass brown horse standing in middle of grassy field 1.4 a pot of liquid is at the center of a tinfoil covered plate a pot of food is placed in the center of a red tablecloth 0.6 a black and white cow standing in a grassy field a blue jay standing in a grassy field 3.2 a yellow and blue airplane is flying in the sky the white airplane is flying in the blue sky 0 a women sitting in a chair at christmas holding make up a train sitting on the tracks in a train yard 0.8 four asian young people sitting in a den or living room a girl sitting in a living chair 4.6 train going down the tracks train gliding on tracks 0.2 a young woman dressed in black two young kids dressed up sitting down on chairs 3 group of people sitting at table with drinks four people sitting at a table 0 a plane flying at a distance a woman with a white horse 0.2 a group of river barges with trees in the background a group of cows in a field with yellow tags in their ears 3.6 a living room with a dining table in the background a living room with large sofas and a dining table in the background 4 yellow striped cat resting on blue sofa an orange tabby cat sleeping on the sofa 0 a passenger train coming into a station a large bird is flying through the air 3.4 two people paddling in a red canoe with trees in the background two people padding in a yellow canoe down a river with trees in the background 2.2 a black train moves down the tracks black train idle on the tracks 3.5 a white jeep parked in front of a store a white jeep parked on a street 0.4 two women standing in front of tour bus two men talking in front of a plane 0 a man rides a large black motorbike a child sits in a large black leather chair 0.8 a bicycle is parked outside a bookstore people stand outside a bookstore 3.8 plane in mid flight at sunset a plane flying near the sunset 3.4 two red buses parked up with gardens in front of them red buses are parked by a large white building beside a formal garden 3.4 a yellow parrot clings to the side of its cage a yellow and orange bird hold on to the side of a cage 3 couple sailing in a small sailboat two men sailing in a small sailboat 3.6 a silver and blue motorcycle sitting next to a car a motorcycle parked next to a car 5 red double decker bus a red double decker bus 0.4 feet standing on a pretty day with large building in background two police officers standing behind a van with a bus in the background 1.6 a small white dog chews on a twig while lying on a wooden deck the white dog is laying on the wooden floor underneath the table 4.4 man standing in front of silver train man standing in front of a silver rail car 5 a close up of a sheep with its tongue hanging out close up image of a sheep with it 's tongue hanging out 4.2 a black and white horned cow standing in a field a black and white cow standing in the field 4 a man riding a white horse in an arena a man riding a white horse 2.2 a train sitting on the tracks near a field a train traveling down the tracks 0.4 a women and small child sitting at a dinner table smiling at the camera a small cat laying on a wooden beam looking up at the camera 0.4 a buddha statue sits on a table with a wooden table runner a bird standing on top of a wooden fencepost 0 two red buses driving in front of a garden train pulling into a station 3.8 cows grazing in a snow covered field five cows grazing in a snow covered field 1.8 a man riding a white horse a woman riding a brown horse 3.2 man with blue shirt standing in front of a fountain a man in a blue shirt and tan pants is standing in front of a statue of a man which is in a cobble stone paved plaza 4 a girl in riding gear sits atop a brown horse a girl in a red shirt is riding a brown horse 4.2 a clear plastic chair in front of a bookcase a clear plastic chair in front of book shelves 3 a dog is wearing a gray jacket a dog laying in a pet jacket 4 a sheep stands on a hillside a large sheep standing on a hill 3.8 a black and white cow standing in a grassy field a black and white cow standing in the field 1 a woman in a black bikini top and jeans a woman in a black hat is standing by the subway 2.2 a girl riding a brown horse the jockey is wearing purple and riding a brown horse 3.2 man standing in front of yellow corvette a man is standing next to a yellow sports car 0 a man sitting on the grass looking toward the sky the man is standing on the sidewalk in front of the horse 2.8 a man poses in front of a large fountain with a statue on top man with blue shirt standing in front of a fountain 0.4 a white cat standing on a carpet a sheep standing in a forest 5 a flat screen tv on the floor a flat screen tv sits on the floor 0 two brown horses standing in grassy field two men sailing in a small sailboat 1.4 two sheep stand in a doorway two rams stand on snowy ground 4 room with several computer monitors a room with four computer monitors in a row 0.4 a line outside of a bookstore on a street the yellow motorcycle is parked on the street 1.8 a passenger jet sits on a runway a large passenger jet flying close to the ground 0.4 old green bottle sitting on a table three men in suits sitting at a table 3 two white horses staring over a fence two horses standing in a pen 0 the black and white cows pause in front of the gate the white airplane is flying in the sky 4 a black and white cow standing in a grassy field a black and white horned cow standing in a field 4.2 a black and white photo of a cat lying down a black and white image of a cat laying on a rug 4.2 a man and woman stand smiling for camera a man and woman are posing for the camera 3 a orange and white cat asleep on a leather chair a ginger cat sitting on an office chair 1.6 a white cat standing on a carpet a pretty white striped cat with his head hanging off the table 0.2 grey and white domestic kitten lying down on a desk a man and his bicycle laying down on the green grass 0 a woman posing in front of an apartment building in the snow white bus parked in grass in front of building 4.6 a young woman with a bracelet is wearing a bikini top and jeans a woman wearing jeans a dark bikini top and a bracelet 0 a table and chairs are in a room with a picture on the wall and a ceiling fan a school bus driving down a road with green trees and grass in the background 3.4 a man sits crossed legged on a bed watching a small tv a man sits on a bed very close to a small television 4.2 the headlights on a blue car close up of the headlights on a blue car 2.4 a passenger train coming into a station a passenger train sits in the station 0 an airplane facing the camera a lone cow sits in the cold of the yard 3.2 a woman riding a brown horse a person dressed in white on a brown horse 3.8 a jockey riding a horse a jockey riding a horse in a pen 3.4 the two dogs blend in with the stuff animals two dogs sit on a couch with many stuffed animals 4 a train is running on the tracks a train is running down the track in a rural area 4.4 someone standing on a snowy mountain watching a plane a man stands on a mountain watching a plane 3.2 a bird is flapping its wings in the water a large black bird is sitting in the water 3.2 a cruise liner docked at a port a cruise ship docked at a coast 2 a red double decker bus on a crowded street a white bus partially in the snow on a public street 4.8 a woman pets a dog in a fenced area a woman pets a dog in a gated yard 2.2 a black and white cat playing with a blanket a black and white cat gets into a basket of yarn 3.2 a man on a mountain bike going down an incline this is a man riding a mountain bike over rocks on a clear day 3.8 a cat reclines on an office chair a ginger cat sitting on an office chair 2.6 a group of horses grazing in a field a brown horse grazing in a field of green grass 0 a group of people having a drink a row of locomotives on a siding in a field 0 two dogs in a fenced kennel look ahead two woman pose in a dining room with a baby 3.4 three sheep on a dirt road viewed from a passenger vehicle three sheep in middle of gravel road 1 a yellow and blue airplane is flying in the sky nine red and white aircraft flying in formation trailing smoke 4 the train sits at the train station the blue train is at the station 0 a train sitting on the tracks near a field a baby is sitting in the grass 4.4 red double decker bus taking on passengers a red double decker bus is picking up more passengers in a city 0 two guys sit on a couch holding beers with a girl lying on their laps two women watching the street with their bikes to see when they may cross 2.8 two women in the kitchen looking at a object two women in kitchen with one taking a picture 2.8 a race horse galloping without a rider a horse galloping while wearing the number 4 0.8 a steam engine and train moving toward the camera a large bird of prey flying towards the camera 4.2 a black and white photo of a glass bottle of coca cola this is a black and white picture of a short squat coca cola bottle 3.2 a small bird perched on an icy branch a yellow bird perched on a branch 3.2 boy with glasses typing on a computer a boy looking at a computer screen 3.2 a red truck spins their tires while a black one leaves the frame red truck spinning tires and emitting smoke from behind 2.4 a living room with table chair and sofa alongside a large palm a living room with a blue sofa camp bed wooden bench and dresser 3.4 a smiling woman holding a small baby a woman sitting on a sofa holding a baby 0 an esso gas station with trees in the background two police officers standing behind a van with a bus in the background 4.2 four blue and yellow planes flying over four boats four blue and yellow planes in flight 0 a horse standing near a gate with another horse in the background a group of river barges with trees in the background 2.4 three bottles are on a table old green bottle sitting on a table 1.4 a steam engine comes down a train track near trees a train is at a train station 4.2 a train is at a train station a train parked at a train station 0.4 a woman sitting on a sofa holding a baby bird sitting on a log in a lake 3.6 two birds flying towards water feeder two birds flying near bird feeders 1.6 two cows standing in a large field horse standing in a field 4 a group of sheep grazing on a hill a group of sheep are on a hill 2 a man stands in front of a train a man is standing in front of a raised statue 4.4 two women are posing for the camera and giving the thumbs up sign two smiling young women giving the thumbs up sign 4.8 a women holds a small baby while sitting on a sofa a woman sitting on a sofa holding a baby 4 a double decker red united bus on a city street a doubly decker red bus driving down the road 1 two women sitting on brown couch two women standing outside of a bus 3.2 a grey cat with green eyes looking into the camera a grey black and white cat looking at the camera 0 the bird is sitting on the branch the sheep is standing under the trees 3.8 group of people sitting at table of restaurant two people sitting at a table at a restaurant 2.4 a black and white cow stands on grass against a partly cloudy blue sky two black and white cows behind a metal gate against a partly cloudy blue sky 3.2 a guy on a white horse a man riding a white horse in an arena 4.6 two dairy cows drinking from a pond two cows are drinking from a pond 2.4 there are several sheared sheep in a pen three white sheep in an enclosure 5 the black dog is lying in the grass a black dog lies on the grass 4.2 two young people are sitting at a table next to a sliding glass door with one person pointing at the other two people sit facing each other at a table as one points at the other 2.2 a man and a woman holding hands walking along the beach a man with a beard and a skullcap and a boy walk along the ocean 's shore 1.2 ten sheep looking at the camera a cat on its back looking at the camera 1.4 a black and white dog looking at the camera a small black and white goat in a pen looking up at the camera 0 a black table with white fuzzy chair a woman with her child 2.2 red double decker bus taking on passengers a red double decker bus driving down a street 3.4 sail boat sailing on the water sailboat sailing on a cloudy day 4.2 a blue bird perches on the gloved hand of a person a bird is perched on a person 's gloved hand 3.6 a girl riding on a brown and white horse a girl riding a brown horse 1 a mostly black train on a track a car parked in front of train tracks 0 a young boy coloring with a red and blue crayon a young blonde girl in riding gear sits on top of a gray and white horse 0.8 a group of people in a living room a group of four people walking past a giant mushroom 0 a mallard and a tame white duck on the grass near water a small child in a pink dress sits on a table 0 the cat is sitting between two bicycles in front of a door than horse standing in a field in front of a fence 0 a girl with a red bag standing on the street a black dog is staring at a sheep 3.4 a horse rider is riding a white horse a woman leading a white horse 4.2 a long train is on train tracks a train on the train tracks 3 a black and tan dog looks at a black sheep a black dog looking at a brown sheep in a pen 2.8 a room with several computers and pictures on the wall a home office with three computer monitors and other equipment on a desk 1 a black and white photo of a cow walking under a tree in a field a black and white dog looking at the camera 4.2 a silver areomexico jet liner sitting on the tarmac an aeromexico silver plane is on a runway 3.4 a man on a dirt bike jumping very high a man on a motorbike jumping with the sky behind him 4.2 two people sailing a small white sail boat couple sailing in a small sailboat 0.8 a white airplane is parked on the cement a blue motorcycle is parked on the sidewalk 0.8 three cows grazing in a field several sheep grazing in the field 4.8 the man is sitting at a messy table and using a laptop a man sits looking at a laptop computer on a messy table 3 a dining table with candles wine and a teapot a wooden table is set with candles wine and a purple plastic bowl 3.2 two people paddling a red canoe are reflected in the still water two people in a red canoe on a clear lake 3.8 a scantily clad woman is standing next to a car a scantily clad woman standing next to a small red vehicle 2.2 red double decker bus taking on passengers red double decker bus with hood up 0 a buddha statue holding a candle is sitting on a table a man fishing on a small boat while on a lake 2 three people sitting at dinner table smiling at camera two elderly women sit at a dinner table with a man 2.8 a multi colored train on a track a mostly black train on a track 2.2 a white and red bus traveling on the street the red bus is on the street 3.2 a red and blue plane flying with its landing gears down a wwii fighter plane with its landing gear down 3 small boat going down a creek a boat moving in a river 3 four women and two men sit at a long table in a restaurant a group of people sit at a table in an italian restaurant 0 two goats standing in a field by a tree a large boat pulling a small white boat 3 a black and white photo of a living room with a large window sofa and chair a black and white scene of a well furnished room with a view outlooking a forest 3.6 close up of a brown horse with a blue halter a close up of a horse wearing a blue halter 2.6 a large black bird is sitting in the water the birds are swimming in the water 3.4 a close up of a cat on a cream sofa a siamese cat resting on a white sofa 2.25 a person is jumping a bicycle and performing a trick a person riding a dirt bike in the outdoors 4 a yellow school bus is parked in a rural area a yellow school bus parked in a field 3.2 a pug dog wits on a yellow chair next to a green dumpster a bulldog sitting on a yellow chair beside a large waste receptacle 0 the woman is sitting on the red motorcycle the white sheep is standing on the green hill 4.2 a sheep standing on a table at auction woolly sheep at auction house 0 a close up of a black train engine close up of a white sheep with a black head 4 a orange and white cat asleep on a leather chair a orange and white cat laying on a blanket in a black leather chair 3 a train rides on his tracks the train comes down the track between two rows of trees 3.8 black and white cow standing in grassy field a black and white horned cow standing in a field 4 a double decker red united bus on a city street a double decker bus drives on a city street 2.6 the television and desk of hotel room with lamp lighting a television and a laptop computer are on in a hotel room 2.8 a man riding a small bicycle a man is doing a wheelie on a bike 0.4 a woman wearing a navy dress is cutting a cake on a white table a person wearing a helmet sits on a bicycle on a sunny day 4 a black train moves down the tracks a train traveling down the tracks 1 a close up picture of a white and purple motorcycle a close up picture of a desk with a computer and papers on it 3.8 a young girl riding a brown horse a woman in riding a brown horse 0 two women in the kitchen looking at a object three men in suits sitting at a table 2.2 two women posing with a baby a woman poses with a baby 2.8 a group of people sitting around a table containing food four people are sitting around a living room withsnacks 4 a blue motorcycle is parked on the sidewalk a blue moped parked on the sidewalk 4.8 a red double decker bus on a city street a red double decker bus driving down a street 2.4 two trains inside a train station the train sits at the train station 2.2 a man riding a white horse a woman with a white horse 2.2 a man and two women smiling at the camera while sitting on a blue sofa a man and women smiling at the camera while standing in a kitchen 3.4 a large cruise ship in harbor with trees behind a cruise ship docked at a coast 3.8 two cows crossing a road intersection two cows cross a paved street 4 several cows grazing on the median by the road five cows grazing on a patch of grass between two roadways 4.2 a black cow and a brown cow stands in a plain in front of an uprooted tree a black cow and a brown cow standing in front of a small copse of trees in a field 3.6 red double decker bus driving down street a double decker bus on a city street 1.2 tan cow with ear tags on a grassy field person in grassy field tending to sheep 1.2 a close up of the front end of a purple and white motor cycle close up of the rear of a red sports car 4.6 two women shopping at a clothing store two women in a clothing store 4.6 a group of people sitting at a restaurant table group of people sitting at table of restaurant 0 a close up of a brown horse 's head a close up of a yellow school bus 0 a person in a red cap standing next to a brick support beam a brown horse is standing on grass and scrub 2.6 a bay foal is walking next to its mother in a grassy field close up of young horse walking next to a larger horse 3.8 a women standing next to a brown cow a women in glasses stands next to a cow in a field 3.6 a dog peaks out the back of a truck a dog is peeking out of the back of a van 3.8 woman in blue shift dress cutting into food a woman in a blue dress cuts a cake 3.6 the black and white cat is looking up at the camera a grey black and white cat looking at the camera 3.2 two brunette girls sit atop a red an yellow motorcycle with a side car a couple posing on a red and yellow motorcycle 3.6 a small white cat standing in a sink grey and white cat sitting in bathroom sink 3.6 a man on the back seat of a red tandem bicycle a man is alone on the back of a tandem bicycle 4 a computer on a desk a computer operating on a desk 1.6 a small child smiling at the camera a small child sits on a cement wall near white flower 2.4 a little bird floating in the water a duck floating in the water 3.8 a white bus with the word julia is near water and a big ship a white bus with water and a barge in the background 2.6 old blue and white train on tracks a blue train in a mountainous area 4 yellow boat on a beach a yellow boat on shore 3.4 a kitchendiner with papers laying on the blue clothed dining table a small kitchen and a cluttered table with a blue table cloth 3.8 train in a station trains inside an indoor station 4 a gray cat is sitting on the window ledge looking at the camera the cat is standing on the window sill looking at the camera 0 man playing guitar while sitting down red and white bus driving down road 4.2 red double decker bus driving down a street a double decker bus on a city street 4.6 three cows are grazing in a grassy field three cows grazing in a field 2.25 the brown train is sitting on the railroad tracks the white train is sitting on the tracks 0.4 a black and white horned cow standing in a field a black and white photo of a cat sitting on a sofa 1.6 a tiny blonde child in a blue dress sits on a table near her mother a young blonde girl wearing a helmet sits with a red bicycle behind her 2.6 a group of people sitting at a restaurant table a group of people sitting around a table on a porch 0.4 a black and white cow in a pen with hay a black and white cat lies in the dirt 3.2 a red double decker bus front and left side of a red double decker bus 3.2 a close up view of a horse 's head a side view of a horse 's head 3.2 an old fashioned wooden sailing ship in the ocean a wooden yacht on the ocean 4.4 a sheep standing in a mountainous area a large sheep standing on a hill 4.8 a white plane on the runway a white airplane is on a runway 4.4 a tan puppy being petted a tan puppy being held and petted 3.8 elegant dining room with wood furniture an elegant pink dining room with wooden furniture 2 a women laying across two men sitting on a sofa two men in shorts are sitting on a sofa 3.6 two motorbikes on a dirt track two dirt bikers riding over dirt hill 2.2 the black and white cat is looking up at the camera a black and white dog looking at the camera 5 a gray cat with green eyes looks at the camera a grey cat with green eyes looking into the camera 0.2 two lambs stand on a grassy hill two dirt bikers riding over dirt hill 3 a man in white with a wine bottle and a woman in a red turtleneck with a white vest a man and woman posing on a field with a bottle of wine 1.8 a lone cow sits in the cold of the yard a black and white cow standing in the field 3.6 a double decker bus drives on a city street a red double decker bus driving down a street 1.8 large black and white cat resting on a windowsill a small white cat sitting in a sink 4.2 boy feeding a sheep a boy feeding a sheep hay 0 a girl in a black desktop holds up an open box of corn flakes and a carton of milk a girl wearing black shorts and boots is standing next to a blue motorcycle 0.8 a close up of a small cactus in a pot a close up of a woman holding a white puppy 4 the white sheep is standing on the green hill a sheep stands on a hillside 0 a black and white bird on a body of water with grass in the background a bus is on a road with a ferris wheel in the background 0 a wooden bicycle with an awning a group of elderly people sitting around a dining table 4.5 a black and white photo of a dilapidated wooden fence a black and white photo of an old wooden fence near a dirty street 2.6 two brown horses standing in a green meadow a brown horse stands in tall grass 1.6 two men wearing bike helmets two men stand with their bicycles outside a shop 3.4 a man playing a video game in a store man playing game in a store 3.6 a group of people sitting around a table on a porch a group of people sitting around a table with food on it 0 a young girl wearing a bike helmet with a bicycle in the background a women holds a small dog on a leash with chairs in the background 5 the back of a stop sign with many stickers on it the back of the stop sign is adorned with stickers 4 a bicycle is parked outside a bookstore a green bike parked outside a book store 4.4 a brown double decker tour bus on a street with a ferris wheel behind it a double decker bus driving in front of a ferris wheel 0.6 a black and white chair sitting in front of a brick wall and a window with a bamboo plant in a vase a black headed sheep covered in thick white wool stands in a pasture with other sheep 3.6 a man in a black uniform on a white horse a man in a tux on a white horse 4 two women stand in a living room with a black dog two women standing in a living room with a black dog looking towards the camera 3.2 two people paddling a red canoe are reflected in the still water two people paddling in a red canoe with trees in the background 4 a close up view of the headlights of a blue old fashioned car close up of the headlights on a blue car 2.4 cars driving near a model building vehicles driving infant of an ornate building 2.6 a blue and orange airplane flying with its landing gear down a red and blue plane flying with its landing gears down 4 a black and white cat lying on a blanket a black and white cat sleeps on a purple blanket 0.2 a building with a temporary sign over the entrance to its parking lot road with the rear image of the tail lights of a bus 3.4 a group of people sitting around a table containing food a group of people sitting around a table on a porch 3.2 a man and women sitting on a sofa holding a small baby a woman sitting on a sofa holding a baby 3 a black and white cat lying on a blanket a black and white cat sleeping on its side on a purple blanket 1.8 a black and white photo of a love seat a black and white photo of a bicycle 4.2 a living room with a dining table in the background view of a living room with a dining room in the background 4.25 a red and gray train is going through a tunnel a red and gray train travels through a tunnel amongst the trees 4.2 red double decker bus with hood open an old red london double decker bus with its hood raised 1.8 a man riding a white horse a woman leading a white horse 3.8 view of a living room with a dining room in the background a living room with large sofas and a dining table in the background 0.8 an orange kitten lay on a leather couch young couple sitting on a black couch 3 a person wearing a bike helmet talks on a cell phone a person wearing a helmet rides a bike near a white structure 3.6 a subway train pulling into the station a white train pulling into a station 3.8 a bicycle is parked by a shop a green bike parked outside a book store 0 two men standing on beach two women standing in front of tour bus 1.4 long haired black dog standing in grassy field a blue jay standing in a grassy field 0.2 a small desk with chair near a laundry closet a room with tan walls and a washer and dryer 4.6 red double decker bus driving through the streets red double decker bus driving down a street 3 a goose flapping its wings in a body of water a black swan flapping its wings on the water 4.4 boy laying on couch with dog the boy is lying on a couch with a puppy 5 a black and white image of a cat laying on a rug black and white picture of a cat laying on a rug 3.6 a large jet on the ground at the airport a large airplane parked at the airport at night 0 two women are sitting in a cafe two men catching a fish in a swamp 4 eight bottles of harp lager lined up on the floor eight bottles of harp beer lined up on a wooden floor 1.4 a small child smiling at the camera a cat looking at the camera 2.6 a woman riding a brown horse person dressed in blue riding brown horse 3.2 photo of a television screen showing a movie the wall mounted flat screen tv is showing a movie 4.2 a bird perched on a flowerpot bird perched on a flowerpot beside a stucco wall 3.4 white cat sitting inside of a sink grey and white cat sitting in bathroom sink 4.4 young woman in riding gear on top of horse young girl in riding gear on a horse 3.8 two people are sailing a small boat two women in a sailboat 3 a small bird on a tiny branch a small bird perched on an icy branch 1.6 two animals sitting on a rock two eagles sitting on a long branch 4.2 two cats sit on the back of a couch looking out the window two cats are sitting on the back of a couch and looking out the window in a sea photo 4.4 two young women shear a sheep two women sheering a sheep 3.8 the young rider takes a ride on the brown horse a young female rider on a brown horse 3 six people are seated at a restaurant table and looking into the camera a group of people sitting at a restaurant table 3.8 little white lamb with nose to wood a white lamb with its nose against a wooden box 4.6 a young girl riding a white and grey horse a little girl is riding a white and grey horse 3.2 a black dog stands next to materials at a construction site a black dog standing in a room being constructed 3.6 a bird is flapping its wings in the water a black swan flapping its wings on the water 3.75 a black and white cat lying on a blanket a black and white cat laying on a cat bed 3.8 young woman in riding gear on top of horse the woman is riding on the brown horse 3.4 a plane being readied for take off a small turboprop plane being loaded on the tarmac 0 a white leather couch with a purse and throw blanket on it a television with a show on 4.2 a kitchen with wooden cabinets and furniture kitchen with wooden table and cabinets 0.8 the cat is attacking a corn husk broom grey and white cat sitting in bathroom sink 4.2 a couple holds a baby couple with newborn baby 4.25 a small bird eating from the feeder bird eating from a bird feeder 4 close up of a white sheep with a black head a close up of a sheep with a black head 5 a young boy laying on a sofa with a dog a small boy laying on a sofa with a dog 3.2 a red bird is perched in a tree a small red and grey bird perched in a tree 0.4 two buses parked on a street yellow scooter parked in an alley way 1 a black and white dog looking at the camera a grey black and white cat looking at the camera 4.8 a train is on the railroad tracks a train on the train tracks 3 large silver locomotive engine in a shed a close up of a silver train engine with a red stripe 2.6 a women sitting at a table drinking with a basketball picture in the background a woman in a sari drinks something while sitting at a table 3 a green steam engine traveling on the railroad tracks a black steam train traveling on the railroad tracks 4 a small red car on top of a semi truck red sports car on top of white semi truck 3.4 the man poses for a photo in front of the train a man stands on a platform in front of a silver train 3.4 a bicyclist in black on a black and red racing bike a cyclist in black and white lira speeding past spectators 3.8 a kitchen sink and countertop with bowls on shelves a small kitchen with items stacked on the shelves and on the counter 3.2 a television in a messy room with several bookcases a room with a television stereo and bookshelf 2.8 a black and white cat sleeping on its side on a purple blanket a black and white cat laying on the ground in the sun 3.8 a woman riding a bicycle on a large concrete area a women riding a mountain bike on a large concrete area 2.8 two cows standing in a large field the cow is grazing in a field 3.4 a bald man touches the nose of a black horse on the other side of a fence a bald man with a beard pets the nose of a black and white horse at the fence 4 a man is standing next to a yellow sports car a man stands next to a yellow corvette 3.2 a black and white photo of cows in their stalls a black and white photo of cattle at a trough 4.2 double decker bus with the london eye ferris wheel in background a brown double decker tour bus on a street with a ferris wheel behind it 0.6 a yellow and black bird eats from a bird feeder a flock of birds flying over a body of water 3.8 a man stands in front of a train a man stands on a platform in front of a silver train 4.6 a small plane parked at an airfield with a cloudy sky overhead a small white plane parked in an airport on a cloudy day 3.4 a boat is on the water near a small plane a boat is in the water and a small airplane is on the dock 0.6 a man riding a white horse in an arena a domestic animal stands in a pen 4.2 a macintosh computer sitting on the floor a computer on the floor 0.4 a black and white cat is sitting on a brown chair looking up a dog sitting on a yellow chair next to a green dumpster 2.8 sheep standing in afield a large dog stands next to a sheep in a field 3.4 group of elderly people sitting around a table a group of elderly people pose around a dining table 2.8 three women with brown hair are smiling three women in indian dresses in a crowded room smiling 1.6 a black and white photo of an empty train station a black and white photo of a cat sitting on a sofa 0 two dogs in a fenced kennel look ahead two girls on a guy posing on the bow a boat 0.6 a black and white cow looking through the fence a black and white cat laying on the ground in the sun 1.8 several people on motorcycles in a market square people ride mopeds in an urban setting 1.8 a close up of a sheep in the grass a close up of a lamb with its ear tagged standing on grass 2 domestic cat laying on back of cat litter tan domestic cat under black tarp 3.2 two green birds fly towards a wooden telephone pole two green birds flying above the telephone wires 3 a person sitting on a motorcycle while a man stands by a man stands next to a helmeted man on a motorcycle in an empty parking lot 2.6 three cows grazing in a field two cows graze in a field 4.4 a blue bird perched on a gloved hand a bird is perched on a person 's gloved hand 4 a baby holds a ketchup packet a baby in a highchair holds a ketchup packet 4.2 a close up view of a horse 's head a close up of a brown horse 's head 5 a train is at a train station a train in a station 3.6 a dark brown horse standing in a field horse standing in a field 0.8 a small cat laying on a wooden beam looking up at the camera the small dog is wearing a sweater and looking up at the camera 2.5 the black bird is sitting on the ground the bird is sitting on the branch 2 a small brown birds is eating from a bird feeder hanging from a tree a small red and grey bird perched in a tree 4.40 a pair of dogs playing with a purple ball two dogs play with purple football 0.60 a bird lands in the water a boat floats in the water 4.60 three children stand on or near a fence the three children are standing on and by a fence 4.80 a black dog emerges from the water with a white ball in its mouth a black dog walking out of the water with a white ball in his mouth 0.40 a girl in a purple shirt and pink headband posing a young girl wearing a hat and blue jeans is on a swing 0.00 a brown dog digging a hole in front of a plant a group of people walking on the side of a railroad track 4.60 the brown and white dog swims in a swimming pool a brown and white dog swims in a backyard swimming pool 0.00 a boy in a red sled is riding down the hill a multicolour dog in a red collar crouching on the grass 4.00 a black and brown dog runs through the woods a dog running through the woods 4.40 the two dogs are running on the grass two dogs are playing in the grass 0.60 a young girl holds up a peace sign a little girl holds onto a pole on a city street 0.60 a man is hanging by a line off a cliff above water man sitting by himself on a pier with a bottle of water 4.60 a man crouching and holding a camera the crouching man is holding a large camera 2.60 man riding a bicycle down a narrow path a man riding a unicycle down a paved road 0.60 a man wearing an orange coat speaks to another as they walk in the snow a man and woman dressedin old fashion clothing sit outside at a table 4.00 a dog is jumping up in the air to catch a toy a black dog jumps in the air to catch a toy 0.00 a brown dog laying on a blue cover a person is diving into clear blue water 0.00 the two boys play in the field the two people have their heads covered with scarves 2.20 the two dogs are running through the grass three dogs run in the snow 4.00 a boy with a broken arm is resting in a bed a boy with a broken arm is sleeping 4.80 boy doing tricks on a skateboard a boy does a trick on a skateboard 2.60 three dogs playing in the snow three dogs are playing in the water 1.20 a little girl with a ribbon in her hair is picking her nose a little girl in a purple shirt and helmet is riding on a scooter 1.80 a young girl going down a tube slide a young girl swinging off a tire swing 2.60 many people are in the bicycle racing including one man in a three wheeled bike a man riding on a three wheeled wheelchair 0.80 a group of people are wearing bunny ears a group of people ride in a race 4.00 a dog in a superman shirt sleeps on a blanket a brown dog in a superman shirt is laying on a blue blanket 4.80 the white and brown dog runs across the grass a brown and white dog runs across the grass 3.80 a brown dog is resting its paws on a laptop keyboard a dog sits with its paws on a laptop computer 2.60 a young girl with glasses sits and holds two american flags a girl in glasses is looking over two american flags near a wooded area 3.00 a small white and brown dog is jumping over a horizontal pole a brown and white dog jumping over a red and yellow pole 4.80 two dogs are running through a grassy area two dogs running through a grassy field 1.60 a man is swinging on a rope above the water a man in warm clothes swinging on monkey bars at night 4.60 two asian men and asian woman sit in black massage chairs two asian men and a woman are relaxing in massage chairs 5.00 a girl playing is a pile of colorful balls a little girl plays in a pit of colorful balls 0.00 an older man is standing outside in front of a truck a woman dressed in green is roller skating outside at an event 4.60 smiling man with reflective classes a gentleman smiling and showing his reflective sunglasses 4.80 five people standing on a sidewalk five people on a sidewalk 1.40 the white dog runs across the snow a white bear walks along snow covered ground and casts a shadow on the snow 1.20 a young boy in a brown jacket playing with snow two dogs are playing in the snow 2.40 a man picking up a big rock a woman picking up a large rock 4.60 a white and brown dog is running over grass a brown and white dog is running across the grass 0.00 man is carrying a tool box down the sidewalk a woman is riding a blue bicycle in a park 3.40 a man wearing a t shirt that says gigolo stands at the counter talking to someone a man wearing a shirt that says gigolo is standing at a front desk area with his back to the camera 0.00 a tent and a campsite in a sunlit forest a white dog on a beach is carrying a stick in its mouth 4.20 two large dogs running in some grass two brindle dogs running in the grass 2.60 a dog swimming with a stick in it 's mouth a dog running with a stick in it 's mouth 2.33 a man playing fetch with two brown dogs a woman plays with a brown dog 3.60 a dog is running across the sand with a stick in it 's mouth a dog is running through a creek with a stick in its mouth 3.40 a man is standing in water near a waterfall a man wades in the water and watches a water fall 3.00 a tan dog jumps up to catch a tennis ball a red dog jumps an catches a tennis ball in its mouth 2.40 the man is jumping into the water the man is up in the air 2.40 a woman in a black shirt stands in front of bananas at a fruit stand a woman wearing black stands in front of a pickup truck 1.20 a child is jumping into a swimming pool a dog jumping into a swimming pool 4.80 a little boy jumping from one chair to another a young boy jumping from one chair to another in his house 0.00 a girl swings her long wet hair in a lake a person riding a dirt bike 2.80 two dogs playing by the shore two dogs playing in the snow 0.00 a little girl walks on a boardwalk with blue domes in the background a man going over a jump on his bike with a river in the background 2.20 two women sitting on a bench their faces obscured with one woman carrying an inflatable tiger and the other woman in a disney snow white costume a girl sits on a bench holding an inflatable tiger next to another girl in a colorful outfit 0.00 a guy and two girls are smiling at the camera three dogs one white and two brown are running together on a field of grass 5.00 a dog swimming with a stick in it 's mouth dog swimming in the water with a stick in its mouth 5.00 a black poodle plays in the snow a black poodle frolics in the snow 1.40 two girls holding up a scary movie flyer two girls holding sacks are standing in a field 3.20 three boys are running on the beach playing a game two young boys and one young man run on a beach with water behind them 1.60 a girl is wearing a purple sash and matching skirt a group of girls stands wearing jean skirts and superman shirts 0.60 a man wearing a grey jacket standing on the side of a street a boy wearing a blue life jacket is holding onto the side of a green boat 5.00 a brown and black dog is jumping to catch a red ball a brown and black dog jumps for a red ball 1.80 the tan dog runs through the leaves the white dog runs through the ocean 0.00 a white and black dog is jumping into a pool a woman in a black apron is standing in front of a mirror 3.00 a black and white dog is carrying a stick in its mouth the black and white dog has a stick in his paws 5.00 a deer jumps a fence a deer jumping over a fence 2.20 a little girl holds a wooden stick a little girl swimming in a pool 2.40 a black dog jumps through the water a dog walks through the snow 4.20 a group of people in front of a red fire truck a group of people are standing around a red fire truck 3.40 a boy jumps into the blue pool water the young boy is jumping into the pool on his belly 0.00 a blonde dog is catching a ball in its mouth in the snow a little blonde girl is sitting on a green chair 3.80 three children and playing and laughing on the floor three children playing on the floor 3.40 a man sits with fishing poles near a body of water a man sits on a rock next to a folding deck chair and a fishing pole 0.00 a woman and a dog standing in the grass a man carries a sign while standing in the rain 1.00 a man in a blue shirt is running in a stadium field a man wearing a blue hat and shirt is riding a white horse 4.80 a black dog running through water a black dog is running through some water 0.00 children jumping on a trampoline a man is sledding on an orange slide 3.00 a large brown dog is crouching in a grassy field a brown dog is running in a field 2.20 a dog runs through the grass a dog runs through the snow 0.20 a skier speeds through the snow a brown dog carrying a frisbee runs through the snow 5.00 two people are playing golf on a golf course two people are on a golf course playing golf 0.80 a boy and a girl playing on the beach a dog playing in the waves with a ball 0.80 the child in the red coat laid in the red mat the toddler is ready to climb the red piece of equipment 5.00 two dogs play in the grass two dogs are playing in the grass 4.00 a child in a blue and white team uniform chasing a soccer ball a young boy in a blue soccer uniform chasing a ball 2.80 a softball player swinging at a pitch a baseball player hitting the ball 2.80 a man is kite surfing away from the camera a man is sky surfing on the water 1.00 a black dog is running in the grass a boy running through green grass 2.00 a little boy and a little girl playing together outside a young boy and a young girl walking towards each other 4.20 two people sit on the end of a dock two people sitting on a dock 2.00 two dogs in a yard two dogs in a stream 2.20 a man chases a dog trying to pass the barrier to enter a play area a man follows his black and white dog as it takes on an obstacle course 4.00 the large brown and white dog is running through the snow st bernard dog running in the snowy field 2.00 a bloody man and woman pose for a picture a man in woman dressed warmly pose for a picture 0.40 a yellow dog is playing in a grassy area near flowers a girl is playing on a swing 4.60 a boy plays with a noodle by the pool a boy plays with a foam noodle toy by a pool 2.00 two big brown dogs running through the snow a brown dog running through the grass 1.20 a young boy jumps into a pool with outstretched arms a dog jumps into a backyard pool 4.00 a girl holds up a yellow balloon animal a child holds a yellow balloon 0.17 two dogs share a toy in a field of vegetation two snowboarders are in the air over the snow 0.00 a blond haired lady in white poses for the camera a black and white dog runs with its mouth open 0.20 a dog runs through a field chasing a ball a child runs through the grass 3.80 two girls are sitting in front of a statue two blonde girls are sitting next to a statue 4.00 a girl in orange lights a candle a girl in an orange shirt lights candles 1.60 a white dog runs through a field of yellow flowers a dog with a red collar runs in a forest in the middle of winter 2.20 an infant sitting on a cot reaching over to touch the face of an older boy a boy who seems ill is being touched in the face by a toddler 5.00 a dog shaking off water a dog shaking water off 0.50 young boys running along the pavement a black dog running along the edge of the ocean 3.67 a young child slides down an orange slide a little boy in denim overalls slides down an orange slide 1.60 a black and white dog running through some red and white poles black and white dog in living room standing on hind legs 4.40 three individuals are posing on skis behind a no skiing sign three people on skis are standing behind a no skiing sign 4.60 a man in a white suit walks down the street holding a newspaper a man in a white suit walks outside carrying a newspaper 5.00 a black dog with a blue collar is running in the snow a black dog wearing a blue collar is running through the snow 0.80 a dog is running toward the camera a brown and white dog running on grass 2.40 a boy swinging on a swing the girl is on a swing 4.40 a group of youngsters swim in lake water many children are playing and swimming in the water 0.00 a blue and white soccer team playing against each other a topless woman with her face painted is covered in mud 3.80 a brown dog about to catch a green frisbee a brown dog waits for the frisbee to come down before catching it 2.20 a black and white dog is swimming in a large green lake a black dog runs fast into shallow water 2.20 two large black dogs are playing in a grassy field two white dogs are running together 2.80 the brown and black dog sprints across the snow a black dog is running quickly along the ground 3.80 the man in the backpack looks to his left an adult male wearing a backpack walks and looks to the left 0.00 an elderly man in a blue shirt is holding up a piece of canvas art a black man is walking next to a building in a big city 0.40 two skinny young boys playing with sand in the water two dogs are shaking water off 3.80 a small dog runs through an obstacle course a small dog jumping over an obstacle 3.20 a brown dog running through the woods a brown dog runs through the grass 3.40 a group of people are standing by a window watching something a group of people stand and wait to see something 4.40 a dog is jumping over a barrier at a agility competition a dog jumping over an obstacle course fence 3.20 three people racing on ice skates three ice skaters round a corner 4.80 two women contestants are walking their dogs in a dog show two women walk there dogs at a dog show 0.00 two men on the side of a barge a man is lying the grass with long hair and beard 4.80 a brown dog in running on grass a brown dog runs through the grass 0.40 a person is riding their bike on a trail next to the woods a small child in a yellow shirt is holding their arms out to the sides 3.60 a woman in a black dress smiles in front of a silver truck a girl wearing a black top is smiling with a silver truck in the background 0.60 a dog is on the beach near a ball a guy is going up for a lay up on a basketball court 2.60 a dog bounds across the brown grass two dogs bound across the grass 3.20 a woman playing with two young boys at a park a woman and three kids play at a park 2.40 a dog emerges form the water with a stick in its mouth a dog runs toward the camera with a stick in its mouth 0.80 three dogs playing in the snow the boy is playing in the sand 4.20 a dog carries a leash in its mouth a fluffy dog carries a black leash in its mouth 0.00 a man in jeans is playing with a ball while a woman in jeans stands nearby looking away a man is tying a red arm band around another mans arm in the street 4.00 a skier is falling into the snow a skier is falling face first into the snow 2.20 a dog with a red toy in it 's mouth a brown dog is carrying a stick in its mouth 4.80 two hockey players fighting on the ice two hockey players in a struggle on the ice 1.60 two terriers play on the wood floor of their home two puppies play with a red chew toy in a field 4.20 two dogs running through a field two dogs play in a field 0.40 a man in a gray suit locking up a bicycle a man and a woman standing on a city street 4.60 a man in a black leather jacket is sleeping in a subway car a man in a black leather jacket falls asleep on public transportation 4.80 a dog leaping over a hurdle a dog leaps over the hurdle 0.00 two men are setting up some electronic equpitment two dogs are wrestling on the ground in the snow 0.00 a black dog is walking on the grass with a stick in it 's mouth a boy holds a net with a snake in it close to the ground 2.20 a girl runs with dogs in a dry field a grey dog and a tan dog playing on a grassy field 4.00 two dogs playing in the snow two black dogs in the snow 4.00 a dog leaps off a dock and into the water the black dog leaps off the dock and into the water 2.00 a group of old men walking down the street a couple walking down the street 2.20 three dogs standing in snow next to a blue fence three dogs play in the shallows next to a rocky shore 4.80 a black and white dog is running through the field a black and white dog is running in the grass 0.40 a boy in black waves his arms while other people are behind him on a field a man in a black shirt is roller blading past a bench in the city 2.00 an elderly woman rides a bicycle along a city street an elderly woman walking uphill crossing the street 0.40 a young boy is punching a yellow ball a small dog jumps over a yellow beam 1.40 a group of young ballerinas are in a dance studio a group of young ladies in bikinis 0.00 a young boy in a white dress shirt is playing on a grassy plain a woman is getting her hair done at a salon 0.40 a man and a dog are playing tug of war a man dances on a colorful wall 4.60 a wet child shivers under a towel at a pool a wet child is shivering in a towel in front of a pool 5.00 a white dog runs on a beach the white dog is running along the beach 3.40 six dogs running on the sandy beach six dogs walking beside the beach 3.20 a man holds on to a handle in the water a man is holding onto handles in the air 3.00 a white dog walking in the snow a black and tan dog walking through the snow 3.20 the white and brown dog runs across the grass three dogs are running on the grass 3.80 a boy goes down an inflatable slide a boy in red slides down an inflatable ride 3.80 two dogs playing with a ball in a puddle two dogs stand in a puddle and one has a yellow tennis ball 1.40 three dogs are playing in the water three dogs run in the snow 1.20 two dogs playing in the snow two kids playing with a dog 4.80 a girl does a back bend on the beach a girl doing a back bend at the beach 2.20 the two dogs are playing fetch in the snow two dogs are playing together in the grass 3.60 two surfers on riding a small wave two surfers perform tricks in the waves 5.00 two people walking on the beach at sunset two people walking along the shore at sunset 4.00 two puppies playing around in the grass two dogs are wrestling in the grass 4.80 a young girl is sitting on santa 's lap a little girl is sitting on santa 's lap 2.20 a black and white dog runs with its mouth open a black and white dog swims in blue water 4.80 a young boy jumping in the air at the beach a boy jumping in the air on the beach 5.00 five men in tuxedos are walking down steps five men in tuxedos walk down a set of steps 0.00 man in red shorts and white shirt kicking a soccer ball a black dog stands in the surf holding a red rubber ball 4.80 a man and dog on a rocky seashore man and dog standing on rocks next to water 2.40 brown dog splashing into the water four dogs splashing in the water 1.00 the smiling woman at the beach is buried in seaweed a girl in a cowboy hat with a sheep on a leash 3.80 a dog with big ears is holding a small stick in it 's mouth a puppy with big ears chewing on a stick 0.00 the large brown dog is jumping through the tall grass the girl wearing a blue shirt is running through a science center 2.60 two dogs fighting in the snow two dogs playing in the snow 2.80 a brown dog is in the middle of a line of dogs chasing a dirty tennis ball over dirt there are two white dogs and one brown dog chasing a ball 0.00 a grey hound is active in a grassy field a bunch of bikes racing on a track 0.00 two people are racing a sidecar motorcycle in the mud the dog carrying a long stick in its mouth 2.40 the man is sitting at the top of a rocky mountain a person sticks their head out of a tent at the top of a mountain 0.00 a man standing on a boat is pulling another boat close by with a bamboo stick a man in a black hat standing in front of a brick wall and a sign 3.20 a man plays his white guitar a man playing a white guitar and singing as well 0.00 a person is skijoring with a dog in the mountains a brown dog is playing with a ball in the water 2.40 two shirtless young people playing in the water lots of people play in the water at the beach 3.60 close up of a hummingbird a closeup of a hummingbird flying 0.80 woman in a black dress walking on the street a woman watches a dog jump down the stairs 2.33 a man and a woman looking at the camera a man and a woman laughing 3.60 a brown dog running through the dirty muddy grass the large brown dog is running outside in the dirt 5.00 three dogs pulling a man on a bicycle through the snow the dogs are pulling a man on a type of bike through the snow 0.00 a baby in a red hat sitting in a stroller is holding a doll a man in a gray shirt sitting in a field of flowers 4.80 three children playing with hay outdoors throwing some at camera lens three young children play in the hay throwing some at the camera 0.00 a climber is standing on the rock face next to the pink rope the children are running in the snow with fences in the background 1.80 a black dog wearing an orange collar is entangled with fishing wire the black dog wearing a red collar shakes water off 0.00 two dogs are playing around in the dirt a dancer posing for the camera in a red and white dress 3.40 a golden dog is running on the grass the large beige dog is running through the grass 4.80 a dog runs through the grass a dog runs across the grass 3.40 a man in red shorts is walking along rocks by a river carrying a stick a man is walking on rocks with water flowing around them 0.00 man rowing a boat a man doing a trick on skateboard 4.80 three dogs running on a racetrack three dogs round a bend at a racetrack 0.80 a black and brown dog walks through the snow near a building an older man stands outside a old boarded up building 3.40 a dog is jumping into a swimming pool after a duck a dog jumping into a swimming pool 3.20 a dog running through a forest in the winter time a dog running through a lot of twigs 0.40 the girl is playing along with the images on the big screen three girls holding umbrellas with their backs to the camera 1.00 many people run in a race on a street a puppy running along a street 1.00 a man in swimming trunks is standing against some rocks a man in a gray shirt climbs a large rock wall 2.00 two white dogs walking in the snow a tan dog with a black collar barking in the snow 2.40 a woman wearing a pink shirt jumps in the air with her arms and legs spread to her sides a man wearing suspenders and sunglasses leaps up in the air with his arms and legs spread out to the side 2.80 a dog runs through the grass two dogs run through the brush 2.80 a dog running across the sand a dog running through the water 0.00 a woman is attempting to ride a small wave a man and woman sitting back to back outside in the sun 0.60 the black and white dog is swimming in the river a black man and his dog on the beach 4.60 man standing on top of jagged rocks near the ocean a man is standing on top of rocks overlooking the ocean 4.40 a girl in a black and blue wet suit is surfing a woman wearing a black and blue striped suit is surfing on a wave 4.60 the woman is leading a dog through an obstacle course woman leading her small dog through an obstacle course 2.40 two dogs on the beach a dog walks on the beach 1.00 a young boy is standing on a gray tiled area a young boy is practicing his karate in a gym 2.20 the dog is running with food in his mouth the dog is running with a yellow ball in his mouth 4.80 two dogs running down a beach two dogs running on the beach 2.00 a black and white dog swimming in the pool a black and white dog running with something in his mouth 3.80 a dog has it 's head inside a red and green gift bag a pet playfully investigates the contents of a gift bag 5.00 a yellow shirted man wearing a golden sun mask a man in a yellow shirt wears a gold sun shaped mask 0.40 a man is scalling a sheer rock face with a rope support a young man is doing a ski jump with a purple board 4.20 a child with his hands on his head a little boy stands with his hands on top of his head 1.80 a man wearing a orange vest is canoeing in the blue water a man in an orange jacket raising his hands to the sky in the sand 1.20 an old man in a black trench coat standing in a marketplace the baby is wearing a red shirt and walking in a plaza 4.80 a man climbing a cliff face a man climbs a sheer cliff face 0.60 two girls are in pajama pants and appear to be dancing two girls with baseball caps are eating a snack outside 3.40 a white and brown dog playing with a black toy a white and brown dog is playing tug o war 3.00 a boy plays baseball a man is playing baseball 0.00 a boy wearing a red shirt runs across the grass with a furry dog a sports fan is wearing face paint in the stands 0.00 a black dog retrieves in the snow a skateboarder jumping in the street 3.20 a smiling man and a baby girl posing for photo a smiling man holds a small child wearing pink and red 3.20 a dog jumping for a frisbee in the snow a dog is jumping in the snow 3.40 a brown and white dog with a pink collar is barking at a brown dog with a blue collar in the snow the dog with the red collar is bearing it 's teeth at the dog with the blue collar 4.20 two brown dogs are biting each other two brown dogs biting each other on sand 4.00 a skateboarder attempts a trick on the side of a low wall a boy does skateboard tricks on a railing 2.80 a young girl doing a back flip in the water a young girl wearing purple running through water 0.80 a snowboarder rides a snowboard down a railing beside a flight of steps a boy is grinding a skateboard down a concrete wall 1.40 a woman with two men in hats socializing outside a young woman with a knit cap stands against the wall of a domino 's pizza 4.20 a small boy in a bathrobe is sitting in a metal chair a boy in a robe sits in a chair 2.20 a black dog is running through the snow a black pit bull dog is running through the dirt 3.40 a group of teenagers are dancing on a wooden floor a group of people in dark colored clothing are line dancing on a wooden floor 0.40 a young boy is riding a bike a young girl laying on a blue inflatable toy 1.80 a black dog running in the snow a black dog running on a beach 1.00 three dogs in the snow by a fence two dogs drink water in a lake 0.20 a girl runs along a river bank with two black dogs a little boy is petting a tiger that is laying down 1.80 a teenage girl running on a beach shouting with an older man walking behind her a young child running along the shore at a beach 0.00 a brown and white dog is walking next to a man on a skateboard a blond child is laying on a branch of a tree in a green field 4.00 man riding a surfboard on a wave a man in black on a surfboard riding a wave 4.20 the man in the red shirt is climbing the side of a mountain a man is climbing the side of a mountain 1.40 a man riding a motorcycle while wearing a black uniform a white motorcycle is being ridden around a race track 1.20 a black dog swimming through a river a black dog digging through the snow 3.20 a man and a woman are smiling a man and a woman laughing 4.80 a man is standing on top of a rock or mountain watching the sun set a man standing in the mountains watching a sunset 1.40 two little girls are playing on a trampoline two little boys are playing on a playground 0.20 two girls are jumping high in the air two dogs nussle one another in the grass near a lake 4.80 the woman holding a black purse is smoking a cigarette a woman with a black bag is smoking a cigarette 4.20 a dog is running along the grass a brown dog is running in the grass 1.00 a man with long hair is looking through a camera a woman stands against a wall near a video camera 4.00 brown dog running on grass the dog is running on grass 0.00 two people wearing hats sit and look at the camera a man wearing a blue shirt makes a grouchy face 3.20 two girls playing with people and flowers behind them two young girls wearing skirts are playing in a garden 0.00 a girl in a pink shirt is sprawling her limbs out in midair a man dressed in a santa suit is climbing up a large concrete building 1.40 a little girl in a red shirt pulls a kite a girl in a red shirt takes a picture on a phone 0.00 child sliding in the snow man sleeping on the street 4.20 three dogs are playing in the water three dogs swim in the water 5.00 a white dog running on sand a white dog runs on the sand 0.20 a little girl with her hands in the air is sitting on a man 's back while he is laying on a blanket a kid runs in the opposite direction of others who were playing a game 1.40 a red and white race car racing on a dirt racetrack a person is riding a dirt bike in a race on a dirt track 2.20 a black and white dog is running through a cow field a large black and white dog runs in the ocean water 0.60 a man in a straw hat shades his phone while others walk on a busy sidewalk a man lies on a street with his headand shoulders under a parked car that is jacked up 0.80 a man with a messenger bag in front of a gray tile wall man in red jacket standing in front of lighthouse 3.20 a dog swims in the water three dogs swim in the water 4.60 a little white curly haired dog runs across the pavement with a stick in its mouth a white curly haired dog runs with a stick in it 's mouth 2.80 the blonde woman is wearing a black american flag tartan cap a red haired woman is wearing a black beret adorned with the american flag 0.60 a person holding a net is standing in the water a black woman and two black children are sitting in a thatched tent 0.40 a woman in an red tracksuit squeezing lemons in a press a young woman in a pink hoodie takes a picture 4.20 a man walks two dogs on leashes down the street a man walks two dogs in the city 2.20 a dog is running in the snow two dogs running in the dirt 1.60 a small boy playing in the snow the brown and white dog is playing in the snow 3.20 a woman in a blue shirt and tan shorts sits at a table a smiling young woman in a tourquoise shirt and bandanna poses at table outdoors 3.20 a white dog running in the snow the dogs are running in the snow 0.00 the black dog is running through the snow a race car driver is driving his car through the mud 4.40 a dog wearing a green sweater and a backpack walking on snow a small dog wearing a green sweater and a backpack walks through snow 0.60 a group of people sitting around a desk a group of girls on a beach 2.80 three dogs are running in a field two dogs are running in a grassy field 0.40 a man and woman with their hands on their chins are standing next to a christmas tree the man with a white beard and blue cap is standing in the doorway of a workshop 1.20 the black and white dog has a stick in his paws a black dog and a white dog are standing on snow 1.40 a white dog running through the snow the black and white dog runs through the grass 0.60 a man on skis on a snow covered hill with mountains in the background a dog enjoys a romp in the water with mountains and sand in the background 1.20 a man on a bike nest to a river a man on a bike does a very high jump 0.40 a skier going down the snowy hill a brown dog is laying in the snow 3.60 two dogs are running on the grass two dogs running in the dirt 0.60 a man is spraying a fluid from a long hose at the beach a guy is sitting on his bike with one wheel in the air 2.20 a person in a red vest is touching the blue ice skates on another person a lady fastens someone 's ice skates in the snow 4.80 a girl bounces upside down on her head on a trampoline a girl is bouncing on her head on a trampoline 2.00 a woman standing in front of trees and smiling a man is walking by trees in front of the city skyline 2.40 a boy doing a back flip into a swimming pool a boy wearing red and blue swim trunks jumping head first into a swimming pool 4.20 three little boys cover themselves with bubbles three children standing by a pool are covered in foam bubbles 0.20 the boy is looking up at the girl as another girl ignores them the boy is diving into the pool as the couple watch 3.20 a black dog with a blue collar is running in the snow a black dog with a red collar plays in the snow 3.80 a bird sits in a tree a bird sits in a leafless tree 4.00 a brown dog chews on an orange ball a dog has an orange ball in its mouth 0.60 a brown dog jumping into the air to catch a ball three young woman jumping into the air to catch a ball 3.20 a child is walking from one picnic table to another the boy hops from one picnic table to the other in the park 3.00 a dog in the snow two dogs in snow 4.80 dalmation running along the beach a dalmation runs along a beach 5.00 a dog running through snow a dog runs in the snow 2.00 four black dogs run across the grass a dog runs across the grassy field 3.60 a man in red and black is hitting a soccer ball with his head a man in a red striped soccer shirt heads a ball 1.20 a brown dog is walking on the grass a dog chases another by a tree 4.60 a woman placing a baby on a skateboard on the beach a woman holds a small baby on a skateboard at the beach 4.00 a black dog is biting a light brown dogs ear in a playful manner a black dog playfully bits another dog in a living room setting 4.40 the beagle is walking on the beach at the waterline a beagle walks along the calm shore 5.00 the black and white dog runs through the grass a black and white dog is running through grass 0.00 two dogs run through the snow one with a tennis ball the boy is doing a stunt through the air on his bicycle 3.20 a black dog is walking on the grass with a stick in it 's mouth the black dog is running on the grass with a toy in it 's mouth 3.00 a man walks toward a policeman standing in a crosswalk on a city street a policeman stands in a crosswalk in a city 4.60 a black dog and a white dog playing in the street a black dog and a white dog play in the street together 3.60 a large black and white dog is swimming in the water a black and white dog with a stick is in muddy water 4.20 a little boy clowns with a colander on his head a boy with a metal colander on his head 0.00 two constructions workers sit on a beam taking a break the man is putting on his shirt near an elevator 1.20 a man and a woman laughing a man and a woman kiss 2.83 a black brown and white dog running through a field a white and brown dog runs in a field 4.60 children are playing in a swimming pool while two adult men watch them children play in a pool while adults look on 0.00 two kids splashing in the water two dogs play together on the bed 4.60 the brown and white dog is walking in shallow waters a white and brown dog appears to be walking on the water 1.60 a woman reads while on public transportation a man who has fallen asleep on public transportation 1.80 a bulldog is running through a grassy park while people stand in the background a dog is running in a large body of water causing it to splash 2.20 a young boy riding a bike on a brick road a person does tricks on a bike on a ramp surrounded by trees 3.80 the young man is skateboarding at a skate park a boy in a blue t shirt is airborne on a skateboard in a skate park 4.40 a girl jumping rope on a sidewalk near a parking garage a girl jumping rope on a sidewalk with a parking garage to the left 3.00 a person is out in the water at the beach while the sun sets a person above their surfboard on the water 4.00 a dog jumps in midair to catch a frisbee the brown dog jumps for a pink frisbee 1.00 the dog returns the play toy to its master three dogs race in the snow together 4.60 two females jump off of swings two girls jump out of swings 0.60 a woman with a young girl pose with bear statues in front of a store a man in a jersey stands in front of a large crowd 4.40 a shirtless man playing football on a lawn a shirtless man catches a football 0.80 a girl wearing green twists something in her hands a young boy wearing only green shorts poses awkwardly with a brick background 0.40 a man in a red jacket holds his bike for the picture a woman in a red jacket is video taping a natural landscape 0.80 a boy jumps into a not so crowded public pool a man jumps while on a snowboard 0.60 the clowns are striking a pose for the camera a child in orange is on a boogie board in the waves 0.00 four kids holding hands jump into a swimming pool four dogs playing in the snow 2.80 a boy pushes a wagon with two pumpkins a child squats behind a wagon with two pumpkins in it 0.00 two soccer players battle for the ball during an intense match two little orange and white dogs are in the snow 3.80 the black dog is walking through the tall grass the black dog is running through the grass 3.40 two black dogs playing in the snow a black dog digs in the snow 5.00 a dog jumps over a chain a dog leaping over a chain 4.60 a girl with a black purse sitting on a wooden bench a young woman with a black purse sits on a wooden bench 2.20 a black and a yellow dog a black dog and a brown and white dog play in a field 3.40 three children in a ball pit several children playing in a ball pit 3.60 a large white and grey dog runs through a yellow tunnel in an obstacle course a white and black dog is running out of a yellow and orange tube 4.80 a swimmer is doing the backstroke in the swimming pool a person doing the back stroke in a swimming pool 0.00 a man stands astride a bike on a rocky trail by a lake a woman is wearing a white headband purple tank top and black gloves 2.40 a brown dog is running through green grass a brown dog is running though a river 3.40 a small white dog and large brown dog play on the grass a small light tan dog is running past a large brown dog standing in the grass 3.40 a woman holds a dog while another dog stands nearby in a field a lady holding one dog while another dog is playing in the yard 2.40 a black dog walking through water two black dogs walking through the snow 1.80 a black dog is running in snow a black dog is swimming with a ball in it 's mouth 1.60 a woman dressed in green is playing with her tan dog a tan dog licks a girls hand while laying down 4.60 two homeless men stand outside with a cardboard sign two homeless young men holding a cardboard sign 3.60 a brown dog wades in the water a dog splashes in the murky water 2.80 one man in an orange shirt wearing a white helmet is riding a bike the man wearing a blue helmet is riding a polaris 1.80 a little boy is standing in front of a wedding party laughing a person standing on a stage in front of a seated crowd 3.60 a person on a snowmobile a person on a snowmobile in mid jump 0.80 the man is standing on the shore hitting a ball with a paddle two teenage girls are standing on beside the beach listening to ipods 0.40 this over the top photo shows two men taking a break a person with swim cap and goggles taking a breath 4.60 two brown dogs running together on sand two brown dogs are running on the sand 1.40 a black dog is chasing after a red frisbee a black poodle is running in the snow 3.00 two girls with ponytails ride an amusement park ride a young girl is on a ride at an amusement park 4.20 a dog digging in the sand a brown dog digs in the sand 0.00 two men sit on the sidewalk in front of stores a woman in a bathing suit walks a dog on the beach 4.60 a black and white spotted dog jumps over a stream a black and white spotted dog is jumping over the small stream of water 3.00 a person on a bmx bike a man on a bike in mid air 4.60 two dogs running through tall grass two dogs are running through a grassy area 1.00 little white dog wearing a leash jumping after a red ball a black and white dog returns a stick in the snow 3.20 a group of people standing outside of a building a large group of people have formed a line outside 1.60 a group of four children dancing in a backyard a group of children do stretches on colored mats 4.80 a group of teenagers are jumping in the air on the beach a group of young people jump up in the air while on the beach 4.40 a boy waves around a sparkler a young boy is twisting a sparkler around in the air 2.60 several people are sitting around a fire at night a group of people are standing and sitting around on the ground at night 4.00 two different breeds of brown and white dogs play on the beach two dogs playing in the sand at the beach 3.40 one man and two women dressed in vampire costumes a man and two women dressed in costumes 2.40 two boys one wearing a hat in a playground boy in tan hat laughs while sitting near playground equipment 5.00 two dogs playing in snow two dogs play in the snow 0.40 a woman holds a baby while a man looks at it as another man holding a child watches a woman stands with her arms out in a store while another woman holds a camera 4.60 a white fluffy dog is running in pure white snow a fluffy white dog running in the snow 0.00 a woman holding a newspaper a man rollerblading on a metal bar 3.40 a group of men playing brass instruments a group of guys play instruments outside 0.00 two girls on the shore watch people in a boat fish two males one in red and one in white playing a basketball game 4.00 a snowboarder jumps into the air a snowboarder flies through the air 0.60 a white dog with red ears is running in the snow a wet black dog with a red collar is in the river 0.40 a little girl and a little boy hold hands on a shiny slide a little girl in a paisley dress runs across a sandy playground 4.20 kids play soccer on a field three boys playing soccer in a field 2.80 a man jumps off of one rooftop onto another a young man jumps from one balcony to another 3.40 one child pulls another sitting in a red wagon along the sand a young boy pulls another boy wearing a silly hat in a radio flyer wagon 2.40 an owl has its wings up and widespread during the day the bird has its wings spread as it flies 0.00 a man in a blue cap is sitting on a stool under a tree a dog standing on a beach with a ball nearby 4.40 a woman sings into a microphone by a guy playing a guitar a woman sings into a microphone with a guitar player in the background 2.80 three sheep graze on the grassy field with a dog walking behind them a small group of goats in the grass with a black and white dog in the backgroud 4.40 a cyclist is making his bike jump between two rocks a man jumps his bicycle in the air between two rocks 1.80 a young girl with a pink hat on with a yellow building in the background a young girl in a pink dress with something in her hand 4.00 a girl in a pink dress rides her bike along a white picket fence a girl in a red dress rides her bike in front of a white fence 1.40 a brown furry animal stands behind some plants a dog pants while standing in the woods 1.00 a child in a red shirt is using a black wake board to splash over a beach wave a man in a rowboat is rowing across blue water 3.40 the tan and white dog is running in the field the brown and white dogs run through the field 0.80 two teenage girls one is smiling a little girl on a kid swing 0.20 two birds interacting in the grass two dogs play with each other outdoors 3.40 two hikers stand at the top of a snowy mountain two mountain climbers stand on the top of a mountain looking around 4.80 two children in a field of red flowers two kids are playing in a field of red flowers 4.00 a young men jumps off rocks into a lake a young man in red swimming trunks jumped off a large rock into the water 3.60 a small black dog is in the grass a black dog is running in the grass 1.00 a lady dressed in a kimono is looking at the camera two girls dressed in black are sitting in a room making suggestive poses at the camera 0.00 a group of people are firing up a hot air balloon a large group of people riding brown and white horses 0.00 children play fight with swords a child and parent pet a horse 1.40 a man is wind sailing in the ocean a dog is running through the ocean 1.40 three dogs racing on a dirt track cars racing on a dirt track 1.20 two people holding hands and walking in a field two men walking past a mural of a car 1.60 a brown dog chases a frisbee a brown dog squating on grass 5.00 woman in red overalls standing on the sidewalk a woman in red overalls stands on sidewalk 2.80 a dog is running through a backyard full of leaves three dogs run through a field 5.00 two puppies playing around in the grass two puppies play in the grass 1.00 two black and white dogs are playing together outside two children and a black dog are playing out in the snow 1.00 three dogs running through water a black dog running through water 1.20 a woman sits alone against a brick wall a woman is walking with a red bag 2.60 a brown dog carrying a stick in its mouth a dog swimming with a stick in its mouth 0.80 a young woman leans over her plate at a meal a young woman topless except for paint or mud 3.80 a person climbs up a snowy hill while their dog follows a person climbs a snowy hill while a black dog follows 2.00 a brown dog sits on the beach a dog running on the beach 5.00 scuba diver submerged in water the scuba diver is underwater 1.80 the man is riding a bike down a dirt hill a trick bicyclist grinds down a handrail 2.60 a large gray dog is playing in the deep snow four dogs playing in the snow 0.80 a man riding his bike on the beach by the ocean a man walking his cow down the side of the road 1.00 a dog in in a car a dog is biting a mop 1.20 a dog with floppy ears walking towards the camera in the woods a child in front of his own reflection turning towards the camera and smiling 2.40 a brown dog is splashing water everywhere by shaking the water off of itself a white dog is standing by a river shaking himself dry 1.80 a black and white dog is running on the beach the black and brown dog is running through the snow 3.40 many middle eastern people are sitting in the back of a blue truck a group of people are riding in the back of a truck 4.20 person with two ski poles skiing down a snowy hill a person skiing down a snowy hill 4.60 a woman is eating fish at a restaurant a woman eating a large fish in a restaurant 2.20 a child and two dogs play in the water a child in red and blue floaties looking down at the water 2.20 a skateboarder doing a trick on a stone wall a skateboarder riding up to a slope 4.60 people are standing on an escalator moving up people ride up an escalator 4.20 a lady is running her dog through an agility course trainer runs her dog through training course with green pipe 1.40 the white and brown dog is shaking its ears the brown dog is running across the sand 0.20 some children are raising their hands and clapping three children are playing soccer in the sand 0.00 a man blowing a large bubble a man walking a large black horse 3.80 two people sit on a dock near the water two people sit on the end of a dock in the middle of still water 4.60 hockey goal keeper laying on the ice in front of net a hockey player is laying on the ice in front of the goal 1.40 a skier wearing blue snow pants is flying through the air near a jump a skier stands on his hands in the snow in front of a movie camera 3.40 the brown dog is running along a grassy pathway a brown dog is running along a grassy stretch divided by strings 0.00 the girl is wearing a blue striped shirt and rollerblades a man wearing a black and white shirt jumping on a dogs back 0.00 a tattooed man in black playing a white guitar and singing a woman in a black and white coat and earmuffs 1.40 a dog running along the beach boy and girl running along the beach 4.60 a young man and woman sitting on a bench outside are kissing the man and woman sitting on a bench are kissing 3.20 a brown dog is jumping up to catch a green strap in it 's mouth a grey dog jumps to bite a green leash 3.20 a black dog is running in the grass a black and a brown dog running in the grass 0.50 a woman is sitting on a sidewalk with a cell phone at her ear a woman is riding her bicycle 1.20 three dogs play in a grassy field some kids play in a field 3.00 a young boy plays in a red ball pit a laughing boy lies on a pit of blue balls 4.40 a surfer on a wave a surfer is riding a wave 2.40 the skateboarder gets to the top of the ramp the skateboarder rides the pipe wall at a skater park 1.00 two men in a running contest dogs in a race 5.00 two kids are walking on a path in the woods two children walking down a path in the woods 3.40 a brown and white dog is running on the grass the tan and black dog is running across the grass 4.40 two dogs run side by side on the grass two dogs running on grass 5.00 two dogs are peeing at a red fire hydrant two dogs are urinating on the red fire hydrant 0.40 a rugby player in dark gear is carrying a light colored rugby ball with arm outstretched a brown dog splashes in the water while carrying a ball in it 's mouth 1.20 two people are walking through some water two girls are walking by a tree in front of a brick building 4.00 a dog splashing in the water a dog splashes in the murky water 1.00 a group of people are walking down the sidewalk of a big city a group of people are riding in the back of a truck 1.00 the dog is in the air above the grass the dog is laying on a bed with a blue sheet 0.00 a black dog is running through some water a man in a football uniform is running with a football during a game 2.00 girl stands in subway waiting on something a girl stands in a dimly lit area 0.60 the man is sitting with a little girl in the park the man is playing with the shaggy little dog 4.40 a large tan dog is running with a green item in its mouth the tan dog is carrying a green squeak toy in its mouth 0.00 a group of people in boats racing towards the shore a classroom of students watching a presentation 0.60 a person is riding a skateboard in the air above a ramp a biker is riding along a track element located with a wooded area 0.00 a boy skateboards down the metal handrail at night a brown dog runs on the sand holding a stick 0.00 a person is squeezing through an opening in the rock face a medium sized brown dog is running through an open white wooded area 2.00 dog running towards camera with a ball in its mouth the black and white dog swims with a brown object in its mouth 4.20 a young girl running on the beach a little girl running at on the shore of a beach 1.60 a baseball player throws the ball the basketball player holds the ball 3.00 a man is swinging on a rope over water a man in a maroon bathing suit swings on a rope on a lake 1.00 a young girl dressed in a minnie mouse outfit and an older woman walking down the sidewalk a man wearing a white suit holding a newspaper walking through the streets 3 how about some testimonies from real health experts also who 's to say there are not testimonies from real health experts on there 0.8 then the captain was gone then the captain came back 3.8 the problem is simpler than that the problem is simple 1 negative reconnaissance requirements pacific requirements 0.4 so i am dropping for now asking you the question where s the marx i am moving on to ask you the question where s the beef 4.6 go figure you are asking me to prove a negative you are asking me to prove a negative 5 i am ok with medical use i am ok with medical use 2 the prices for everything you need have gone up due to inflation the prices of everything you own ie assets have gone down 5 war in the middle east a war in the middle east 0.6 originally posted by vienna how was it authoritarian originally posted by zaf i give up 1 imagine a place that 's % white and % black imagine a place with % men and % women 5 there 's no chance of a fair trial there is no chance at a fair trial 3.6 nirvana is very different than oblivion nirvana is not oblivion 4 we in britain think differently to americans originally posted by zaf we in britain think differently to americans 3.1 if you answer yes to and no to you are probably straight if you answer no to but yes to then you are probably straight 2.2 the whole earth combined produces enough food for billion people who does it now only produce enough for billion 3.2 btw he had appropriate deferments for the time appropriate deferments for the time eh 4.4 hey blue eyes how 's things in london smooches ran hey blue eyes how 's things in london 2.2 but in the news broadcasts i have seen they did call him white but it seems it would have less impact if they did not call him white 2.4 according to the girlfriend and zimmerman he did according to zimmerman he did 2.8 my parents have told me it is bad for you my teachers have told me it is bad for you 4.6 nazi is a slang term for the nswp originally posted by odins eye nazi is a slang term for the nswp 1 i oppose the death penalty this is why i support the death penalty 2.2 well whatever you are now well whatever you are aware of it now 2.2 they produce nothing i can eat wear live in think about all the things you ca not eat wear or live in 3.8 dickshot matt holliday owns matt holliday owns y'all 2.8 people exploited the laws people bent the laws 2.2 funny i thought the same thing about some math and here i thought i knew me some math 2.6 i have years of neener neener rights i use lettuce too i have years of neener neener rights hi wiggies 3 i do not prefix or suffix everything with you hate jews you should stop prefixing or suffixing everything with you hate jews 4.8 i wood have asked her if she is up for a treesome i wood have at least asked if a threesome was out of the question 1.4 it still makes no sense it 's you who makes no sense 1.2 more expensive homes more expensive cars 0.8 martin said why are you following me zimmerman replied what are you doing here 2 although satellite intensity estimates from tafb and sab are only t/ subjective dvorak intensity estimates from tafb and sab increased to kt 1.2 fairies do not exist fine satyrs do not exist fine 2.8 you wanna know what i find curious that 's what i find curious 2.6 when did i compare homo sexuaity with a developmental disorder i compared homo phobia with a developmental disorder 2.6 if you asked conservatives the numbers will be skewed to the right if you asked progressives the numbers would be skewed to the left 0.8 you did not mention pfa before that one post i did not mention restraining order either 2.4 ramblin rose by nat king cole we are all vessels filled with many wonders eye of the tiger we are all vessels filled with many wonders 3 from the year prior warmedc from the year prior 1 still love this show holy poo poo this show 3.2 their vast properties are protected by the govt their great wealth is protected by the govt 4.6 fundimental difference please fundamental difference 1.4 how exactly is germany being punished for the stupidity of ww how exactly are they being punished 3 z stalked him down then shot him you claimed zimmerman stalked him down then shot him 5 i am not outraged i am disappointed god bless i am not outraged i am disappointed 0.8 we never got out of it in the first place where does the money come from in the first place 2.11111111111111 freedom of speech has consequences if freedom of speech has consequences then it is not free 2.8 my parents have told me it is bad for you my teachers have told me it is bad for you 2 if you could kill one person to save four would you as to would i kill person to save i have no idea 1.1 it 's not imposing morals it 's imposing a law 5 it depends how you define extreme depends on how you define extreme 1.2 at least mexico had a presence in california mexico has zero claim to california 3 so yes we do read the bible to learn about christianity personally i would read the bible to learn about christianity 4.5 ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha 3.4 and that 's why you are yelling at me and refusing to answer my questions still refusing to answer my questions 3.8 you have too much regulation not too little you have to much intervention in free markets not too little 4 the human element you could sign lance berkman at the end of the year i guess you could sign lance berkman at the end of the year i guess 2.6 why was the book of thomas left out of the canon why would the addition of more of jesus words be left out of the canon 1.8 you mean you believe the word of the mainstream media you mean you believe the word of the springhallconvert 2.4 we are meant to explore we are meant to move 3.4 israel does not give a accept it that israel does not giva a what anybody else thinks 3.4 we are all vessels filled with many wonders i want to rock and roll by kiss we are all vessels filled with many wonders 3.6 slutstamp a dear friend from ohio sent me this a dear friend from ohio sent me this 1.6 and yet the titanic story is the one that holds up to scrutiny of the evidence the new study shows that the titanic story does not stand up to scrutiny imo 3.2 can he really make mone from google ad sense who makes money off google ad sense 4.6 they know that the video does not show a gas chamber the bottom line is that the video clip does not show a gas chamber 4.4 warm maybe record warmer almost certainly a record 2.2 bright but scatterbrained becomes treat with drugs opinionated and stubborn becomes treat with drugs 1.2 what is your definition of life what 's your definition of nature 2.2 could be a lot of things could be a simple mistake 3.8 no extortion no bribery no money involved he 's asking for money for his vote no extortion no bribery no money involved only class e felonies 4 dr neander 's revised version neander 's revised version 2.2 should i just tell her how i feel should i just wait it out and see how it goes 0.8 i atlantic requirements pacific requirements 2.6 you have no remains of a missile at the pentagon you have no witnesses for a missile at the pentagon 2.2 jane wants me to ask the helpful party guest to pay for it i ca not believe she is asking you to ask the helpful party guest for money 1.6 any woman that wants birth control can get it any woman that wants and abortion can get one 2.6 is it legal to grow yes it 's legal to grow 1.8 pressing one does not do english pressing one does send a tone 2.8 what 's my opinion regarding the series what was my opinion of firefly in the interim 3.6 we are all vessels filled with many wonders chuck close we are all vessels filled with many wonders 2 does he have supporters he definently has supporters 2.2 but okay ultimate sovereignty thus ultimate sovereignty 4.8 that is not an answer no it 's not an answer 2.2 the nazis increases the longevity of a handgun permit from to years the nazis lowered the minimum age to buy a firearm from to 3.6 but we ca not do it without help we ca not do it without you 1.4 no healthy person needs gambling no healthy person needs sex 2 i said it was not a person in the legal sense if it is not a person then wtf is it 1.8 do you see obama calling for regulation reform do you see obama calling for cut cap and balance 3 leprechauns do not exist fine elves do not exist fine 2 got some heine and coors light i started it last night xanis i started it last night xanis 4.2 iran is also a signed of the npt and the iaea gotta love the ek factoid that iran is also a signed of the npt and the iaea 2 gorgons do not exist fine satyrs do not exist fine 3 best way to get money out is to get rid of lobby all of it best way to turn it on its head is to get money out 3.4 i have years of neener neener rights usually i get pretty decent care i have years of neener neener rights they are crack ups 3.6 dutchy has anyone heard from dutchy @nickfun has anyone heard from dutchy 3.6 commodity expanded value form elementary commodity capital value form 1.4 you are a christian therefore you are not a christian 4 and the simple fact today i repeat and the simple fact today 2 morals have absolutely nothing to do with it and morals and honesty have everything to do with it 1.8 oh you are such a good person you are such a bad person 3.6 fern i think stories like this are stupid wolf i think stories like this are stupid 3.4 cyclone formation is not expected during the next hours tropical cyclone formation is not expected 1.2 do you not understand what that string of words means do you not understand what the word led implies 1.2 there is no freedom of religion there is no freedom of speech 2.4 originally posted by solinvictus the messahe of all the scriptures is oneness originally posted by solinvictus ah 3 how long after the obliteration should the kid return to school how long after the obliteration should it no longer bother the kid 3.4 a man and a woman are different yes men and women are different yes 2.2 double jeopardy actually enforces a jury nullification as far as legality goes i can use jury nullification 1 facilitator show me the smart child facilitator and why is she the dumb child 3.2 religious fiction is not that redundant and repetetive is not that redundant and repetetive 0 originally posted by anabelle what 's wrong with that originally posted by vienna to say what 1.6 cracklin rosie by neil diamond we are all vessels filled with many wonders jingle bell rock by bobby helm we are all vessels filled with many wonders 1.6 some people have complete confidence in the people running these institutions other people have no confidence at all in teh people running these institutions 2.2 loose change started out as a work of fiction it finished as a work of fiction 3 if it was not a life then it would not be able to be born if it was not alive then it would miscarriage on it 's own 2.4 gl terral that is absolutely amazing hi ollie that is absolutely amazing 3.77777777777778 lets assume we have % white and % black imagine a place that 's % white and % black 2.11111111111111 freedom of speech has consequences if freedom of speech has consequences then it is not free 1 fairies do not exist fine leprechauns do not exist fine 3.2 if so state that is why they are not true please what about them are not true 2.8 not talking about it and not doing anything is even worse than talking about it and not doing anything 1.4 being against nukes does not mean not wanting to use nukes being against using nukes means not wanting to use nukes 1.4 my niece is married to a black man my great niece is half black 1 the uk population is just over million the japanese population is nearly million 3.4 i shot the sheriff we are all vessels filled with many wonders we are all vessels filled with many wonders 2 i hope this is nothing i hope everything is ok 4.2 the money i spent adopting velociraptor those may be my top the money i spent adopting velociraptor 4.2 so you actually believe every word of what terral wrote gl terral hi corn so you actually believe every word of what terral wrote 1.6 what is not how what was sold it 's not how it was sold gb 4.4 i know i would hate to be him i would hate to be him too 4.6 there were no weapons of course there were no weapons 3 it 's so stupid that it just has to be true it 's amusing to think it even might be true 4.4 personal responsibility much again personal responsibility 4.57142857142857 do you notice the nonsensical things you are saying and to be fair do you notice the nonsensical things you are saying 2.6 i guess i pulled it out of the census 's rear end in a top hat does the census have an rear end in a top hat 4.4 how is this slanted against bush where is the slant against bush 4.8 if it was not bollocks it would not be homeopathy that 's simple logic if it was not bollocks it would not be homeopathy 0.4 i have never accused him of over milligraming nothing i have never accused him of doctoring a baseball 3.8 the bailout was bigger than tarp bloomberg news the bailout was bigger than tarp this title is misleading 2 my parents have told me it is bad for you officers have told me its bad for you 1 his position is that it is the individual 's risk to assume his position is the way it is currently 0.8 i atlantic requirements pacific requirements 4.8 read more you have never met anyone that is pro abortion you have never met anyone that is pro abortion 0.2 i have no problem with those that have money i have many problems with these men way to many to state here 2 nixon ford and carter shut down the oilfields no has has shut down the oil fields 1 i do not want a president who cares i do not want a president who is charasmatic 0 it does not have to be braindead i do not have a proposed model 3.2 no missile evidence no missile witnesses 2.2 my teachers have told me it is bad for you officers have told me its bad for you 4.2 my gosh i am the one with the pregnancy ticker i have the pregnancy ticker 1.4 then he is not omnipotent then he is malevolent 3 tin foil hat for the dog face what size do u wear tin foil hat for the sarg what size do u wear 4.2 like this year old who was shot dead in a marijuana related crime or the year old boy shot dead with automatic weapons by marijuana dealers 2.6 if you leap up to make a hit you are getting a penalty if your stick hits a guy in the face you are getting a penalty 2.4 all of the electrical energy comes from the battery all of the electrical energy ultimately comes from the alternator 2.4 do you know how many passengers testified or what they said how many passengers said they saw an iceberg 1.6 imagine a place with % men and % women imagine a place that 's % white and % black 1.75 scenario a assumes that the co growth rate accelerates by %/yr it assumes that methane growth rate accelerates by %/yr 4.6 they have actually showed a cooling trend since due to the recent decline get a cooling trend from because of the recent decline 3 we are all vessels filled with many wonders landon memory from cats we are all vessels filled with many wonders 4.5 to repeat they are not as sovereign as they were before they are not as sovereign as they were before 4.25 out of touch and completely untrustworthy however would not out of touch and untrustworthy 3.6 it is mostly just the dutch in fact it 's just the dutch 4.8 we are talking about angels and common pins again right @lustig andrei we are talking about angels and common pins again right 2.6 claims about trayvon 's character and when did i do that slanted blogs and when did i do that 2.6 % how much money does pp take in for abortion services how much is spent on abortions services 2.4 why did that transaction take place did the transaction take place 2.4 there is no more egg cell post fertilization there is no more sperm cell 4 lacey welcome back anyway welcome back 4.4 more factchecking i do not know why anyone is making a fuss over the $ bet i do not know why anyone is making a fuss over the $ bet 2.4 if you have not made any claims then just say so i have not made any claims 2.4 no thatcherite can ever call themselves a libertarian ergo it offends me when thatcherites call themselves libertarian 2.46666666666667 the problem is not who has money the problem is who does not have money 2.8 but do you actually believe there was an iceberg in those waters i do not believe there was any iceberg at all anywhere near the titanic 3 not astros or orioles bad gameday for the orioles game is frozen for me gameday for the orioles game is frozen for me 2.4 if so alot of cops should take presciption drugs if so alot of inventors writers should take prescription drugs 4 tell us what the charges were yes what are his charges 1.8 those are partial psychopaths was ted bundy a partial psychopath 4.2 those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it ooo strike two those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it 2.4 this is not a war deployment its not an official deployment 3.6 nutrax the plural of anecdote is not data did gentlemen need chaperones nutrax the plural of anecdote is not data 4 alright just got in not well alright just got in 3 h and i both read the books and thought the movie moved so quickly i have not read the books but i saw the movie today 2.4 that 's not the moloch scene though this is the moloch scene 4.4 @lustig andrei so lyndon johnson and john kennedy were compatible @edgarblythe so lyndon johnson and john kennedy were compatible 0.6 you need to make up your mind you need to polish up on your logic skills 1.4 the one that has walks home afterwards and goes to sleep the one that has three walks home and beats his wife 3.8 admin drpizza and i would forgotten what a whiny little bed wetter you are and i would forgotten what a whiny little bed wetter you are 4.2 the argument was albert einstein did not go to college omg einstein did not go to college 2.4 capital gains top rate percent income tax top rate percent 1 bienging is unaccptable being drunk is unacceptable 3.4 he has not been funny in years he has not been funny since larry bud melman was on the show 2.4 if the universe has an explanation of its existence that explanation is god therefore the universe has an explanation of its existence 5 what do we get in return for doing the fighting for them what do we get in return for doing the fighting for them 1.2 it would not stop joke marriages and i do not fight for marriage 2.2 if they were jews i would call them jews if they were catholics i would call them catholics 4 she was a great lady she was a nice lady 0.8 he 's not wealthy because he 's successful why hate people because they are successful 1.75 not as irritated as you you seem as irritated as henry 2.5 it 's a common sense/deductive reasoning thing hilited your common sense/deductive reasoning thing 0.8 you already did that we have a muslim in office right now cryptolutheran no we have a christian in office right now 3.4 i said she has not ever had to be a part of any workforce ann romney has never had to get out and be a part of the workforce 3 dreamtech never been ejaculated on as far as i know it has never been ejaculated on as far as i know 1.2 i did not say we had gotten soft since / rand i said you had gotten soft 3.8 we all believe that we are getting what we expect most times % of the time we are getting what we expect 4.4 despicable ben stop trying to find excuses for the man ben stop trying to find excuses for the man 3.6 unless it 's different in different countries so short form yes it probably is different in different countries 2.2 the new study does not support your claim the physical evidence does not support your claim 4.6 he said at every level but he said every level 2.2 morals do not exist so technically nothing can be morally wrong i ask again if god does not exist can anything be morally wrong 4 i thought that was mostly just the dutch it is mostly just the dutch 3.2 toyland by johnny mathis we are all vessels filled with many wonders eye of the tiger we are all vessels filled with many wonders 3.8 let 's let this play out in court nothing is stopping this thing from playing out in court 1.8 being in a gang isnt a crime commiting a crime in a gang is a crime 4.2 i would offer iran a deal chuck i would offer iran a deal 1.2 yes they are both different opinions are different 1.1 it 's not imposing morals it 's imposing a law 3.8 has annie ever used her sexuality like that one word zombies has annie ever used her sexuality like that 2.4 pure communism you have two cows libertarian/anarcho capitalism you have two cows 3.4 you should put scientists on a pedestal why do people like you put scientist on a pedestal 3.6 what are they trying to hide i then asked what are they trying to hide 3 that would make you partially responsible for their death that would make you a sort of accessory i think 0 would you like to pay for others health care would you like to wear your seatbelt 4.4 they are not as sovereign as they were before to repeat they are not as sovereign as they were before 2 i do not see obama as the lesser of two evils i do not see him as evil at all 3.2 or this one by jim croce we are all vessels filled with many wonders we are all vessels filled with many wonders 3.4 the point is an unarmed child was murdered the point is an unarmed child was murdered who was black 0.9 zimmerman replied what are you doing here martin said why are you following me 1.6 irreligion that does that i have a problem religion that does not do that i do not have a problem with 3.2 if i am angry it will show up in one of those scans if i am hyper active it will show up in one of those scans 1.4 if you want to buy $ billion in xyz inc common stock who cares if you want to buy a house or a suv again who cares 1.53333333333333 billion everyone in the world at mexico 's current prosperity level everyone in the world at the current prosperity level of northwest africa 3.1 if you answer yes to and no to you are probably straight if you answer no to but yes to then you are probably straight 4.2 sometimes i fantasize about having power sometimes i too fantasise about bending people before my demented will 2.8 my parents have told me it is bad for you my sheriff has told me its bad for you 3.6 atlas shrugged it 's also a stellar performer in terms of blithering idiocy it 's also a stellar performer in terms of blithering idiocy 2.4 how would martin not know that that was not the case how would martin or anyone else know his intentions based on his actions 2.4 regulation get the government into everything get the government into everything 2.5 it 's a common sense/deductive reasoning thing hilited your common sense/deductive reasoning thing 2.8 yes i have assumed that all packaging would be recyclable in my argument i have assumed this as well in my argument 3.6 jury nullification does not mean that a law is unconstuitutional jury nullification means a law is not constitutional 2.2 it 's just a bunch of cells i am a bunch of cells 1.6 mann 's work was all about math mann 's work and the hs was all about tree rings 4 i am so sorry to hear this kelly i am so sorry kelly 3 i do not like flavored beers i do not like many flavored drinks 1.6 i hope everything is ok i hope your lo is ok 1.6 any woman that wants birth control can get it any woman that wants and abortion can get one 4.6 s as you wish do you see hitler killing jews do you see hitler killing jews 4 and i am your friend mitt your good friend mitt 1.6 it means its an option doesnt mean its a bad option 5 i think you need to reread what i wrote you need to reread what i wrote 3.77777777777778 lets assume we have % white and % black imagine a place that 's % white and % black 1.8 mom busted in and said what 's that noise my kids busted in and said whats that dad 3.6 my best kutte my ex fiance would not use the va or navy doctor 's jay my ex fiance would not use the va or navy doctor 's 2.8 holder filed a three page letter the judges orders a three page letter to be filed 2.2 @lustig andrei lustig agreed @lustig andrei thank you lustig 4.8 this eclipses the old record of set in this breaks the daily record of set in 0.9 zimmerman replied what are you doing here martin said why are you following me 1.6 i do not know how legitimate this is but i heard he 's kind of suicidal so i do not know how legitimate this is but yeah 4.8 council tax has not council tax been frozen for most people has not council tax been frozen for most people 0.4 your schtick is getting stale your misogyny is getting messy 1.6 is that how it works nah that 's not how it works 4.4 breathe in breathe out move on buwhahahaha breathe in breathe out move on 3.8 wait until they become more consistent and closer together wait for the contractions to get stronger and closer together 4.8 obama is extreme and leftwing obama is part of the extreme leftwing 2.5 @frank apisa what you want to call it is up to you @cyracuz what you want to call it is up to you 2.6 jury nullification has nothing to do with the constitutionality of laws jury nullification means a law is not constitutional 4.4 what conviction where you talking about before what conviction would that be 4.6 so i actually read the op and guess what i found out furthermore i found this so i actually read the op and guess what i found out 3.6 the government does not determine if you are married or not the government doesnt have to declare you married before you can be married 1.8 democracy is a threat to liberty democracy has nothing to do with liberty 4 hi pro and corn how many threads do you plan on making how many threads do you plan on making 4 tell me exactly which system is not working right now so which system is not working for us 4 oh and again asserts that marriage is a fundamental human right particularly after stating that marriage is a fundamental human right 4.2 why are russians in damascus russians in damascus 1.8 yes it 's about dilution er that 's not how dilution works 3.8 yeah i do not think this is that controversial either i do not think what she 's saying is that controversial 4 operation chaos is merely people voting chaos is merely people voting 1.2 originally posted by jond doubtful originally posted by eleanorellis 3 classical gas we are all vessels filled with many wonders the theme song to cheers we are all vessels filled with many wonders 4.5 to repeat they are not as sovereign as they were before they are not as sovereign as they were before 2 morals have absolutely nothing to do with it and morals and honesty have everything to do with it 3 i be having conversations will cornell west my dear brother i be having conversations will cornell west what the hell is this 4.6 there is no war in the middle east there is no war in the middle east 2.4 he had no intention of apprehending him i didnt say he planned on apprehending him 3.6 we are all vessels filled with many wonders put a little love in your heart we are all vessels filled with many wonders 2.4 you are a bunch of cells i am a bunch of cells 1.4 what is a girl douche you are a girl douche 2 jury nullification means a law is not constitutional no jury nullification does not mean that a law is unconstuitutional 4 it 's definitely not what it used to be voted voted it 's definitely not what it used to be 3.4 the onus is on the manufacturer of a product to convince consumers it is safe the manufacturer has to convince the government it 's safe 0.8 i think you are missing the point with entrepreneurs again i think you are missing the point on the twain quote 1.6 cyclopes do not exist fine goblins do not exist fine 1.6 in it was a mental illness now what are they teaching you he stated that it was a mental illness in how is that bigotry 1.8 landon and so this is christmas we are all vessels filled with many wonders play with fire we are all vessels filled with many wonders 1.8 bush gets zero credit for the budget under him and obama gets zero credit for the budget under him 1.8 sinful people do not get to heaven or sin is removed upon entry to heaven 3 how long after the obliteration should the kid return to school how long after the obliteration should it no longer bother the kid 3.8 holly holy we are all vessels filled with many wonders say what you will we are all vessels filled with many wonders 1.2 what was the answer in chicago what will be the response in california 4.2 the entire thing just makes no sense see that makes no sense 4.8 who supposedly operated the homicidal gas chambers refresh your memory who supposedly operated the homicidal gas chambers 3.6 therefore the explanation of the existence of the universe is god if the universe has an explanation of its existence that explanation is god 1.4 genetic predisposition to cancer resistance is superior genetics genetic predisposition to alzheimer is inferior genetics 4.57142857142857 do you notice the nonsensical things you are saying and to be fair do you notice the nonsensical things you are saying 1.2 use of force in defense of person a use of force by aggressor 3.6 that 's what the data available shows that 's what the historical record shows 3 joy to the world we are all vessels filled with many wonders the theme song to cheers we are all vessels filled with many wonders 2.6 i thought that was mostly just the dutch in fact it 's just the dutch 2.2 ive watched kids play i like watching kids play 4.8 david @omsigdavid i think santorum 's more likely than gingrich @sozobe i think santorum 's more likely than gingrich 2.8 they are looking at each other why are they looking at each other like that 2.6 are you driving one are you driving a fucking volt 1.4 religion that does that i have a problem with irreligion that does not do that i do not have a problem with 1.6 i think he would be better for american business interests overall would he be better for american society 4.4 not a constitutional issue again this is not a constitutional issue 4.2 you foolsbought the cover uphook hi eots you foolsbought the cover uphook 1.6 what does pressing the number one do pressing the number one does english 4.4 what conviction would that be what conviction where you talking about before 3.8 originally posted by spikdboy not wishful thinking rather realistic originally posted by objectivism not wishful thinking rather realistic 3.4 for the trillionth time i have never said rehabilitation does not work the point you quote should say i never said rehabilitation could never work 3 charlie rangel censured did anyone see the footage of this did anyone see the footage of this 2 red october standing by red fox standing by 3.2 that 's just not how legal briefs are written that just is not how legal reasoning works 3 no none of those factors account for the recent warming you do not know if those factors account for the warming or not 3.4 stone notified captain lord he too notified captain lord 2.2 the primary focus of systematic dialectics is syn chronic not dia chronic thus meta system atic dialectic is diachronico synchronic dialectic 2.6 are you driving one are you driving a fucking volt 0.8 and that is happening in gop controlled states michigan is a gop controlled state 4.2 in foxe basin was frozen foxe was mostly frozen 4.2 @frank apisa frank i observe and perceive @cicerone imposter frank i observe and perceive 1.2 government deciding what pregnancies need to be carried to term that 's fine government spying on its own citizens that 's fine 2.8 put a little love in your heart we are all vessels filled with many wonders landon and so this is christmas we are all vessels filled with many wonders 1 higher than per cent but not very high lower than per cent but not very low 1.6 what is not how what was sold it 's not how it was sold gb 2.6 god definately does not exist god probably does not exist 4.4 breathe in breathe out move on buwhahahaha breathe in breathe out move on 2 it is an excellent indicator of climate change i think we all agree on the nature of the change 1.8 the great thing about living here is there 's space the bad thing is there 's space 4.5 ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha 3.8 i do not understand how freedom of speech will be prohibited your freedom of speech will be no more prohibited than it is today 3.2 the question needs to be asked it is a question that needs to be answered 2.8 you purport to value life very heavily i purport to value human life very highly 1.8 the infestation posts the mosquitoes posts 4.6 i do not want a president who cares do not want a president that is compassionate 2.4 do you have anything to make it less compelling or not do you have anything to make it more compelling 3.4 for the trillionth time i have never said rehabilitation does not work the point you quote should say i never said rehabilitation could never work 2.4 classical gas we are all vessels filled with many wonders time of the season by the zombies we are all vessels filled with many wonders 4 peeve so we agree that it came down essentially in freefall do we agree that they came down essentially in freefall 1 pro life people do not want a woman to be able to choose abortion for herself pro choice people do not try to force an abortion on anyone 3.4 so answer the question stop avoiding the question 4.2 haiti is a shithole haiti has been a shithole 1.2 i absolutely do believe there was an iceberg in those waters i do not believe there was any iceberg at all anywhere near the titanic 4.4 the face of the franchise the worst part is that he 's not even a leafs fan the worst part is that he 's not even a leafs fan 4 i agree completely i am hoping he is into a second term of office i am hoping he is into a second term of office 0.4 jake with the assist voracek with the goal 3.2 is it possible his home was affected and the school was not sure it is possible his home was affected but not the school 4.2 the people had awakened because the people had awakened 4 umm the california was a cargo ship i dont care what the article says the california was a cargo ship 2.6 umm that pretty clearly states the statute is presumed constitutional and until they decide that the statute is presumed constitutional 3.4 florida the ignorance is yours the ignorance is yours 1.6 i am going to shout for justice for trayvon the people shouting for justice for trayvon are all hypocrites 2.2 how do you know what 's right and wrong how do you know which story is the right one 5 ha ha ha ha ha ha ah ha ha ha ha ha 0.6 and nugent was a complete fool to say what he said natalie was a complete fool to have insulted their fan base 1.2 it is all bush 's fault obama is bush 's fault 2.4 you should stop prefixing or suffixing everything with you hate jews i do not prefix or suffix everything with you hate jews 2.4 i missed the point where he said that black people were going to riot never did i ever did i say blacks were going to riot 2 yet you did not have to declare it and you did not have to 4.6 proverbs john the baptist was a nazarite from birth john the baptist was a nazarite from birth 2.2 james says faith without works is dead paul did not preach faith without works 1.53333333333333 billion everyone in the world at mexico 's current prosperity level everyone in the world at the current prosperity level of northwest africa 4.6 and videos seismic data does not equal duration of collapse seismic data does not equal duration of collapse 2.2 originally posted by lone fox you have said that multiple times now originally posted by lone fox and it 's not all iranian related either 2.6 you might not like obamas views but he has them you might not like the positions he holds but atleast he has them 3 but do you actually believe there was an iceberg in those waters i absolutely do believe there was an iceberg in those waters 1.4 there is simply no winning for obama among conservatives this is rich coming from a conservative 1.6 satan represents indulgence instead of abstinence satan represents vengeance instead of turning the other cheek 3.8 just so long as the tax on that sale is paid just so long as the tax is paid 1.2 fix islam itself is not political islam has always been political 4 march is also the date for the uprising in china originally posted by vitchilo march is also the date for the uprising in china 5 i hope everything is ok i hope everything is okay 3.2 do you understand why it 's absurd to limit the question to us residents do you understand why non us residents are also relevant to the statistics 4 i have seen ufo over warsaw in the past respectfully submitted steve i have seen ufo over warsaw in the past 4.6 depending on which action furthers their loony tunes agenda of the moment depending on which action furthers their lonny tunes agenda 3.8 do you further agree that i have made no claim so that you will admit and verify that i have made no claim 2.4 zimmerman says that he was sucker punched by his car his friends say that he was confronted by his car 4.6 there is no war in the middle east there is no war in the middle east 3.8 part of pro life is the opposition to legalized abortion pro life also refers to just opposition to abortion 2.8 capital gains top rate percent income top rate percent 2.8 time of the season by the zombies we are all vessels filled with many wonders the theme song to cheers we are all vessels filled with many wonders 4 no i show you are willfully ignorant lol you are so ignorant 3 we are all vessels filled with many wonders jingle bell rock by bobby helm we are all vessels filled with many wonders 2.46666666666667 the problem is not who has money the problem is who does not have money 2.8 sadly ford did accept taxpayer money ford did not accept taxpayer money to save the company 1 the muslims would say the same thing about the qur'an the hindus would say the same thing about the bhagavad ghita 3.8 your confusion does not make me a liar then your confusion does not make me a liar either 1.6 when christians are extreme its just simply religion when muslims are extreme it 's terrorism 1.2 some believe the right is most important some believe not slaughtering the unborn is most important 1.6 evolution is not an opinion not a belief atomic theory is not an opinion not a belief 2.8 i am not the one claiming the right to decide over another woman 's body you want others to decide over a woman body 0.8 where in the world is ron paul where in the world is the media 2.4 you have no remains of a missile at the pentagon you have no remains of an a at the pentagon 3.4 the point you quote should say i never said rehabilitation could never work for the trillionth time i have never said rehabilitation does not work 1.53333333333333 billion everyone in the world at mexico 's current prosperity level everyone in the world at the current prosperity level of northwest africa 3.8 my hair is pretty thing tho / quote ditto my hair is pretty thing tho / woops 1.2 it would not stop joke marriages and i do not fight for marriage 1.6 you seem to think that poor people are not responsible for their actions people are responsible for their actions 2.4 why did that transaction take place did the transaction take place 0 it 's about the baggage attached it 's not the same thing 3.6 we are all vessels filled with many wonders put a little love in your heart we are all vessels filled with many wonders 2.46666666666667 the problem is not who has money the problem is who does not have money 1.6 what makes you think the owl did not participate it does not say that it did not participate 1.8 lol looking forward to seeing your built in 's look forward to seeing it 1.2 originally posted by jacko originally posted by izzy 4.8 thanks candy for starting the thread candy thanks for starting us off today 1 except that it was not except that they could not 2.2 if i owe you dollars i have a problem if i owe you a trillion dollars you have a problem 4.8 if evidence is not provided to support a position then it should be rejected if a position is unverifiable then it should be rejected 1.4 everyone else at the current prosperity level of mexico everyone in the world at the current prosperity level of northwest africa 1.8 bush gets zero credit for the budget under him and obama gets zero credit for the budget under him 0.8 lol do not you have to take a test to drive a vehicle in the us is there a test to own a firearm in the us 3.2 we both thought the movie was good and we did not find it confusing in any way i thought it was good and i did not find it confusing 5 if god does not exist can anything be morally wrong i ask again if god does not exist can anything be morally wrong 3.6 a law is constitutional if it does not conflict with the constitution to be unconsititutional means to violate the constitution 1.2 originally posted by muslim girl ooops sorry originally posted by muslim girl its not a complete impossibility 1.4 this is not your country this is our country 1 originally posted by zaf i suppose the water in the middle makes a difference originally posted by zaf in the long term yes 4.2 cone threw an game addie joss cone threw an game 4.8 edited by lashl edited to properly mask profanity edited by lashl edited to properly mask profanity in quoted post 1.6 the jury is not told about juror nullification the quote you provide has nothing to do with jury nullification 1 runs victim down got any proof paranoid got any proof 4.2 you do not use the search button much do you you do not use the search button at all do you 3.6 i do not think paul has a shot paul does not have a shot 3.2 time of the season by the zombies we are all vessels filled with many wonders joy to the world we are all vessels filled with many wonders 4.57142857142857 do you notice the nonsensical things you are saying and to be fair do you notice the nonsensical things you are saying 1 what if they messed up a study what if they had a personal bias 1.2 specifically a baptist specifically gnostic 0.8 and a large part of the east coast and parts of the west coast 1.4 why are you talking about women within the hebrew tribes we were talking about women as war bounty were we not 2.6 last night japanese forces attacked hong kong last night japanese forces attacked the philippine islands 3.6 what is your definition of life force what is your definition of soul 2.6 that is not direct responsibilty to the constituents aye but they are responsible to their constituents 4 the ideology was built around violent expansion so yes violent expansion the ideology was built around violent expansion and race superiority 4.6 could this have been an enema @ossobuco could this have been an enema 0.4 my final word ignoring has the effect of normalizing taking advantage has the effect of reinforcing 4.400 the problem likely will mean corrective changes before the shuttle fleet starts flying again he said the problem needs to be corrected before the space shuttle fleet is cleared to fly again 3.400 sec chairman william donaldson said there is a building confidence out there that the cop is on the beat i think there 's a building confidence that the cop is on the beat 4.600 myanmar 's pro democracy leader aung san suu kyi will return home late friday but will remain in detention after recovering from surgery at a yangon hospital her personal physician said myanmar 's pro democracy leader aung san suu kyi will be kept under house arrest following her release from a hospital where she underwent surgery her personal physician said friday 1.400 darren dopp a spitzer spokesman declined to comment late thursday john heine a spokesman for the commission in washington declined to comment on mr spitzer 's criticism 2.000 in afternoon trading in europe france 's cac 40 advanced and britain 's ftse 100 each gained 07 percent while germany 's dax index rose 06 percent in europe france 's cac 40 rose 13 percent britain 's ftse 100 declined 02 percent and germany 's dax index gained 06 percent 3.600 sens john kerry and bob graham declined invitations to speak the no shows were sens john kerry of massachusetts and bob graham of florida 4.400 page said it 's also possible that genes on the y chromosome may influence gender specific differences in disease susceptibility he added that genes on the y might play a role in influencing gender specific differences in disease susceptibility 4.800 one of the most well studied facets of temperament is how people respond to novelty one of the defining and well studied characteristics of temperament is how people react to novelty 4.600 but butterflies exposed to an earlier light cycle from 1am to 1pm orientated themselves towards the south east but butterflies housed under an earlier light cycle 1 am to 1 pm flew toward the southeast 2.800 dunlap won both the swimsuit competition and the talent portion of the competition singing if i could she won the talent portion singing if i could and also won in evening wear 4.000 south asia follows with 11 millions youths infected — 62 percent of them female of the 11 million infected in south asia 62 % are female 4.250 an hour later an israeli helicopter fired missiles at a car in gaza city killing two hamas officials and at least five other people an hour later israeli attack helicopters rained missiles on a car in gaza city killing seven people palestinian sources said 5.000 aaa spokesman jerry cheske said prices may have affected some plans but cheap hotel deals mitigated the effect aaa spokesman jerry cheske said prices might have affected some plans but cheap hotel deals made up for it 3.500 she countersued for $ 125 million saying gruner & jahr broke its contract with her by cutting her out of key editorial decisions she countersued for $ 125 million saying g+j broke its contract with her by cutting her out of key editorial decisions and manipulated the magazine 's financial figures 2.500 the standard edition is $ 15000 per processor or $ 300 per named user the standard edition one is a single processor version of the oracle standard edition database 4.400 microsoft acquired virtual pc when it bought the assets of connectix earlier this year microsoft acquired virtual pc from its developer connectix earlier this year 3.400 leon williams body was found inside his third floor apartment at 196 bay st in tompkinsville the dead man leon williams was found in his third floor apartment 4.000 it 's the first such drill since the september 11 terrorist attacks on new york and washington it is the nation 's first large scale counterterrorism exercise since the sept 11 terrorist attacks 4.800 ursel reisen confirmed it operated the coach but gave no details other than to say the passengers were of mixed ages ursel reisen confirmed it had been operating the coach but declined to give details of the passengers other than to say they were of mixed ages 3.600 a total of 17 cases have been confirmed in the southern city of basra the organization said a total of 17 confirmed cases of cholera were reported yesterday by the world health organisation in the southern iraqi city of basra 3.400 he was also expected to visit yemen and bahrain during his tour of the region khatami who arrived in beirut monday was also to visit syria yemen and bahrain 3.600 general myers told reporters that at first blush it does not look like any rules were broken at first blush it does not look like any rules were broken said gen richard myers chairman of the joint chiefs of staff 3.400 proving that the millville son 's sacrifice would not go unsung mayor james quinn ordered all city flags flown at half mast for the next 30 days in millville yesterday mayor james quinn ordered all city flags flown at half staff for the next 30 days 4.250 tom kraynak manager of operations and resources for the canton ohio based east central area reliability council said that scenario is one among many that investigators are considering tom kraynak manager of operations and resources for the canton ohio based east central area reliability council said investigators are considering the scenario 4.250 they found molecules that can only be produced when ozone breaks down cholesterol and all of the samples contained molecules that can only be produced when cholesterol interacts with ozone 3.846 it can store more than a gigabyte of information equivalent to around 12 hours of music in one cubic centimetre and it can store more than a gigabyte of information equivalent to 1000 high quality images or around 12 hours of music in just one cubic centimetre 1.200 earlier this month rim had said it expected to report second quarter earnings of between 7 cents and 11 cents a share excluding legal fees and other charges it expected a loss of between 1 and 4 cents a share 3.200 for me the lewinsky imbroglio seemed like just another vicious scandal manufactured by political opponents according to extracts released yesterday for me the lewinsky imbroglio seemed like just another vicious scandal manufactured by political opponents mrs clinton writes 3.800 in 2001 and 2002 wire transfers from 4 of the company 's 40 accounts totaled more than $ 32 billion prosecutors said wire transfers from four of the 40 accounts open at beacon hill totaled more than $ 32 billion from 2001 to 2002 morgenthau said 3.200 stony brook university launched the study in 1996 after earlier studies indicated a possible connection between electromagnetic fields and cancer the state university at stony brook launched the study in 1996 after earlier studies indicated a possible connection 4.000 earlier they had defied a police order and cried allahu akbar god is greatest as bashir walked to his seat in the tightly guarded courtroom earlier bashir 's supporters had defied a police order and cried allahu akbar god is greatest as he walked to his seat 3.333 metropolitan ambulance spokesman james howe said five people were taken to hospital and three were treated at the scene after yesterday 's incident spokesman james howe said five children aged between 4 and 17 were taken to hospital with neck and chest injuries while three others were treated at the scene 2.000 but it is clear that the joint intelligence committee was not involved this report was cleared by the joint intelligence committee 2.600 about 22 % of twentysomethings are obese which is roughly 30 pounds over a healthy weight about 31 percent of americans are now obese — roughly 30 or more pounds over a healthy weight 3.000 coupling an american version of a hit british comedy will get the valuable thursday 930 pm time slot coupling an american version of a hit british comedy will couple with friends on thursdays 2.600 her body was found several weeks later in the green river aug 15 1982 remains of chapman hinds and mills are found in the green river 2.800 fighting continued until midnight western rebel commander ousmane coulibaly told reuters by satellite phone on sunday they ransacked and burned the two villages completely rebel commander ousmane coulibaly told reuters by satellite phone from the bush 3.000 the reading for both august and july is the best seen since the survey began in august 1997 it is the highest reading since the index was created in august 1997 3.200 us special forces troops are training colombian soldiers at military bases in the region to protect the pipeline which transports crude from colombia 's second biggest oil field us special forces troops are training colombian soldiers at military bases in the region to protect the pipeline 2.600 we need a certifiable pay as you go budget by mid july or schools wont open in september strayhorn said texas lawmakers must close a $ 1859 million budget gap by the middle of july or the schools wont open in september comptroller carole keeton strayhorn said thursday 2.500 shares of hartford rose $ 288 to $ 4650 in new york stock exchange composite trading shares of hartford were up $ 228 or 52 percent to $ 4590 in midday trading 4.500 the dvd cca then appealed to the state supreme court the dvd cca appealed that decision to the us supreme court 3.250 country music station kkcs has suspended two disc jockeys for playing songs by the dixie chicks in violation of a ban imposed after one group member criticized president george bush a radio station has suspended two disc jockeys for locking themselves in the studio and continuously playing dixie chicks songs violating the station 's two month old ban on the group 's music 4.000 sovereign 's shares lost 74 cents or 45 % to $ 1568 sovereign shares closed on the new york stock exchange at $ 1568 down 74 cents or 45 percent 2.200 aspen technology 's shares dropped 74 cents or 23 percent to close at $ 248 on the nasdaq in afternoon trading aspen 's shares were off 89 cents or more than 27 percent at $ 233 per share 2.800 the new law requires libraries and schools to use filters or lose federal financing the 6 3 ruling reinstates a law that told libraries to install filters or surrender federal money 3.600 in addition it offered the united states and israel a way to work around mr arafat when the prime minister 's position was established in the spring it offered the united states and israel a way to work around arafat 2.600 and yes marilyn monroe is definitely part of the story titled arthur miller elia kazan and the blacklist none without sin note the subheading of this terrible parable in the american masters series arthur miller elia kazan and the blacklist none without sin 3.800 gilroy police and fbi agents described gehring as cooperative but said saturday that he had revealed nothing about what had happened to the children saturday officials in california described gehring as cooperative — but said he has revealed nothing about what has happened to the children 3.200 scribner 's body was found floating in the city 's portage bay where he lived with his wife in a houseboat a kayaker found dr scribner 's body floating near the doctor 's houseboat in portage bay where he was eating lunch when his wife ethel left for an appointment 5.000 after protesters rushed the stage and twice cut power to the microphone hedges drew the speech to an early close after protesters rushed the stage and twice cut power to the microphone hedges cut his speech short 4.000 a passer by found ben hiding along a dirt road in spanish fork canyon about 7 pm with his hands still taped together but his feet free a passer by found the boy hiding along a dirt road in spanish fork canyon about 7 pm thursday with his feet free but his hands still taped 5.000 doctors say one or both boys may die and that some brain damage is possible if they survive doctors said that one or both of the boys may die and that if they survive some brain damage is possible 2.200 also missing is al larsen 31 of fort worth texas who was in another vehicle swept off the turnpike the other victim recovered tuesday morning was al larsen 31 of fort worth texas 4.200 british based glaxosmithkline plc said earlier this year it would cut off supplies to canadian drugstores that ship to the united states glaxosmithkline the uk drugmaker has said it would cut off supplies to canadian stores shipping drugs to the us 2.818 the festival kicked off yesterday one day after the competition commission delivered its final verdict to the government on the proposed £41 billion merger the competition commission delivered its verdict yesterday on the proposed merger of the two big itv players carlton and granada 3.875 she said he persisted and she eventually allowed him to fix her bike while she sat in the front seat of his car she said she eventually allowed him to fix her bike while she sat in his car and they chatted 4.400 daniels said he does not know what bush will have to say about him at tonight 's $ 2000 per person presidential fund raiser daniels said he does not know what bush will say at tonight 's $ 2000 per person reception to raise funds for his presidential re election bid 2.800 a three judge panel of the 11th us circuit court of appeals ruled late friday that the small size limited use and secular purpose make the image legitimate a three judge panel of the 8th us circuit court of appeals in st louis overturned a ruling issued last year that supported the ordinance 3.800 only 29 families of frogs are known and most were identified and described in the mid 1800s and the last in 1926 only 29 families of frogs are known most of which were named by the mid 1800s 4.400 officials at brandeis said this was an extremely heartrending time for the campus this is an extremely heartrending time for the entire brandeis university community 5.000 the value will total about $ 124 million including convertible securities according to corel including convertible securities the total estimated value of the deal is $ 124 million according to corel 3.000 he started in the 1983 super bowl which miami lost 27 17 to washington he played four seasons in miami including the dolphins 27 17 loss to washington in the super bowl 2.667 nterprise linux services is expected to be available before then end of this year beta versions of nterprise linux services are expected to be available on certain hp proliant servers in july 2.333 excluding one time items the company enjoyed a profit of 6 cents a share excluding one time items it expects profit of 11 cents to 15 cents a share 3.000 but i do question the motives of a deskbound president who assumes the garb of a warrior for the purposes of a speech byrd speaking from the senate floor said he questioned the motives of a deskbound president who assumes the garb of a warrior for purposes of a speech 1.333 the broader standard & poor 's 500 index spx fell 3 points or 030 percent to 995 the technology laced nasdaq composite index ixic added 192 points or 012 percent at 164794 3.800 instead tickets for the jersey jam went on sale last night through ticketmaster tickets available through ticketmaster went on sale yesterday 3.400 earlier on monday grant thornton spa repeated previous statements that it was a victim of fraudulent action grant thornton claims that it too was the “victim” of a fraud 2.000 peter lyman and hal varian of berkeley 's school of information management and systems say that information production has increased by 30 percent each year between 1999 and 2002 that task appealed to two masters of the megabyte peter lyman and hal varian professors at the university of california berkeley 's school of information management and systems 3.400 my judgment is 95 percent of that information should be declassified become uncensored so the american people would know my judgment is 95 percent of that information could be declassified become uncensored so the american people would know mr shelby said on nbc 's meet the press 4.000 the researchers found only empty cavities and scar tissue where the tumors had been no tumors were detected rather empty cavities and scar tissue were found in their place 2.800 washington however said more was needed to prevent complaints being filed in the first place but the us insisted it wanted more done to prevent complaints being filed in the first place preferably by repealing the entire law 3.200 after 26 hours of surgery and a year of anticipation the boys were separated sunday at children 's medical center of dallas two year old egyptian twin boys born with their heads conjoined have been separated after 26 hours of surgery at the children 's medical centre in dallas 3.600 pines said he would convene the relevant party bodies within 10 days to discuss whether new elections would be held or whether a temporary leader would be appointed mitzna and party secretary ophir pines agreed to convene party organizations within 10 days to discuss whether new primaries would be held or a temporary leader appointed 3.600 the euro soared to us$ 11914 in asian trading before slipping back slightly to us$ 11895 as trading opened in europe the euro soared to $ 11914 in asian trading before slipping back to $ 11884 in late european trading up from $ 11857 late monday 4.200 abbas told the summit he would end the armed intefadeh renounced terrorism against the israelis wherever they might be and alluded to the disarming of militants at wednesday 's summit abbas pledged to end the armed intefadeh renounced terrorism against the israelis wherever they might be and alluded to the disarming of militants 3.250 cmdr rod gibbons an academy spokesman said the academy is shocked and saddened naval academy spokesman cmdr rod gibbons said today 's announcement came as a surprise 2.750 shares of lendingtree rose $ 621 or 42 percent to $ 2090 after hitting $ 2136 earlier lendingtree shares rose 43 percent or $ 631 to $ 21 more than doubling in the last two months 2.500 last week his lawyers asked warner to grant clemency under conditions that would have lead to a new sentencing hearing last week his lawyers asked gov mark r warner to grant clemency but the governor declined to intervene 1.750 i think it should have been released years ago said brian rohrbough whose son daniel was killed at columbine brian rohrbough whose son daniel was killed at columbine said the tape raises disturbing issues 4.250 cia director george tenet said the two men were defined by dedication and courage [they] were defined by dedication and courage said the cia 's director george tenet 5.000 but software license revenues a measure financial analysts watch closely decreased 21 percent to $ 1076 million license sales a key measure of demand fell 21 percent to $ 1076 million 4.250 dotson 21 was arrested and charged on july 21 after reportedly telling authorities he shot dennehy after dennehy tried to shoot him dotson was arrested july 21 after telling fbi agents he shot dennehy when dennehy tried to shoot him according to the arrest warrant affidavit 4.750 prosecutors contended that mr durst had plotted the murder to assume mr black 's identity prosecutors maintained that durst murdered black to try to assume black 's identity 2.750 that objection was cited by peoplesoft 's board in rejecting oracle 's offer peoplesoft 's board has recommended stockholders reject the offer 3.250 several black democratic leaders were attempting to arrange a meeting with dnc chairman terry mcauliffe to discuss the layoffs black democratic leaders were trying to arrange a meeting with democratic national committee chairman terry mcauliffe to discuss the layoffs of 10 minority staffers at party headquarters 3.500 these are dark days for our industry giovanni bisignani director general of the geneva based organization said in a statement these are dark days for our industry the geneva based international air transport association 's director general giovanni bisignani said 3.600 the seven other nations in the initiative are britain germany italy the netherlands poland portugal and spain other nations involved in the psi include germany italy the netherlands poland portugal spain and britain 3.333 the average american makes four trips a day 45 percent for shopping or errands nearly half 45 percent are for shopping or running errands 4.000 it 's also a strategic win for overture given that knight ridder had the option of signing on google 's services it 's also a strategic win for overture given that knight ridder had been using google 's advertising services 3.500 in the weeks leading up to the execution several florida officials received anonymous threatening letters several florida officials connected to the case have received threatening letters accompanied by rifle bullets 3.400 hoy confirmed the woman 's age tuesday and said she has left on vacation with her family hoy confirmed the woman 's age tuesday and said she was on vacation with her family but is expected to return this week 3.600 boston the catholic archdiocese in boston has offered $ 55 million to settle more than 500 clergy sex abuse lawsuits according to a document obtained by the associated press the american roman catholic archdiocese of boston has offered $ 55 million to settle more than 500 sex abuse lawsuits involving priests 3.600 the 3{ hours of recordings include conversations between police firefighters and other emergency workers as well as media inquiries among them are conversations between police firefighters and other emergency workers as well as media inquiries 2.000 the 30 year bond us30yt=rr jumped 20/32 taking its yield to 414 percent from 418 percent the 30 year bond us30yt=rr dipped 14/32 for a yield of 426 percent from 423 percent 3.600 but he is the only candidate who has won national labor endorsements so far picking up his 11th union on tuesday when the united steelworkers of america endorsed him but he is the only candidate who has won national labor endorsements so far picking up his 11th on tuesday 1.600 oracle shares fell 27 cents or 2 percent to $ 1309 oracle shares also rose on the news up 15 cents to $ 1351 on the nasdaq 4.600 north american futures pointed to a sub par start to trading on tuesday with investors ready to get their first taste of quarterly earnings north american stock markets got off to a slow start tuesday with investors ready to get their first taste of quarterly earnings 3.600 the market 's broader gauges also posted big gains having climbed higher for four consecutive weeks the broader market also retreated having climbed higher for four consecutive weeks 3.000 jim furyk celebrated his first father 's day as a father by winning his first major golf championship his first father 's day as a dad his first major as a champion 2.400 they passed through the lemelson medical educational and research foundation limited partnership in 2001 to syndia it said the patents were allegedly assigned to syndia in 2001 through the lemelson medical educational and research foundation limited partnership 1.200 the sia says the dram market is expected to grow 29 percent to $ 157 billion in 2003 and 43 percent to $ 225 billion in 2004 the americas market will decline 21 percent to $ 306 billion in 2003 and then grow 157 percent to $ 354 billion in 2004 3.400 morrill 's wife ellie sobbed and hugged bondeson 's sister in law during the service at the service morrill 's widow ellie sobbed and hugged bondeson 's sister in law as people consoled her 3.000 mr grassley and mr baucus rejected any disparity in drug benefits grassley and baucus said they had rejected that approach in their plan 3.400 in the year ago quarter the steelmaker recorded a profit of $ 162 million or 15 cents per share on sales of $ 114 billion in the second quarter last year ak steel reported a profit of $ 162 million or 15 cents a share 1.800 the nasdaq had a weekly gain of 1727 or 12 percent closing at 152015 on friday the tech laced nasdaq composite ixic rallied 3046 points or 204 percent to 152015 3.500 it was brazen intimidation to keep people on the reservation said a republican who attended but did not want to be named it was a brazen attempt at intimidation said a republican legislator who attended the meeting 2.750 no charges were announced but the statement said legal proceedings were expected monday an fbi statement said legal proceedings were expected monday in federal court in baltimore 2.600 the dead woman was also wearing a ring and a cartier watch it 's a blond haired woman wearing a cartier watch on her wrist the source said 2.200 the tech heavy nasdaq stock markets composite index added 1417 points or 094 per cent to 151705 the nasdaq composite index full of technology stocks was lately up around 18 points 4.750 but the fbi never kept tabs on al bayoumi even though it had received information that he was a saudi agent the document says but the bureau never kept tabs on al bayoumi—despite receiving prior information he was a secret saudi agent the report says 1.500 it 's going to happen said jim santangelo president of the teamsters joint council 42 in el monte that really affects the companies big time said jim santangelo president of the teamsters joint council 42 in el monte 3.750 he was released on $ 3 million bail and immediately returned to las vegas where he had been filming a video after posting $ 3 million bail jackson flew to las vegas where he had been working on a video 3.500 gartner analysts said that businesses are not yet feeling confident enough to upgrade corporate pcs what 's more companies are not feeling confident enough to replace older pcs the analyst firm said 1.500 as of tuesday almost 250 health care workers were in quarantine in addition 6800 people were in quarantine and thousands of health care workers in working quarantine 3.200 brian brabazon said his son would get upset but then turn around and befriend his taunters her son would get upset his mom said but then turn around and befriend his taunters 2.200 the tech heavy nasdaq stock markets composite index added 116 points to 150404 the nasdaq composite index full of technology stocks was lately up around 18 points 2.400 the technology laced nasdaq composite index dipped 008 of a point to 1646 the technology laced nasdaq composite index ixic added 192 points or 012 percent at 164794 3.000 he told the jury stubbs is a cold calculating killer district attorney dave lupas reminded jurors that stubbs is a cold calculating killer 1.800 likewise the 30 year bond us30yt=rr slid 1 11/32 for a yield of 438 percent up from 430 percent the 30 year bond us30yt=rr jumped 20/32 taking its yield to 414 percent from 418 percent 2.400 a seventh victim a woman died tuesday night in the burn unit at childrens hospital medical center of akron a seventh person a 21 year old woman was in critical condition in the burn unit at akron children 's hospital 3.533 the men were immediately flown to nearby botswana on a chartered air malawi flight malawi intelligence officials said on condition of anonymity the men were flown to nearby botswana on an air malawi flight the officials said 4.750 in exchange north korea would be required to end its nuclear weapons program in return we expect north korea to give up nuclear weapons 3.333 we condemn and denounce the governing council which is headed by the united states moqtada al sadr said we condemn the governing council headed by the united states sadr said in a fiery sermon at koufa mosque near najaf 5.000 sendmail said the system can even be set up to permit business only usage the product can be instructed to permit business only use according to sendmail 3.000 that exploit works on unpatched windows 2000 machines with service pack 3 and 4 both counterpane and idefense contend that the exploit works effectively against windows 2000 systems running service pack 3 and 4 3.000 further out the curve the benchmark 10 year note us10yt=rr shed 25/32 in price taking its yield to 326 percent from 317 percent early wednesday the benchmark 10 year us10yt=rr had lost 16/32 in price driving its yield up to 333 percent from 326 percent late tuesday 3.000 tech stocks were hurt by a sour forecast from sun microsystems which was viewed as a bad omen for the upcoming quarterly earnings season a sour forecast from sun microsystems inc sunwo put more pressure on wall street before the quarterly earnings season 1.846 shares of coke were up 6 cents at $ 4442 in afternoon trading wednesday on the new york stock exchange shares of coke were down 26 cents to close at $ 4410 on the new york stock exchange 3.000 ernst & young has denied any wrongdoing and plans to fight the allegations ernst & young has denied the sec 's claims and called its recommendations irresponsible 3.000 neither military action nor large scale bribery can solve the north korean problem wolfowitz said indeed wolfowitz admitted saturday that neither military action nor large scale bribery would solve the issue 3.200 the driver eugene rogers helped to remove children from the bus wood said at the accident scene the driver was covered in blood but helped to remove children wood said 1.000 the broader standard & poor 's 500 index spx was up 969 points or 098 percent at 99453 the tech laced nasdaq composite index ixic gained 1835 points or 113 percent to 164602 2.647 shares of guidant plummeted in trading both on and off the new york stock exchange before a news halt was imposed after midday shares of guidant were down 53 percent at $ 4092 in afternoon trading on the new york stock exchange 3.250 three weeks in october goes on sale monday nearly a year after the washington dc area sniper shootings started moose 's book goes on sale monday nearly a year after the sniper shootings started in the washington area 3.750 based on a separate survey of households the unemployment rate fell in august to 61 percent from 62 percent labor department analysts discounted a slight improvement in the national unemployment rate which fell in august to 61 percent from 62 percent 4.750 the rate of skin cancer has tripled since the 1950s in norway and sweden according to the study the study also found that skin cancer nearly tripled in norway and sweden since the 1950s 3.929 the judge also refused to postpone the trial date of sept 29 obus also denied a defense motion to postpone the sept 29 trial date 3.400 while opposition parties have welcomed the cabinet 's decision on anti retroviral treatment some said health minister manto tshabalala msimang was not fit to preside over a rollout plan health minister manto tshabalala msimang is not fit to preside over an anti retroviral treatment rollout plan according to some opposition parties 3.200 chief merchandising officers oversee the buying and development of merchandise deciding the merchandising direction of the company or basically what it should stand for he or she decides the merchandising direction of the company or basically what it should stand for 3.800 the rev christopher j coyne spokesman for the archdiocese would not comment friday the rev christopher coyne spokesman for the archdiocese did not immediately return several calls seeking comment 4.600 several relatives of australian victims of the attack were in court to witness the proceedings but few balinese attended the trial several relatives of australian victims of the attack sat in the front row of the court but few balinese attended the trial 3.200 on july 10 a team of 32 singaporean police officers was sent to baghdad in july 32 singaporean police officers were sent to baghdad to help train iraqi police forces and returned home last month 2.200 the euro eur= was up 067 percent against the dollar at $ 11784 after rising to a three month high earlier in the session above $ 118 in early us trading the euro eur= was down 06 percent to $ 11741 after rising to a four month high of $ 11860 4.400 previously it had reported a profit of $ 12 million or 0 cents a share for that period previously it had reported a small profit of $ 12 million or break even on a per share basis for the period 3.333 a coalition of campaign groups including the militant national students body is backing the protests which the nlc called in defiance of a court order banning them a coalition of campaign groups including the militant national students body is backing the action and is mobilising for protests 4.000 the company is highlighting the addition of net and j2ee support to its enterprise application environment eae with the new mainframe the company is also adding net and j2ee support to its enterprise application environment development toolset sapp said 1.333 since being drafted into service in 1971 it has racked up a record 45 accidents with 393 deaths it has a chequered safety record including 47 accidents that resulted in 668 deaths 4.200 ryan harvey an outfielder from dunedin high school in florida was selected with the sixth pick by the chicago cubs ryan harvey a high school outfielder from florida was chosen sixth by the cubs 3.200 glover spoke at a news conference that included about 20 relatives of the victims about 20 family members of the victims were invited to the news conference 3.200 four other men who were also charged in june have already pleaded guilty four of the defendants have pleaded guilty to weapons charges and other counts 3.250 the federal and local governments remained largely shut down in the aftermath of hurricane isabel as were schools and much of the region 's transportation network was slowed in the aftermath of hurricane isabel federal and local governments remained shut down as did schools and many businesses 2.250 he gave a surprisingly impassioned speech to the united steelworkers of america who announced their endorsement yesterday on tuesday he picked up the endorsement of the united steelworkers of america 3.500 some 50 million phone numbers are registered on the list which was to take effect oct 1 the ftc signed up 50 million phone numbers for the list which was due to go into effect october 1 2.200 and about eight to 10 seconds down i hit i was in the water for about eight seconds 3.400 but adora obi nweze the naacp state president said the state only tried to prove its conclusion of suicide rather than consider the possibility of murder adora obi nweze the naacp state president said the state has refused to consider the possibility of murder 3.000 activists say they fear the gathering is an attempt by corporate farming to push bio engineered crops on starving countries instead they fear the conference is an attempt by corporate farming and biotech interests to push into new markets 2.500 their contract will expire at 1201 am wednesday instead of 1201 am sunday said rian wathen organizing director for united food and commercial workers local 700 it has outraged the membership said rian wathen organizing director of united food and commercial workers local 700 1.750 the technology laced nasdaq composite index ixic rose 3939 points or 22 percent to 182633 after losing more than 2 percent on tuesday the blue chip dow jones industrial average dji jumped 19414 points or 209 percent to 946920 after sinking more than 1 percent a day earlier 2.750 some 14000 customers were without power in the area oklahoma gas and electric said about 38000 oge energy corp customers are without power the company said on its web site 4.250 now blanca 's american husband 63 year old roger lawrence strunk faces a murder indictment issued in february by the philippine government which says he 's the leading suspect now blanca 's husband 63 year old roger lawrence strunk of tracy faces a murder indictment issued by the philippine government in february 3.000 prince is replacing sanford sandy weill who will remain citigroup 's chairman prince who heads citigroup 's global corporate and investment bank is replacing sanford weill as ceo 5.000 the operating revenues were $ 145 billion an increase over last year 's result of $ 138 billion operating revenues rose to $ 145 billion from $ 138 billion last year 3.250 spot gold was quoted at $ 36790/36860 an ounce at 1000 gmt having marched up to $ 36950 a level not seen since february 10 spot gold was quoted at $ 35865/35915 an ounce at 0500 gmt having darted as high as $ 35925 a level not seen since february 25 4.000 in canada the booming dollar will be in focus again as it tries to stay above the 75 cent us mark in canada the surging dollar was in focus again as it struggled and just failed to stay above the 75 cent us mark 3.750 but the justices ruled that the police supervisor who repeatedly questioned martinez did not violate his fifth amendment rights in doing so but the justices ruled that the police supervisor who repeatedly questioned mr martinez as he screamed in pain did not violate his fifth amendment rights 2.000 the blue chip dow jones industrial average eased 44 points or 047 percent to 9543 after scoring five consecutive up sessions the dow jones industrial average dji rose 1825 points or 019 percent to 958671 3.333 the center 's president joseph torsella was struck on the head but was able to walk to an ambulance national constitution center president joseph torsella was hit in the head and knocked to his knees 3.000 the report ranked 45 large companies based on employment marketing procurement community reinvestment and charitable donations of those three only dillard 's responded to the survey that ranked 45 large companies on employment marketing procurement community reinvestment and charitable donations 3.400 i do not know if the person i am talking to now may end up being someone else at another time that may not follow the rules parrish said i do not know whether the person i am talking to now may end up being someone else parrish said 5.000 ruffner 45 does not yet have an attorney in the murder charge authorities said ruffner 45 does not have a lawyer on the murder charge authorities said 3.400 passed in 1999 but never put into effect the law would have made it illegal for bar and restaurant patrons to light up passed in 1999 but never put into effect the smoking law would have prevented bar and restaurant patrons from lighting up but exempted private clubs from the regulation 3.750 the first trial of a suspect in last year 's bali nightclub bombings that killed more than 200 people opened in indonesia today sky news reported one of the key suspects in the october nightclub bombings that killed more than 200 people in bali went on trial monday amid tight security 4.000 french retirees will increase from one fifth to a third of the population by 2040 by 2040 retirees will account for a third of the population up from a fifth today 3.250 iraqi police opened fire in downtown baghdad today after demonstrators stormed a police station demanding they be given jobs they claimed to have paid bribes for iraqi police opened fire in downtown baghdad wednesday after demonstrators demanding jobs stormed a police station and threw stones at officers police said 2.250 the dow jones industrial average dji added 28 points or 027 percent at 10557 hitting its highest level in 21 months the dow jones industrial average dji rose 49 points or 047 percent to 10578 1.500 during the same quarter last year eds declared a profit of $ 354 million or 72 cents per share eds reported a first quarter loss of $ 126 million or 26 cents per share 3.000 microsoft fell 5 percent before the open to $ 2745 from thursday 's close of $ 2891 shares in microsoft slipped 47 percent in after hours trade to $ 2754 from a nasdaq close of $ 2891 2.250 this is extraordinarily fast said matt geller an analyst at cibc world markets they are actually going to record sales for velcade this year said matt geller an analyst at cibc world markets 4.000 both rebels and government forces have been accused of pillaging villages in liberia 's countryside despite the peace agreement both rebels and government forces including those loyald to taylor have been accused of pillaging villages in liberia 's countryside despite a peace deal 4.750 microsoft has been awarded a patent for a feature in instant messaging that alerts a user when the person they are communicating with is inputting a message microsoft has been awarded a patent on a popular instant messaging feature that shows users when the person on the other end of the conversation is typing a message 1.500 the arrests revealed new details about the four month investigation at selenski 's mount olivet road home kerkowski and fassett 's bodies were unearthed at selenski 's mount olivet road home on june 5 3.067 we intend to appeal vigorously and still expect to be vindicated ultimately we think this was bad law and we still expect to be vindicated ultimately 2.750 under kansas law it is illegal for children under the age of 16 to have sexual relations in the opinion kline noted that it is illegal for children that young to have sexual relations 3.500 the transaction will expand callebaut 's sales revenues from its consumer products business to 45 percent from 23 percent the transaction will expand callebaut 's sales revenues from its consumer products business by around 45 percent to some one third of total sales 3.250 indonesia 's army has often been accused of human rights abuses during gam 's battle for independence charges it has generally denied while accusing the separatists of committing rights violations indonesia 's army has been accused of human rights abuses during its earlier battles with gam charges it has generally denied 3.750 iraq 's economy was ravaged during years of un sanctions over ex president saddam hussein 's 1990 occupation of kuwait and by the us led war to oust him which ended in april iraq 's economy was shattered under former president saddam hussein and by the us led war to oust him which ended in april 3.800 one had also pointed to the word refugee in an english/turkish dictionary one man had brandished an english turkish dictionary and pointed to the word refugee 4.000 the bulk of the funds some $ 65 billion will go for military operations in iraq and afghanistan the bulk of the bill $ 647 billion goes for military operations primarily in iraq and afghanistan 4.800 dolores mahoy 68 of colorado springs colo is someone who might be helped by the legislation pending in congress dolores e mahoy 68 of colorado springs is just the type of person who might be helped by the legislation pending in congress 2.200 advancing issues outnumbered decliners about 8 to 5 on the new york stock exchange declining issues outnumbered advancers slightly more than 3 to 1 on the new york stock exchange 3.250 a beauty contest to be held in italy next week may be the first for pixel perfect pin ups a new beauty contest kicking off in italy next week will give pixel perfect pin ups the chance to steal sultry sophia 's sex symbol status 2.500 analysts consensus estimate from thomson first call was for a loss of $ 208 a share excluding one time items the estimate of analysts surveyed by thomson first call was for a loss of $ 275 a share 2.250 boeing 's board is also expected to decide at its december meeting whether to offer the airplane for sale to airlines it is widely expected to give bair formal approval to offer the plane for sale to airlines 2.750 bush said resistance forces hostile to the us presence feel like the conditions are such that they can attack us there there are some who feel like the conditions are such that they can attack us there 4.750 defense lawyers had said a change of venue was needed because massive pretrial publicity had tainted the jury pool against their client defense lawyers had requested a change of venue for two reasons they argued that massive pretrial publicity had tainted the jury pool against their client 3.500 founded in 1996 the lendingtree exchange consists of more than 200 banks lenders and brokers lendingtree matches borrowers via the internet with more than 200 mortgage brokers banks and other lenders 3.250 most taxpayers will get surprise tax cuts of between $ 4 and $ 11 a week from july 1 australia 's 9 million income taxpayers received surprise tax cuts of between $ 3 and $ 11 a week from treasurer peter costello last night 3.000 gyorgy heizler head of the local disaster unit said the coach was carrying 38 passengers the head of the local disaster unit gyorgy heizler said the coach driver had failed to heed red stop lights 1.500 tuition at four year private colleges averaged $ 19710 this year up 6 percent from 2002 for the current academic year tuition at public colleges averaged $ 4694 up almost $ 600 from the year before 2.000 the statewide unemployment rate fell to 64 percent down from a revised 67 percent in august the unemployment rate in san joaquin county dipped last month to 85 percent down nearly a full percentage point from august 3.000 security lights have also been installed and police have swept the grounds for booby traps security lights have also been installed on a barn near the front gate 4.750 but us troops will not shrink from mounting raids and attacking their foes when their locations can be pinpointed but american troops will not shrink from mounting raids in the locations of their foes that can be pinpointed 4.778 moore had no immediate comment tuesday moore did not have an immediate response tuesday 3.200 a judge ordered the child placed in state custody aug 8 on aug 8 juvenile court judge robert yeates ordered that parker be placed in protective custody 3.200 but white house spokesman ari fleischer said yesterday the steps the iranians claim to have taken in terms of capturing al qa'ida are insufficient the steps that the iranians claim to have taken in terms of capturing al qaida are insufficient 4.364 the results were released at tuesday 's meeting in seattle of the american thoracic society and will be published in thursday 's new england journal of medicine the study results were released at a meeting in seattle of the american thoracic society and also will be published in tomorrow 's issue of the new england journal of medicine 3.800 his dissent was joined by chief justice william h rehnquist and justice clarence thomas chief justice william h rehnquist and justices antonin scalia and clarence thomas dissented 4.400 united already has paid the city $ 34 million in penalties for not meeting the first round of employment targets united has paid $ 34 million in penalties for failing to meet employment targets 4.500 shelley 's office reported friday that 575926 signatures have been reported to him shelley 's office released signature counts late friday and said counties had reported counting 575926 signatures so far 4.000 bush wanted to see an aircraft landing the same way that the pilots saw an aircraft landing white house press secretary ari fleischer said yesterday on tuesday before byrd 's speech fleischer said bush wanted to see an aircraft landing the same way that the pilots saw an aircraft landing 1.500 standing with reporters and photographers about 150 yards from the prison gates was brent newbury president of the rockland county patrolmen 's benevolent association the whole thing is a travesty fumed brent newbury president of the rockland county patrolmen 's benevolent association 3.000 they were brutally beaten and it 's really a wonder that porchia is the only deceased in this case it 's a wonder that porchia was the only deceased in this case sax added 5.000 the gloves are off said unifi official rob o'neill unifi official rob o'neill said the gloves are off 3.600 pratt &whitney had said that 75 per cent of the engine equipment would be outsourced to europe with final assembly in germany pratt & whitney had said that if it won the contract 75 per cent of the engine equipment would be outsourced to european suppliers with final assembly in germany 2.800 staff writers selwyn crawford and colleen mccain nelson and brian anderson of dallasnewscom contributed to this report staff writers brandon formby and colleen mccain nelson contributed to this report 1.800 the commerce commission would have been a significant hurdle for such a deal the new zealand commerce commission had given westpac no indication whether it would have approved its deal 3.400 prosecutors filed a motion informing lee they intend to seek the death penalty he added that prosecutors will seek the death penalty 3.000 american masters arthur miller elia kazan and the blacklist none without sin wed note the subheading of this terrible parable in the american masters series arthur miller elia kazan and the blacklist none without sin 2.000 that package included increases to both the city 's sales and income taxes he also objects to the sales and personal income tax increases in the package 3.333 the songs are on offer for 99 cents each or $ 999 for an album the company will offer songs for 99 cents and albums for $ 995 4.250 certainly what we know suggests that we should take what they are saying very seriously he added we do not know everything [but] what we know suggests that we should take what they are saying seriously he said 2.000 gillette shares rose $ 145 or 45 percent to $ 3395 in afternoon new york stock exchange trading shares of gillette closed down 45 cents at $ 3370 in trading wednesday on the new york stock exchange 1.600 shares of san diego based jack in the box closed at $ 2149 up 78 cents or 38 percent on the new york stock exchange shares of tampa based outback steakhouse inc closed at $ 4450 up $ 178 or 42 percent on the new york stock exchange 3.600 the dow jones industrials climbed more than 140 points to above the 9000 mark the first time since december the dow jones industrials briefly surpassed the 9000 mark for the first time since december 4.750 the government has chosen three companies to develop plans to protect commercial aircraft from shoulder fired missile attacks homeland security officials announced tuesday the department of homeland security announced tuesday that it has selected three companies to continue research into ways to thwart shoulder fired missile attacks on us commercial aircraft 1.750 tamil parties blame the liberation tigers of tamil eelam ltte for these killings the government wanted to revive talks with the liberation tigers of tamil eelam ltte to discuss the interim structure 3.250 two of the britons sandy mitchell from glasgow and glasgow born william sampson face the death penalty sandy mitchell 44 from kirkintilloch glasgow and william sampson a british citizen born in glasgow face beheading in public 3.000 he urged patience from americans eager for the service which is intended to block about 80 percent of telemarketing calls the free service was originally intended to block about 80 percent of telemarketer calls 3.600 jordan green the prelate 's private lawyer said he had no comment o'brien 's attorney jordan green declined to comment 3.400 mr hadley who has a new partner and child said i am absolutely delighted in a statement issued by his solicitors mr hadley said i am absolutely delighted with the outcome of proceedings 3.250 the losses occurred overnight in willow canyon one of three areas in the santa catalina mountains threatened by the 2 week old fire that already had blackened 70000 acres the losses occurred overnight in willow canyon one of three areas in the santa catalina mountains threatened by the resurgent aspen fire 3.500 we do not want to stand by and let a credit card lynching take place declared rep major owens d brooklyn we do not want to stand by and see a credit card lynching take place he said 3.786 however commercial use of the 260 kernel is still months off for most customers commercial releases of the 26 kernel by major linux distributors still remain months away 0.800 the broader standard & poor 's 500 index spx advanced 2 points or 024 percent to 977 the nasdaq composite index ixic was off 652 points or 039 percent at 164566 2.400 two officials initially said about 300 workers had been arrested at 61 stores in 21 states but the officials later revised the numbers and said about 250 had been arrested at some 60 stores 3.200 this deal makes sense for both companies halla said in a prepared statement brian halla ceo of natsemi claimed the deal made sense for both companies 4.923 fifty seven senators including 24 republicans have signed the letter of those who signed the letter 57 are senators including 24 republicans 2.600 five more human cases of west nile virus were reported by the mesa county health department on wednesday as of this week 103 human west nile cases in 45 counties had been reported to the health department 4.000 mr manuel and his group entered the united states by walking across the bridge linking matamoros and brownsville manuel and his group entered the us the same way thousands of people do every day by walking across the bridge between matamoros and brownsville 3.000 under nasd regulations mr young can file a response and request a hearing before an nasd panel the analyst already let go by merrill can request a hearing before a nasd panel 3.200 the president began his speech by acknowledging the terrorist attacks in saudi arabia that killed at least 29 people including seven americans bush however also lashed out at the terrorist bombings in saudi arabia that killed at least 29 people including a number of americans 3.200 i´m very proud of the citizens of this state gov john baldacci said after votes from tuesday´s referendum were counted i am very proud of the citizens of this state said gov john baldacci a casino foe 3.400 among three major candidates schwarzenegger is wining the battle for independents and crossover voters schwarzenegger picks up more independents and crossover voters than bustamante 2.600 he will replace ron dittemore who announced his resignation april 23 dittemore announced his plans to resign on april 23 4.571 selenski had previously spent seven years in prison on a bank robbery conviction selenski had served about seven years in prison for bank robbery 3.400 maddox 87 cracked two ribs when he fell about 10 days ago at an assisted living home where he was recovering from intestinal surgery virginia carnes said maddox who had battled cancer since 1983 cracked two ribs earlier this month when he fell at an assisted living home where he was recovering from surgery 2.250 graham a presidential candidate was criticized by several republicans as politicizing the report graham who co chaired the inquiry is a presidential candidate 3.500 in 2002 linksys overtook cisco systems as the leading wireless equipment vendor accounting for 141 percent of revenue rolfe said linksys overtook cisco systems last year as the leading supplier of wlan equipment 2.750 schools that fail to meet state goals for three years in a row must offer tutoring in addition to transfers schools that do not meet the testing goals for two years in a row must offer transfers 4.750 tampering with medicine has been so lucrative that many of those arrested lived in million dollar homes tampering with medicine apparently was so lucrative investigators said that many of the suspects lived in million dollar homes 4.500 mr howard said he also had faith in the system under which hicks could be tried mr howard also said yesterday that hicks would be fairly treated saying he had faith in the us justice system 3.167 smugglers in a van chased down a pickup and suv carrying other smugglers and illegal immigrants said pinal county sheriff roger vanderpool people in a van opened fire on a pickup and suv believed to be transporting illegal immigrants said pinal county sheriff roger vanderpool 4.500 the trial featuring 125 witnesses could continue until the start of 2004 the trial which could last until early 2004 is expected to hear the first of 125 witnesses friday 4.750 the computers were reportedly located in the us canada and south korea the pcs are scattered across the united states canada and south korea 2.750 the vulnerability affects windows nt 40 nt 40 terminal services edition xp and 2000 as well as windows server 2003 microsoft issued a patch for the vulnerability which affects windows nt 40 windows nt 40 terminal services edition windows 2000 windows xp and windows server 2003 3.200 the additional contribution brings total us food aid to north korea this year to 100000 tonnes the donation of 60000 tons brings the total of us contributions for the year to 100000 2.600 the european union banned the import of genetically modified food in 1998 the united states is now demanding that the eu end its ban the union banned the import of genetically modified food in 1998 after many consumers feared health risks 4.400 he projected vanderpool will be available within the next five years products featuring vanderpool will be released within five years he said 3.000 annika sorenstam gets her first opportunity to test that objective this week at the mcdonald 's lpga championship the appetizer devoured annika sorenstam moves on to the entree this week at the mcdonald 's lpga championship 0.944 the broader standard & poor 's 500 index spx gained 3 points or 039 percent at 924 the technology laced nasdaq composite index ixic rose 6 points or 041 percent to 1498 4.000 cisco has signed similar deals with at&t corp tn sbc communications inc sbcn and sprint corp fonn cisco has similar relationships with bellsouth competitors sbc communications at&t and sprint communications 3.800 harris and klebold killed 12 students and a teacher before taking their own lives on april 20 1999 harris and klebold killed 12 students a teacher and themselves at the school 4.200 we condemn the governing council headed by the united states muqtada al sadr said in a sermon at a mosque we condemn and denounce the governing council which is headed by the united states moqtada al sadr said 4.200 in a statement distributed friday 28 chechen non governmental organizations said they would boycott the vote in a statement distributed today 28 chechen non governmental organisations said they would boycott the vote and warned voters to expect fraud 2.600 the state 's population was 6080485 in 2000 according to the us census between 1960 and 2000 however the state 's population grew by 304 percent to 6080485 3.056 july 18 hurlbert files a single count of felony sexual assault against bryant bryant 24 has been charged with felony sexual assault 4.750 st paul chairman and chief executive jay s fishman 51 will be ceo of the combined company jay fishman 51 chairman and chief executive of st paul will be chief executive of the combined company 3.250 instead weida decided that meester 's case on charges of rape sodomy indecent assault and providing alcohol to minors should proceed to a court martial douglas meester 20 is charged with rape sodomy indecent assault and providing alcohol to minors 3.400 they made a similar discovery in houston on another aircraft dallas based southwest said in a statement the airline said a similar discovery was made on the plane in houston 3.750 rosenthal declined comment on the garrett situation tuesday but said in a statement we had a big contract negotiation the show 's creator and executive producer phil rosenthal quipped in a statement we had a big contract negotiation 2.600 with the power back on state workers headed back to their jobs friday morning pataki said if power was restored state workers would be back on the job friday morning 2.400 the nasdaq fell about 13 % for the month snapping a seven month winning streak the nasdaq is down roughly 04 percent for the month on track to snap a 7 month streak of gains 3.200 the report was found oct 23 tucked inside an old three ring binder not related to the investigation the report was found last week tucked inside a training manual that belonged to hicks 3.400 on saturday the international committee of the red cross said it was temporarily closing its offices in baghdad and basra the international committee of the red cross fearful for the safety of its staff operating in iraq announced it was temporarily shutting its offices in baghdad and basra 2.400 the ireland palestine solidarity campaign of which mr o muireagáin was a member welcomed his release the ireland palestine solidarity campaign of which he was a member said he was researching a schools exchange project 3.400 glover said the killer used a peculiar slipknot on the ligature he used to strangle some of the victims glover said the killer used a peculiar slipknot including a coaxial cable and an extension cord to strangle some of the victims 3.600 she said jane doe 's lawyers asked verizon to withhold her name because she was planning on challenging the subpoena jane doe deciding to fight the subpoena asked verizon to withhold her name 3.400 in september a 27 year old singapore researcher contracted sars while working in a laboratory in a case in august a 27 year old laboratory worker in singapore developed sars 4.818 a number below 50 suggests contraction in the manufacturing sector while a number above that indicates expansion a reading above 50 suggests growth in the sector while a number below that level indicates contraction 3.200 a lawsuit has been filed in an attempt to block the removal of the ten commandments monument from the building supporters asked a federal court monday to block the removal of a ten commandments monument from the alabama judicial building 1.400 britz earned $ 377 million in salary bonus and other compensation and kinney earned $ 376 million johnston made $ 58 million in salary and bonus in 2001 as president and as a part time adviser earned $ 1 million in 2002 3.000 that truck was spotted in the campbells creek area fitting that description morris said a black pickup truck was also seen in the campbells creek area morris said 3.200 chairman michael powell and fcc colleagues at the wednesday hearing fcc chief michael powell presides over hearing monday 1.800 the dow jones industrial average was up 03 per cent at 988675 while the nasdaq composite index was 04 per cent higher at 198697 on wall street the dow jones industrial average rose 05 per cent at 99058 and the nasdaq composite added 07 per cent at 19951 3.800 tehran has made clear it will only sign the additional protocol introducing such inspections if a ban on the import of civilian western nuclear technology is lifted tehran has made it clear it will only sign the protocol if a ban on imports of peaceful western nuclear technology is lifted 4.600 congress twice before passed similar restrictions only to see president bill clinton veto them congress twice passed similar bills but then president clinton vetoed them both times 2.800 but i would rather be talking about high standards than low standards i would rather be talking about positive numbers rather than negative 4.250 under the program us officials work with foreign port authorities to identify target and search high risk cargo under the program us officials work with foreign port authorities to seek out high risk cargo before it can reach the united states 3.000 niels told an interviewer in 1999 he thought the old man would outlive him by many years in 1999 two years before his death mr nielsen told an interviewer that he thought the rock face would outlive him by many years 0.750 one capt doug mcdonald remained hospitalized in critical condition on thursday her 20 year old sister allyson was severely burned and remained hospitalized in critical condition 4.000 on wednesday the total of national guard and reserve members called to active duty worldwide stood at 154603 as of yesterday the total number of national guard and reserve troops called to duty worldwide stood at 154603 3.600 during a period of nearly a decade telemarketing associates raised more than $ 7 million telemarketing associates hired by vietnow raised $ 71 million from 1987 to 1995 2.200 the bodies of former invercargill man warren campbell 32 and climbing companion jonathan smith 47 were recovered from below mt d'archiac late yesterday morning warren david campbell 32 and climbing companion jonathan smith 47 did not return as expected on tuesday from climbing on mt d'archiac in the mckenzie district 2.800 mr geoghan had been living in a protective custody unit since being transferred to the prison on april 3 he had been in protective custody since being transferred to souza baranowski in april officials said 3.200 the 2000 democratic platform supported the full inclusion of gay and lesbian families in the life of the nation the democrat 's 2000 platform did not explicitly support gay marriages but backed the full inclusion of gay and lesbian families into the life of the nation 1.250 its shares fell 71 cents or 35 percent in after hours trading to $ 1955 the stock had risen 63 cents or 3 percent to close at $ 2026 in regular session nasdaq trading 3.000 hundreds of reporters and photographers swamped the courthouse grounds before the hearing which was carried live on national cable networks hundreds of reporters and photographers swamped the town and the short hearing involving the five time all star was carried live on national cable networks 2.200 amd 's chip sales jumped 7 percent year on year to $ 402 million second quarter sales grew 7 percent to $ 645 million from $ 600 million in 2002 3.600 shelia chaney wilson seemed agitated when she came to help prepare for turner monumental ame church 's upcoming 104th anniversary celebration worshippers said congregants of turner monumental ame church said shelia chaney wilson 43 was agitated when she came to the church in the kirkwood neighborhood on the city 's east side 4.000 he was the ace of diamonds in a pack of cards depicting iraqi fugitives that has been issued to us troops he was the ace of diamonds in a us deck of cards showing pictures of most wanted iraqi leaders 3.000 miodrag zivkovic of the liberal alliance of montenegro won 31 percent of the vote while the independent dragan hajdukovic got 4 percent a pro independence radical miodrag zivkovic of the liberal alliance came in second with 31 percent of the vote 3.750 so far georgia has been returned all but $ 70000 of the money it wired georgia has received all but $ 70000 of its money back with the help of the fbi 5.000 the island nation reported 65 new cases on may 22 a one day record and 55 new cases on may 23 making taiwan 's epidemic the fastest growing in the world taiwan reported 65 new cases on may 22 a one day record and 55 new cases on may 23 making its epidemic the world 's fastest growing 3.200 cubs outfielder sammy sosa was suspended for eight games by major league baseball friday for using a corked bat sammy sosa was suspended for eight games by major league baseball friday for using a corked bat and he immediately appealed the decision 3.200 half of the women were given a daily dose of the drug and half took a placebo half the women received a daily tablet of the combination oestrogen plus progestin while the rest were given a placebo 3.000 when police removed the four from the home they weighed 136 pounds combined each boy weighed less than 50 pounds when they were removed from the home oct 10 3.600 while the ibrahims had one separation operation goodrich and dr david staffenberg plan about three for the aguirres with several weeks between each instead of one long operation to separate the twins goodrich and dr david staffenberg plan about three with several weeks between each 4.200 the company has expanded into providing other services for buyers including payment services the company has expanded those basic services offering payment and even financing 1.800 the blasts killed two people and injured more than 150 others the atlanta olympic games attack killed one woman and injured more than 100 other people 3.231 in 2001 president bush named kathy gregg to the student loan marketing association board of directors in 2001 president bush named her to the student loan marketing association the largest us lender for students 3.000 the boston archdiocese has faced waves of scandal that have not only angered victims advocates but parishioners and some priests the waves of scandal angered not only victims advocates but parishioners and some priests to the point that law could no longer run the archdiocese 3.000 a federal magistrate in fort lauderdale ordered him held without bail zuccarini was ordered held without bail wednesday by a federal judge in fort lauderdale fla 3.750 the department 's position threatens to alienate social conservatives who have provided strong political support for mr ashcroft and president bush the department 's stance disappointed some abortion opponents and it threatens to alienate social conservatives who have provided strong political support for ashcroft and president bush 5.000 south africa has the world 's highest caseload with 47 million people infected with hiv or aids with 47 million people infected with hiv or aids south africa has the world 's highest aids caseload 3.400 in that position elias will report to joe tucci president and ceo of emc as executive vice president of new ventures elias will report to joe tucci emc 's president and chief executive 3.200 the new army commander is the masaka armoured brigade commanding officer brigadier aronda nyakairima who is now promoted to major general president yoweri museveni has promoted brigadier aronda nyakairima to major general and named him army commander 2.800 mailblocks was founded five years after webtv was acquired by microsoft for $ 425 million webtv was sold to microsoft in 1997 for $ 425 million and today is called msn tv 2.800 the metropolitan transportation authority was given two weeks to restore the $ 150 fare and the old commuter railroad rates york declared the metropolitan transportation authority which plans to appeal was given until may 28 to restore the old subway and bus fare and the old commuter railroad rates 4.600 today we are trying to convey this problem to russian president vladimir putin and us president george w bush today we are trying to convey this problem to russian president vladimir putin news web sites and president bush news web sites 3.200 the state wants to kill the wolves in approximately a 1700 square mile area near the village of mcgrath the state wants to kill the wolves in approximately a 1700 square mile area near mcgrath to establish a moose nursery of sorts 3.000 peterson told police he fished alone in san francisco bay on christmas eve returning to an empty house peterson told police he left his wife at about 930 am on dec 24 to fish alone in san francisco bay 3.800 the fed 's empire state survey far exceeded expectations by jumping to 268 in june a record high from 106 in may prices had pulled back from offshore highs when the empire state survey far exceeded expectations by jumping to 268 in june a record high from 106 in may 4.500 det chief insp norman mckinlay said there was evidence a body or bodies have been in this area detective chief inspector norman mckinlay leading the investigation said there is evidence a body or bodies have been in this area 3.000 board chancellor robert bennett declined to comment on personnel matters tuesday as did mills mr mills declined to comment yesterday saying that he never discussed personnel matters 4.727 general jeffrey said he would donate his military pension to charity for the period he was in office at yarralumla maj gen jeffery said he would give his military pension to charity while he served at yarralumla 3.800 tampa bay manager lou piniella bench coach john mclaren and right fielder aubrey huff were ejected for arguing after huff was called out on strikes to end the ninth tampa bay manager lou piniella bench coach john mclaren and huff all were ejected in the middle of the ninth 3.000 the venture owns five oil refineries and more than 2100 filling stations in russia and ukraine tnk bp has six oil producing units five refineries and 2100 filling stations 4.600 other changes in the plan refine his original vision libeskind said many of the changes are improvements to the original plan libeskind said 2.000 rep peter deutsch d fla criticized the fda 's efforts in florida peter deutsch d fla said he wanted to congratulate the fda 1.500 there are now 37 active probable cases in the gta compared with 70 cases on june 6 and globally the number of active probable cases has declined to 573 3.200 sars has killed 296 people on china 's mainland and infected more than 5200 throughout china 's mainland the disease has killed 300 people and infected more than 5270 3.000 the redesigned finder also features search coloured labels for customized organization of documents and projects and dynamic browsing of the network for mac windows and unix file servers it also supports coloured labels to better organise documents and dynamic browsing of the network for mac windows and unix file servers 2.750 the lawyer representing torch concepts rich marsden did not respond to repeated phone calls officials with torch and jetblue did not respond to repeated phone calls from the mercury news seeking comment 4.500 he was voluntarily castrated in 2001 an operation he contends removed his ability to become sexually aroused devries who was voluntarily castrated in august 2001 has said the surgery took away his ability to become sexually aroused 1.000 the s&p/tsx composite rose 8774 points on the week while the tsx venture exchange composite gained 4449 points on the week the dow jones industrial average rose 1156 points while the nasdaq stock market gained 3942 points 3.750 in turn suse will license java 2 standard edition while also formalising an existing agreement to distribute sun 's java virtual machine for running java applications nuremberg germany based suse will license sun 's java 2 standard edition j2se and ship sun 's java virtual machine across its linux software line 4.500 long lines formed outside gas stations and people rushed to get money from cash machines sunday as israelis prepared to weather a strike that threatened to paralyze the country long lines formed sunday outside gas stations and people rushed to get money from cash machines as israelis braced for the strike 's effects 1.500 the tech heavy nasdaq composite index fell 399 or 02 percent to 168272 following a two day win of 5593 the technology laced nasdaq composite index ixic eased 852 points or 051 percent to 167021 2.000 we do not know if any will be sars said dr james young ontario 's commissioner of public safety we are being hyper vigilant said dr james young ontario 's commissioner of public safety 4.000 sales for the quarter beat expectations rising 37 percent year on year to 176 billion euros sales rose 37 per cent year on year to 176bn beating expectations 3.200 the company said it would issue revised guidance for the full fiscal year next month when it releases its q2 results the company said it would renew its guidance for 2003 when it announces its second quarter results in mid july 4.000 we have not decided whether to use an unbroken or dotted white line but this is an experiment worth introducing said david richardson the icc 's cricket manager we have not decided whether to use an unbroken or dotted white line said dave richardson the icc 's cricket manager 3.000 shinseki retires wednesday after a 38 year career that included combat in vietnam and head of us peacekeeping efforts in bosnia shinseki 's career included combat in vietnam and head of us peacekeeping efforts in bosnia 3.250 the department also sent water and soil samples to the state health laboratory water samples are being sent to the state health department for analysis 3.400 but that does not clear them of the obligation to do everything possible to protect civilians and that is not what we are seeing but that does not clear them of the responsibility to do everything possible to minimize civilian harm 2.000 ross garber rowland 's lawyer said tuesday he would attend the meeting and would ask to speak on the issue ross garber rowland 's legal counsel said the governor would have no comment on the condo deal 3.400 previously he had seen the grinning mechanic from east java only on television mr hughes had seen amrozi 's face on television the infamous images of the grinning mechanic from east java 2.800 two years later the insurance coverage would begin under the agreement medicare coverage for drug benefits would begin in 2006 3.200 nasa satellite images show that arctic ice has been shrinking at the rate of nearly 10 percent a decade researchers found that sea ice in the arctic is disappearing at a rate of 9 percent each decade 3.200 biotech products if anything may be safer than conventional products because of all the testing fraley said adding that 18 countries have adopted biotechnology biotech products if anything may be safer than conventional products because of all the testing said robert fraley monsanto 's executive vice president 4.750 a nationally board certified teacher with a master 's degree kelley makes a salary of $ 65000 in his 30th year a nationally board certified teacher with a master 's degree kelley in his 30th year teaching makes $ 65000 3.250 in vienna the iaea said elbaradei would accept the invitation although no date had yet been set in vienna the international atomic energy agency said on monday elbaradei had accepted iran 's invitation but said no date had yet been set 4.250 the epidemic began in november in the mainland 's guangdong province but the people 's republic of china refused to report truthfully about its spread for four months the prc epidemic began in guandong province in november but the communist party government refused to report truthfully about its spread for four months 5.000 druce will face murder charges conte said conte said druce will be charged with murder 1.600 that compared with $ 3518 million or 24 cents per share in the year ago period earnings were affected by a non recurring $ 8 million tax benefit in the year ago period 3.800 nick markakis a left hander from young harris junior college in georgia went to the orioles with the seventh pick next baltimore took nick markakis a left handed pitcher and outfielder from young harris junior college in georgia 3.500 we remain hopeful that the city will agree to work with us and engage in good faith discussions on this issue alhart said the governor remains hopeful that the city will continue to work with us and engage in good faith discussions 4.750 some women are also concerned that so many women are turning to cosmetic surgery in a quest for bodily perfection some women also express concern about a society in which more people than ever are turning to cosmetic surgery in a quest for bodily perfection 3.000 the notification was first reported friday by msnbc msnbccom first reported the cia request on friday 3.000 there is however no photo of peter hollingworth in the june issue examined by the herald yesterday there is however no photograph of dr hollingworth in the june issue of the magazine examined by the age yesterday 3.250 we continue to work with the saudis on this but they did not as of the time of this tragic event provide the additional security we requested but they did not as of the time of this particular tragic event provide the security we had requested mr jordan said 3.250 a statement released by dei said green would begin driving the car on an interim basis beginning next week in the winston open at lowe 's motor speedway it was announced that green will replace park in the dale earnhardt inc no 1 chevrolet beginning with the winston open at lowe 's motor speedway next week 3.750 costa 's semifinal opponent is spaniard juan carlos ferrero whom he beat in last year 's final costa will play juan carlos ferrero next in a rematch of last year 's final 4.250 doctors have speculated that the body 's own estrogen protects against cell damage and improves blood flow their belief was based on speculation that estrogen prevents cell damage and improves blood flow 1.200 the technology laced nasdaq composite index ixic added 827 points or 051 percent to 163353 the broader standard & poor 's 500 index spx crept up 43 points or 044 percent to 98052 5.000 no americans were reported among the casualties according to capt michael calvert a spokesman for the regiment none of the casualties was americans said capt michael calvert regiment spokesman 3.000 we think they have the right to choose we think peoplesoft customers deserve the right to choose ellison said 3.600 we have found the smoking gun investigating board member scott hubbard said we have found the smoking gun said hubbard director of nasa 's ames research center in california 1.800 this child was literally neglected to death armstrong county district attorney scott andreassi said armstrong county district attorney scott andreassi said the many family photos in the home did not include kristen 4.000 microsoft said friday that it is halting development of future macintosh versions of its internet explorer browser citing competition from apple computer 's safari browser microsoft will stop developing versions of its internet explorer browser software for macintosh computers saying that apple 's safari is now all that apple needs 3.800 chapman was not immediately arrested and is expected to appear for arraignment july 3 mr chapman who has not been arrested is expected to appear for arraignment next thursday prosecutors said 2.400 president bush raised a record breaking $ 495 million for his re election campaign over the last three months with contributions from 262000 americans the president 's campaign chairman said tuesday president bush has raised $ 839 million since beginning his re election campaign in may and has $ 70 million of that left to spend his campaign said tuesday 2.800 authorities in ohio indiana and michigan have searched for the bodies so far authorities also have searched areas in pennsylvania ohio indiana and michigan 3.200 he said european governments have blocked all new bio crops because of unfounded unscientific fears they have blocked all new bio crops because of unfounded unscientific fears bush said 3.000 one question was whether france which infuriated washington by leading the charge against un authorization for the war would vote yes or abstain france which infuriated washington by leading the charge against un approval for the war also sought changes 3.400 luzerne county district attorney david lupas told a news conference monday that authorities were continuing to make significant progress in the case no charges have been filed in those deaths but luzerne county district attorney david lupas said authorities were continuing to make significant progress in the case 3.800 the us conference board said its latest measure of business confidence hit 60 after falling to 53 in its first quarter survey the conference board said its measure of business confidence which had fallen to 53 in the first quarter of 2003 improved to 60 in the most recent second quarter 3.250 its legal representatives began meeting with plaintiffs attorneys last week to discuss a settlement attorneys for both the archdiocese and the plaintiffs began meeting last week to reach the out of court settlement 1.500 seniors would then have to pay 50 percent of their drug costs up to $ 3450 above that medicare would pay 90 percent of all drug costs 2.800 the flamboyant entrepreneur flagged the plan after a meeting in london with australian tourism minister joe hockey sir richard was speaking after a meeting in london with australian tourism minister joe hockey 3.200 government bonds sold off sharply after greenspan told congress on tuesday that the us economy could very well be embarking on a period of extended growth greenspan told congress on tuesday the us economy could very well be embarking on a period of sustained growth 2.000 for kathy nicolo jennifer connelly the house means stability and family kathy nicolo jennifer connelly is desperate that her family not find out that her life has fallen apart 3.400 the institute for supply management 's index of nonmanufacturing activity rose unexpectedly in april reports said the institute for supply management said its index of non manufacturing activity rose to 507 from 479 in march 4.600 who spokeswoman maria cheng agreed saying it looks very much like an isolated event it looks very much like an isolated event world health organization spokeswoman maria cheng said 3.250 police said her two small children were alone in the apartment for up to two days police said her two small children were alone there for up to two days as she lay dead 3.750 the priest the rev john f johnston 64 of 35th avenue in jackson heights was charged with aggravated harassment and criminal possession of a weapon the rev john johnston 64 was charged with aggravated harassment in the phone call case and with criminal possession of a weapon according to a police statement 4.500 the settlement includes $ 41 million in attorneys fees and expenses plaintiffs attorneys would get $ 41 million of the settlement 3.667 three no votes would kill it for now it would take three votes to kill the acc 's expansion 3.333 some 660 prisoners from 42 countries including canada are held many captured during the war against in afghanistan the al qaida network some 660 prisoners from 42 countries are being held at the naval base at guantanamo bay many captured during the war against al qaeda in afghanistan 1.000 to reach john a dvorak who covers kansas call 816 234 7743 or send e mail to jdvorak@kctarcom to reach brad cooper johnson county municipal reporter call 816 234 7724 or send e mail to bcooper@kcstarcom 1.000 prosecutor jim hardin called the decision a victory for kathleen peterson 's family members of kathleen peterson 's family were not present 5.000 and now it 's anything he wants to say alesha badgley stone county nursing and rehabilitation center social director said this week and now it 's anything he wants to say confirmed stone county nursing and rehabilitation center social director alesha badgley 5.000 the national denomination of the episcopal church with 23 million members is the us branch of the 77 million member anglican communion the episcopal church with 23 million members is the american branch of the worldwide anglican communion which has 77 million adherents 3.400 i feel confident saying that hp is no longer an integration story fiorina said we still have a lot to do but i feel confident that hp is no longer an integration story 3.500 british police arrested 21 people early tuesday in connection with the suspected ritual murder of an african boy whose torso was found in the thames river police have arrested 21 people in connection with the murder of a young nigerian child whose headless and limbless torso was found floating in the river thames 1.250 by late afternoon the dow jones industrial average was up 1281 or 01 percent at 933177 having gained 201 points monday to its highest level since july 2002 in morning trading the dow jones industrial average was down 876 or 01 percent at 931020 having gained 201 points monday 3.250 eric gagne pitched a perfect ninth for his 23rd save in as many opportunities gagne struck out two in a perfect ninth inning for his 23rd save 3.250 shares closed on nasdaq just below their 52 week high at $ 3217 up $ 154 trading of echostar 's stock closed tuesday at a 52 week high of $ 3217 up $ 154 3.750 janice kelly said her husband had received assurances from senior mod officials that his name would not be made public she told the inquiry that her husband had received assurances from his line manager and senior ministry officials that when he came forward his name would not be made public 3.250 if convicted they face up to five years in prison and a $ 250000 fine on each of the 11 counts if convicted each faces up to five years in prison and a fine of $ 250000 or more based on the amount of gains involved 3.600 us corporate bond yield spreads tightened in spotty trading on friday as wall street labored to get back on its feet after the largest power outage ever in north america us stocks rose slightly on feather light volume on friday as wall street regrouped after the biggest ever power outage in north america 4.400 evacuation went smoothly although passengers were not told what was going on hunt said passengers were evacuated smoothly although they were not told what was going on he said 3.600 between 1993 and 2002 142 allegations of sexual assault were reported from 1993 to 2002 there were 142 reported sexual assaults at the academy 3.750 smith said simply oh my god in the seconds afterward according to weinshall in the seconds after the crash she added captain smith said simply oh my god 2.500 cooley said he expects muhammad will similarly be called as a witness at a pretrial hearing for malvo lee boyd malvo will be called as a witness wednesday in a pretrial hearing for fellow sniper suspect john allen muhammad 3.250 he really left us with a smile on his face and no last words daughter linda hope said he really left us with a smile on his face and no last words he gave us each a kiss and that was it she said 3.333 he also could be barred permanently from the securities industry young faces a fine suspension or being permanently barred from the securities industry 3.000 they were an inspirational couple selfless and courageous said the oscar winning film director he said “they were an inspirational couple selfless and courageous 2.200 a second victim michael walker 23 was struck in the torso the bullet perforating his lung the other victim michael walker of 550 barbey street was struck in the neck 4.600 in an interview healey who is a criminologist acknowledged that much of the sentiment among legislators here and across the country was wariness toward capital punishment in an interview ms healey who is a criminologist said many lawmakers here and across the country shared a wariness toward capital punishment 3.200 franklin county judge executive teresa barton said a firefighter was struck by lightning and was taken to the frankfort regional medical center a county firefighter was struck by lightning and was in stable condition at frankfort regional medical center 5.000 police spokesman brig gen edward aritonang confirmed saturday that another two had been arrested one in jakarta and another in magelang central java brigadier general edward aritonang a police spokesman confirmed yesterday that another two had been arrested one in jakarta and another in magelang central java 3.600 federal judge william barbour said tuesday he imposed the maximum sentence because avants showed no remorse in the brutal slaying us district judge william barbour said he imposed the maximum because avants showed no remorse 3.200 about 120 potential jurors were being asked to complete a lengthy questionnaire the jurors were taken into the courtroom in groups of 40 and asked to fill out a questionnaire 4.600 five alternate jurors were also chosen with a final one set to be selected friday morning from the panel five alternate jurors also were selected with a sixth alternate to be picked on friday 3.800 the california farm bureau did not immediately return calls seeking comment the california farm bureau did not immediately have an official response to tuesday 's ruling 3.400 but the prime minister told the bbc he was not bothered by polls and that he would continue to do what he believed to be right he said he was not bothered by polls and that he would continue to do what he believed to be right in both foreign and domestic policy 3.600 gen sattler heads a combined joint task force based on ship in the gulf of aden and the indian ocean general sattler heads a combined joint task force aboard the command ship mount whitney 2.200 wall street analysts had expected 22 cents a share according to thomson first call the results were 3 cents a share lower than the forecast of analysts surveyed by thomson first call 3.600 the legal ruling follows three days of intense speculation hewlett packard co may be bidding for the company the legal ruling follows three days of wild volatility in rim 's stock over speculation that pc giant hewlett packard co may be bidding for the company 3.800 the findings were published in the july 1 issue of the annals of internal medicine the findings are being published today in the annals of internal medicine 4.000 the measures could be taken up by the full senate as early as friday ratliff said he hopes to bring the two measures to the full senate by friday 1.733 enron spokesman eric thode declined to comment on the mediation order we think it 's great news said enron spokesman eric thode 4.000 labor department analysts think the payroll statistics from the survey of businesses provide a more accurate picture of the economy because the survey figures are based on a larger sample the analysts said they believe the payroll statistics provide a more accurate picture of the economy because they are based on a larger sample 2.800 the parents want her kept alive her husband says she never wanted to be kept alive artificially michael schiavo has argued that his wife never wanted to be kept alive artificially 3.200 earlier he told france inter radio i think we can now qualify what is happening as a genuine epidemic i think we can now qualify what is happening as a genuine epidemic health minister jean francois mattei said on france inter radio 1.800 terri schiavo 39 is expected to die sometime in the next two weeks in the tampa area hospice where she has spent the past several years terri schiavo 39 underwent the procedure at the tampa bay area hospice where she has been living for several years said her father bob schindler 3.750 prior to joining kodak palumbo worked for procter & gamble corp where he managed products such as folgers and pantene shampoo prior to joining eastman kodak mr palumbo held senior marketing positions for procter & gamble 3.750 mr mcdevitt has been granted control of three crucial aspects of policing in the solomons mr mcdevitt has been granted control of three aspects of policing by commissioner william morrell 2.909 officials with north carolina speedway at rockingham could not be reached nascar officials could not be reached for comment tuesday 3.400 they said the child was taken to nassau county medical center for observation the boy was taken to nassau university medical center where staff said he was doing okay 3.600 tisha kresler a spokeswoman for global crossing declined to comment a global crossing representative had no immediate comment 2.600 the unions also staged a five day strike in march that forced all but one of yale 's dining halls to close the unions also staged a five day strike in march strikes have preceded eight of the last 10 contracts 3.800 gov rick perry has said that while he opposes gambling expansion he would be reluctant to veto continuation of the lottery commission gov rick perry opposes expansion of gambling but has said he would be hard pressed to veto the lottery sunset bill 1.600 in midafternoon trading the nasdaq composite index was up 834 or 05 percent to 179047 the nasdaq composite index ixic dipped 859 points or 048 percent to 177354 3.800 in kentucky democratic attorney general ben chandler faces us rep ernie fletcher kentucky republican ernie fletcher a three term house member is battling democratic state attorney general ben chandler 3.400 the dow jones industrial average fell 9832 or about 11 percent to 901153 the dow jones industrial average finished the day down 9832 points at 901153 2.500 enron 's 401k plan covered about 20000 workers retirees and beneficiaries enron 's stock comprised as much as 61 % of the workers 401k portfolios 3.750 the us senate judiciary committee overcame a significant hurdle yesterday in the battle to create a trust fund to pay victims of asbestos exposure the senate judiciary committee on tuesday overcame a significant hurdle in the battle to create a trust fund to pay victims of asbestos exposure but the most difficult obstacles remain 3.167 but she did not say whether she will certify the two year $ 1174 billion budget for 2004 05 she said she did not know yet whether she would certify the budget 2.500 it would be difficult to overestimate the potential dangers of the remote procedure call rpc vulnerability the flaw involves the remote procedure call rpc protocol which deals with inter computer communications 4.250 although obesity can increase the risk of health problems skeptics argue so do smoking and high cholesterol although obesity can increase the risk of a host of health problems skeptics argue so do smoking and high cholesterol which are not considered diseases 2.750 michelle wie chips sunday during her 1 up victory over virada nirapathpongporn in the 27th us women 's amateur public links championship now she has her first trophy after victory in the us women 's amateur public links here on sunday 2.750 sony said the psp would also feature a 45 inch lcd screen memory stick expansion slots it also features a 45 in back lit lcd screen and memory expansion facilities 3.250 at one of the three sampling sites at huntington beach the bacteria reading came back at 160 on june 16 and at 120 on june 23 the readings came back at 160 on june 16 and 120 at june 23 at one of three sampling sites at huntington beach 4.200 where long lines used to catch 10 fish per 100 hooks in past decades they are now lucky to catch one the study found whereas long lines used to catch 10 fish per 100 hooks now they are lucky to catch one myers said 3.200 carnival corp stock was trading at $ 3129 during midday trading wednesday down 72 cents or 225 percent carnival corp stock was down 25 percent or 81 cents at $ 3120 on the new york stock exchange 2.750 but senate criticism of the house plan tuesday came on several fronts and several senate republicans are cranky about the house map 1.750 as a result murphy sought to substitute strier 's sister ethel celnik as the trustee murphy said strier 's sister ethel celnik was in the courtroom at the time but strier was not 3.750 the rule bars groups from airing ads that promote support attack or oppose a candidate at any time it upheld fallback rules that bar the same groups from airing ads that promote support attack or oppose a candidate at any time 4.800 cisco pared spending to compensate for sluggish sales in response to sluggish sales cisco pared spending 3.400 kansas city drafted outfielder chris lubanski from kennedy kenrick high school in pennsylvania with the fifth pick the royals chose chris lubanski a high school outfielder from pennsylvania who hit 528 with the fifth pick 0.800 sterling was down 08 percent against the dollar at $ 15875 gbp= the dollar rose 015 percent against the japanese currency to 11597 yen 4.000 the dow jones industrial average dji rose 4161 points or 044 percent to 941582 the dow jones rose 4161 points friday a gain of 04 % for the day and 07 % for the week 4.000 right from the beginning we did not want to see anyone take a cut in pay but mr crosby told the associated press right from the beginning we did not want to see anyone take a cut in pay 3.750 there were a number of bureaucratic and administrative missed signals there 's not one person who 's responsible here gehman said in turning down the nima offer gehman said there were a number of bureaucratic and administrative missed signals here 3.250 devries did make one stop in town wednesday registering as a sex offender at the soledad police department convicted child molester brian devries spoke out in response to community outrage wednesday afternoon after registering as a sex offender at the soledad police department 1.250 at 5 pm edt grace 's center was near latitude 256 north longitude 937 west or about 280 miles east southeast of corpus christi at 11 am edt fabian 's center was near latitude 181 north and longitude 532 west or about 550 miles east of the leewards 3.500 on saturday a 149mph serve against agassi equalled rusedski 's world record on saturday roddick equalled the world record with a 149 mph serve in beating andre agassi 1.000 the broader standard & poor 's 500 index spx climbed 10 points or 110 percent to 943 the nasdaq composite index ixic jumped 4364 points or 289 percent to 155373 2.500 october heating oil futures settled 85 cent lower at 6989 cents a gallon october heating oil ended down 041 cent to 7074 cents a gallon 3.438 mr levine confirmed that ms cohen alon had tried to sell the story during the world cup ms cohen alon 's lawyer donald levine confirmed she tried to sell the story in february 4.000 mr bankhead said the crime scenes indicated that the killer was very methodical gbi spokesman john bankhead said the murder scenes showed that the killer was very methodical 3.600 this moves us a lot closer to saying that the foam can do this kind of damage said hubbard a member of the columbia accident investigation board i think this moves us a lot closer toward saying that foam can do this kind of damage hubbard said 4.200 we had nothing to do with @stake 's internal personnel decision microsoft spokesman sean sundwell said microsoft had absolutely nothing to do with atstake 's internal personnel decision sundwall said 2.600 egyptologists cast doubt tuesday on an expedition 's claim that it may have found the mummy of queen nefertiti one of the best known ancient egyptians egyptologists think they may have identified the long sought mummy of queen nefertiti one of the ancient world 's legendary beauties 4.400 treasurys long range plan is to provide retail buyers of all treasury securities the ability to manage their holdings online in a single account the treasury said wants to give retail buyers of all treasury securities the ability eventually to manage holdings online in a single account 3.250 he was listed last night in critical but stable condition at kings county hospital center police said that victim a new jersey resident was in critical but stable condition at the hospital 2.000 the 30 year bond us30yt=rr grew 1 3/32 for a yield of 430 percent down from 435 percent late wednesday at 11 am 1500 gmt the 10 year note us10yt=rr was up 11/32 for a yield of 336 percent from 340 percent wednesday 4.500 iac 's stock closed yesterday down $ 281 or 76 percent at $ 3419 interactivecorp 's shares closed at $ 3419 down $ 281 or 76 percent on the nasdaq stock market 3.400 byrd speaking from the senate floor said he questioned the motives of a deskbound president who assumes the garb of a warrior for purposes of a speech but i do question the motives of a desk bound president who assumes the garb of a warrior for the purposes of a speech 3.000 the ministry of defence is facing a 20m compensation claim from hundreds of kenyan women who claim they were raped by british soldiers hundreds of kenyan women claiming they were attacked and raped by british soldiers were granted government legal aid wednesday to pursue their case against the ministry of defense 1.000 shares of usa interactive rose $ 228 or 7 percent to $ 3496 on friday in nasdaq stock market composite trading and have gained 53 percent this year shares of lendingtree rose $ 603 or 41 percent to close at $ 2072 on the nasdaq stock market yesterday 2.750 similar bills passed the house twice but died in the senate two years ago the house passed a similar version that floundered in the senate 3.250 the show 's closure affected third quarter earnings per share by a penny the company said this impacted earnings by a penny a share 1.000 the woman was hospitalized june 15 kansas health officials said missouri health officials said he had not been hospitalized and is recovering 3.600 blue chips edged lower by midday on wednesday as a wave of profit warnings drained some of the optimism that has driven a rally over the past three months us stocks fell in early morning trade on wednesday as a wave of profit warnings drained some of the optimism that has driven a rally over the past three months 3.200 the technology laced nasdaq composite index ixic tacked on 591 points or 029 percent to 205327 the technology focused nasdaq composite index ixic advanced 6 points or 030 percent to 2053 erasing earlier losses 3.000 two kuwaitis and six palestinians with jordanian passports were among the suspects the official said they include two kuwaitis and six palestinians with jordanian passports and the remainder are iraqis and saudis the official said 3.200 her birthday 21 april was declared a public holiday and she attended a reception and a ball when his grandmother then princess elizabeth turned 21 in 1947 the day was declared a public holiday and she attended a reception and a ball 4.600 sorkin who faces charges of conspiracy to obstruct justice and lying to a grand jury was to have been tried separately sorkin was to have been tried separately on charges of conspiracy and lying to a grand jury 2.800 the man who entered the post office in lakeside shortly before 3 pm gave up to deputies about 630 pm the man had entered the post office on woodside avenue at maine avenue shortly before 3 pm 4.200 fewer than 10 fbi offices have conducted investigations involving visits to mosques the justice department said in addition the justice department said that the fbi has conducted fewer than 10 investigations involving visits to mosques 3.200 outside the court sriyanto who faces up to 25 years jail denied he had done anything wrong outside the court sriyanto denied to the age that he had done anything wrong 4.000 university of michigan president mary sue coleman said in a statement on the university 's web site our fundamental values have not changed our fundamental values have not changed mary sue coleman president of the university said in a statement in ann arbor 2.200 comcast class a shares were up 8 cents at $ 3050 in morning trading on the nasdaq stock market the stock rose 48 cents to $ 30 yesterday in nasdaq stock market trading 2.800 thomas was joined in full by rehnquist and in parts by o'connor and scalia he was joined by chief justice william h rehnquist and justices sandra day o'connor and antonin scalia 5.000 when you crossed the line you violated the constitutional right said charles weisselberg a uc berkeley law professor when you crossed the line you violated the constitutional right said charles weisselberg who teaches law at the university of california berkeley 2.000 preliminary reports were that the men were not seen together at the airport sources said the men had pakistani passports and reportedly were seen together at the airport earlier in the evening law enforcement sources said 3.250 toronto yesterday had 64 probable cases of sars and nine suspect cases as of wednesday there were 65 probable sars cases in the toronto region 3.750 the nasdaq composite index rose 1370 or 08 per cent to 170034 the technology laced nasdaq composite index ixic gained 1373 points or 081 percent to finish at 170034 3.500 toll australia 's second largest transport company last week offered nz75 a share for tranz rail toll last week offered to buy the company for nz75c a share or $ nz158 million 2.750 messagelabs which runs outsourced e mail servers for 700000 customers around the world said it had filtered out 27000 infected e mails in 115 countries as of thursday morning messagelabs which runs outsourced e mail servers for 700000 customers around the world has labeled the worm high risk and reports more than 31000 infections in 120 countries 4.000 carlson on tuesday said he would not recuse himself from the case service officials said carlson refused to recuse himself from the case 2.000 oracle shares were also higher trading up 12 cents at $ 1360 shares of redwood shores based oracle rose 14 cents to $ 1362 3.000 with all precincts reporting fletcher — a three term congressman from lexington — had an overwhelming 57 percent of the vote with all precincts reporting fletcher had 88747 votes or 57 percent of the total 3.000 in hong kong 24 patients were quarantined wednesday after seven public hospital workers developed flu like symptoms this after seven health care workers at a public hospital fell ill with flu like symptoms 4.600 on the upside coca cola co nyse ko news people reported higher profit for the quarter early on thursday helped by european demand coca cola co ko reported higher profit for the quarter helped by european demand early on thursday 3.200 the unemployment rate rose a tenth of a percentage point to 61 % the highest level since july 1994 the unemployment rate is predicted to have ticked up a percentage point to 61 % 4.400 as part of his deal mr delainey has agreed to cooperate in the continuing investigation dave delainey agreed to cooperate with federal prosecutors in exchange for the plea 4.000 but other sources close to the sale said vivendi was keeping the door open to further bids and hoped to see bidders interested in individual assets team up but other sources close to the sale said vivendi was keeping the door open for further bids in the next day or two 3.750 micron has declared its first quarterly profit for three years micron 's numbers also marked the first quarterly profit in three years for the dram manufacturer 2.800 the fines are part of failed republican efforts to force or entice the democrats to return perry said he backs the senate 's efforts including the fines to force the democrats to return 2.400 the tech loaded nasdaq composite rose 2096 points to 159591 ending at its highest level for 12 months the technology laced nasdaq composite index ixic climbed 1911 points or 12 percent to 161502 4.600 us prosecutors have arrested more than 130 individuals and have seized more than $ 17 million in a continuing crackdown on internet fraud and abuse more than 130 people have been arrested and $ 17 million worth of property seized in an internet fraud sweep announced friday by three us government agencies 3.800 chavez said investigators feel confident they have got at least one of the fires resolved in that regard albuquerque mayor martin chavez said investigators felt confident that with the arrests they had at least one of the fires resolved 4.400 the man accused of using fake grenades to commandeer a cuban plane that landed in key west in april was sentenced friday to 20 years in prison a cuban architect was sentenced to 20 years in prison friday for using two fake grenades to hijack a passenger plane from cuba to florida in april 4.200 jim williams director of the us visit project said that by the middle of november many arriving passengers in atlanta will be fingerprinted and photographed jim williams director of the us visit project said that by the middle of november inspectors will be fingerprinting and photographing many foreign passengers arriving in atlanta 5.000 the hearing occurred a day after the pentagon for the first time singled out an officer dallager for not addressing the scandal the hearing came one day after the pentagon for the first time singled out an officer dallager for failing to address the scandal 5.000 the episcopal church is alienating itself from the anglican communion said the very rev peter karanja provost of the all saints cathedral in nairobi in nairobi the provost of all saints cathedral the very reverend peter karanja said the us episcopal church was alienating itself from the anglican communion 5.000 counties with population declines will be vermillion posey and madison vermillion posey and madison county populations will decline 3.400 swartz indicted in february had argued that new hampshire was the wrong place to charge him swartz had sought to have the charges dismissed saying new hampshire was the wrong place to charge him 3.200 they were at raffles hospital over the weekend for further evaluation they underwent more tests over the weekend and are now warded at raffles hospital 5.000 when the bomb exploded at the casa de españa customers were eating dinner and playing bingo at the casa de espaa customers were eating dinner and playing bingo when a bomb went off 4.400 plofsky said the commission wo not investigate because the three year statute of limitations has expired the panel will not begin a formal investigation because the statute of limitations has expired plofsky said 3.600 if convicted of the spying charges he could face the death penalty the charges of espionage and aiding the enemy can carry the death penalty 3.200 entrenched interests are positioning themselves to control the network 's chokepoints and they are lobbying the fcc to aid and abet them it may be dying because entrenched interests are positioning themselves to control the internet 's choke points and they are lobbying the fcc to aid and abet them 3.800 but church members and observers say they expect that the decision could be problematic for many episcopalians but church members and observers say they anticipate that the decision here could pose doctrinal problems for some episcopalians who believe the bible prohibits homosexuality 4.200 squyres is principal investigator for the athena payload a collection of science instruments carted by each rover steve squyres a cornell university scientist is principal investigator for the missions science instruments 3.000 the military said it had killed 12 rebels and captured nine in the campaign so far for the loss of six soldiers wounded the military said it had killed 16 rebels and captured nine in the campaign so far with one soldier killed and six wounded 3.000 express scripts esrxo shares fell 36 percent to close at $ 6689 on the nasdaq shares of express scripts esrxo fell about 4 percent to $ 6673 on the nasdaq in late morning trade 3.000 police launched an international hunt for shevaun pennington after she ran away with 31 year old toby studabaker saturday shevaun pennington disappeared on saturday morning after arranging to meet 31 year old toby studabaker 4.800 lawyers and others familiar with the federal investigation say it remains focused on campbell though prosecutors declined to discuss the probe while federal prosecutors refuse to discuss the investigation lawyers and others familiar with it say it remains focused on campbell 2.500 the dow jones industrial average dji was off 5869 points or 064 percent at 913786 the blue chip dow jones industrial average dji fell 8656 points or 094 percent to 910999 after giving up more than 1 percent earlier 2.250 peace rules defeated funny cide in the louisiana derby but neither he nor peace rules could keep funny cide from drawing away 3.000 boeing said the final agreement is expected to be signed during the next few weeks the korean air deal is expected to be finalized in the next several weeks boeing spokesman bob saling said 3.667 shares in eds closed on thursday at $ 1851 a gain of 6 cents shares of eds closed thursday at $ 1851 up 6 cents on the new york stock exchange 3.600 a divided supreme court ruled monday that congress can force the nation 's public libraries to equip computers with anti pornography filters the supreme court said monday the government can require public libraries to equip computers with anti pornography filters rejecting librarians complaints that the law amounts to censorship 3.800 the weakness exists in the way that vba looks at the properties of documents passed to it when the document is opened by a host application the vulnerability exists in the way microsoft 's visual basic for applications checks document properties passed to it when a document is opened 3.400 of 24 million phoned in votes 5028 percent were for studdard putting him 130000 votes ahead of aiken of the 24 million phone votes cast studdard was only 130000 votes ahead of aiken 3.400 consumers still would have to get a descrambling security card from their cable operator to plug into the set to watch pay television consumers would insert into the set a security card provided by their cable service 3.800 however we have decided to opt for the european consortium 's engine as the best overall solution and due to the substantial price efforts made however we have decided to opt for the european consortium 's engine as the best overall solution 2.800 the food and drug administration rejected imclone 's 2001 application to sell erbitux citing shoddy research the us food and drug administration rejected imclone 's original application in december 2001 saying the trial had been sloppily conducted 3.750 critics say the law violates civil liberties something house judiciary committee chairman james sensenbrenner r wis says he is sensitive to house judiciary committee chairman james sensenbrenner r wis says he is sensitive to civil liberties complaints 4.400 the dodgers won their sixth consecutive game their longest win streak since 2001 as they edged colorado 3 2 wednesday in front of a crowd of 25332 at dodger stadium the dodgers won their sixth consecutive game and seventh in their last nine as they beat colorado 3 2 on wednesday in front of a crowd of 25332 at dodger stadium 3.750 so far they have searched pennsylvania ohio michigan illinois and indiana authorities in those state said so far authorities also have searched areas in pennsylvania ohio indiana and michigan 2.750 the 30 year bond us30yt=rr firmed 31/32 taking its yield to 416 percent another record low from 422 percent the 30 year bond us30yt=rr firmed 24/32 taking its yield to 418 percent after hitting another record low of 416 percent 3.800 lay had argued that handing over the documents would be a violation of his fifth amendment rights against self incrimination lay had refused to turn over the papers asserting his fifth amendment right against self incrimination 3.200 strayhorn said it was the first time in texas history a comptroller had not certified the appropriations act in a news release thursday strayhorn said this was the first time a comptroller rejected a budget 3.800 excluding the charges analysts on average expected a loss of 11 cents a share analysts polled by thomson financial first call had been expected to see a loss of about 11 cents a share from continuing operations 4.800 security experts are warning that a new mass mailing worm is spreading widely across the internet sometimes posing as e mail from the microsoft founder a new worm has been spreading rapidly across the internet sometimes pretending to be an e mail from microsoft chairman bill gates antivirus vendors said monday 4.000 mr sahel said police had identified the bodies of seven of the 14 strong cell believed to have carried out the five almost simultaneous attacks on saturday he said police had identified the bodies of seven of the 14 bombers who launched five almost simultaneous raids friday night 1.400 only new jersey now bans holders of learners permits or intermediate licenses from using cell phones pagers or other wireless devices while driving in addition the ntsb also recommended to nhtsa that state legislation be enacted to prohibit holders of learners permits and intermediate licenses from using mobile phones while driving 4.200 the university of michigan released today a new admissions policy after the us supreme court struck down in june the way it previously admitted undergraduates the university of michigan plans to release a new undergraduate admissions policy thursday after its acceptance requirements were rejected by the us supreme court in june 1.800 the audiotape aired last week by the arab al jazeera television network appears to be an effort to incite attacks an audiotape aired last week by the arab al jazeera television network may be the strongest evidence yet that saddam survived the war 2.000 the company did not detail the costs of the replacement and repairs but company officials expect the costs of the replacement work to run into the millions of dollars 2.600 dean told reporters traveling on his 10 city sleepless summer tour that he considered campaigning in texas a challenge today dean ends his four day 10 city sleepless summer tour in chicago and new york 3.250 i felt that if i disagreed with rosie too much i would lose my job she said cavender did say i felt that if i disagreed with rosie too much i would lose my job 3.750 the american decision provoked an angry reaction from the european commission which described the move as legally unwarranted economically unfounded and politically unhelpful the european commission the eu 's powerful executive body described the move as legally unwarranted economically unfounded and politically unhelpful 4.250 ms cripps prawak left last friday two days after the department introduced a plan to distribute medical marijuana through doctors offices the director of the office of medical access cindy cripps prawak left her job after the department introduced a plan to distribute marijuana through doctors offices 4.750 during 2001 and 2002 morgenthau said wire transfers from just four of beacon hill 's 40 accounts totaled more than $ 32 billion wire transfers from four of the 40 accounts open at beacon hill totaled more than $ 32 billion from 2001 to 2002 morgenthau said 3.250 last year he made an unsuccessful bid for the democratic nomination for governor he ran last year for the democratic nomination for texas governor but lost the primary to multimillionaire tony sanchez 3.750 the nation 's largest retailer has told its 100 top suppliers they have to start using electronic tags on all pallets of goods by jan 25 2005 wal mart has told its top 100 suppliers that they will need to have radio frequency id systems in place for tracking pallets of goods through the supply chain by jan 25 2005 3.250 he was taken to a hospital for precautionary x rays on his neck harvey was taken to st luke 's hospital for precautionary neck x rays which came back negative 5.000 the bill says that a woman who undergoes such an abortion could not be prosecuted a woman who underwent such an abortion could not be prosecuted under the bill 2.000 there are 103 democrats in the assembly and 47 republicans democrats dominate the assembly while republicans control the senate 4.200 i came basically to washington to establish relationships and to make sure that we are getting more federal money to california schwarzenegger said after meeting with congressional republicans i came to washington basically to establish relationships and make sure we are getting more federal money schwarzenegger said after one meeting 3.400 the latest snapshot of the labor markets was slightly better than economists were expecting they were forecasting claims to fall no lower than 410000 for last week despite problems in the job market the latest snapshot of the labor markets was slightly better than economists were expecting 3.000 chante jawan mallard 27 went on trial monday charged with first degree murder chante jawaon mallard 27 is charged with murder and tampering with evidence 2.750 linda saunders pleaded guilty in federal court to six charges including extortion money laundering and conspiracy former phipps aides linda saunders and bobby mclamb have both pleaded guilty to federal charges including extortion 2.600 vivendi shares closed 38 percent up in paris at 1578 euros vivendi shares were 03 percent up at 1562 euros in paris at 0841 gmt 3.400 microsoft has identified the freely distributed linux software as one of the biggest threats to its sales the company has publicly identified linux as one of its biggest competitive threats 3.600 antonio monteiro de castro 58 currently director of the group 's latin america & caribbean operations will become chief operating officer from the same date bat also said antonio monteiro de castro director for latin america and the caribbean would become chief operating officer on january 1 2004 3.600 spin and manipulative public relations and propaganda are not the answer it said the report added that spin and manipulative public relations are not the answer but that neither is avoiding the debate 4.800 another shooting linked to the spree occurred nov 11 at hamilton central elementary in obetz about two miles from the freeway the latest shooting linked to the spree was a nov 11 shooting at hamilton township elementary school in obetz about two miles from the freeway 4.000 on tuesday the central bank left interest rates steady as expected but also declared that overall risks were weighted toward weakness and warned of deflation risks the central bank 's policy board left rates steady for now as widely expected but surprised the market by declaring that overall risks were weighted toward weakness 3.400 fighting erupted after four north korean journalists confronted a dozen south korean activists protesting human rights abuses in the north outside the main media centre trouble flared when at least four north korean reporters rushed from the taegu media centre to confront a dozen activists protesting against human rights abuses in the north 2.400 dusty had battled kidney cancer for more than a year dusty had surgery for cancer in 2001 and had a kidney removed 3.000 kadyrov was not injured but four of his bodyguards were among those killed but itar tass news agency said four of his bodyguards were among those killed by the bomb 2.750 the commission estimates california lost $ 134 billion the most of any state to tax shelters in 2001 the commission estimated california lost $ 937 million to corporate tax shelters in 2001 4.000 the officials did not say whether us forces crossed into syrian territory and were vague about how the syrian border guards became involved us officials did not say whether american forces who were acting on intelligence crossed into syrian territory and were vague about how the syrian guards were involved 1.750 verisign introduced its site finder service on sept 15 the battle around verisigns three week old site finder service rages on 4.500 druce is still being held at the prison and is now in isolation she said druce last night was held in isolation at the same prison 5.000 their leader abu bakr al azdi turned himself in in june his deputy was killed in a recent shootout with saudi forces their leader abu bakr al azdi surrendered in june his deputy was killed in a shoot out with saudi forces recently 3.000 after freitas opening statement king county superior court judge charles mertel recessed trial until after the thanksgiving weekend king county superior court judge charles mertel will then recess the trial until monday 2.800 google 's investors include prominent vc firms kleiner perkins caufield & byers and sequoia capital the paper noted google 's early stage backers in include california based stanford university and vc firms kleiner perkins and sequoia capital 2.667 july 1st is the sixth anniversary of hong kong 's return to chinese rule the rally overshadowed ceremonies marking the sixth anniversary of hong kong 's return to china on 1 july 1997 4.000 palm wednesday announced plans to acquire handspring a company started by jeff hawkins regarded by many as the father of the palm handheld palm said on wednesday it plans to buy handspring a company created by renegade palm co founder jeff hawkins 4.250 the government recently shelved peace talks with the milf being brokered by malaysia after a string of attacks including three bombings on mindanao the government recently shelved peace talks being brokered by neighbouring malaysia after a spate of attacks on mindanao including three deadly bombings that it blamed on the milf 4.176 the company posted a profit of $ 543 million or 22 cents per share in the year ago period that was up from the year ago quarter when the company earned $ 543 million or 22 cents a share 3.000 joining boston on monday were the massachusetts communities of watertown saugus and framingham along with boston watertown saugus and framingham also are going smoke free monday 3.800 israeli soldiers knocked down empty mobile homes and water towers in 10 tiny west bank settlement outposts overnight as part of a us backed mideast peace plan israeli soldiers began tearing down settlement outposts in the west bank yesterday an israeli obligation under a new mideast peace plan 4.600 the union had not yet revealed which chain would be targeted the union said it would reveal later which chain would be targeted 1.400 get it all out says howard davidowitz chairman of davidowitz & associates a national retail consulting firm based in new york city innocent or not she 's damaged goods said howard davidowitz chairman of davidowitz & associates a national retail consulting firm in new york 2.800 the updated products include pylon pro pylon conduit pylon anywhere and pylon application server the new products on the desktop side include the latest versions of pylon conduit and pylon pro 4.200 turkish authorities have said all the suicide bombers were turks ankara says all four suicide bombers were turkish 1.000 in april it had forecast operating earnings in the range of 60 to 80 cents a share kodak expects earnings of 5 cents to 25 cents a share in the quarter 4.200 from florida to alaska thousands of revelers vowed to push for more legal rights including same sex marriages thousands of revellers celebrating the decision vowed to push for more legal rights including same sex marriages 2.500 others with such a status are egypt israel and australia nations like israel and australia already have such status 3.500 the findings appear in wednesday 's journal of the american medical association news web sites the results are to be published in wednesday 's issue of the journal of the american medical association 4.750 additionally the h2210 's cradle has room to charge a second battery the cradle for the h2200 has space for recharging a second battery 3.500 one of the 14 kurds pointed at the word refugee in an english/turkish dictionary one man had brandished an english turkish dictionary and pointed to the word refugee 4.000 close co operation between law enforcement agencies and intelligence services lie at the heart of the ongoing fight against terrorism mr howard said close cooperation between regional law enforcement agencies and intelligence services was at the heart of the fight against terrorism he said 2.000 in 2006 the group says the market will rebound 296 percent to $ 213 billion in sales in 2006 asia pacific will report growth of 79 percent to $ 818 billion 3.200 captain robert ramsey of the us 1st armoured division said a truck had exploded outside the building about 11am and that one of the compound 's outer walls had collapsed captain robert ramsey of us 1st armored division said a truck had exploded outside the building at around 11 am 3.800 this northern autumn us trainers will work with soldiers from four north african countries on patrolling and gathering intelligence later this year the command will send trainers with soldiers from four north african nations on patrolling and intelligence gathering missions 2.500 the figures are becoming catastrophic said dr patrick pelloux the president of the association of emergency room physicians this is unacceptable said patrick pelloux the president of france 's association of emergency doctors 3.000 whatever has happened to you by way of punishment is certainly more than enough covello told the 49 year old whose family friends and supporters filled half the courtroom what has happened to you sir by way of punishment is certainly more than enough covello said 4.000 the mother also alleged in the lawsuit that she was sexually assaulted by one of the guards the mother also contended that she was sexually assaulted by one of the guards during the 1998 confrontation 2.625 yes from today flash memory purchased from amd or fujitsu will be branded spansion spansion flash memory solutions are available worldwide from amd and fujitsu 3.200 the world 's two largest automakers said their us sales declined more than predicted last month as a late summer sales frenzy caused more of an industry backlash than expected domestic sales at both gm and no 2 ford motor co declined more than predicted as a late summer sales frenzy prompted a larger than expected industry backlash 4.000 a tropical storm rapidly developed in the gulf of mexico sunday and was expected to hit somewhere along the texas or louisiana coasts by monday night a tropical storm rapidly developed in the gulf of mexico on sunday and could have hurricane force winds when it hits land somewhere along the louisiana coast monday night 3.200 the pressure may well rise on thursday with national coverage of the final round planned by espn the cable sports network the pressure will intensify today with national coverage of the final round planned by espn and words that are even more difficult 2.400 pataki praised abraham 's decision and lipa chairman richard kessel said the cable should be kept in operation permanently lipa chairman richard kessel said that meant the cable could be used as we see fit 3.600 dynes came to uc san diego in 1991 after 22 years as a physicist with at&t bell labs dynes has been at uc san diego since 1991 after spending 22 years with at&t bell labs where he worked on superconductors and other materials 4.600 meningitis is an infection of the spinal cord fluid and the tissue around the brain meningitis is an infection of the fluid in a person 's spinal cord and around the brain 4.400 mayor joe t parker said late thursday that the three workers were two men and a woman who were inside the building when the first blast occurred the missing workers two men and a woman were inside the building when the first blast occurred mayor joe t parker said 4.600 london based ncri official ali safavi told reuters we condemn this raid which is in our view illegal and morally and politically unjustifiable we condemn this raid which is in our view illegal and morally and politically unjustifiable london based ncri official ali safavi told reuters by telephone 3.600 it exploded in his hands but the former italian prime minister was unhurt the letter bomb sent to prodi exploded in his hands but he was unhurt 3.200 halabi 's military attorney air force maj james key denied the charges which could carry a death penalty the attorney representing al halabi air force maj james key iii denied the charges according to the associated press 2.000 waksal in a letter to the court said i tore my family apart in seeking leniency waksal apologized to the court his employees and his family 2.800 since early may the city has received 1400 reports of dead blue jays and crows jayroe said since early may the city has received 1400 reports he said 1.600 but forest the freedom organisation for the right to enjoy smoking tobacco said mention the word prohibition and everyone knows what happened there forest the freedom organisation for the right to enjoy smoking tobacco said it had greeted the lancet 's call with amusement and disbelief 4.000 once converted baystar will own an aggregate of approximately 295 million shares of sco common stock or 175 percent of the company 's outstanding shares the investment gives larkspur calif based baystar more than 29 million shares of sco common stock or 175 percent of the company 's outstanding shares 2.800 opec producers at a meeting on wednesday are set to pressure independent oil exporters to contribute to the cartel 's next supply cut to allow for the return of iraqi oil opec this week is set to pressure independent exporters to back the cartel 's next supply cut to prevent the resumption of iraqi exports undercutting oil prices 5.000 the federal trade commission ftc asked congress today for additional authority to fight unwanted internet spam which now accounts for up to half of all e mail traffic the federal trade commission asked congress yesterday for broader powers to attack the rapidly growing problem of spam which new studies show accounts for half of all e mail traffic 3.400 a federal grand jury indicted them on tuesday the document was sealed until yesterday to allow authorities to make arrests federal officials said the document remained sealed until thursday morning to allow authorities to make arrests in five western states 4.000 people who have opposed these actions throughout are now trying to find fresh reasons to say this was not the right thing to do what is happening here is that people who have opposed this action throughout are trying to find fresh reasons why it was not the right thing to do 3.200 richard miller remained hospitalized after undergoing a liver transplant but his wife has recovered richard miller 57 survived a lifesaving liver transplant but remains hospitalized 3.800 sequent representatives could not immediately be reached for comment on the sco announcement a spokesman for sco could not be reached for comment this afternoon 3.200 the proportion of people covered by employers dropped from 623 percent in 2001 to 613 percent last year the proportion of americans with insurance from employers declined to 613 percent from 626 percent in 2001 and 636 percent in 2000 4.000 world no 2 lleyton hewitt has accused the association of tennis professionals of malice including an alleged attempt last year to dupe him into refusing a drug test world no2 lleyton hewitt has accused his professional peers of long standing malice including an attempt last year to dupe him into refusing a drug test 3.250 msn messenger 6 will be available for download starting at 6 pm gmt on wednesday from http//messengermsncom/download/v6previewasp the msn messenger 6 software will be available from 11 am pst on wednesday according to microsoft 4.250 in connection with the incident i have acknowledged that i behaved inappropriately i have acknowledged that i behaved inappropriately he said 4.250 a spokesman said since november we have co operated fully with the police it added it had co operated fully with police since november 4.250 women who eat potatoes and other tuberous vegetables during pregnancy may be at risk of triggering type 1 diabetes in their children melbourne researchers believe australian researchers believe they have found a trigger of type 1 diabetes in children their mothers eating potatoes and other tuberous vegetables during pregnancy 0.750 the broad standard & poor 's 500 index spx inched up 3 points or 032 percent to 970 the technology laced nasdaq composite index ixic lost 2 points or 018 percent to 1649 3.000 people who once thought their blood pressure was fine actually may be well on their way to hypertension under new us guidelines published on wednesday people who once thought their blood pressure was fine actually need to start exercising and eating better according to new us guidelines published on wednesday 3.750 amazon also reported that the new york attorney general 's office had settled civil fraud charges with one of the spoofers it identified amazon and the new york attorney general 's office have already settled with one of the alleged e mail forgers 4.000 the leading actress nod went to energetic newcomer marissa jaret winokur as edna 's daughter tracy marissa jaret winokur as tracy won for best actress in a musical 4.000 it appears from our initial report that this was a textbook landing considering the circumstances burke said said mr burke it was a textbook landing considering the circumstances 2.000 allegiant shares rose $ 4 or $ 172 percent to $ 2743 in thursday morning trading on the nasdaq stock market allegiant 's stock closed wednesday at $ 2340 up 64 cents in trading on the nasdaq market 3.400 by state law 911 calls are not public information and were not released by law 911 calls are not public information in rhode island 1.400 the adrs fell 10 cents to $ 2895 at 1006 am in new york stock exchange composite trading today shares of fox entertainment group inc news corp 's us media and entertainment arm fell 45 cents to $ 2685 in new york stock exchange composite trading 3.400 bremer said one initiative is to launch a $ 70 million nationwide program in the next two weeks to clean up neighborhoods and build community projects bremer said he would launch a $ 70 million program in the next two weeks to clean up neighborhoods across iraq and build community projects but gave no details 2.400 the nasdaq composite index added 3046 points or 2 percent to 152015 the nasdaq had a weekly gain of 1727 or 12 percent closing at 152015 after gaining 3046 yesterday 2.600 the british foreign office said monday that coalition authorities in iraq were pleased that the men were freed the british foreign office said it had mediated the two men 's release 2.800 wal mart estimates more than 100 million americans visit their stores every week each week 138 million shoppers visit wal mart 's 4750 stores 3.200 added mr prodi maybe but the old age helps us to understand our strengths and our weakness maybe but the old age helps us to understand our strength and our weakness and the reality of the world 2.400 i am proud that i stood against richard nixon not with him kerry said i marched in the streets against richard nixon and the vietnam war she said 3.250 shares of corixa were gaining 71 cents or 10 % to $ 791 on the nasdaq in late morning trading on the nasdaq stock market corixa was up 74 cents or 10 % at $ 794 2.750 spokesmen for the fbi cia canadian security intelligence service and royal canadian mounted police declined to comment on el shukrijumah 's stay in canada the fbi cia canadian security intelligence service and royal canadian mounted police declined to comment on the washington times report 4.000 this has been a persistent problem that has not been solved investigation board member steven wallace said this was a persistent problem which has not been solved mechanically and physically said board member steven wallace 3.600 americans do not cut and run we have to see this misadventure through she said she also pledged to bring peace to iraq americans do not cut and run we have to see this misadventure through 3.800 there is no doubt about the chemical programme biological programme indeed nuclear programme indeed all that was documented by the un he said he added there is no doubt about the chemical programme the biological programme and indeed the nuclear weapons programme 4.600 ridge said no real explosives or harmful devices will be used in the exercise ridge said that no actual explosives or other harmful substances will be used 3.250 this is america my friends and it should not happen here he said to loud applause this is america my friends and it should not happen here 3.750 on may 1 he crawled through a narrow winding canyon rappelled down a 60 foot cliff and walked some six miles down the canyon he crawled through a narrow winding canyon rappelled down a 60 foot cliff and walked some six miles down the canyon near canyonlands national park in southeastern utah 4.000 amnesty international has said that over the past 20 years it has collected information about 17000 disappearances in iraq but the actual figure may be much higher amnesty international said that over the past 20 years it had collected information about 17000 disappearances in iraq 3.750 texas instruments climbed $ 137 to $ 1925 yesterday and novellus systems inc advanced $ 176 to $ 3631 texas instruments climbed $ us137 to $ us1925 and novellus systems advanced $ us176 to $ us3631 each having been raised to overweight by lehman 3.455 she asked to be excused from last week 's cabinet session to prepare for a meeting with the presidents of rwanda and uganda she took the highly unusual step of skipping cabinet to attend a meeting with the presidents of rwanda and uganda 4.000 in a mixture of ancient pagan and modern christian rites the villagers have staged a series of ceremonies hoping to erase the misfortunes they believe have kept them poor in a mixture of ancient melanesian pagan and modern christian ceremonies the people tried again to erase the misfortunes they believe have kept them poor since that long ago meal 2.500 the dow jones industrial average dji edged up 1333 points or 015 percent to 919655 the dow jones industrial average dji was off 775 points or 008 percent at 917547 0.250 monkeypox is usually found only in central and western africa prairie dogs usually found in southwestern and western states are not indigenous to wisconsin 3.833 the film is the second of a trilogy which will wrap up in november with the matrix revolutions reloaded is the second installment of a trilogy the matrix revolutions is slated for debut in november 3.750 in addition the justice department said that the fbi has conducted fewer than 10 investigations involving visits to mosques in addition fewer than 10 fbi offices have conducted investigations involving visits to islamic mosques the justice department said 3.250 the launch coincides with the javaone developers conference in san francisco this week the news also comes in conjunction with suns annual javaone developers conference in san francisco 2.750 a royal duty is based on his experiences with diana princess of wales and letters allegedly to and from her the royal household was bracing itself for any more revelations in a royal duty based on the former servant 's time with diana princess of wales 3.000 the army said the raid which comes just days after israeli troops shot and killed abdullah kawasme the hamas leader in the city targeted militants in hamas the arrests came just days after israeli troops shot and killed abdullah kawasme the militant group 's leader in hebron 3.200 sars went on to claim the lives of 44 people in the toronto area including two nurses and a doctor the virus killed 44 people in the toronto area including one doctor and two nurses 4.600 apple computer 's new online music service sold more than 1 million songs during its first week of operation the company said monday apple computer inc said monday it exceeded record industry expectations by selling more than 1 million songs since the launch of its online music store a week ago 3.600 he had been arrested twice before for trespassing and barred from the complex home to his mother and two children he had been arrested twice before for trespassing and was barred from the complex 4.400 oracle corp 's chairman and ceo larry ellison did not rule out sweetening the company 's unsolicited offer to acquire rival peoplesoft inc oracle chairman larry ellison has hinted that the company could yet again increase its offer for rival peoplesoft 4.056 the portuguese weather service said europe 's heatwave was caused by a mass of hot dry air moving from the southeast the heatwave was due to a mass of hot dry air from the southeast said mario almeida of portugal 's weather service 3.500 spending taxpayer dollars to create terrorism betting parlors is as wasteful as it is repugnant they announced at a press conference yesterday spending taxpayer dollars to create terrorism betting parlors is as wasteful as it is repugnant wyden and dorgan said monday in a letter to the pentagon 5.000 still the somewhat ambiguous ruling might be a setback for static control depending on how it developed its competing product merrill lynch analyst steven milunovich said but merrill lynch analyst steven milunovich said the somewhat ambiguous ruling by regulators might be a setback for static control depending on how it developed its competing product 4.000 the monkeys could track their progress by watching a schematic representation of the arm and its motions on a video screen the arm was kept in a separate room but the monkeys could track their progress by watching a representation of the arm and its motions on a video screen 4.000 that triggered a 47 hour police standoff that inconvenienced thousands of commuters as traffic backed up in downtown washington and northern virginia his protest led to a 47 hour standoff with police that caused huge traffic jams in downtown washington and northern virginia 4.750 the standard & poor 's 500 index advanced 648 or 07 per cent to 99051 the broader standard & poor 's 500 index spx rose 648 points or 066 percent to 99051 3.750 agriculture ministers from more than one hundred nations are expected to attend the three day ministerial conference and expo on agricultural science and technology sponsored by the us department of agriculture us agriculture secretary ann veneman kicks off the three day ministerial conference and expo on agricultural science and technology on monday 4.000 complicating the situation is the presence of battle hardened liberians who have been fighting on both sides fighting has continued sporadically in the west where it is complicated by the presence of battle hardened liberians on both sides 3.500 this year the audubon society once again hosts its annual christmas bird count it 's the national audubon society 's annual christmas bird count now in its 104th season 3.000 before it was removed the site listed in broken english the rules for hackers who might participate organizers established a web site http//defacerschallengecom listing in broken english the rules for hackers who might participate 4.200 doctors have speculated that the body 's own estrogen protects against cell damage and improves blood flow their belief was based on speculation that estrogen prevents cell damage and improves blood flow 3.400 they also found shortness was associated with a family history of hearing loss shortness was found twice as often in those with hearing loss 4.600 cisco executives said they were encouraged by $ 13 billion in cash flow and the increase in net income but hoped for a rebound cisco executives were encouraged by $ 13 billion in cash flow and the increase in net income but said they remained cautiously optimistic about a rebound 4.000 in an e mail statement to the knoxville news sentinel shumaker said i am not giving any consideration to resignation i am not giving any consideration to resignation shumaker said in a statement 4.000 a poll showed that the fbi bugging of the mayor had given a boost to his reelection effort against gop opponent sam katz a poll released this week showed that the fbi bugging of the mayor has given a boost to his re election effort 3.643 the injured passenger at john peter smith hospital died later friday morning jones said the injured passenger at john peter smith died later in the morning his name has not been released jones said 3.600 doctors had planned to deliver him two weeks early on or around november 14 a caesarean had originally been planned in mid november two weeks early 4.000 sobigf spreads when unsuspecting computer users open file attachments in emails that contain such familiar headings as thank you re details or re that movie the virus spreads when unsuspecting computer users open file attachments in emails that contain familiar headings like thank you and re details 1.000 the technology laced nasdaq composite index ixic rose 1726 points or 106 percent to 164006 based on the latest data the broader standard & poor 's 500 index spx gained 551 points or 056 percent to 98173 3.400 founders of the group are matsushita electric sony hitachi nec royal philips electronics samsung sharp and toshiba celf 's founding members are hitachi matsushita nec philips samsung sharp sony and toshiba 1.750 is it in the food supply says david ropeik director of risk communication at the harvard center for risk analysis it 's not zero said david ropeik director of risk communication at the harvard center for risk analysis 3.000 during a screaming match in 1999 carolyn told john she was still sleeping with bergin she in turn occasionally told john that she was still sleeping with an ex boyfriend baywatch hunk michael bergin 3.250 on the other hand if this will help further establish steve 's innocence we welcome it if draining the ponds in maryland will further help establish steve 's innocence we welcome it 3.400 fletcher said he expects to have the support of lawmakers from agricultural states many of whom are on the committee he said he also expects to have the support of lawmakers from other agricultural states 3.200 seven 20 and 21 year old cadets were ticketed by police for drinking alcohol in an off campus hotel room early saturday with two young women aged 16 and 18 seven 20 and 21 year old male cadets were caught in an off campus hotel room early saturday with two female teens 16 and 18 years 2.800 such a step could put the issue before the un security council the matter could then be sent to the un security council 2.400 he planned to stay all day until the river crested which was forecast for late last night he and the other lawyers planned to stay until the river starts receding 3.400 the camp hosts summer religious retreats for children and other events year round according to its web site the saint sophia camp hosts religious retreats for children during the summer months as well as other events year round according to its web site 3.600 dealers said the single currency 's downward momentum against the dollar could pick up speed if it broke below $ 115 dealers said the euro 's downward momentum may pick up speed should it break below $ 115 3.800 gemstar 's shares gathered up 26 percent adding 14 cents to $ 549 at the close gemstar shares moved higher on the news closing up 26 percent at $ 549 on nasdaq 4.800 along with chipmaker intel the companies include sony corp microsoft corp hewlett packard co ibm corp gateway inc and nokia corp along with chip maker intel the companies include sony microsoft hewlett packard international business machines gateway nokia and others 3.800 kroger co which owns ralphs and albertsons inc bargain jointly with safeway and locked out their union workers the next day in a show of corporate solidarity kroger co which owns ralphs and albertson inc locked out their workers the next morning 3.333 according to the census bureau the hispanic population increased by 98 percent from the april 2000 census figures the hispanic population increased by 98per cent from the april 2000 census figures despite less favourable social and economic conditions than in the 1990s 2.500 its shares jumped to $ 5450 in pre open trading from $ 5090 at wednesday 's close shares jumped almost 7 percent in pre open trading rising to $ 1826 from $ 1705 at tuesday 's close 2.400 the dow jones industrial average dji was off 5869 points or 064 percent at 913786 the dow jones industrial average dji fell 7943 points or 086 percent to 911712 on friday 3.800 his lawyer pamela mackey said bryant expects to be completely exonerated mr bryant is innocent and expects to be completely exonerated mackey said in a statement 3.000 it was the best advance since oct 1 when the index gained 2225 standard & poor 's 500 index rose 1566 to 104679 its best advance since oct 1 when it gained 2225 3.692 mr mask said mr cullen would be taken from the somerset county jail by thursday and moved to the ann klein forensic hospital just outside trenton for psychiatric care charles cullen 43 was transferred from the somerset county jail in somerville to the anne klein forensic center a 150 bed psychiatric treatment facility in trenton 3.000 scientists believed stardust trapped thousands of particles of dust stardust was designed to gather thousands of dust particles streaming from wild 2 2.750 the report by the independent expert committee aims to dissipate any suspicion about the hong kong government 's handling of the sars crisis a long awaited report on the hong kong government 's handling of the sars outbreak has been released 3.250 both devices implement the v12 standard 's esco facility to provide the basis for new cordless telephony applications bluecore3 also implements v12 's esco facility to provide the basis for advanced cordless telephony applications for bluetooth transmission 3.500 the drop in core wholesale prices in april reflected falling prices for cars trucks men 's and boy 's clothes and cigarettes that was the biggest drop since august 1993 and stemmed from falling prices for cars trucks men 's and boys clothes and cigarettes 3.000 international rescue workers are scouring flattened debris for survivors in iran 's shattered ancient silk road city of bam after a violent earthquake killed more than 20000 people international rescue workers hacked desperately through flattened debris for survivors and cemeteries overflowed in iran 's ancient silk road city of bam yesterday 4.000 griffith a mount airy native now lives on the north carolina coast in manteo griffith 77 grew up in mount airy and now lives in manteo 4.667 the conference board reported its us consumer confidence index slipped to 835 in june from 836 in may the consumer confidence index came in at 835 in june down slightly from a revised 836 in may the conference board said 3.333 i notice a mood change in their priorities one politician said i notice a mood change in their priorities said one iraqi politician after meeting with mr bremer 2.400 heather 35 who lost a leg in a road accident is thought to have steel plates fitted in her hips which would make natural childbirth impossible former model lady mccartney lost a leg in a road accident in 1993 and is understood to have steel plates fitted in her hips which would make natural childbirth difficult 3.857 the network is also dropping its friday night dateline edition the network will drop one edition of dateline its newsmagazine franchise 2.400 vice president dick cheney and mississippi republican gubernatorial candidate haley barbour acknowledge the cheering crowd vice president dick cheney says mississippi republican haley barbour would be a good governor because of his government and business savvy 3.000 the 51 year old nurse worked at north york general hospital the epicentre of the latest outbreak emile laroza 51 contracted sars while working as a nurse at north york general hospital the epicentre of the second sars outbreak 2.000 rusch has also allowed five or more earned runs in each of his last three starts redman has allowed two earned runs or less in six of his nine starts 1.600 mr turner transferred about 10 million shares to a charitable trust before they were sold the sales leave mr turner with about 45 million shares in aol 4.000 he also recruited others to participate in the scheme by convincing them to receive fraudulently obtained merchandise he had ordered for himself he also recruited other people to take delivery of fraudulently obtained merchandise he had ordered 3.800 the new york mets then selected outfielder lastings milledge from lakewood ranch high school in florida the mets took lastings milledge an outfielder from florida with the 12th pick 1.273 florida sen bob graham was not identifiable by 61 percent of those polled kerry was viewed favorably by 66 percent of those polled dean at 57 percent 1.000 the broader standard & poor 's 500 index spx rose 347 points or 036 percent to 97759 the tech laden nasdaq composite index ixic shed 8 points or 045 percent to 1645 3.000 as a result 24 players broke par in the first round twenty four players broke par in the first round the third highest figure in us open history 4.000 albertsons and kroger 's ralphs chain locked out their workers in response kroger 's ralphs chain and albertsons immediately locked out their grocery workers in a show of solidarity 2.000 the technology packed nasdaq composite index ixic dropped 3778 points or 194 percent to 191236 the nasdaq composite index fell 295 or 02 percent for the week to 191236 after stumbling 3778 yesterday 1.000 shares of sco closed at $ 1093 down 28 cents in monday trading on the nasdaq stock market ibm shares closed up $ 175 or 211 percent at $ 8450 on the new york stock exchange 3.000 the house voted 425 to 2 to clear the bill the first of 13 that congress must pass each year to fund the federal government the bill is among the first of 13 that congress must pass each year to fund the federal government 4.750 knight agreed to a two year $ 238 million contract that included a $ 300000 signing bonus espn reported that knight 's two year deal is worth $ 238 million including a $ 300000 signing bonus 2.750 against the japanese currency the euro was at 13592/604 yen against the late new york level of 13603/14 the dollar was at 11785 yen against the japanese currency up 01 percent 4.500 the procedure is generally performed in the second or third trimester the technique is used during the second and occasionally third trimester of pregnancy 3.000 besides hampton and newport news the grant funds water testing in yorktown king george county norfolk and virginia beach the grant also funds beach testing in king george county norfolk and virginia beach 3.000 he said the attackers left behind leaflets urging staff at the ishtar sheraton to stop working at the hotel and demanding us forces leave iraq he said the attackers left behind leaflets urging workers at the ishtar sheraton to stop working at the hotel 3.000 with diplomacy heating up in the nearly 10 month old nuclear crisis chinese foreign minister li zhaoxing is slated to visit south korea from august 13 to 15 with diplomacy heating up in the nearly 10 month old crisis chinese foreign minister li zhaoxing flies to japan on sunday en route to south korea on august 13 2.588 bond bulls would like the fed to recognize that risks are biased toward economic weakness the fed also said the risks to the economy were biased toward weakness 3.600 there is the real potential for a secondary collapse gov james mcgreevey said the damaged area of the garage was not stable with the real potential for a secondary collapse mcgreevey said 2.333 no 2 hp saw its unix server sales dropped 36 percent to $ 136 billion hp fell to second place with server sales growing 04 percent to $ 29 billion 2.250 people are obviously inconvenienced said dr jim young ontario 's commissioner of public safety we are being hyper vigilant said dr james young ontario 's commissioner of public safety 2.500 the others were given copies of dr atkins new diet revolution and told to follow it the researchers gave copies of dr atkins new diet revolution to the carb cutters 4.500 the rapper 's lawyer mark gann did not return calls for comment the 27 year old rapper 's attorney in the civil matter mark gann did not return calls for comment 4.750 also weighing on the market was news that general motors gmn planned to issue $ 10 billion in debt in part to plug a hole in its pension plan also hurting was news general motors gmn was to issue $ 10 billion in debt in part to plug a hole in its pension plan 3.400 russin did not comment his lawyer did not attend the hearing and did not return phone messages his lawyer a cousin basil russin did not attend the hearing and did not return phone messages 4.000 licensing revenue slid 21 percent however to $ 1076 million license sales a key measure of demand fell 21 percent to $ 1076 million 3.500 hispanics the fastest growing ethnic group in the us have overtaken blacks to become the largest minority in the us according to newly released government figures hispanics have officially overtaken african americans as the largest minority group in the us according to a report released by the us census bureau 2.000 the bishop of armidale peter brain was forthright he has not got much choice said the bishop of armidale peter brain 4.000 when fully operational the facility is expected to employ up to 1000 people the plant would employ 1000 people when fully built out the company said 1.400 the american stock exchange biotech index btk surged 5 percent the philadelphia stock exchange 's semiconductor index soxx jumped 610 percent 3.200 i really liked him and i still do cohen alon told the herald yesterday and i really liked him and i still do 1.800 for the full 12 month period ending june 30 2003 advanced services lines for adsl increased by 37 percent and cable modem connections increased by 75 percent for the 12 month period ending june 30 high speed lines installed in homes and businesses increased by 45 percent 3.200 state education commissioner kent king said wednesday that the scores on the missouri assessment program tests disappointed him missouri education commissioner kent king said he was disappointed by the scores 4.800 agents found more than 1000 credit cards and credit card duplicating machines during a search of ragin 's address when ragin 's address was raided authorities found more than 1000 credit cards and duplicating machines 1.400 lowe 's with about half as many stores reported a 33 percent increase in third quarter profit behind a 12 percent jump in same store sales home depot reported a 22 percent jump in third quarter profit behind a nearly 8 percent rise in same store sales 2.600 caldera acquired the unix server software of the original sco and changed its name to the sco group sco changed its name to tarantella and caldera later changed its name to the sco group 3.250 officers threw him to the ground and handcuffed him and reyna dropped a knee into his back according to testimony that 's when officers threw him to the ground and handcuffed him according to testimony 1.750 the best performing stock was altria group inc which rose more than 27 percent to close at $ 4231 a share altria group inc mon fell 50 cents or 12 percent to $ 4181 3.000 officials are trying to retrieve the bodies from the water police officer jd tambe told reuters adding 26 of the dead were women officials are trying to retrieve the bodies from the water police official jd tambe told reuters 3.500 according to market research from the npd group the number of people downloading music dropped from 145 million in april to 104 million in june the number of households acquiring music fell from a high of 145 million in april to 127 million in may and 104 million in june according to npd 3.250 this is an easy case in my view and wholly without merit both factually and legally this case is wholly without merit both factually and legally judge denny chin scoffed 2.250 the weather service reported maximum sustained winds of nearly 105 miles an hour with stronger gusts maximum sustained winds were around 40 mph with stronger gusts 4.000 the wifi potties were to be unveiled this summer at music festivals in britain the world 's first portal potty was soon to be rolled out at summer festivals in great britain 4.250 men who drink tea particularly green tea can greatly reduce their risk of prostate cancer a landmark wa study has found drinking green tea can dramatically reduce the risk of men contracting prostate cancer a study by australian researchers has discovered 4.000 forecasters said warnings might go up for cuba later thursday watches or warnings could be issued for eastern cuba later on thursday 3.000 shiites make up 20 percent of the country 's population sunnis make up 77 percent of pakistan 's population shiites 20 percent 3.400 the cwa which represents more than 2300 comcast employees called that excessive when a typical union employee makes about $ 27000 a year the communications workers union which represents more than 2300 comcast employees called the executive pay package excessive when a typical union employee makes about $ 27000 annually 3.800 the consumer group generated $ 447 billion of profit and $ 20 billion of revenue from january to june 53 % of citigroup 's profit and revenue it generated $ 447 billion of profit and $ 20 billion of revenue in the year 's first half 53 percent of citigroup 's totals 4.000 galloway township nj annika sorenstam drew the crowds michelle wie got the publicity but angela stanford took her first lpga victory galloway township nj annika sorenstam and michelle wie drew the crowds but angela stanford took her first lpga victory 2.500 british airways new york to london runs will end in october british airways plans to retire its seven concordes at the end of october 4.500 the new policy gives greatest weight to grades test scores and a student 's high school curriculum academic achievement including grades test scores and high school curriculum are given the highest priority 4.500 the new version w32/sobigc mm had already reached a high level outbreak status by monday according to security analysts security analysts said the new version w32/sobigc mm had already reached a high level outbreak status by mid afternoon on monday 3.600 the only other person who had not been accounted for sunday was a man from fort worth texas another person a man from fort worth texas also was missing 0.800 the broader standard & poor 's 500 index spx gave up 1191 points or 119 percent at 98660 the technology laced nasdaq composite index ixic declined 1668 points or 101 percent at 163694 4.091 aftra members approved the merger by a vote of 7588 % to 2412 % aftra on the other hand approved the merger by a whopping 75 percent 2.250 the currency briefly weakened slightly on monday to trade at 5534/39 not far from its record low of 5575 the currency briefly weakened on monday morning but rebounded to trade at 5525/29 little changed from friday 5.000 while some other parts of africa have been used as staging grounds for the terror group malawi previously had not been a major focus of investigations into al qaida while some other parts of africa have been used as al qaeda staging grounds malawi had previously not been a major focus of investigations into the group 3.750 on sunday a us soldier was killed and another injured in southern iraq when a munitions dump exploded on sunday a us soldier was killed and another injured when a munitions dump they were guarding exploded in southern iraq 3.667 i am real excited to be a cleveland cavalier james said i am really excited about going to cleveland james told espncom 2.667 according to law enforcement officials the person arrested was a known sophisticated hacker according to law enforcement officials the individual decrypted passwords on the server 3.333 excluding litigation charges rim 's loss narrowed even further to 1 cent a share excluding patent litigation rim 's loss for the quarter was $ 700000 or 1 cent per share 3.000 the broad standard & poor 's 500 index spx gained 1972 points or 198 percent to 101569 the dow jones industrial average dji jumped 209 percent while the standard & poor 's 500 index spx leapt 223 percent 3.444 it will also help reform the royal solomon islands police strengthen the courts and prisons system and protect key institutions such as the finance ministry from intimidation the intervention force will confiscate weapons reform the police strengthen the courts and prison system and protect key institutions such as the finance ministry 3.800 mr alibek said our outcomes are very encouraging our outcomes are very encouraging george mason researcher ken alibek said 3.600 a jury convicted rapper c murder also known as corey miller of second degree murder tuesday night in the shooting death of a 16 year old in a jefferson parish nightclub rapper c murder has been convicted of second degree murder a crime that carries an automatic life sentence in the shooting death of a 16 year old inside a jefferson parish nightclub 5.000 wells other series include nbc 's er and third watch wells other series include nbc 's er and third watch 3.000 thirty three of the 42 men had been arrested by wednesday evening said daniel bogden us attorney in nevada thirty four of the men have been arrested and the others are being sought us attorney daniel bogden said yesterday 3.400 five time tour de france winner and cancer survivor lance armstrong had a few words of advice for other cancer survivors in denver on friday five time tour de france winner lance armstrong is in denver today for a meeting about surviving cancer 3.800 she survives him as do their four children sons anthony and kelly daughters linda hope and nora somers and four grandchildren hope is survived by his wife sons anthony and kelly daughters linda and nora somers and four grandchildren 3.600 police using pepper spray arrested 12 people monday night at a march and rally by about 400 activists protesting an annual training seminar of the law enforcement intelligence unit police used pepper spray and rubber bullets to disperse a downtown march and rally last night by activists protesting an annual police intelligence training seminar 3.600 the department ordered an 182 percent reduction for allstate texas lloyds and a 12 percent reduction for state farm lloyds the department ordered a 12 percent reduction for state farm lloyds the state 's largest insurer and an 182 percent reduction for allstate texas lloyds the third largest 2.400 colgate shares closed monday at $ 5630 on the new york stock exchange colgate shares were down 30 cents at $ 56 in morning trade on the new york stock exchange 2.400 several shots rang out in the darkness but only one gator had been killed by 11 pm several shots rang out wednesday night but no gators were killed then 0.889 the broader standard & poor 's 500 index spx was 046 points lower or 005 percent at 99702 the technology laced nasdaq composite index ixic was up 742 points or 045 percent at 165344 4.750 republicans had pledged to complete a medicare drug package by august then extended the deadline to oct 17 and they are still working on it republicans had pledged to complete a medicare drug package by august then extended it to oct 17 3.500 the index which measures activity in the service sector climbed to 507 last month from 479 in march the arizona based ism reported monday that its non manufacturing index rose to 507 last month from 479 in march 5.000 bush plans to meet with israeli prime minister ariel sharon and the new palestinian prime minister mahmoud abbas in the jordanian port of aqaba on wednesday on wednesday next week mr bush will meet israeli prime minister ariel sharon and new palestinian leader mahmoud abbas in aqaba jordan 3.600 unlike many early stage internet firms google is believed to be profitable the privately held google is believed to be profitable 3.000 it is safe to assume the senate is prepared to pass some form of cap king said its safe to assume the senate is prepared to pass some form of a capthe level of it is to be debated 3.800 and when asked if he felt regret or guilt about the attack his answer was an adamant no asked if he felt any regret about theoctober 12 attack the answer was an adamant no 3.000 another big gainer was rambus inc nasdaq rmbs news people which shot 32 percent higher rambus inc nasdaq rmbs news people shot up 38 percent making it the biggest percentage gainer on the nasdaq 1.800 russ britt is the los angeles bureau chief for cbsmarketwatchcom emily church is london bureau chief of cbsmarketwatchcom 4.800 if you pass this bill big brother will be watching you said rep john mabry d waco if you pass this bill rep john mabry jr d waco told colleagues big brother will be watching you 3.800 douglas robinson a senior vice president of finance will take over as chief financial officer on an interim basis douglas robinson ca senior vice president finance will fill the position in the interim 4.000 several states and the federal government later passed similar or more strict bans following california 's lead several states and the federal government passed similar or tougher bans 4.600 still he noted miami must decide whether to seek acc membership for the next school year by june 30 to adhere to big east guidelines still he noted that miami must decide whether to seek acc membership by june 30 to adhere to big east guidelines 4.800 revenues for the hulk came in well below those of last month 's marvel comics adaptation x2 x men united which grossed $ 856 million in its opening weekend the hulk trailed last month 's marvel comics adaptation x2 x men united which grossed $ 856 million in its opening weekend 2.000 shares of littleton colorado based echostar rose $ 163 or 53 percent to $ 3226 at 1055 am on monday echostar dish news chart profile shares shrank $ 140 or 44 percent to $ 3063 3.200 the valid signatures of 897158 registered california voters must be collected and turned in to county election officials by sept 2 to force a recall election of davis the valid signatures of 897158 registered california voters must be turned in to election officials 2.200 the benchmark 10 year note us10yt=rr lost 11/32 in price taking its yield to 321 percent from 317 percent late on monday further out the curve the benchmark 10 year note us10yt=rr shed 18/32 in price taking its yield to 324 percent from 317 percent 4.000 the mdc called the strike to force mr mugabe to either resign or negotiate a settlement of the zimbabwe crisis the mdc called the week long protest to urge mugabe either to resign or to negotiate a settlement of the crisis gripping the country 1.200 revenue rose 39 percent to $ 163 billion from $ 157 billion the mclean virginia based company said newspaper revenue increased 5 percent to $ 146 billion 4.000 in january 2000 notebooks represented less than 25 percent of sales volume that compares with january 2000 when laptops represented less than 25 percent of sales volume npd said 3.000 argentine guillermo coria and netherlander martin verkerk are in the other half the other semifinal between guillermo coria of argentina and martin verkerk of the netherlands is also compelling 2.800 what can i say to you he told a crowd at a cemetery with a thousand headstones many of them marking the graves of entire families mr powell told a crowd at a cemetery with a thousand headstones many of them marking the graves of entire families 4.400 she had only a single condition that the book not be published until her death she insisted though that it not be published until after her death 2.600 the findings are published in the november 6 edition of the journal nature both studies are published on thursday in nature the british weekly science journal 1.400 median household income declined 11 percent between 2001 and 2002 to $ 42409 after accounting for inflation the same survey found the median household income rose by $ 51 when accounting for inflation to $ 43057 3.200 us and european leaders pledged on wednesday to work together to keep iran from developing nuclear weapons presenting a united front after months of bitter acrimony over iraq bush said us and european union leaders at an annual washington summit agreed on the need to keep iran from developing nuclear weapons 3.000 he left the army for syria where he received religious training he moved to syria where he underwent further religious training in traditional islamic beliefs 3.273 the meeting was scheduled to end wednesday night with attendees approving resolutions that express the denomination 's view on issues but that are not binding on churches on wednesday attendees will vote on resolutions that express the southern baptist view on issues but are not binding on individual churches 4.000 but the inadequate performance of students in various subgroups tagged the state as deficient under the federal no child left behind act but the inadequate performance of students in various subgroups such as race pushed the state onto the needs improvement list under the federal no child left behind act 3.250 this led to the recovery of the 270 kilogram cancuen altar announced on wednesday by the vanderbilt university in nashville and the national geographic society this led last month to the recovery of the 600 pound cancun altar vanderbilt university in nashville and the national geographic society announced wednesday 3.500 in a not too subtle swipe at dean he predicted americans would not elect a democrat who sounds an uncertain trumpet in these dangerous times they will not elect as president a democrat who sounds an uncertain trumpet in these dangerous times 1.750 the report forecasts there will be 71079 hot spots worldwide this year up from just 14752 in 2002 and 1214 in 2001 the report also claims that there will be up to 93 million visitors to hot spots this year up again from the meagre 25 million in 2002 2.700 a new study conducted in europe found the medicine worked just as well as an earlier disputed study sponsored by imclone systems said it did doctors concluded erbitux the cancer drug that enmeshed imclone systems in an insider trading scandal worked just as well as an earlier company sponsored study said it did 3.750 her lawyer donald levine told the telegraph she had been offered $ us250000 to tell her story exclusively to australian tv mr levine said she had been offered $ 400000 to tell her story to an australian tv network 3.750 perry has called lawmakers into two special sessions to address congressional redistricting perry has since called two special legislative sessions to try force the redistricting plan through 4.000 airtran officials and a boeing official declined to comment yesterday trish york a spokeswoman for boeing declined to comment on the deal 4.200 the lawsuit names shelley a democrat and registrars in los angeles orange and san diego counties the lawsuit named secretary of state kevin shelley a democrat and the registrars of voters in los angeles orange and san diego counties 3.750 negotiators said friday they made good progress during their latest round of talks on creating a central american free trade agreement negotiators said friday they made progress during their latest round of free trade negotiations between the united states and five central american countries this week in houston 3.800 it 's very difficult to do large syndicated loans in japan where there is a lack of expertise says one banker it is very difficult to do large syndicated loans in japan says one banker 4.400 the case comes out of illinois and involves a for profit company called telemarketing associates inc the case decided monday centered around an illinois fund raiser telemarketing associates 4.600 he urged congress to send me the final bill as soon as possible so that i can sign it into law i urge congress to quickly resolve any differences and send me the final bill as soon as possible so that i can sign it into law he said 1.667 mr pingeon is director of litigation for massachusetts correctional legal services a prisoners rights group pingeon said an attorney for his organization massachusetts correctional legal services interviewed assan tuesday 4.000 yee is a 1990 graduate of the us military academy at west point new york yee grew up in the united states and graduated from the us military academy at west point 4.333 pnc regrets its involvement in the deals chairman and chief executive officer james rohr said in a statement james rohr chairman and chief executive officer said pnc regretted the incident 3.000 ccag supported bill curry rowland 's opponent in the 2002 gubernatorial election mr swan 's group supported the governor 's democratic opponent bill curry in the 2002 election 3.500 they later fell out and have backed a series of rival congolese militias in recent years the two invading countries later fell out and have since backed rival factions 2.000 another said its members would continue to call the more than 50 million phone numbers on the federal trade commission 's list meantime the direct marketing association said its members should not call the nearly 51 million numbers on the list 3.750 veteran entertainer bob hope celebrates his 100th birthday and many years in showbusiness on thursday hollywood and the world are gearing up to celebrate legendary entertainer bob hope 's 100th birthday on thursday 1.800 declining issues outnumbered advancers nearly 2 to 1 on the new york stock exchange advancers outnumbered decliners by nearly 8 to 3 on the nyse and more than 11 to 5 on nasdaq 2.667 a floating airfield with a flight deck covering 45 acres the ship took about five years to build the reagan a floating airfield with a flight deck covering 45 acres is the ninth nimitz class carrier to be built at the newport news shipyard 3.800 im very proud of the citizens of this state said gov john baldacci a casino foe i´m very proud of the citizens of this state gov john baldacci said after votes from tuesday´s referendum were counted 2.200 an injured woman co worker also was hospitalized and was listed in good condition a woman was listed in good condition at memorial 's healthpark campus he said 4.333 the shooting victim was taken to kings county hospital center where he later died the police said the victim who was not identified was taken to kings county hospital where he was pronounced dead 2.333 they reported symptoms of fever headache rash and muscle aches symptoms include a stiff neck fever headache and sensitivity to light 3.250 we have become like total strangers klein quotes him as saying we have become like total strangers john told a pal two days before his death 2.250 davey graduated saturday from northwest college which is affiliated with the assemblies of god with a bachelor of arts degree in religion and philosophy davey started attending northwest college which is affiliated with the assemblies of god in 1999 with plans to become a minister 0.750 the technology laced nasdaq composite index ixic fell 2354 points or 142 percent to 163008 the broader standard & poor 's 500 index spx gave up 1191 points or 119 percent at 98660 4.000 it was a final test before delivering the missile to the armed forces state radio said it was the last test before the missile was delivered to the armed forces 3.500 your withdrawal from our country is inevitable whether it happens today or tomorrow and tomorrow will come soon your withdrawal from our country is inevitable whether it happens today or tomorrow added the voice which signed off giving the date as mid september 3.750 according to a news release sent by the terry schindler schiavo foundation florida speaker johnnie byrd will introduce terri 's bill during the special session monday florida 's speaker of the house johnnie byrd is expected to introduce terri 's bill during a one day special session of the state legislature being held today in tallahassee 3.750 also businesses throughout utah are volunteering to display amber alerts on their signs other businesses are volunteering to put the alerts on their electronic signs and billboards 4.250 thanks to the euro 's rise against the japanese currency the dollar was at 11724 yen well above the overnight 10 month low of 116 yen the euro 's rise against the yen and speculation of japanese intervention helped the dollar firm to 11725 yen well above a 10 month low of 116 yen hit on thursday 4.000 russian stocks fell after the arrest last saturday of mikhail khodorkovsky chief executive of yukos oil on charges of fraud and tax evasion the weekend arrest of russia 's richest man mikhail khodorkovsky chief executive of oil major yukos on charges of fraud and tax evasion unnerved financial markets 0.750 for the year it expects sales of $ 94 million and a profit of 26 cents a share from continuing operations this is an increase from the $ 225 million and 5 cents a share previously forecast 3.400 after hughes refused to rehire hernandez he complained to the equal employment opportunity commission hernandez filed an equal employment opportunity commission complaint and sued 2.600 dewhurst 's proposal calls for an abrupt end to the controversial robin hood plan for school finance the committee would propose a replacement for the robin hood school finance system 3.400 other countries and private creditors are owed at least $ 80 billion in addition other countries are owed at least $ us80 billion $ 10852 billion 3.600 telemarketers who call numbers on the list after oct 1 could face fines of up to $ 11000 per call under the law telemarketers who call numbers on the list can be fined up to $ 11000 for each violation 5.000 he explained that he found antetonitrus when he came to wits in 2001 as a post doctoral research assistant at england 's university of bristol he explained that he found antetonitrus when he came to wits in 2001 while a post doctoral research assistant at bristol university in britain 4.250 air canada the largest airline in canada and no 11 in the world has been under court protection from creditors since april 1 the no 11 airline in the world air canada has been under court protection from creditors since april 1 4.250 the jury also found gonzales guilty of using excessive force by dousing olvera carrera with pepper spray gonzales was found guilty of using excessive force by spraying olvera with pepper spray 3.250 the bodies of some of the dead pulled out from under the train were laid out beside the tracks while emergency services brought in wooden coffins the bodies of many of the dead pulled from under the partially derailed train were laid out by the tracks awaiting identification 4.250 garner said the self proclaimed mayor of baghdad mohammed mohsen al zubaidi was released after two days in coalition custody garner said self proclaimed baghdad mayor mohammed mohsen zubaidi was released 48 hours after his detention in late april 3.750 enron company executives engaged in widespread and pervasive fraud prosecutor samuel buell told the associated press enron company executives engaged in widespread and pervasive fraud to manipulate the company 's earnings results buell said 4.333 customers that pay the $ 1219 entrance fee get sms 2003 with 10 device client access licenses retail pricing for sms 2003 with 10 device client access licenses is $ 1219 3.909 results of the 2001 aboriginal peoples survey released yesterday by statistics canada suggest living standards have improved but still lag for those off reserves the 2001 aboriginal peoples survey released wednesday by statistics canada says living standards have improved but still lag for the inuit and those who leave their often impoverished reserves 3.933 the recent turnaround in the stock market and an easing in unemployment claims should keep consumer expectations at current levels and may signal more favorable economic times ahead the recent turnaround in the stock market and an easing in unemployment claims may signal more favorable economic times ahead she said 3.750 while the day 's trading was lackluster the standard & poor 's 500 index was preparing to close out its best three month period since the fourth quarter of 1998 the standard & poor 's 500 stock index ended the quarter up 120 points a gain of 14 percent the best performance for that broad market benchmark since 1998 4.250 ona explicitly stated that it did not receive intelligence material indicating that jemaah islamiyah terrorist network was planning to mount an operation in bali but at no stage did ona receive intelligence material indicating that jemaah islamiyah was planning to mount an operation in bali 4.250 those reports were denied by the interior minister prince nayef however the saudi interior minister prince nayef denied the reports 3.500 bryant previously said that hike had a greater impact on demand than officials expected chief financial officer andy bryant has said that hike had a greater affect volume than officials expected 3.250 judge leroy millette jr can reduce the punishment to life in prison without parole when muhammad is formally sentenced feb 12 but virginia judges rarely take such action though the judge can reduce the punishment to life in prison without parole experts say virginia judges rarely take that opportunity 3.000 a spokeswoman at strong memorial hospital said doud was in satisfactory condition tuesday night a spokesman at strong memorial hospital said doud was under evaluation tuesday evening in the emergency room 3.800 ray brent marsh 29 faces multiple counts of burial service fraud making false statements abuse of a dead body and theft ray brent marsh 29 also faces charges of abuse of a body and theft 3.400 after that college president paul pribbenow told him to wrap up his speech after hedges microphone was unplugged for a second time pribbenow told him to wrap up his speech 3.857 for the 12 month period ending june 30 high speed lines installed in homes and businesses increased by 45 percent for the full year period ending june 30 2003 high speed lines increased by 45 percent 4.000 ricky clemons brief troubled missouri basketball career is over missouri kicked ricky clemons off its team ending his troubled career there 3.400 us military officials say rotor wash from the helicopter might have blown down the banner us officials said downward rotor wash generated by the hovering helicopter stripped the flag from the tower 3.000 the settlement taking effect this week was reached less than two months after o'malley took the helm of the nation 's fourth largest archdiocese the $ 85 million agreement was reached in september less than two months after archbishop sean o'malley took over as leader of the nation 's fourth largest diocese 3.200 the us capitol was evacuated yesterday after authorities detected a possibly hazardous material in the basement of the senate wing capitol police said us capitol police evacuated the capitol yesterday after a sensor detected a possible biohazard in the senate wing but authorities later said it was a false alarm 3.600 the former president also gave numerous speeches in 2002 without compensation said his spokesman jim kennedy his spokesman jim kennedy said the former president also gave more than 70 speeches in 2002 without compensation 1.600 the broader standard & poor 's 500 index spx was down 004 points or 0 percent at 97152 standard & poor 's 500 stock index futures for june were down 260 points at 96570 while nasdaq futures were down 750 points at 118350 3.800 dubbed project mad hatter the linux based desktop is being promoted by sun as a more secure and less expensive alternative to windows designed to compete with microsoft corp project mad hatter is being positioned by sun as a cheaper secure alternative desktop operating system to microsoft 's various desktop offerings 2.000 a key figure in former state treasurer paul silvester 's bribery scheme was accused wednesday of changing his story about silvester 's alleged corrupt dealings with a boston investment firm a key player in former state treasurer paul silvester 's corruption scheme testified on tuesday about kickbacks and bribes silvester traded for state business 3.600 the mission of the capps ii system has been and always will be aviation security said the administration part of the homeland security department the mission of the capps ii system has been and always will be aviation security they said 4.500 hovan did not speak but his lawyer john speranza said his client did not wake up that day intending to hurt anyone hovan did not wake up that day intending to hurt anyone defense attorney john speranza said 4.000 we believe that it is not necessary to have a divisive confirmation fight over a supreme court appointment daschle wrote we believe that it is not necessary to have a divisive confirmation fight daschle of south dakota wrote the republican president 3.000 yahoo accounts for 159354 of the bsd sites with 152054 from ntt/verio and 129378 from infospace the survey found another 152054 are from ip services company ntt/verio and 129378 from infospace the survey found 3.769 in the latest top level shuffle at cnn teya ryan is leaving her post as general manager of us programming the network announced in cnn 's latest move to rejuvenate ratings the network has ousted teya ryan general manager of us programming 3.400 he is suspected of being a key figure in jemaah islamiyah the al qa'eda linked terror group which has been blamed for the bombings samudra 32 is suspected of being a key figure in the al qaida linked terror group jemaah islamiyah which has been blamed for carrying out the bombings 1.800 about 100 firefighters are in the bosque today albuquerque fire chief robert ortega said we were seconds away from having that happen albuquerque fire chief robert ortega said 3.000 the issue has been resolved marlins president david samson said through a club spokesman the marlins only said the issue has been resolved 3.000 china 's health ministry said five more people had died of sars and a further 159 were infected on monday china said nine more people had died from sars and that 160 more were infected with the virus 4.250 shares of mcdonald 's rose $ 183 or 83 percent to close at the day 's high of $ 2389 mcdonald 's shares rose $ 183 to close friday at $ 2389 on the new york stock exchange 4.000 he said the fda was hoping congress and the courts would bring clarity to the situation and some financial relief to consumers he said fda hopes congress and the courts will bring clarity to the situation and some financial relief to consumers — perhaps before the 2004 elections 4.000 ernst & young admitted no wrongdoing with the settlement ernst & young spokesman kenneth kerrigan said the firm admits no wrongdoing 3.625 the witness a 27 year old kosovan parking attendant with criminal convictions for dishonesty was paid 10000 by the news of the world the witness was a 27 year old kosovan parking attendant who was paid by the news of the world the court heard 3.500 the differences between grassley and thomas on energy and medicare have become so pointed that other members say their angry personal relationship is embarrassing the party their differences on energy and medicare have become so pointed other members say it is embarrassing to the party 3.200 he wounded a security guard and then fled stabbing two passersby as he ran off along the promenade he then stabbed two passersby as he fled along a promenade by the mediterranean sea 3.400 he and his colleagues attributed some of the communication gap to doctors feeling pressed for time he attributed some of the communication gap to doctors feeling pressed for time patients cited discomfort discussing financial issues 4.000 state police said as many as 30 workers were trapped immediately after the garage collapsed as many as 30 people were believed to be trapped inside initially the state police said 4.800 os angeles the hulk was a monster at the box office in its debut weekend taking in a june opening record of $ 626 million the hulk took in $ 626 million at the box office a monster opening and a new june record 2.400 congratulations on being named time magazine 's person of the year time magazine named the american soldier its person of the year for 2003 3.200 the indictment said he attended important meetings to plan the attacks recruited fellow bombers and coordinated the operation samudra not present in bangkok the indictment said but attended a series of meetings before the attacks recruiting fellow bombers and coordinating the operation 4.200 it will also give microsoft an opportunity to comment on remedies proposed by the commission among other things microsoft is to comment on proposed remedies in its response 5.000 texans saddled with skyrocketing homeowners premiums might finally be getting relief relief is in sight for texans saddled with skyrocketing homeowners insurance premiums 3.400 six democrats are vying to succeed jacques and have qualified for the feb 3 primary ballot six democrats and two republicans are running for her seat and have qualified for the feb 3 primary ballot 4.000 halliburton on tuesday reiterated its contention that kbr had delivered fuel to iraq at the best value the best price and the best terms we believe kbr delivered fuel to iraq at the best value the best price and the best terms halliburton spokeswoman wendy hall said 3.333 elecia battle of cleveland told police she dropped her purse as she left the quick shop food mart last week after buying the ticket elecia battle dropped her purse after buying the mega millions lottery ticket last week and believes the ticket blew away 3.200 customers include mitsubishi siemens dbtel dell hp palm philips sharp and sony mediaq 's customers include major handheld makers mitsubishi siemens palm sharp philips dell and sony 4.000 the cleveland cavaliers won the right to draft james by winning the nba 's annual lottery thursday night such was the case thursday night when the cleveland cavaliers won the lebron james lottery otherwise known as the nba draft lottery 3.800 among the workers the researchers found short workers had worse hearing than expected for their age short workers had worse hearing than expected by age three times more often than taller workers writes barrenas 2.200 mr colpin did not specify whether it was this system that was at the centre of the investigation neither olaf nor the belgian prosecutors have specified if it was this system that was at the centre of the investigation 3.750 until now sales of the entertainment oriented pcs have been limited to the united states canada and korea the computers are currently sold in canada the united states and korea 3.000 ballmer has been vocal in the past warning that linux is a threat to microsoft in the memo ballmer reiterated the open source threat to microsoft 1.250 the broad standard & poor 's 500 stock index was up 483 points or 049 per cent to 98076 standard & poor 's 500 stock index futures declined 440 points to 98350 while nasdaq futures fell 65 points to 120650 3.250 talabani told him the governing council would need un assistance and advice in implementing the new decisions which have been taken talabani told him iraqi leaders would need un assistance and advice in implementing the new decisions which have been taken on organising an interim iraqi government by june 3.333 stanford 46 15 plays south carolina 44 20 today in a first round game at rosenblatt stadium in omaha neb stanford 46 15 plays south carolina 44 20 on friday in the opening game of the double elimination tournament 2.000 the same survey a month ago had street leading katz 42 percent to 34 percent with 21 percent undecided one month ago in the same poll katz was leading 46 to 40 percent 3.000 the broad standard & poor 's 500 index spx advanced 11 points or 125 percent to 931 the standard & poor 's 500 index gained 1089 or 12 percent to 93112 as of 1201 pm in new york 3.667 but they do not realize that until it 's too late of course because they are potential victims in a horror movie but they do not realize that until it 's too late of course because they are potential victims 3.667 arthur benson attorney for the case 's plaintiff schoolchildren said he will appeal an attorney for plaintiff schoolchildren said he plans to appeal 4.333 the euro has slipped nearly four percent since matching a record peak of around $ 11935 only last week and hitting an all time high of 14090 yen in late may the euro has slipped as much as four cents since matching a record peak near $ 11935 last week and hitting a record high of 14090 yen in late may 1.333 pennsylvania which has the most aggressive treatment program is treating 548 of 8030 inmates texas which has more than three times michigan 's inmate population is treating 328 of its 16298 infected inmates 2.200 the tech loaded nasdaq composite rose 2096 points to 159591 to end at its highest level for 12 months the technology laced nasdaq composite index ixic climbed 1911 points or 12 percent to 161502 4.400 with the expose feature all open windows shrink to fit on the screen but are still clear enough to identify with the expose ex poh say feature all the open windows on the desktop immediately shrink to fit on the screen but are still clear enough to identify 3.400 instead prosecutors dismissed charges and rucker left the courtroom a free man instead he left the courtroom a free man after authorities dismissed criminal charges 4.200 this case was both mentally challenging and emotionally exhausting said the foreman jim wolfcale a 41 year old minister jim wolfcale the jury foreman and a minister said this case was both mentally challenging and emotionally exhausting 3.000 he arrives later this week on the first state visit by a us president mr bush arrives on tuesday on the first state visit by an american president 3.400 the deal approved by both companies board of directors is expected to be completed in the third quarter of nvidia 's fiscal third quarter the acquisition has been approved by both companies board of directors and is expected to close in the third quarter this year 2.750 the volatile mix could drag the session beyond the four days allotted by bush said senate president jim king the senate might support capping noneconomic damages beyond the $ 250000 gov jeb bush proposes said senate president jim king 4.000 more than 100 police officers were involved in the busts that were the culmination of a two year operation investigating the cocaine importing and money laundering gang more than 100 officers launched the london raids in the final phase of a two year operation investigating a cocaine and money laundering ring 1.000 stripping out the extraordinary items fourth quarter earnings were 64 cents a share compared to 25 cents a share in the prior year earnings were 59 cents a share for the three months ended may 25 compared with 15 cents a share a year earlier 4.250 but at age 15 she had reached 260 pounds and a difficult decision it was time to try surgery but at the age of 15 she weighed a whopping 117kg and came to a difficult decision it was time to try surgery 3.500 if we could do that throughout the world we could end terrorism he said this is a hospital that treats everybody as people and if we could do that throughout the world we could end terrorism 3.067 if it 's a bill gates comdex keynote it must be time for new tablet pcs if it 's the sunday night before comdex it must be time for yet another bill gates keynote 3.250 according to reports knight allegedly punched a parking attendant outside a los angeles nightclub he was arrested last week for allegedly punching a parking attendant outside a nightclub in la 3.750 among those waiting a turn was jodie singer a sixth grader from washington dc jodie singer a sixth grader from washington dc anxiously awaited her turn at the microphone 2.250 but the cancer society said its study had been misused the american cancer society and several scientists said the study was flawed in several ways 2.500 both are being held in the armstrong county jail tatar was being held without bail in armstrong county prison today 3.750 a few miles further east is tehuacan where corn may first have been domesticated 4000 years ago a few miles west are the pyramids of teotihuacan where corn may first have been domesticated 4000 years ago 3.250 the confusion capped a tumultuous week for the list which is intended to block about 80 percent of telemarketing calls the free service was originally intended to block about 80 percent of telemarketer calls 4.000 our strong preference is to achieve a financial restructuring out of court and we remain hopeful we can do so chief executive marce fuller said our strong preference is to achieve a financial restructuring out of court mirant ceo marce fuller said in a prepared statement early friday 3.444 named in the complaint were former chief executive officers paul a allaire and g richard thoman and former cfo barry d romeril the executives fined included former chief executives paul a allaire and g richard thoman as well as former chief financial officer barry romeril 4.600 chera larkins 32 of manhattan charged with three sham marriages is also charged with perjury and filing a false instrument chera larkins 32 of manhattan charged with perjury and filing a false instrument in three marriage applications 2.800 it estimated on thursday it has a 51 percent market share in europe boston scientific said it has gained 51 percent of the coated stent market in europe 4.800 the senate banking committee is scheduled to hold a hearing on tuesday where donaldson is scheduled to testify on hedge and mutual funds the senate banking committee is scheduled to hold a hearing on tuesday when donaldson will be questioned about hedge and mutual funds 0.600 the tech heavy nasdaq composite index ixic was off 011 percent or 178 points at 159413 the broader standard & poor 's 500 index spx was down 004 points or 0 percent at 97152 2.750 mr morse is charged with assault and mr darvish is charged with filing a false report his partner bijan darvish is charged with filing a false police report 3.250 the third appointment was to a new job executive vice president and chief staff officer bruce n hawthorne 53 was named executive vice president and chief staff officer 1.500 analysts had been expecting a net loss of 54 cents a share according to thomson first call analysts had forecast second quarter sales of $ 614 million according to the thomson first call web site 3.000 the district also sent letters yesterday informing parents of the situation parents received letters informing them of the possible contamination yesterday 3.800 richard grasso quit as chairman last week after losing the support of his board amid public furor over his $ 140 million pay package grasso quit last week in the wake of a firestorm of criticism over his $ 140 million compensation package 4.308 the new servers will run either linux or the x86 version of solaris he said the servers can run solaris x86 operating system or the standard linux operating system 3.400 sliding down the ice moriarty and carella hit the spongy rocky floor of the river and immediately felt the pull sliding down the embankment the two rescuers hit the spongy rocky floor of the river and immediately felt the pull 3.200 cadbury schweppes plc plans to cut 5500 jobs and shut factories after a 49 billion $ a119 billion acquisition spree over the past three years inflated costs cadbury schweppes has unveiled plans to slash 5500 jobs and 20 percent of its factories over four years to cut costs brought about by an acquisition spree 3.500 mr sweeney outlined plans for the campaign in a speech last night in philadelphia at the annual meeting of the american political science association sweeney was to outline plans for the campaign in a speech on saturday night at the annual meeting of the american political science association 3.750 it seemed like an isolated incident said ariel dean of washington dc who earned a degree in political science it seemed like an isolated incident said graduate ariel dean of washington dc 1.750 the jury awarded tvt about $ 23 million in compensatory damages and roughly $ 108 million in punitive damages tvt records sought $ 360 million in punitive damages and $ 30 million in compensatory damages officials said 1.250 tvt records sought $ 360 million in punitive damages and $ 30 million in compensatory damages officials said the damages included $ 24 million in compensatory damages and $ 52 million in punitive damages for idj 3.400 the two democrats on the five member fcc panel held a news conference to sway opinion against powell the two democrats on the five member fcc held a news conference to sway opinion against powell and the panel 's two other republicans 1.200 unit volumes also set a record as notebooks accounted for more than 40 percent of sales in may 2002 lcds accounted for only 22 percent of monitor sales 3.800 besides battling its sales slump siebel also has been sparring with some investors upset about huge stock option windfalls company managers have pocketed besides a sales slump siebel is sparring with some shareholders over management stock option windfalls 3.500 stanford 51 17 and rice 57 12 will play for the national championship tonight rice 57 12 and stanford 51 17 will meet in a winner take all matchup at 605 pm monday 3.500 a 32 count indictment strikes at one of the very top targets in the drug trafficking world us attorney marcos jimenez said the newly unsealed 32 count indictment alleges money laundering and conspiracy and strikes at one of the very top targets in the drug trafficking world jiménez said 2.000 a soldier was killed monday and another wounded when their convoy was ambushed in northern iraq on sunday a us soldier was killed and another injured when a munitions dump they were guarding exploded in southern iraq 2.000 a cost analysis is under way said michael rebell cfe 's executive director we are not looking for a robin hood remedy said michael rebell the campaign 's executive director 4.800 i was going to the court believing i could do this only if i played my best tennis i was believing that i was confident i could do this but only in the case i would play my best tennis 3.800 dotson told fbi agents that he shot dennehy after the player tried to shoot him according to the arrest warrant affidavit dotson was arrested july 21 after telling fbi agents he shot dennehy when dennehy tried to shoot him according to the arrest warrant affidavit 4.600 dogs he said are second only to humans in the thoroughness of medical understanding and research he said that dogs are second only to humans in terms of being the subject of medical research 1.400 the stock rose $ 211 or about 11 percent to close on friday at $ 2151 on the new york stock exchange pg&e corp shares jumped $ 163 or 8 percent to $ 2103 on the new york stock exchange on friday 3.600 eric gagne earned his 17th save in as many opportunities as he struck out three in the ninth and allowed only an infield single by greg norton closer eric gagne earned his 17th save in as many opportunities as he struck out three of the four batters he faced in the ninth 3.000 blair 's government included the charge that saddam sought uranium from niger in a september 2002 dossier setting out the case for military action britain included the accusation in a september 2002 dossier setting out the case for war in iraq 1.600 not counting energy prices wholesale prices were down 09 percent energy prices dropped by 86 percent the biggest decline since july 1986 4.000 the spacecraft is scheduled to blast off as early as tomorrow or as late as friday from the jiuquan launching site in the gobi desert the spacecraft is scheduled to blast off between next wednesday and friday from a launching site in the gobi desert 2.400 hong kong was flat australia singapore and south korea lost 02 04 percent australia was flat singapore was down 03 percent by midday and south korea added 02 percent 3.500 suvs parked on residential streets in monrovia were tagged with elf and other slogans and another was set ablaze in front of a house sgt tom wright said several suvs parked on residential streets in monrovia were tagged with elf and other slogans said sgt tom wright 5.000 at least 11 more cases in indiana and three in illinois are suspected there 's also at least three suspected cases in illinois and 11 in indiana 5.000 the pill which they call the polypill would contain aspirin a cholesterol lowering drug three blood pressure lowering drugs at half the standard dose and folic acid the ingredients of such a polypill would contain aspirin a cholesterol lowering statin three blood pressure lowering agents in half dose and folic acid 4.000 they drive around in their cars while people are being killed 500 metres away he said on sunday what they are doing right now is they drive around in their cars while people are being killed 500 metres away 3.000 at tuesday 's arraignment hearing marsh pleaded not guilty to 122 counts of burial service fraud and 47 counts of making false statements at the hearing he pleaded not guilty to the burial service fraud and false statements charges 1.333 still revenues from the extra premiums would not be huge how would the extra premiums be collected 3.800 semiconductor giant intel corp said yesterday that its second quarter profits doubled from a year ago as stronger than expected demand for computer microprocessors offset the weakness of its communications chip business intel corp 's second quarter profits doubled and revenues grew 8 percent from a year ago as the chip making giant reported stronger than expected demand for personal computer microprocessors 3.000 schroeder cancelled his italian holiday after stefani refused to apologise for the slurs which came after berlusconi compared a german politician to a nazi concentration camp guard stefani 's remarks further stoked tension after italian prime minister silvio berlusconi last week compared a german member of the european parliament to a nazi concentration camp guard 2.667 dell 's openmanage software includes dell update packages with sms to help automate the management of server hardware applications and operating systems patches with a single tool the update packages help automate the management of server hardware applications and operating systems patches using one tool which is unpleasantly vague 4.000 he will be swept over any minute or just die of the cold moriarty thought from the top of the embankment moriarty thought he will be swept over any minute or just die of the cold 3.000 lurd 's ja'neh also called for an interim government and the deployment of a us led western peacekeeping force the rebels are also calling for the deployment of a us led peacekeeping force 4.000 kedo spokesman roland tricot said the executive board decided to refer this question to capitals the executive board decided to refer this to the capitals the korean energy development organization said 2.750 benchmark treasury 10 year notes gained 17/32 yielding 4015 percent the benchmark 10 year note was recently down 17/32 to yield 4067 percent 4.000 prosecutors did an about face in may and asked that the autopsy reports be unsealed after portions of conner peterson 's autopsy report favorable to the defense were leaked to the media they asked that the autopsy reports be unsealed after portions of the autopsy report on peterson 's unborn son that were favorable to the defense were leaked to the media 1.500 volume was moderate at 82768 million shares up from 79895 million at the same point tuesday volume came to 43966 million shares below 45039 million at the same point wednesday 3.750 penn traffic 's stock closed at 36 cents per share on wednesday on nasdaq up two cents penn traffic stock closed wednesday at 36 cents up 2 cents or 62 percent from tuesday 's close 2.750 hotly contested legislation that would change the state 's takeover law and help a michigan based development company fend off a takeover cleared the state senate on thursday legislation that would change state takeover law and help bloomfield hills based taubman centers inc fend off a $ 1 billion takeover won committee approval tuesday 4.000 however other unions including the powerful cgt remained opposed to the reform and demanded the government begin fresh negotiations with them the powerful cgt and other unions remained opposed to the plans however and demanded the government renegotiate the reform with them 1.500 the family owns cheetahs strip clubs here and in las vegas the searches were conducted simultaneously with raids on strip clubs in san diego and las vegas 1.800 the new bill would have medicare cover 95 percent of drug costs over $ 5100 above that seniors would be responsible for 100 percent of drug costs until the out of pocket total reaches $ 3600 4.000 several thousand 3rd infantry troops including the 3rd brigade combat team based at fort benning in columbus began returning last week a few thousand troops most from the division 's 3rd brigade combat team based at fort benning in columbus began returning last week with flights continuing through friday 3.600 prairie dogs sold as exotic pets are believed to have been infected in an illinois pet shop by a gambian giant rat imported from africa prairie dogs are believed to have become infected in a pet shop through a gambian rat imported from africa 3.400 the defense cannot appeal roush 's ruling until after the trial defense lawyers cannot appeal the ruling until after trial in the appellate courts 2.600 the committee was appointed by defense secretary donald rumsfeld under orders from congress the public hearing is the second for the panel created by defense secretary donald rumsfeld under pressure from congress 3.250 former indiana rep frank mccloskey 64 died sunday in bloomington after a battle with bladder cancer mccloskey died sunday afternoon in his home after a year long battle with bladder cancer 3.750 hospitals and the red cross appealed to blood donors yesterday the connecticut hospital association joined the red cross monday in calling for more blood donors 4 mexico wishes to guarantee citizens safety mexico wishes to avoid more violence 4.2 spain currently holds the rotating presidency of the osce spain currently holds the osce 's presidency 4.2 the treaty was first signed in 1990 the cfe treaty was signed in 1990 3.2 gorgich and pashtoon were executed in prison gorgich and pashtoon were executed for trafficking heroin in sistan baluchestan province 0.6 safe bourada was sentenced to 15 years in prison djamel badaoui was sentenced to five years 3.6 santos stated the radioactive material was the primary basis for generating crude weapons of mass destruction and terrorism uranium is a radioactive material which is the primary basis for generating dirty weapons of mass destruction and terrorism 3.6 fulvio berghella stated that the digital worm named sq hell was particularly virulent and replicated itself at the rate of 8000 times an hour fulvio berghella stated that the digital worm named sq hell has a very high capacity to replicate itself and the digital worm named sq hell is slowing down the poste italiane computer network and making some computers inoperable 2 ingo kober stated there is larger interest in intellectual property rights now than 20 or 30 years ago ingo kober stated that some nations had stronger intellectual property rights than others 4.4 investigators claim the british company was a cia cover russian investigators stated that the british company was a cia cover 1.4 russia and nato member countries will hold meetings this fall on the conventional forces in europe treaty cfe russian parliament voted unanimously to suspend russia 's participation in the conventional forces in europe cfe treaty 4.6 the united states government and other nato members have refused to ratify the amended treaty until officials in moscow withdraw troops from the former soviet republics of moldova and georgia the united states and other nato members have refused ratify the amended treaty until russia completely withdraws from moldova and georgia 2 russia would not immediately increase military strength along russian borders russia would not hesitate to increase military strength along russian borders if the need arises 2.2 the center will be operational in august 2008 the center will formally open in 2009 3.8 brazilian police surrounding slums north of rio de janeiro to rid them of violent drug traffickers the police officers surrounded the slums north of rio de janeiro to rid them of violent drug traffickers and seize weapons and drugs 3.6 regional and international non proliferation issues should be addressed through dialogue and negotiations the second proposal was that regional and international non proliferation issues should be addressed through dialogue and negotiations 2.6 bombing occurred in afghanistan as attacks by anti government insurgents increase in recent days a bombing occurred in afghanistan but police have not yet stated who is responsible 4.8 georgian government websites are under intense cyber attack following russian military strikes against georgia late last week the cyber attacks follow russian military strikes launched against georgia late last week 3.8 switzerland 's trade and diplomatic relations with iran have been criticized in recent months after foreign minister micheline calmy rey traveled to tehran in march 2008 to sign a deal with iran 's state gas firm switzerland 's trade and diplomatic relations with the islamic republic have been criticized in recent months after foreign minister micheline calmy rey traveled to tehran in march 2008 to sign a gas deal 2.8 the conventional forces in europe treaty limits the number of military aircraft tanks and other non nuclear heavy weapons in europe the conventional forces in europe treaty was signed by russian and nato members in 1990 3.6 the african union has proposed a peacekeeping mission to help somalia 's struggling transitional government stabilize somalia the african union has proposed a peacekeeping mission to aid the struggling transitional government in stabilizing somalia particularly after the withdrawal of ethiopian forces 4.2 reports state that the syrian government was concealing a nuclear facility at the attacked site un experts have begun analyzing reports that state the syrian government was concealing a nuclear facility at the attacked site 3.4 the drug is also known as ice or shabu methamphetamine is also known as ice 4 national regional and international efforts to end the illicit trade in small arms and light weapons the global community must cooperate to end illicit trade of small arms and light weapons 4 religious extremism continues in pakistan despite the banning of militant groups religious extremism continues in pakistan despite the banning of militant groups by the pakistani government 3.2 russian officials have called for a conference on the conventional forces in europe treaty to discuss ratification of the amended treaty antonov spoke the day before a conference on the conventional forces in europe treaty 4.4 russian president putin signs decree suspending russia 's application of european arms control treaty president vladimir putin signed a decree suspending russia 's participation in the conventional forces in europe treaty 5 myanmar was formerly known as burma myanmar was formerly called burma 0 alto huallaga is located northeast of the capital lima puerto cabezas is located 557 km northeast of managua nicaragua 3.8 nato regrets russia 's decision to suspend participation in the cfe russia 's decision to suspend participation in the cfe is a step in the wrong direction 4.2 human rights violations in myanmar include summary executions torture and the recruitment of child soldiers these human rights violations include summary executions torture and the recruitment of child 2.4 general nikolai n urakov stated by telephone that the state scientific center of applied microbiology has quite reliable systems of protection in case of emergency general nikolai n urakov is the longtime director of the the state scientific center of applied microbiology 3.6 alstom is in competition with japanese and german countries for the contract alstom is competing against japanese company shinkansen and german company ice for the contract 3.8 the legislation is the most recent effort by japan to ascribe more freedom to its tightly controlled military and would overturn a ban on the military use of space the legislation is the most recent effort by japan to ascribe more freedom to the tightly controlled military technically known as a self defense force 2 south korea launches new bullet train reaching 300 kph south korea has had a bullet train system since the 1980s 2.2 russia is a member of the quartet on the middle east russia is a member of the nsg 4.6 anatoly sokolov announced soviet built a 135 missile defense system around moscow is obsolete and inefficient soviet built a 135 missile defense system around moscow is obsolete and inefficient 0.6 the deal has been in process for several years the iaea has been investigating iran 's nuclear activities for 4 years 3.2 adherence to non proliferation obligations will enhance mutual trust and foster international cooperation in nuclear energy zhang yan stated that all countries should abide by non proliferation obligations in order to enhance mutual trust and create a sound environment for international cooperation in nuclear energy 4 french energy and transport company alstom may sign a contract to build a high speed rail link between beijing and shanghai alstom may sign a contract to build a high speed rail link between beijing and shanghai 2 no other drug has become as integral in decades the drug has been around in other forms for years 3.4 the international atomic energy agency reached an agreement with iranian officials that stated there were no remaining issues and ambiguities regarding iran 's nuclear program and activities the accord said that there were no remaining issues and ambiguities regarding iran 's nuclear program and activities 3.8 beijing police apprehend more than 20 people including 8 foreigners in suspicion of using and trafficking drugs in 2 pubs in a popular downtown area beijing police apprehended more than 20 people in suspicion of using and trafficking drugs in 2 downtown bars 4.2 russia ratified the updated treaty in 2004 but the united states and other nato members have refused to do so arguing that moscow must first fulfill obligations to withdraw forces from georgia and from moldova 's separatist region of trans dniester russia has ratified the amended version but the united states and other nato members have refused to do so until the russian government withdraws troops from the former soviet republics of moldova and georgia 3.2 there is conflicting opinion as to the extent of damage suffered by the insurgency violence continues despite conflicting opinion on the extent of damage suffered by the rebel groups 5 helmand province is the world 's largest opium producing region helmand province is the world 's largest producer of opium 1.8 police stated tsai wen huang would be extradited to taiwan police stated that chung has been on the run 1.6 2 of the individuals arrested were released 2 of the zambians arrested are juveniles 4.6 mexican president felipe calderon has sent 2800 special agents and soldiers to sinaloa due to the high degree of organized crime and drug trafficking mexican president felipe calderon has sent 2800 special agents and soldiers to sinaloa to fight drug trafficking 1.8 berlin will host top level meetings in october to save key european arms control treaty conventional forces in europe cfe russia suspended its participation in a key european arms control treaty that governs deployment of troops in europe 1.8 the osce meeting lasted two days the osce meeting was held in madrid 4.8 the cfe treaty was signed in 1990 the cfe treaty was established in 1990 4.4 iran insists that the program is aimed solely at peaceful pursuits such as the generation of iran insists that its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes 3.4 china is an important force for safeguarding world peace china is an important force for promoting world development 4.4 north korea denies involvement in any nuclear program in syria north korea denies involvement in any syrian nuclear project 1.2 a spokesman for stockwell day was not immediately available for chinese authorities were not immediately available for comment 3.8 kim myong chol warned that if there was an interdiction of north korean vessels the north korean government would retaliate with a nuclear missile attack on major cities such as new york and washington kim myong chol stated that north korea would retaliate with a nuclear missile attack on major cities such as new york and washington dc 3.8 iran is the most prolific applier of the death penalty in the world after china the islamic republic is the most prolific applier of the death penalty in the world after china 1.4 john duncan is great britain 's ambassador for multilateral arms control and disarmament at un assembly chinese government urges increased efforts toward global arms control and disarmament 4 the treaty was amended in 1999 after the collapse of the soviet union the treaty was amended in 1999 to reflect changes since the soviet breakup 4.4 kashmir is divided between india and pakistan kashmir is claimed by both india and pakistan 1.4 south korea and israel oppose proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and an arms race china will resolutely oppose the proliferation of mass destructive weapons 3.4 kadhafi warns that us and britain 's failure to compensate libya for nuclear disarmament will deter iran and north korea from disarming western countries failure to sufficiently compensate libya will deter iran and north korea from disarming 3.4 russia ratified the amended treaty russia ratified the updated treaty in 2004 3.4 a staff of 30 specialists will conduct research and training on cyber warfare and will be prepared to assist nato members with response to any future cyber attacks a staff of 30 specialists will conduct research and training on cyber warfare 3 jamaat i islami 's youth wing staged a separate demonstration in kashmir jamaat i islami 's youth wing 's demonstration was against a us attack on iraq 3.8 iran is the most prolific applier of the death penalty in the world after china the islamic republic is the most prolific applier of the death penalty in the world after china 4.4 china will resolutely oppose the means of the delivery of mass destructive weapons china has always opposed the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction 3.4 a breakdown of order in china will lead to significant global turmoil a breakdown of order in china will be worse than in afghanistan or yugoslavia 4 north korea has claimed nuclear ambitions and currently north korea is reported to have missiles aimed at japan north korea has boasted of nuclear ambitions and north korea is now reported to have missiles trained on 0.8 abuja is the capital of tskhinvali is the capital of georgia 4.6 the united states government has accused the iranian government of trying to develop nuclear weapons under the cover of a civilian nuclear program the us and allies have accused iran of attempting to develop nuclear weapons under the guise of a civilian nuclear program 1 tirana is the capital of abuja is the capital of 3.2 in an armed clash iranian police kill 4 alleged drug traffickers arrest 2 and seize nearly 5 metric tons of opium and morphine during armed clashes in southeastern iran police seized nearly 5 metric tons 55 tons of opium and morphine 3.6 iran 's nuclear projects are for peaceful purposes iran insists that its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes 4.2 china will resolutely oppose the proliferation of mass destructive weapons china will resolutely oppose the means of the delivery of mass destructive weapons 1.2 china is north korea 's closest ally north korea is a reclusive state 4.2 libyan foreign minister abdel rahman shalgam visited london during the first visit by a libyan foreign minister since 1969 shalgam 's visit to london is the first by a libyan foreign minister since 1969 3.6 goff stated that this presents a major threat to global security it presents a major threat to global security 2 cambodia and vietnam finalized an agreement to stop asian and european drug traffickers syrian and russian officials signed an agreement of cooperation in combating drug trafficking 4.2 activists have stated that russia is imprisoning people without evidence of illegal activity russia imprisons people without evidence of illegal activity 3.8 restraining extremist groups is becoming increasingly difficult because of how the groups are financed bruguiere stated restraining extremist groups particularly across europe was becoming increasingly difficult because of how the groups are financed 1.2 zabol is a town in southeastern iran khoramabad is a city in western iran 3.25 detainees to be accused of homicide criminal collaboration kidnapping and the funding of terrorism and include members of the military and police iguaran stated that the detainees will be accused of homicide criminal collaboration kidnappings and the funding of terrorism 4.2 existing rods could produce 3 6 atomic bombs in 6 8 months experts stated that the rods could produce 3 6 atomic bombs in 6 8 months 2.4 the international atomic energy agency may have been tricked because it was eager for a deal the international atomic energy agency plan draws out negotiations for many months 4.6 myanmar government has stated myanmar will become opium free by 2014 myanmar government stated myanmar is on track to be drug free by 2014 4.4 jewish american group the anti defamation league adl published full page advertisements in swiss and international papers in april 2008 accusing switzerland of funding terrorism through the deal the anti defamation league took out full page advertisments in swiss and international newspapers earlier in april 2008 accusing switzerland of funding terrorism through the deal 1.8 france provides the rockets guns and engines britain provides fuel tanks and gearboxes 3.2 capital offenses in saudi arabia include rape murder apostasy armed robbery and drug trafficking capital offences in iran include murder rape armed robbery serious drug trafficking and adultery 3.4 bae systems is the uk 's largest defense company bae systems is the uk 's largest military 2.8 lavrov has told us secretary of state condoleezza rice that russia remains open to dialogue us secretary of state condoleezza rice demanded russia withdraw its forces 3.8 additional individuals and entities are subject to an assets freeze the resolution includes a broadened list of individuals and entities subject to an assets freeze 3.4 withdrawal from the treaty would allow russia to bolster forces near russian borders withdrawal from the conventional forces in europe treaty would allow russia to bolster forces near russian borders 1.8 fan stated the commission is primarily concerned with the term of future investment in taiwan fan stated the commission will ensure the commitments are upheld once the investments are under way 2.8 government spokesman maseko stated that if administrative papers are in order the government of south africa cannot intervene to prevent weapons from being transported through its territory to a neighboring landlocked country spokesman themba maseko stated as long as administrative papers are in order south africa cannot intervene to prevent weapons being transported through south african territory to zimbabwe 3.2 president dmitry medvedev 's statement was posted on the kremlin website and carried in full by state news agencies the statement was posted on the kremlin web site and carried by state news agencies 1.8 turkmenistan borders afghanistan sistan baluchestan borders afghanistan and pakistan 3.4 the number of executions increased in iran last year amid a campaign that is aimed at improving security in society the number of executions increased dramatically in 2007 amid a campaign which iranian authorities state is aimed at improving security in society 5 syria denies having an undeclared nuclear program syria denies the existence of an undeclared nuclear program 1.4 amnesty international is a rights group based in london the international institute for strategic studies is located in london 2.2 the number 254 was tabulated with an afp count compiled from press and witness reports the number of executions in iran in 2007 was calculated by an afp count compiled from press reports 5 the iranian government stated the iranian nuclear program remains peaceful the iranian government says the nuclear program is peaceful 0.6 shingarev said it is very difficult to make a nuclear weapon from the plutonium in this fuel donohue said it is very difficult to manipulate radioactive isotopes without leaving a trail 0.6 paris is the capital of france lima is the capital of 3.4 an indian government official spoke on condition of anonymity the official spoke on condition of anonymity 4.6 russia had threatened several times to withdraw from the cfe when it was at odds with the united states over us plans to install a missile defense shield in eastern russia has repeatedly threatened withdrawal from the cfe in opposition to plans for the extension of the us missile defense shield to eastern europe 1.8 the plan for tunisia is the creation of electronic databases to facilitate tax collection the plan for nigeria and mozambique is the creation an electronic database for real estate 4.2 china has been praised by the international community for efforts to resolve the korean peninsula nuclear issue china has been praised especially by the asia pacific states for efforts to resolve the korean peninsula nuclear issue 2.6 the russian foreign ministry stated that russia has not suspended dialogue russian officials stated that russia will not reconsider the suspension 2.8 arms smugglers and drug cartels must be eliminated from southeast asia arms smugglers and drug cartels abet terrorists 4.8 the new law attempts to remove any legal obstacles to building more advanced spy satellites and to help innovation in japans 's space industry the purpose of the new law is to remove any legal obstacles to building more advanced spy satellites and to encourage innovation in japans 's space industry 4.4 zhang stated china opposes restricting the peaceful use of nuclear energy by non nuclear weapon states on the basis of non proliferation because the peaceful use of nuclear energy is a crucial objective of the npt zhang yan stated that china opposes using non proliferation as a pretext for restricting and depriving non nuclear weapon states of the right to peaceful use of nuclear energy 4 non proliferation expert at the international institute for strategic studies mark fitzpatrick stated that the iaea report had an unusually strong tenor senior fellow at the international institute for strategic studies mark fitzpatrick stated that the international atomic energy agency plan is superficial 4.2 the treaty limits the number of aircraft tanks and other non nuclear heavy weapons around europe the conventional forces in europe treaty limits the number of military aircraft tanks and other non nuclear heavy weapons in europe 3.8 estonian officials stated that some of the cyber attacks that caused estonian government websites to shut down temporarily came from computers in the administration of russia including in the office of president vladimir putin officials in estonia including prime minister andrus ansip have claimed that some of the cyber attacks came from russian government computers including computers in the office of russian president vladimir putin 3.2 britain has struck an agreement to supply saudi arabia with typhoon jets in a deal worth an estimated 8 billion pounds about 139 billion us dollars the uk agreed to supply saudi arabia with typhoon jets in a deal worth an estimated 8 billion pounds approximately 139 billion us dollars to the uk defense company bae systems 3.4 opium is the raw ingredient for heroin the poppies yielded the raw ingredient for heroin 3 wi sung lac refused to give any details about the north korean nuclear reactor project south korea has so far taken a cautious stance on the issue of the north korean nuclear reactor project 3.4 the agreement aimed to establish a wider cooperation covering national security and the fight against global terrorism in a statement the british ministry of defense stated the agreement aims to establish wider cooperation covering national security and the fight against global terrorism 3.4 many of those executed in iran are hanged in public many of the people executed are hanged in public 3.8 the united states and the allies of the united states believe iran is pursuing nuclear arms the united states and some european nations believe that iran 's nuclear projects are for the purpose of making nuclear weapons 5 the cfe is very important for european security the cfe is a cornerstone of european security 5 indian troops already fighting rebels in kashmir are now engaged in a massive campaign to destroy poppy crops in the region indian troops already fighting rebels are now also engaged in a massive operation to destroy poppy crops in kashmir 0 the matter is delicate the iaea report is restricted 2.4 last week russia announced that it will suspend participation in the cfe nato regrets russia 's decision to suspend participation in the cfe 3.6 the us other western nations and nato condemned the violence the us other western nations and nato demanded a cease fire 2 indian nationals constitute the largest number of foreign inmates in nepal prisons drug traffickers from foreign countries constitute the largest percentage of foreign inmates in nepal 4.2 the judicial order accused raghad of funding terrorism the court accused raghad saddam hussein of funding terrorism 3.75 myanmar 's military rulers burned approximately 250 million dollars worth of illegal drugs to mark the international day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking myanmar 's military rulers incinerated the drugs to mark the international day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking 4 iranian officials have increased executions in 2007 as officials enforce a campaign purportedly aimed at promoting virtue and boosting security in society the number of executions increased in iran last year amid a campaign that is aimed at improving security in society 3 india accuses islamabad of funding and training guerrillas india accuses pakistan of funding and training the cross border guerrillas 3.6 the ensuing battle and airstrikes killed at least 10 militants an ensuing battle killed at least 10 militants 1.8 the panamanian foreign ministry communique stated that the task force will facilitate the technological transfer and promote the biofuel production and consumption the panamanian foreign ministry communique stated that panama and brazil signed 3 juridical issue treaties that included an extradition 4.8 vietnam has among the world 's harshest drug laws vietnam 's drug laws are among the world 's strictest laws 3.2 the indian government has prohibited direct or indirect export and import of all items materials goods and technology that could contribute to iran 's enrichment related reprocessing or heavy water related activities india has prohibited direct or indirect export and import of all items materials goods and technology that could contribute to iran 's nuclear weapons delivery systems 3.8 the vietnam news agency reported that the ministry of public security stated that foreigners involved in drug trafficking cases in vietnam came mostly from laos cambodia australia china the united states and taiwan the vietnam news agency reported that the ministry of public security stated that police admitted that drug trafficking into vietnam is increasing but actions to prevent and stop the drug trafficking along the borders remained limited 5 saferworld team leader on transfer controls and small arms roy isbister stated the eu embargo prohibits direct or indirect supply of military equipment for use in myanmar saferworld team leader on transfer controls and small arms roy isbister stated that the eu embargo explicitly states that no military equipment should be supplied either directly or indirectly for use in myanmar 3.2 the united states and other nato members have refused to ratify the amended treaty the united states and other nato members have refused to do ratify the updates cfe 3.8 the cfe limits the use of armed forces and heavy weaponry and prescribes measures aimed at confidence building transparency and cooperation between member states the treaty limits deployments of tanks and troops in nato and former easter european warsaw pact countries and establishes confidence building transparency and cooperation measures between member 1 bulgaria is located on the southeastern part of the balkan peninsula drug trafficking activity is rampant in the southeastern part of the balkan peninsula 4 elbaradei stated that this is the last chance to build security in the middle east based on trust and cooperation and not on possession of nuclear weapons this is the last chance to build security in the middle east based on trust and cooperation rather than on the possession of nuclear arms 2.2 the iranian government has dismissed the allegations in the intelligence presented to the international atomic energy agency board as baseless and the intelligence used to support the allegations as fake the international atomic energy agency insists that the iranian government 's simple denials of the intelligence presented to the international atomic energy agency board are not good enough to allay western countries suspicions 3.2 the cfe treaty was established in 1990 the treat was originally signed in 1990 4 the conventional forces in europe treaty is considered a key arms control treaty the conventional forces in europe treaty was a key soviet era arms control treaty 3.8 nicaragua commemorated the 25th anniversary of the sandinista revolution that toppled the dictatorship of anastasio somoza but imposed a cuban style leftist regime nicaragua commemorated the 25th anniversary of the sandinista revolution 2.6 13 kurds from turkey were arrested near paris on suspicion of money laundering for the kurdistan workers party pkk 10 kurds are under investigation in france on suspicion of money laundering for a terrorist organization known as kurdistan workers party pkk 3.4 the meetings lasted 2 days the osce meeting lasted two days 1.4 the villagers are inadvertently involving themselves in drug trafficking 105 inmates are serving sentences for drug trafficking 3.2 the russian government strongly opposes us plans to install antimissile defenses in europe and dismisses us assertions that the interceptors are needed to defend against threats from iran after talks at nato headquarters baluyevsky repeated russia 's opposition to us plans to install antimissile defenses in europe and dismissed us assertions that the interceptors were needed to defend against potential threats from iran 5 hong kong universities collaborate with universities businesses and government sectors of mainland china to coordinate training programs and research centers to promote high tech research commercialization and technology transfer hong kong universities have collaborated with tertiary education business and government sectors of mainland china to direct training programs and research centers to promote research commercialization and technology transfer 1 the chinese government gave active cooperation and assistance to the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons inspections the ecuadorian foreign ministry said in a statement that delegates from the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons opaq will also take part in the meeting 5 the mexican government has adopted a series of measures against drug trafficking and organized crime within mexico since 2006 since 2006 mexico has adopted a series of measures against drug trafficking and organized crimes 5 the statement did not specify the quantity of warheads the missile is capable of carrying the statement did not specify how many warheads the missile can carry 4.2 it is a serious threat to international security it presents a major threat to global security 2.4 nicaragua commemorated the 25th anniversary of the sandinista revolution nicaragua has not reconciled how to approach the anniversary of the sandinista revolution 4.2 russian president vladimir putin states that the decision to cease implementation of the conventional forces in europe treaty is a response to us plans to establish missile defense sites in eastern europe and to nato 's failure to ratify an amended version of the treaty russian president vladimir putin states that the decision is a response to us plans to establish missile defense sites in eastern europe and to nato 's failure to ratify an amended version of the treaty 2.6 dutch national research institute tno carried out chemical weapons experiments for the dutch defense ministry during the 1950s a hp/detijd journalist learned about tno 's chemical weapons experiments from the defense ministry 's archives 3.4 a report issued by security software vendor mcafee inc said government affiliated hackers in china are at the forefront of a brewing cyber cold war government affiliated hackers in china are at the forefront of a burgeoning cyber cold war 3.6 the treaty limits the number of aircraft tanks and other non nuclear heavy weapons around europe and was first signed in 1990 the treaty limits the number of aircraft tanks and other non nuclear heavy weapons around europe 1.8 many of the attacks originated abroad estonian officials stated that the attacks originated in russia 1.4 police arrested 2 honduran drug trafficking suspects bulgarian police arrest head of drug trafficking group 3.6 if japan rises to the occasion japan will never be beaten even in terms of military power ozawa said that if japan rises to the occasion then japan will never be beaten even in terms of military power 4 egypt and jordan have signed the nuclear nonproliferation treaty and have long called for a middle east free of weapons of mass destruction syria has signed the nuclear nonproliferation treaty and has allowed agency experts to inspect its only known nuclear facility 1.2 russia already participates in the european space agency 's france is a leader in the european space agency 3 myanmar is a military state myanmar has a military junta 1.8 it did not say if the men had been hanged in prison dozens of such criminals have been hanged in public 3.2 amnesty international 's report was compiled by european and international non governmental organizations such as saferworld which opposes armed violence the amnesty international report was compiled by european and international non governmental forums 4.2 an institute for public policy research report said there are 27 weak states that pose a threat to britain 's national security as the states could provide bases for terrorists the report said there are 27 weak states that pose a threat to britain 's national security as the states could provide bases for terrorists 4 the iranian government denied the accusation and insists the nuclear program is for peaceful purposes only iran insists that its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes 3.2 the proliferation security initiative calls for stopping and searching ships suspected of carrying weapons of mass destruction members of the proliferation security initiative are considering ways of intercepting ships or aircraft suspected of carrying weapons of mass destruction 3.4 the international community should modernize and seek a fair reasonable and effective way to enhance the nuclear non proliferation regime through extensive consultations the third proposal was that countries should advance with the times and seek a fair reasonable and effective way to enhance the nuclear non proliferation regime through broad consultation 3.8 amnesty international has published a report stating that an indian project to sell attack helicopters to myanmar threatens a european union arms embargo against myanmar the amnesty international report was titled indian helicopters for myanmar making a mockery of the eu arms embargo 2.4 naeem m smuggled 10 kilograms 22 pounds of heroin the defendants smuggled more than 11 kilograms 24 pounds of heroin 3.4 29 people were convicted by the quang ninh people 's court of participating in a drug ring that trafficked heroin from vietnam to china court official tran dao stated the 12 people were among 29 people convicted by the quang ninh people 's court of participating in a drug ring that trafficked heroin from vietnam to china 2 the lawyer of michael karras named ss dhillon could not be reached for comment durban port authorities and police explosives inspectors could not be reached for comment 3.2 the countries oppose the weaponization of space and an arms race in space china stressed that opposition of weaponization and an arms race in outer space 3.4 france belgium germany sweden italy and britain provide parts and technology for the advanced light helicopter alh france belgium germany sweden italy and britain provide parts and technology for the advanced light helicopter that india plans to sell to myanmar 3.2 illegal arms trafficking increases in kenya due to easy availability and neighboring conflicts illegal arms trafficking has increased in kenya and raised concern about security 3.4 nr mohanty stated that an agreement had been signed between the defense research and development organisation hindustan aeronautics limited and the indian air force to upgrade india 's ageing fleet of mig 27 m aircraft mohanty stated that the upgrade will be done soon as it has almost been finalised by the defense research and development organisation hindustan aeronautics limited and the indian air force 4.6 elbaradei states that a middle east peace deal can only be reached in parallel with a security agreement based on eradicating all weapons of mass destruction from the region elbaradei was quoted as saying that a peace deal between israel and its arab neighbors must be reached in parallel with a security agreement based on eradicating all weapons of mass destruction from the region 1.6 drug traffickers face the death penalty under tajik law afghan drug trafficker was caught in tajikistan 5 international atomic energy association is the united nations watchdog the international atomic energy agency is the un 's nuclear watchdog 4.8 wen states that the main purpose of the germany visit is to advance trade economic and technological exchanges wen stated that the purpose of his visit to germany is to advance trade economic and technological exchanges 1.2 united states officials do not know how far north korea 's nuclear weapons program has progressed hill is the head american negotiator on north korea 's nuclear weapons program 4.6 7 police officers were killed and 4 officers were wounded during the clash 7 seven police officers were killed and 4 seriously wounded 2.8 defense chiefs from estonia latvia lithuania germany italy spain and slovakia will sign the agreement to provide staff and funding for the center defense chiefs from estonia latvia lithuania germany italy spain and slovakia signed the agreement 3.4 the bill proposing the new law allowing the use of space programs for defense was already approved by the lower house of japan 's government last week the bill for the new law was already approved by the japanese government 's lower house last week 2.6 van der merwe sentenced geiges to a total of 13 years imprisonment van der merwe suspended geiges sentence to 5 years imprisonment 1.8 zahedan is a city in southeastern bam is a city in southeastern 4.4 president putin stated that russia would take countermeasures putin warned that russia would take retaliatory actions 4 china has so far balked against united states pressure on china to stop and search north korean ships china has stated that the united states pressure on china to stop and search north korean ships could trigger military clashes 3.8 brazil 's strategic affairs minister roberto mangabeira unger stated brazil 's new national defense plan calls for establishing partnerships with countries including russia and france to build a state of the art weapons industry unger stated brazil 's new national defense plan calls for establishing partnerships with countries including russia and france to build a state of the art weapons industry 1.6 the accused will be charged with international drug trafficking some of the accused will also be charged with money laundering tax evasion and corruption 3.6 variants of the advanced light helicopter alh contain rocket launchers from belgium rockets guns and engines from france brake systems from italy fuel tanks and gearboxes from britain self protection equipment from a swedish company and have received crucial design development and engine control manufacturing from german companies the alh 's arsenal includes rocket launchers from belgium rockets guns and engines from france brake systems from italy fuel tanks and gearboxes from britain self protection equipment from a swedish company 3.6 indian defense ministry has increased spending on defense purchases indian defense ministry has increased defense spending for new purchases by 33 percent 0 the iaea report is restricted the killers escaped 2.2 the conventional forces in europe treaty was signed by russian and nato members in 1990 the conventional forces in europe treaty was amended in 1999 3.6 sheik doon salad ilmi said civilian casualties resulting from overnight mortar and rocket attacks happen every day sheik doon salad ilmi stated that civilian casualties resulting from overnight mortar and rocket attacks are admitted to the hospital nearly every day 1.2 the south african government maintains very good relations with the united states government the cfe is 1 of several issues negatively impacting russia 's relations with the united states and europe 4.2 nuclear weapon systems at a high level of readiness increase the risk of those weapons being used including unintentionally with catastrophic consequences the resolution says that the high level of readiness increases the risk of the use of such weapons and that the unintentional or accidental use would have catastrophic consequences 3.4 blix stated that it is essential to increase efforts to eliminate nuclear arms and weapons of mass destruction blix was visiting new zealand and said that it is essential that greater efforts be made to eliminate nuclear arms and weapons of mass destruction 0 helmand province is the world 's largest producer of opium the areva group is the world 's largest nuclear engineering firm 3.8 the afghanistan iran border region has been the scene of frequent clashes between police and drug smugglers the area near town of mirjaveh has been the scene of frequent conflicts between iranian police and drug smugglers 4.4 physicist danilov was convicted of selling classified information on space technology to china physicist valentin danilov was found guilty of selling classified information on space technology to china 3.4 myanmar is the world 's largest producer of illegal opium but has limited financial and technical resources for ending the drug trade myanmar is the world 's largest producer of illicit opium according to the latest us state department anti narcotics report 3 the abductee support group hopes parliament will change the laws soon the abductee support group will use the survey to press parliament to pass new laws 4 santos stated colombian police found the evidence in 2 computers discovered with slain rebel leader raul reyes francisco santos stated that colombian police found the evidence on two computers discovered with raul reyes 0.8 do quy doan is a spokesman for the vietnamese ministry of culture and information grenell is spokesman for the us mission to the united nations 4 a siemens spokesman in germany stated that heinrich von pierer stated that siemens was beginning talks with interested chinese parties about a sale of the plutonium processing facility a siemens spokesman in germany stated that heinrich von pierer stated that gerhard schroeder stated that gerhard schroeder is not against the sale of the plutonium processing facility in principle 5 vietnam has among the world 's strictest drug laws vietnam 's drug laws are among the world 's strictest laws 1 government initiatives to disarm have been ineffective governance institutions have been ineffective for a long time in somalia 5 putin stated that the russian government could withdraw from the treaty altogether if western nations refuse to ratify the amended treaty putin stated that russia could discard the treaty entirely if western nations refuse to ratify its amended version 5 russia ratified the amended version of the treaty russia ratified the amended treaty 2.2 the osce discussed the possible extension of the osce 's mission in kosovo the osce discussed kazakhstan 's bid to hold the osce presidency in 2009 4.8 elbaradei is the international atomic energy agency chief mohammed elbarade is the international atomic energy agency 's director general 1.8 the nuclear nonproliferation treaty is 37 years old the nuclear nonproliferation treaty is reviewed every 5 years 2.2 chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman jiang yu stated that cyber hacking is a global issue chinese foreign ministry spokesman qin gang was asked to respond to cheney 's speech on china 's military development 2.6 the plant will be constructed next to an existing plant and is projected to be operational in 7 years the plant will be constructed next to an existing plant also supplied by china and operational since 1999 4.4 cyber attacks are considered a growing threat to military and civilian computer networks nato considers cyber attacks a growing threat to military and civilian computer networks 1.2 if india blames foreign militants it is part of its propaganda to mislead the international community abe urged more assertive foreign policy for japan and the international community 4.8 the riyadh based naif arab academy for security sciences said in a statement that it was running a two week workshop for 50 anti terrorism experts in a statement naif arab academy for security sciences announced it will sponsor a 2 week workshop for 50 anti terrorism experts 3.8 88 percent of the liberal democratic party supports economic sanctions 80 percent of the opposition democratic party supports economic sanctions 1.2 sharia is islamic law iran is an islamic republic 3 a number of suspected islamic militants with alleged al qaida links have been arrested in malaysia and singapore and officials stated the militants network extends into indonesia suspected islamic militants with alleged al qaida links have been arrested in malaysia and singapore 4.6 in september 2007 jordan signed an accord with the united states aimed at supporting the peaceful development of the jordan 's nascent nuclear program in september 2007 the united states signed an accord with jordan aimed at supporting the peaceful development of jodran 's new nuclear program 3.2 according to the statement the rs 24 reinforces the military potential of the strategic forces to overcome anti missile defense systems according to the statement the prototype rs 24 rocket is unlike the topol m in that it is equipped with multiple independently targetable warheads to overwhelm defense systems 0.2 naeem m was hanged in zabol sistan baluchestan province zahedan is the capital of sistan baluchestan province 4.8 iran lies on a major drug route between afghanistan and europe and the persian gulf states iran lies on a major drug trafficking route between afghanistan and europe as well as the persian gulf states 0 it will be hosted by the australian government the us plans have angered the russian government 3.6 the 5 permanent united nations security council members are britain china france russia and the united states p5+1 members are britain china france russia germany and the united states 4.2 in july 2006 jordanian prime minister maaruf bakhit stated that raghdad hussein and family were living under the protection of king abdullah ii jordanian prime minister maaruf bakhit said in july 2006 that raghdad hussein and her family were living under the protection of king abdullah ii after iraq issued its 2.6 a siemens spokesman in germany stated to the agence france presse that siemens was confident about the outcome of the talks to sell the plutonium processing facility a siemens spokesman in germany refrained from commenting on the political aspect of the sale of the plutonium processing facility 3.8 the cyber attack occurred after the french president sarkozy 's meeting with the dalai lama angered the chinese government the cyber attack occurred after french president nicolas sarkozy 's meeting with exiled tibetan spiritual leader the dalai lama 3.8 the south african government imposed a ban that prohibits the recruitment of people inside or outside of south africa for mercenary or foreign military assistance south africa 's foreign ministry stated that south africa 's foreign military assistance act prohibits the recruitment of people inside or outside of south africa for mercenary or foreign military assistance 1.6 ukraine almost has all of the necessary approvals to join the european space agency 's program france is a leader in the european space agency 3.2 the north korean government has warned the south korean government against participating in the proliferation security initiative program the north korean government stated if the south korean government participates in the proliferation security initiative program it would result in unspecified catastrophic consequences 3.2 china 's council of agriculture opens a special office in charge of agricultural technology transfers and intellectual property rights management and consultancy to enhance development of china 's knowledge based agriculture and applications of agricultural technology lee stated that the coa has spent the past several years setting up relevant mechanisms and drafting a set of promotional measures to enhance development of china 's knowledge based agriculture and applications of agricultural technology 3 iranian parliamentary speaker gholam ali haddad adel visited cuba the agreements were signed during iranian majlis parliament speaker gholam ali haddad adel 's visit to cuba 2.6 tibet suspects chinese government of creating the virus to spy on tibetan exiles and the dalai lama tibet suspects chinese government of launching the attack 1 chinese authorities were not immediately available for comment godzhayev and godzhayev 's lawyers were not immediately available to comment 0.4 the european union and the united states have frozen al qadi 's assets the western governments include the united states and france 1 the chinese government has strengthened china 's anti proliferation capacity in recent years the chinese government has strictly censored china 's chemical imports and exports according to the law in recent years 4.2 a group representing mainly white south africans called afriforum stated it would organize protests along the route to zimbabwe afriforum stated that the group would organize protests along the route to zimbabwe 3.6 putin announced that the cfe treaty does not duly protect russia 's security interests the cfe treaty does not duly protect the russian federation 's security interests 3.4 ahmad is fighting extradition to the united states and lodged a formal complaint alleging that british police concocted intelligence reports to implicate ahmad in terror activities and desecrated the koran ahmad lodged a formal complaint with the independent police complaints commission alleging that british police concocted intelligence reports to implicate ahmad in terror activities and desecrated ahmad 's copy of the islamic holy book the koran by putting the koran on the floor during a search of ahmad 's home 3.6 russia has ratified the amended version but the united states and other nato members have refused to do so until the russian government withdraws troops from the former soviet republics of moldova and georgia the united states and other nato members have refused to ratify the amended version until russia withdraws troops from former soviet republics moldova and georgia 0.8 the part of the purpose of the united states plan is to increase pressure on north korea the united states and the allies of the united states believe iran is pursuing nuclear arms 0.4 tskhinvali is the capital of georgia paris is the capital of france 1.4 an indian government official stated that india does not attach much credence to reports by amnesty international one indian government official who studied the blueprints stated the science was old and dated but still functional 2.4 china 's cabinet the state council announced that it will amend regulations on dual use nuclear technology to prevent nuclear terrorism amending regulations on dual use nuclear technology will prevent nuclear terrorism 1.2 japanese prime minister junichiro koizumi said the shift of the rods was proactive in 2002 japanese prime minister junichiro koizumi attended an summit in north korea with north korean leader kim jong il 3.2 the opposition japanese communist party was against the new law and feared it would lead to a stronger military the opposition japanese communist party was against the bill proposing the new law 3.6 some asean officials stated such standardization would be difficult due to different countries political systems some officials stated the task would be difficult for asean members because of varied legal and political systems 4 iraq has been lobbying for the security council to stop using the country 's oil revenue to pay compensation to victims of the 1991 gulf war and the salaries of the united nations monitoring verification and inspection commission inspectors and to have all money remaining in the united nation 's oil for food accounts transferred to the government 's development fund iraq 's new leaders have been lobbying for the united nations security council to stop using the iraq 's oil revenue to pay the salaries of the inspectors and to have all money remaining in the united nation 's oil for food account transferred to the iraqi government 2.2 a key european arms control treaty must be maintained the cfe treaty is a key european arms control treaty 2.6 the golden triangle region was 1 of the world 's biggest producers of opium helmand province is the world 's largest producer of opium 2.2 the united states dismissed the action as nuclear blackmail the united states said it would stand up to nuclear blackmail and has ruled out negotiations 2.8 the meeting was 3 days long the meetings lasted 2 days 3.6 the ministers from china laos india myanmar and thailand will also address crop substitution initiatives for impoverished ethnic minorities who still rely on opium cultivation the ministers from china laos india myanmar and thailand will discuss how to find markets for goods produced under crop substitution and other related programs such as eco tourism and handicraft manufacturing 3 china is a nuclear power and member of the un security council china is a permanent member of the un security 2 north korean officials are suspected of building nuclear weapons north korea is currently in the process of dismantling its nuclear weapons program 3.4 australian television reporter peter lloyd faces 3 new drug charges in singapore according to court documents on 25 july australian television reporter peter lloyd faced 3 new drug charges in singapore 3 president vladimir putin signed a decree suspending russia 's participation in the conventional forces in europe treaty russian president vladimir putin signed a decree suspending russia 's participation in the conventional forces in europe treaty due to circumstances that affect the security of the russian federation and require immediate measure 2.6 the extradition conditions stipulate that the tunisian can only be prosecuted for the single charge of falsifying documents that italian authorities can provide sufficient evidence to prosecute spokesman for the swiss justice ministry folco galli stated that the extradition conditions stipulate that mejri can only be prosecuted on a single charge of falsifying documents for which italian authorities could provide sufficient evidence to prosecute 3 the attacks are believed to have come from russian administration ip addresses in response to the relocation of a soviet statue in estonia the attacks occurred after a dispute between the governments of russia and estonia over the relocation of a soviet war memorial 2 india and pakistan remain outside the treaty israel remains outside the treaty 0 china is a member of the ballistic missile club russia is a member of the quartet on the middle east 4.4 russia may pull out of the treaty if the us and other nato allies refuse to ratify the amended version warned that russia would withdraw from the treaty if western nations refuse to ratify its amended version 0.4 this is particularly true in the poorest countries this was particularly after ethiopia withdraws its forces 3.6 iran has noticeably increased the number of executions in recent months as officials enforce a campaign aimed at promoting virtue and boosting security in iranian officials have increased executions in 2007 as officials enforce a campaign purportedly aimed at promoting virtue and boosting security in society 0.6 a statement issued by the official spa news agency stated that al dosari was convicted of drug trafficking the rapist was identified as hossein safarlou and had also been convicted of drug trafficking 1.8 both tajikistan and uzbekistan share a border with afghanistan and have experienced raids by taliban backed islamic militants in recent years neighboring kyrgyzstan has also experienced raids by taliban backed islamic militants in recent years 1.8 russia said the system is a clear threat to russian security it is a serious threat to international security 3 the gang engaged in illegal activities including racketeering blackmail arms smuggling cigarette smuggling and money laundering and allegedly used proceeds to fund terrorist groups in chechnya the dans stated the gang engaged in illegal activities including racketeering blackmail arms smuggling cigarette smuggling and money laundering 3.4 at the state scientific center of applied microbiology there is every kind of deadly bacteria that was studied for use in the secret biological weapons program of the soviet union the state scientific center of applied microbiology has been working with western scientists to convert the complex into a biomedical manufacturing site 1.2 the international atomic energy agency has no access to people documents sites the international atomic energy agency is based in 0 the book states that the drug conveys a completely positive image the official stated that this was a complete technology transfer 1.4 40 inmates are serving sentences for murder 105 inmates are serving sentences for drug trafficking 2 russia is fulfilling obligations and decreasing forces russia 's suspension of obligations under the cfe treaty is temporary 3.6 executive director of the arms control association in washington daryl kimball stated that the iaea report is 1 in a series of bad signs executive director of the arms control association in washington daryl kimball stated the israeli document could affect the debate over india 4 the cfe is 1 of several issues negatively impacting russia 's relations with the united states and europe the treaty is one of several issues causing tense relations between the governments of russia and the us and europe 3.2 korobeynichev 's laboratory worked with the us lawrence livermore national laboratory korobeynichev 's laboratory worked with other scientific institutes 1.8 lugar and nunn are senators lugar and nunn awarded the prime minister a medal 4 officials state that decision about the treaty will depend on us action on its plans to deploy missile defense systems in poland and the czech republic russian military officials stated the decision would depend on whether the united states proceeds with its plan to deploy missile defense components in poland and the czech republic 3 signing of the agreement is a peripheral issue of the meeting of chiefs of defense staff from the 26 ally countries of nato the agreement was signed during a regular meeting of chiefs of defense staff from the 26 nato allies 3.6 in early may 2002 officials from the philippines malaysia and indonesia signed an anti terrorism agreement to share airline passenger lists and other intelligence in early may 2002 the philippines malaysia and indonesia signed an agreement to share terrorism intelligence 3.2 after the first meeting between leaders of the european union and leaders from albania bosnia and herzegowina croatia macedonia and serbia and montenegro leaders from the western balkan countries pledge to diminish organized crime and corruption in the balkans to meet requirements of european union membership leaders from albania bosnia and herzegowina croatia macedonia and serbia and montenegro met for the first time with european union leaders to pursue joining the european union 3.6 the resolution requires all 192 united nations member states to adopt laws to prevent terrorists black marketeers and other non state actors from manufacturing acquiring or trafficking in nuclear biological or chemical weapons or the materials to make them resolution 1540 requires all countries to adopt laws to prevent non state actors from manufacturing acquiring or trafficking in nuclear biological or chemical weapons the materials to make them and the missiles and other systems to deliver them 2 the international atomic energy association stated that jordan has agreed to the additional measures international atomic energy association is the united nations watchdog 0.4 there is much concern over the drug there is much work to be done 3 the amnesty international report suggested that belgium begin immediate talks with india to prevent future sales of the alh components or military technology to myanmar the report urged belgium to begin immediate talks with india in order to prevent future weapons sale to myanmar 3 capital offenses in iran include murder rape armed robbery apostasy blasphemy serious drug trafficking repeated sodomy adultery prostitution treason and espionage capital offenses in iran include murder rape armed robbery serious drug trafficking and adultery 3.4 saudi arabia is an absolute monarchy that has taken steps towards reform saudi arabia is an absolute monarchy and has a consultative council appointed by the government 3 the spokesman said there will be an exchange of opinions on topical international and regional matters based on a joint working relationship at the heart of the un kamynin said russia recognizes the participation of libya in the work of the un security council kamynin said there will be an exchange of opinions on topical international and regional matters based on a joint working relationship at the heart of the un 2.6 shalgam 's visit to london is the first by a libyan foreign minister since 1969 a visit to libya by the russian foreign minister was announced 1.8 indian and pakistani governments nearly engaged in a fourth conflict in 1999 indian and pakistani governments each conducted nuclear tests in may 1998 3.8 iguaran stated that the detainees will be accused of homicide criminal collaboration kidnappings and the funding of terrorism iguaran stated that the detainees were also involved in the murders of police members of an anti kidnapping group 2.4 3 suspected extremists were released on bail 1 suspected extremist was provisionally released without bail 0.8 6 czech hospital employees are charged with human organ trafficking the accused will be charged with international drug trafficking 2 this further aggravated the situation north korea should not act further to aggravate the situation 2.6 drug lord captured by marines in mexico suspected drug lord known as el taliban held in mexico 4.4 sc dismisses govt 's review plea in vodafone tax case sc dismisses govt 's review petition on vodafone tax verdict 2.6 explosion hits oil pipeline in syria 's homs explosion hits pipeline as assad attacks cities 3.8 nato soldier killed in afghan attack nato soldier killed in s afghanistan 4.2 castro celebrates 86th birthday monday fidel castro celebrates 86th birthday 3 israel ex spy warns against messianic iran war israeli ex spy boss no trust in leadership over iran – video 3.8 eye opener supreme court rules on arizona immigration law us supreme court issues split ruling on arizona immigration law 3.2 nato traces path out of afghanistan nato leaders commit to afghanistan transition 4 syria says suicide bomber kills 10 in damascus damascus suicide bombing kills 10 0.8 sachin tendulkar says i am not god i am sachin sachin tendulkar scores cricket 's first 100th century 2.4 australian pm gillard set to win leadership challenge australian pm defiant under pressure over leadership 2.4 obama backs philippines over south china sea obama says clear rules needed to calm south china sea 3.2 teenager in china kills 8 wounds 5 in knife attack teenager kills 8 in knife attack 3.8 syrian rebels move command from turkey to syria free syrian army moves headquarters from turkey to syria 0.4 knesset speaker obama reelection bad for israel 7 states sue over obama administration 's birth control rule 2.8 greece bond exchange the largest debt restructuring in history greece secures biggest debt deal in history 1 putin wins russian presidential election polls open in russian presidential election 0.2 indian finance minister quits to run for president julian assange plans to run for australian senate 3.8 jerry sandusky found guilty in child sex abuse trial sandusky found guilty in child sex abuse trial 2.4 three tibetans self immolate in western china report 7 tibetans self immolate in china 3.6 white house in damage control over obama supreme court remarks fact check obama 's supreme court remarks 2 annan warns talks of syria risks putin annan meet on syria crisis 1.4 quartet calls on israelis palestinians to end irritants occupation to confiscate 30 dunums of palestinian land in deir estia 4.8 saudis to permit women to compete in olympics saudi women allowed to compete at olympics 2.2 nigeria university mass attacked by gunmen nigeria university bombed in north 3.2 china 's cabinet promises to boost economy china 's wen promises job creation 1 tropical storm isaac boosts jobless claims tropical storm joyce forms stays in open atlantic 3.2 freddie starr arrested in savile abuse probe third man arrested in savile sex abuse probe 5 romney announces paul ryan as running mate romney names ryan as running mate 3.6 stocks rise early after greek deal then flatten stocks edge higher after greek debt deal 4 suicide bombing rocks elite yemen military camp suicide bombers attack yemen military posts 2.2 nato 2 international troops killed in afghanistan three nato troops killed in one day in afghanistan 1.8 moscow protesters demand vladimir putin 's resignation moscow protest against vladimir putin smaller and quieter 1 french election turnout higher than expected french presidential election first round live updates 4.4 australia to establish the world 's largest marine reserve australia creates world 's largest marine reserves 1.6 two us soldiers shot killed by afghan soldier two british soldiers killed by afghan policeman 1.4 italy soldiers die in afghanistan two uk soldiers killed in afghanistan 4 abbas to lead palestinian unity government abbas proposed as pm in interim unity government 2.8 egypt 's coptic church names new pope egypt 's coptic church prepares to choose pope 3.6 malawi officially confirms president 's death malawi confirms president mutharika 's death 3.8 mali 's tuareg rebels declare independence mali rebels declare independent azawad 1.4 lance armstrong stripped of tour de france titles lance armstrong plots strategy after loss of titles 1 egypt votes on final day of presidential election polls open in france for presidential election 0.6 is madeleine mccann still alive reopen madeleine case police urge 1.4 aussie surfers find stricken asylum seekers mayday fears for asylum seekers 3 isaf 4 coalition troops killed in attack involving afghan police nato says four troops killed in insider attack in afghan south 3.2 un security council unanimous vote on syria un security council to vote on up to 300 syria monitors 5 gunman kills 6 in shooting at wisconsin sikh temple gunman kills six in shooting at sikh temple in wisconsin 0.6 audi to buy motorcycle maker ducati probe into motor insurance market 4.2 china news agency still hope for syria peace china state news agency there 's still hope for syria peace 0.4 22 dead in suicide attack on yemen police academy au forces intensify attack on somali rebels 1.2 south korea orders immediate shutdown of 2 nuclear reactors south korea to boost nuclear power 1.6 us allies to set demands for iran nuclear talks iran wo not accept pre conditions to nuclear talks 4.8 aol says to sell 800 patents to microsoft for $ 10 bn aol to sell 800 patents to microsoft for $ 1 billion 1.2 thousands of troops to march for jubilee thousands flock to amsterdam for queen 's day 0.8 middle east israel hamas leader convicted middle east iraq 17 prisoners escape in kirkuk 4.2 navy jet crashes into apartment building us navy jet crashes into apartment block 0.6 woman dies after abortion refusal woman dies after cliff collapses in dorset 2.2 us and turkey weigh no fly zones for syria us and turkey tighten coordination on syria 3.6 death toll rises to 236 after brazzaville blasts rep of congo 236 dead after arms depot blasts 1 i will have another retired to stud i will have another wins preakness 0.6 syria journalists rescue bid fails journalists smuggled out of homs 1.8 new sex claim hits secret service new rules for us secret service 0 rimsha masih released on bail mandela released from hospital 0 1 person killed in sectarian clashes in lebanon 180 killed in iran earthquake 0 gains in financial stocks push up european equities british christians take complaints to european court 1.6 turkey raises alarm over syrian refugees turkey seeks to relocate some syrian refugees 1.6 suspected al qaeda financier arrested in france three al qaeda suspects arrested in spain 1.6 no damage tsunami after 66 quake hits off indonesia 's sumatra 59 quake hits indonesia s sumatra usgs 2.2 israeli air strikes kill 16 in gaza israel air strikes kill 4 in gaza death toll now at 38 1.4 18 killed 108 wounded in wave of bombings in iraq 9 killed 31 wounded in car bombs in iraq 's kirkuk 2 palestinian prisoner ending hunger strike after deal israel to free palestinian hunger striker 3.4 hezbollah confirms it sent drone downed over israel hezbollah says it sent drone over israel 3.2 rebel fighters capture syrian soldiers free syrian army captures syrian officers 2.4 colorado shooting suspect was under psychiatrist 's care doctor treating aurora shooting suspect had medical reprimand 4.8 66 quake rocks indonesia 's papua usgs 66 quake rocks indonesia 's papua us geological survey 0.4 what time is andy murray v roger federer in the wimbledon men 's final all you need to know about the big game what time is the paralympic opening ceremony everything you need to know about the big curtain raiser 3.6 new jersey school bans hugging us school bans hugging 4.6 iran islamic republic of iran steps up relief efforts after quakes kill 227 iran steps up relief efforts after quakes kill 227 2.4 tsunami warning issued for southern alaska tsunami warning after canada quake 0.8 no evidence in afghanistan massacre case us toll in afghanistan hits 2000 3.8 cash rich apple to pay dividend buy back shares apple to pay $ 265/share dividend buy back $ 10b stock 4.6 two reported dead in shooting at empire state building in ny 2 dead in shooting outside empire state building 1 australian unemployment up to 51 percent french unemployment rate rises to 10 percent 0.4 shares move higher on wall street sandy strengthens as nears coast wall street shut 2.6 halliburton 1q income rises 23 pct halliburton q1 profits rise on strong north america sales 0.8 4 killed in shrine bombing in northwest pakistan 12 killed in us drone strike in nw pakistan 1.6 china stocks close mixed friday china stocks open lower friday 0.8 india bans bulk texts after riots tunisia lifts curfew after riots 2.4 un monitors yet to reach site of syrian massacre – video un monitors shot at on way to syrian massacre site 3.6 yorkshire soldier killed in afghan bomb blast soldier killed in afghanistan blast 3.75 radical islamists in mali enlist new militia local militia bolsters islamist militants in mali 4.2 olympics opening ceremony a hit around globe opening ceremony gives olympics a rocking start 4.8 man killed in french terror raid man dies in french anti terror operation 5 capello quits as england manager capello resigns as england manager 3.2 one dead in ohio school shooting 1 dead 4 wounded in ohio school shooting 2.4 2 palestinians killed in israeli airstrikes four palestinians killed in iaf strike 3.2 pakistan condemns us drone strikes pakistan convoy heads to protest us drone strikes 4 massive hurricane sandy bears down on us east coast hurricane sandy gains speed batters us east coast 3.6 sarkozy to file complaint in gadhafi funding claim sarkozy to sue after gaddafi cash claim bursts into campaign 2 the note 's must reads for wednesday july 4 2012 the note 's must reads for wednesday may 30 2012 4.4 iran will attack tel aviv if israel strikes senior cleric iran will attack tel aviv if israel strikes 0 gusmao consolidates power in east timor elections supreme court possibilities if romney wins election 0.6 pena nieto wins mexico presidential vote exit polls poll putin to win russia presidential vote 3.4 syria tells russia some troops have pulled out of homs syria says troops have begun pullout – video 2.6 nigeria plane crash no survivors 4 chinese among nigeria plane crash victims 2.8 explosion at venezuela refinery kills at least 39 venezuela mourns oil refinery blast deaths 3.6 strong earthquake hits mexico strong earthquake strikes near acapulco 3.8 russia china veto un resolution on syria killings russia china in double veto of un syria resolution 2.6 pakistani plane crashes with 127 on board pakistani plane crashes with 130 people on board 4.4 un security council orders global sanctions against haqqani network in afghanistan un orders global sanctions against haqqani network 0 erdogan and putin talked in raised voice foreign militants killed in somalia in strike on car 4 saudi arabia arrests suspected militants with al qaeda links saudi arabia arrests suspected militants state media reports 4.8 hurricane sandy closes in on us east coast hurricane sandy takes aim at us east coast 2.2 chicago teachers strike vacations for students for good or ill chicago teacher strike poses test for unions 1.6 panetta says afghanistan role to shift from combat in 2013 panetta afghanistan tops nato conference topics 4 four men admit london stock exchange bomb plot four men admit london bombs plot 1.6 israel threatens action against gaza aid ship israel attacks in gaza strip after rocket fire 3.8 bodies found at russian jet crash in indonesia 12 bodies found at russian jet crash in indonesia 1 syria urges refugees to return syria 's tenuous truce takes hold 4.2 us soldier kills up to 16 civilians in afghanistan us soldier kills up to 16 afghan civilians in shooting spree 1.2 rupert murdoch i was the victim of a cover up rupert murdoch set for second day of grilling 0.4 barack obama 's bodyguards sent back to us after prostitution scandal barclays boss falls to rate fixing scandal 3.8 china 's yuan rises to new high against usd wednesday china 's yuan advances to 63103 against usd wednesday 4 nissan to sell steer by wire cars nissan to offer steer by wire systems in some infiniti cars 3.8 tibetan monk dies after setting himself on fire in protest against chinese rule teenage tibetan monk dies after setting himself on fire in china 1 mumbai is 2nd costliest indian city to live in tech capital bangalore costliest indian city to live in survey 3.8 man 19 quizzed over teen murder man quizzed over megan leigh murder 3.4 israel kills hamas commander bombs gaza targets israel airstrikes kill hamas commander 5 others 3.6 gusmao consolidates power in east timor elections gusmao powers on in east timor 4.4 un monitors yet to reach site of syrian massacre – video un monitors unable to reach site of syria killings 4.8 nato condemns syria 's downing of turkish military jet nato strongly condemns syria 's downing of turkish jet 0.8 syria rebels attack lebanese post near border army turkish army stages tank exercises near syria border 0.2 five killed in china building collapse at least 20 killed in syria saturday 3.4 syrian forces launch new attacks syria forces launch aleppo attack 1.4 gazans fire 2 rockets into israel no injuries gazans fire 89 rockets cabinet approves reserve call up 4.6 former nazi death camp guard demjanjuk dead at 91 john demjanjuk convicted nazi death camp guard dies aged 91 3.8 boris johnson re elected london mayor johnson re elected london mayor 1 breivik drops far right salute in court breivik gets 21 year sentence 1.4 second teenager charged with murder brother of eastenders actress gemma mccluskie is charged with her murder 0.8 french fear new serial killer after murders jersey murder trial killer hearing voices 4.2 us madoff brother to plead guilty in ny in fraud madoff 's brother to plead guilty to fraud 1.8 hollande defeats sarkozy in french presidency vote polls open across france in presidential election 3.2 libyan government retakes tripoli airport libyan militia takes control of tripoli airport 4.6 clinton warns kenya of cost of election violence clinton warns kenya on cost of election unrest 4.6 arkansas supreme court strikes down execution law arkansas justices strike down death penalty 4.2 s africa 's former president mandela discharged from hospital mandela discharged from hospital 0.2 un envoy in turkey for talks on syria nz to increase exports to china 1 islamist morsi wins egypt 's presidential election al shater to run in presidential election in egypt 1.6 donna summer the queen of disco donna summer queen of disco dies at 63 3.6 bangladesh muslims torch buddhist shrines police say muslims torch buddhist temples 0.4 us drone kills five militants in pakistan six police officers killed in attacks in dagestan 0 mali future interim president readies to take office pope rips into dissident priests on celibacy 1.2 9 killed 168 injured in latest cairo clashes 10 killed 12 injured in e afghan airport suicide blast 3.8 romney wins maine republican caucuses romney in comeback has narrow maine caucus win 3.8 court in bahrain rejects medics last rally appeal bahrain rejects activists appeal 3.6 hurricane sandy powers toward eastern seaboard hurricane sandy moves towards us 0 clinton calls for friends of syria to unite plastic artist calls for greater support for new talents 0 jk rowling launches her first adult novel syria launches ground assault in aleppo 2.4 algerian government parties dominate elections algerian national turnout of parliamentary vote reaches 4438 pct 0.6 security official killed in yemen security personnel killed in pakistan raid 3.2 us stocks fall as greek talks lumber apple falls us stocks slip on wall street as greek talks drag on 5 romney picks ryan as vice presidential running mate source romney to tap ryan as vice presidential running mate 1 nato sticks to transition roadmap in afghanistan rasmussen nato helicopter makes hard landing in e afghanistan 1.4 mubarak faces verdict in murder trial mubarak 's sons face new charges of insider trading 2 no blocks to investment india allows pakistan investment 2.6 blast kills 11 in northwestern pakistan bomb kills 19 in northwest pakistan 0.8 5 aid workers freed in operation in afghanistan suicide bomber kills 37 at mosque in afghanistan 3.6 two nato soldiers killed in afghanistan nato soldier killed in afghan blast 4 nadal tumbles into french open final nadal through to seventh french open final 3.2 russian tv reports foiled attempt on putin russia ukraine foiled plot to kill putin report says 4.4 putin claims victory in russia 's presidential election putin wins disputed russian presidential election 5 remains of 167 bodies found in mexican cave remains of 167 people found in mexico cave 4 orphaned alps massacre girl returns to uk alps attack girl returns to uk 2.8 obama team raises debate stakes obama takes offensive against romney in debate 0.8 two kenyan ministers among 6 killed in plane crash poland honors president killed in 2010 plane crash 2.8 thousands gather for new russian anti putin rally thousands gather in moscow for rival rallies 3.8 google names new motorola mobility ceo google appoints dennis woodside to run motorola mobility 4.4 massive hurricane sandy bears down on us east coast hurricane sandy takes aim at us east coast 3.4 another rocket hits eshkol no injuries 2 rockets hit eshkol none injured 3.8 thousands more syrian refugees flee to turkey overnight 8000 syrian refugees flee to turkey overnight 4 assange appeals extradition to uk 's top court assange to appeal extradition to uk 's top court 2 strong quake jolts most parts of pakistan strong quake hits eastern indonesia 1 lebanese gunmen clash over syria crisis syrians hold solution to syria crisis 4 mob kills man for burning quran pakistani mob kills man for burning koran 1.8 us drone strike kills four in north waziristan us drone strike kills 10 in northwest pakistan officials 4.6 salvador dali painting snatched from new york gallery salvador dali painting snatched in nyc 1.8 putin claims victory in russia 's presidential election will putin 's election victory in russia be greeted with protests 4.2 sarkozy announces re election bid france 's nicolas sarkozy makes his reelection bid official 4.6 us uk in pact to release emergency oil stocks us uk set to agree emergency oil stocks release 3 eurozone unemployment stays at record 11 percent eurozone unemployment at record high in june 3.8 french socialist party wins parliament victory french socialists win absolute parliament majority 0.6 salafi islamists police clash in tunis witnesses second islamist hunger striker dies in a tunisian prison 3.8 strauss kahn investigated in french prostitution ring dominique strauss kahn faces questions over french prostitution ring 1.8 romney wins florida republican primary romney eyes us republican primary endgame 2.6 us drone strike kills four in north waziristan suspected drone strike kills 4 in pakistan 2.4 2 traffic accidents leave 47 dead in china 3 traffic accidents leave 56 dead in china 0 head of cia resigns over affair hall of fame beckons for capriati 4 france 's strauss kahn charged with involvement in prostitution vice ring strauss kahn charged in prostitution vice ring 3.6 sony reports record annual loss sony forecasts record annual loss of $ 64bn 0.4 12 killed in gaza in israeli airstrikes ictu ibec in move on airline strike 1.4 9 killed in attacks after deadly iraq day 19 killed in iraq attacks ahead of ramadan end 4.4 barclays hit by fresh us investigations barclays hit by fresh us probe 0.4 us closes embassy in syria ap closed roads in armenia 4.4 eu heaps new sanctions on syria eu imposes new sanctions on syrian regime 3.4 russians rally against putin 's rule tens of thousands rally against putin 's rule ap 4 bahrain grand prix underway amid protests bahrain race goes ahead amid unrest 1.4 china stocks open flat monday chinese stocks open mixed wednesday 4.6 sheryl crow says has benign brain tumor sheryl crow has a benign brain tumor 3.8 afghan parliament approves us afghan security pact afghan parliament approves us partnership 0.6 two german tourists two pilots killed in kenya air crash senator reid involved in las vegas car crash cnn 3.6 israeli palestinian negotiators quietly meet israeli palestinian negotiators meet in jordan 3.6 us astronaut neil armstrong dead at 82 us astronaut neil armstrong dies 4.2 amnesty syria rebels also committing abuses amnesty investigator syria rebels also committing abuses 1.6 mitt romney wins republican primary in indiana romney wins florida republican primary 4 east german rights activist gauck elected president joachim gauck elected as german president 2.4 south africa starts investigating mine violence south africa hosts peace talks in mine standoff 0.4 3 dead 27 injured in sw china accident 35 dead and 165 missing in india boat accident 1 santorum romping to minnesota victory santorum wins kansas caucuses 4 space legend neil armstrong dies first man on moon neil armstrong dies at 82 4.8 us and turkey weigh no fly zones for syria turkey us weigh no fly zones for syria 0.8 man arrested over double murder wa man arrested in police drug raid 2.8 florida counties extend early voting fla democrats want extended early voting hours 3.8 warship sets sail for falklands british warship sets sail for falklands 1 newcastle 2 0 liverpool match report pictures & video highlights qpr 1 2 west ham match report pictures & video highlights 2.8 palestinian prisoners to end hunger strike progress reported in palestinian prisoner hunger strike talks 1 police four killed in german hostage taking incident palestinians 12 killed in idf strike in northern strip 4.25 egypt lets mubarak pm back in presidential race egypt confirms mubarak 's pm back in presidency race 0.6 syrian journalists killed in capital us marines killed in base attack 2.4 gop candidate romney to call to arm syrian rebels us helping get arms to syria rebels 4.4 un observer patrol arrives at syria massacre site un observers reach syria massacre village 0 american airlines and pilots agree on a new contract romney pledges to stand with israel on iran threat 2.8 greek pm to announce new election greek pm calls for may 6 general election 1.6 government of canada supports montréal women leading change government of canada supports women 's safety in regina 3.2 no problem if mulayam forms third front congress no problem if mulayam forms third front digvijay 0 bradley triumphs at firestone as furyk fades bahrain court upholds sentences against uprising leaders 2.2 plane crash in ghana kills at least 10 plane crash in ghana how the international media reported it 1.8 six us troops killed in afghan bomb attack 6 nato troops killed in afghanistan 1.6 syria forces launch aleppo attack syrian forces kill 54 ahead of annan peace mission 1 romney obama fight for edge on medicare obama romney compete for undecideds stoke base 3.6 bbc director general resigns over shoddy journalism bbc director general resigns amid newsnight scandal 4.8 rick santorum wins kansas caucuses rick santorum notches a victory in kansas caucuses 3.2 in islamist led egypt coptic church names new pope egyptian christians choose new pope 5 us pledge to rebuild haiti not being met us pledge to rebuild haiti not being met 1 chinese stocks close higher thursday chinese stocks open mixed wednesday 3.6 greece to vote on 2013 budget protesters gather greece to vote on 2013 budget 4 us eu cautiously welcome iran 's proposal to restart nuclear talks us eu welcome iran 's offer to restart nuclear talks 2.8 clinton warns kenya of cost of election violence clinton warns kenya on repeat of 2007 vote chaos 3.8 anti american protests over film expand to nearly 20 countries anti american fury sweeps middle east over film 1 journalists hail london olympics opening israeli delegation marches in 2012 olympics opener 1.5 aust stocks open lower tokyo stocks open lower 3.4 wikileaks begins publishing two million syria emails wikileaks releasing trove of syria documents 3 palestinians 2 gaza militants killed in israeli airstrike on coastal strip officials gaza man killed in israeli airstrike ap 4.6 mali 's president hands in resignation mali 's president formally resigns 1.4 three killed in nigeria suicide bombers attack 60 killed in nigeria cattle market attack 1.6 factbox security developments in iraq february 1 factbox security developments in pakistan march 13 4.2 hrw jordan biased against palestinians from syria jordan biased over palestinians from syria 3.8 israel among top arms exporters in world report israel among top arms exporters and importers 0.8 egyptians to vote for new president somali mps to elect new president 5 federer wins 7th wimbledon title federer captures 7th wimbledon title 3.6 qaida leader calls for kidnap of westerners in egypt al qaida leader urges kidnapping of westerners 2.6 china stocks close mixed friday chinese stocks close higher midday friday 1.6 43 killed in bus crash 15 killed in crash in india 4 putin sworn in as russian president putin sworn in as russia 's president for 6 years 0 china trade returns to surplus in march tense calm returns to south tel aviv 2.2 highlights of the vice presidential debate five things to watch in the presidential debate 1.4 full episode nightline 6/29 katie holmes tom cruise to divorce custody images at stake in cruise holmes divorce 3 syrian regime denies role in houla massacre syria blames rebels for houla massacre of over 100 4.4 south sudan accuses sudan of bombings ahead of talks s sudan accuses sudan of bombing in blow to talks 0 nine killed in gun attack in pakistan five million citizens get unofficial salary in ukraine 3.2 syria demands guarantees rebels say peace plan doomed syria demands written guarantee for troop pullback 3.8 minn terminal reopens after evacuation minn terminal reopens after bag causes evacuation 4 golf westwood takes lead in dubai desert classic westwood in front a dubai desert classic 2.8 sudan blocks youtube over anti islam film pakistan 's pm orders youtube halt over anti islam film 1.4 polls open in russian presidential election polls close in senegal 's presidential election 4.4 chavez leaves again for cuba for radiotherapy chavez set for more radiotherapy in cuba 0.6 romanian president declared victory chinese president concludes state visit to denmark 3.6 russians rally support for orthodox church over pussy riot controversy russian orthodox church rallies faithful after criticism 1.4 clinton lands in india to breathe life into ties clinton warns against undermining grameen bank 4.2 mali interim leader takes office mali 's interim president sworn into office 3.8 putin declares victory in russian presidential vote putin wins russia 's presidential election 1.6 al renews condemnation on syria 's violence us closes embassy in damascus due to syria violence 3.4 eu slaps sanctions on assad family eu sanctions assad 's wife mortars hit homs 1.8 air force instructor faces sentencing for rape women testify at air force instructor 's sentencing 3.8 more than 30 striking miners killed more than 30 striking miners killed in south africa 2.6 iron dome intercepts 17 rockets iron dome intercepts two rockets fired at beersheba 4.5 mali islamists destroying more timbuktu shrines mali islamists destroy more holy timbuktu sites 1.8 china stocks end higher on pmi at midday chinese stocks open higher thursday 0 scientists resurrect flowers from prehistoric seeds nintendo trims red ink lowers forecast for year 2.6 man convicted in vatican leaks case butler to be tried in vatileaks case 2.8 romney paul vie for maine caucus win romney has narrow maine caucus win 3.8 sectarian clashes rock lebanese city of tripoli sectarian clashes rock lebanese city 3 killed 3.4 repsol blasts argentina over nationalization of ypf repsol blasts argentina over oil nationalization 1.4 several dead 550 injured in argentina train crash 49 feared dead in buenos aires train crash 4 aung san suu kyi to address british mps burma 's aung san suu kyi to address parliament on june visit 4 sheriff man recovers stolen car 42 years later us man recovers car 42 years after theft 4 google ceo says android important not critical larry page says android important not critical 3.6 iran may cut oil exports to more eu states iran mps say ready to ban oil exports to some eu states 0.8 factory fires kill at least 260 in pakistan at least six dead in pakistan gunfight 0 australian among four on plane missing in indonesia iranian painter mansoureh hosseini dies 3.8 romney vows to restore promise of america romney promises to restore america 0.6 santorum 's 3 year old daughter hospitalized kony 2012 director hospitalized 1.2 mandela released from hospital israeli president released from hospital 3.8 jaya prada all set to join bjp jaya prada likely to join bjp amar singh to decide for her 2.8 hezbollah 's nasrallah warns us over anti islam film hezbollah calls for more anti islam film protests 3.2 nadal tops djokovic for 7th french open title tennis nadal defeats djokovic for monte carlo title 3 childcare costs rise by nearly 6 % childcare costing £15000 a year 3.4 obama urges decisive action on europe debt crisis obama urges europe to act quickly on crisis 1 beef burger mix recalled over salmonella concerns choc powder recalled over salmonella concerns 4.2 obama romney prepare for first debate obama romney prepare to debate 0.8 first significant gas found offshore kenya raiders kill 38 in latest land clashes in kenya 2.2 red cross worker killed in pakistan kidnapped uk aid worker killed in pakistan 3.4 8 rockets fired from gaza into southern israel none hurt ten rockets from gaza land in southern israel none hurt 1.6 us soldier killed in shooting incident in s afghanistan five nato soldiers killed in afghanistan 0.8 polls close in egyptian presidential election press releases yemeni presidential election 1.2 police did not link savile claims bbc faces questions for pulling savile case 3.4 eurozone unemployment stays at record 11 percent eurozone unemployment hits record high 4.2 james murdoch quits bskyb james murdoch quits role at bskyb 4.8 iconic science fiction writer ray bradbury dies at 91 science fiction legend ray bradbury dead at 91 0.6 egypt presidential election may 23 24 us presidential election 2012 3.4 four french soldiers killed in afghan suicide blast four foreign soldiers killed in afghan east 4 un observers find traces of syrian massacre un team investigates syrian massacre 3.6 ap poll majority in us have prejudice against blacks ap poll majority harbor prejudice against blacks 4.2 ap source redskins to trade for no 2 pick redskins trade for no 2 pick 4 china says defense budget to rise 112 % in 2012 china 's defence spending to rise 112 % 0 string of iraq blasts kills at least 32 strong italy quake kills at least six 3.8 ecuador president correa says no decision made on assange asylum ecuador yet to decide on assange 's asylum 3.8 us offers us$ 10 mil for pakistan militant us offers $ 10 million for pakistani militant chief 3.8 6 nato troops killed in afghanistan ied attack 6 nato troops killed in afghanistan 0.8 osama bin laden wives to be jailed osama bin laden movie to be filmed in india 4 egyptians vote in landmark presidential election egyptians go to polls in historic election 3.8 jetblue pilot who disrupted flight declared insane not guilty jetblue pilot who caused disruption on flight not guilty 2.2 tsunami warning no need for sa to panic tsunami warning after aceh quake 4.8 us hands over bagram prison to afghan authorities us transfers bagram prison to afghan control 2 jeremy hunt distances himself from adviser who overstepped the mark jeremy hunt clings on as spad quits over news corp emails 0.4 obama praises us latin america trade ties obama secret service agents sent home 2 blitzbokke ousted by fiji blitzbokke beaten by nz 0.4 obama and romney focus on swing states team anna yet to decide on contesting state polls 0.2 grenade attack kills one and injures at least 11 sex attack on woman investigated 1.4 scores of bodies found in syria eight more bodies found on ship 0.8 shooter charged with murder of us black teen thoughts on race relations under a black president 1.8 jonny bairstow and eoin morgan shine for england in mumbai bairstow hits ton in india tour match 4.4 how wind farm developers use camera tricks to make turbines look smaller than they really are wind farm developers using tricks to make turbines look smaller 2.4 us drone kills six militants in pakistan officials us missiles kill 15 in pakistan officials 2.6 nigeria nigerian troops swarm after 40 killed in student massacre nigeria police make arrests after college massacre 2.2 nerves calmed for now markets jump on relief over spanish bank bailout focus shifts to greece after spain secures bank bailout 1.4 heavy fighting reported in syria 's aleppo heavy fighting reported in damascus 1.8 france says greece must show credibility for eurozone france 's hollande backs greece but urges credible reform 1.2 avengers sets box office record the hunger games breaks us box office record 1 4 french soldiers reported killed in afghanistan british soldier killed in afghanistan 3.4 spanish bailout dilemma gets more acute spanish dilemma gets more acute 0.6 nato soldier dies in afghanistan two aust soldiers wounded in afghanistan 2.4 chinese stocks open lower wednesday china stocks open lower friday 1 palestinian leadership condemn israeli fm call to oust abbas palestinian leadership backs fatah hamas doha deal 4.8 mitt romney wins maryland gop primary romney wins maryland republican primary 3.6 man finds car on ebay 42 years after it was stolen texas man finds his car 42 years after it was stolen 3.4 sylvester stallone 's son found dead in hollywood sylvester stallone’s son sage stallone found dead in hol 2.8 nato 4 aid workers rescued from afghan insurgents 5 aid workers freed in operation in afghanistan 1.8 russia jails pussy riot protest punks for two years russian court to rule in pussy riot trial 4.4 israel bars german writer grass from visiting over poem israel bars german author grass over poem 1.8 the note 's must reads for august 1 2012 the note 's must reads for wednesday july 4 2012 2.4 nato us troop detained over shooting of afghan civilians us says saddened by shooting on afghan civilians 1.6 hollande wins french presidential election east timor votes in presidential election 1.8 military syria chemical stocks threaten israel russia tells syria chemical arms threat is unacceptable 3.6 fitch upgrades ford to investment grade fitch restores ford credit to investment grade 2 syria peace plan conditions “unacceptable” opposition says syria peace dashed as deadline passes 2.4 clashes as greeks protest against more cutbacks clashes erupt as greek vote nears 2.4 9 dead 11 hurt 4 missing in mont blanc avalanche 6 dead several missing in mont blanc avalanche 4.6 taliban pose as attractive women on facebook for spying taliban soldiers posing as pretty women on facebook to get troops secrets 1.2 china activist chen lands in us chinese activist renews call to fight injustice 3.2 city room empire state building shooting 2 dead in shooting outside empire state building 4.4 mohamed morsi sworn in as eygptian president mursi sworn in as egyptian president 1 attack on nato base in afghanistan kills 15 aid workers freed in afghanistan raid 1 yemen suicide blast drone attack kill at least 30 spate of iraq attacks kill at least six 3 torres moving on after olympic bid fails torres finishes 4th misses out on sixth olympics 2.8 pakistan begins demolition of bin laden compound pakistan demolishes osama bin laden hideout 3.6 sudan blames israel for khartoum arms fire sudan accuses israel of airstrike on arms factory 3.8 house senate deal reached on payroll tax measure negotiators reach deal on congress payroll tax cut bill 1.4 tropical storm isaac drenches haiti swipes cuba tropical storm isaac threatens dam 2.2 foreign pro palestinian activists seek to enter west bank 100 pro palestinians seek to enter israel at allenby 3 world stocks rise on hopes for eu us stimulus stocks rise on hopes for a fed stimulus 4 gore vidal dead at 86 legendary author playwright and politician dies gore vidal celebrated author playwright dies at 86 2.4 world stocks fall before greek debt deal deadline asia stocks fall ahead of greek debt deal deadline 4.2 south africa police shot dead 30 miners south africa police say they killed 30+ miners 2.4 isaac drenches haiti heads toward cuba florida isaac nears haiti with homeless quake population 1.2 britain reaches out to syria opposition who cares about the syrian people 4 obama relaxes deportation rules for young immigrants us relaxes deportation rules for young people napolitano 3.8 microsoft 's surface a big bet on future analysts microsoft 's surface tablet promising but questions remain 3.6 whitey bulger 's girlfriend gets 8 years mobster whitey bulger 's girlfriend gets 8 years 3.8 mauritanian president shot by army unit mauritanian president shot at 4.6 man sets himself on fire at breivik trial man sets self afire outside breivik trial 3.8 us drone strike kills 10 in northwest pakistan us drone in pakistan kills 10 suspected militants 5 9000 us marines to leave okinawa 9000 us marines to move out of okinawa statement 1.8 toys r us waives fee for layaway program wal mart lowers fee for holiday layaway program 3 iran expands nuclear enrichment activities iaea report iran steps up sensitive nuclear work iaea 3 donna summer queen of disco dies at 63 donna summer the queen of disco 4 iraqi attacks kill general four police attacks in iraq kill general and 4 others 2.6 at least 80 dead in northwest iran quakes 180 dead 1300 injured in northwest iran earthquakes 5 brazil 's pop star priest gets mammoth new stage brazil 's pop star priest gets mammoth new stage 0.6 washington more than 100 are charged in medicare fraud sweep washington court upholds voting rights act in alabama case 4.2 putin claims victory in russia 's presidential election putin claims victory in presidential vote 1 clinton ready to fight for obama clinton a tough act for obama to follow 4.4 romney announces paul ryan as running mate romney chooses ryan as gop running mate 2.2 european markets rise on greek bailout hopes european ministers are poised to approve greek rescue 4.6 edwards acquitted on 1 count mistrial on others edwards found not guilty on one count mistrial on others 4.2 ukrainian weightlifter gets four year doping ban ukraine 's korobka gets four year doping ban 3 gunman may have filmed school massacre killer may have filmed france school shooting 1.6 hong kong stocks close down 028 % hong kong stocks open 062 pct higher 0.8 suicide bomber attacks algerian security base suicide bomber targets nigerian church 1 thailand iranians planned to attack israelis malaysia to extradite iranian for attack on israelis 1.2 israeli military court rejects appeal of palestinian hunger striker israel reaches deal with palestinian hunger strikers 1.6 avengers sets box office record hunger games sets box office records 4.2 putin wins russian presidential election putin wins russia 's presidential election 1.4 putin casts ballot as russians vote putin to win russia 's presidential election 4.8 un chief finds his voice remains cautious on china insight un chief finds his voice but remains cautious on china 3.2 libyans begin handing in weapons libyans transfer weapons to army 2.4 british archbishop of canterbury changes career to cambridge archbishop of canterbury to step down amid rifts 4.2 punjab mail derails near rohtak 19 injured punjab mail derails near rohtak in haryana 19 injured 4 george zimmerman to be charged with killing trayvon martin george zimmerman to be charged in trayvon martin case official says 3.8 indian maoist rebels offer talks to free italian hostages india maoist rebels in talks on freeing italians 2.8 two reported dead in shooting at empire state building in ny city room empire state building shooting 1 five dead in pakistan suicide blast at least 63 dead in pakistan factory blaze 2.4 penn state football players react to sanctions penn state football slammed with ncaa sanctions 0.5 israel must release or try palestinian on prolonged hunger strike israeli minister wants palestinian leader 's ouster 1 un report says both sides in syria abuse rights nato leader plays down risk of turkey syria clash 3.2 girl accused of burning koran goes into hiding girl accused of burning koran bailed 2.2 france warns syria over chemical weapons use un concerned at possible syria chemical weapons 4.4 life threatening midwest storms feared life threatening storms feared for midwest 0.8 chicago teacher strike nears end with framework agreement in place general strike ends histadrut treasury reach agreement 1.4 indonesian president to visit uk indonesian president to visit australia 4.4 storm delays start of republican convention storm lashes florida delaying republican convention 0.8 at least two nato killed in afghanistan helicopter crash military at least 18 killed in afghan bomb attacks officials 2.6 president mills must quit lecturer president john evans atta mills must resign now npp germany 5 miami heat wins nba finals miami heat clinches nba championship 4.2 japan closes last nuclear reactor japan switches off last nuclear power plant this weekend 1.2 ryanair in new bid for aer lingus ryanair chief hails report findings 4.4 russian air force celebrates 100th anniversary russian air force 's 100th anniversary 2.2 6 nato troops killed in afghanistan nato soldier killed in afghanistan 1.6 not so super tuesday for mitt romney romney leads santorum in gop super tuesday contests 2.4 putin sworn in as russian growth falters putin sworn in as russia 's president for 6 years 3.4 arqule daiichi stop lung cancer trial shares tank arqule stock plunges as lung cancer study shelved 1.6 teenager and father killed in crash three killed in horror crash are named 4.2 61 magnitude quake strikes indonesia 61 magnitude quake hits papua indonesia usgs 4.2 2 americans killed as afghan unrest enters fifth day two american officers murdered as afghan unrest continues 0.6 officials romney to get secret service protection obama addresses secret service scandal 1 japan pm calls for quicker tsunami waste processing japan marks one year since quake and tsunami disaster 1.4 syrian fighter pilot defects to jordan syrian pm defects to jordan 1.2 syrian arab republic the syrian arab republic syrian refugees as of 28 june 2012 syrian arab republic the more than 70 killed in syria ahead of annan return 1.2 suicide bomber kills 16 in afghanistan suicide bomber kills 12 in nigeria church 3.2 airlines cancel flytilla activists tickets to ta uk airline cancels flytilla tickets on israel objections 0.2 spain asks for bank rescue spaniard on trial for cuban dissident 's death 1.4 the murky waters of the south china sea peace lies over the south china sea 0.6 sri lanka seek one day revival against pakistan senior journalist killed in pakistan 3.8 spacex docks with international space station up next public travel spacex dragon docks with international space station 4 million muppet march to defend obama backing of pbs million muppet march planned to defend us backing for pbs 1.4 syrian opposition in reconciliation talks syrian opposition council to establish envoy in france 1 sensex down 193 points on budget blues romney wo not volunteer budget differences 3.6 facebook boosts size of ipo by 25pc to raise $ 15bn facebook boosts size of ipo by 25 percent 4 iran 's parliament questions a dismissive ahmadinejad iran 's parliament questions president ahmadinejad 1.6 yemen suicide attack kills 7 soldiers officials afghan suicide car bomb kills at least seven officials 0.8 presidential vote polarises egyptians gop presidential hopefuls clash in southern races 1.8 three more us soldiers killed in afghanistan nato soldier killed in afghanistan 0.4 police raise death toll in bus accident to 8 rodney king death ruled accidental 0.8 four foreign soldiers killed in afghan east 2 british soldiers killed in afghan insider attack 3.6 red cross worker killed in pakistan british red cross doctor kidnapped in pakistan found beheaded 3.8 afghan us govts sign deal on controversial night raid afghans us sign deal on night raids 1.6 china mine accident kills 10 china truck accident kills 20 0.4 australia can eclipse england in windies australian pm defiant under pressure over leadership 3.4 protests at pussy riot verdict pussy riot verdict greeted with defiance 2.2 secret service sees its biggest scandal over prostitutes secret service sex scandal regret 3.4 kuwait activists storm syrian embassy two injured activists storm syria embassy in kuwait 3.4 details of aung san suu kyi 's visit to ireland rapturous welcome for aung san suu kyi 's historic trip 2.2 key says marae visit a lost opportunity key wants waitangi marae visit to stay 3.8 norway marks anniversary of massacre norway marks anniversary of breivik 's massacre 0 woman killed by falling debris when an ally declines 1 aust shares up 1 % after interest rate cut rba delivers another rate cut 2.6 germany warns greece no more money without reforms euro zone to greece no rescue without reforms 3.2 obama to meet families of shooting victims obama to meet batman gun victims 1 obama widens lead over romney despite jobs data reuters/ipsos poll romney takes lead over obama with convention bounce reuters/ipsos poll 1.4 two killed 19 injured in toronto shooting two dead 7 injured in finland shooting 3.4 what the pope 's butler saw – aide arrested over vatican leaks pope 's butler arrested in scandal over vatican leaks 3.8 anti putin protesters form human chain in moscow anti putin protesters form human chain 2.6 washington 's acts of congress sells for $ 98m george washington 's copy of us constitution sells for $ 98m 4.4 lakers fire coach mike brown after 1 4 start lakers fire mike brown after 1 4 start 3.4 canadian muslims issue fatwa against honor killing us canadian imams issue fatwa against honour killings 3.6 un to take up syria resolution un assembly to vote on syria resolution 4.4 soldier ca not recall massacre us soldier does not recall massacre 1.2 libya pm names new cabinet after protests over original libyan assembly rejects new cabinet dismisses pm 3.8 4 foreign soldiers killed in afghan east 4 french soldiers reported killed in afghanistan 2.5 syrian forces storm central town syrian forces bombard homs russia warns of civil war 2.2 pak 20 dead in anti islam film protests 25 injured in anti islam film protest in islamabad pakistan 1.8 cause of whitney houston 's death could take weeks investigators seek answers to whitney houston 's death 3.6 n korea warns of retaliation for south korea drill north warns of retaliation for seoul 's naval drill plan 1.4 a tale of two passes how the new york giants won the super bowl lesser of two evils triumphs in super bowl 3.6 one dead in new israeli strike on gaza two killed in new israeli strike on gaza medics 1 germany likely to press russia on syrian crisis what is russia thinking on syria a brief guide 3.6 four seriously injured in m23 motorway crash four injured in motorway crash 2 un aid chief amos enters baba amr with red crescent syria 's besieged baba amr is deserted red cross says 1 dozens killed in nigerian riots dozens killed in kenyan clashes 1.2 profiles of egypt 's main presidential candidates second day of egyptian presidential election 4.4 actor gazzara dead at 81 actor ben gazzara dies at 81 0.6 british gold rush silences gripes over cost 2 british soldiers killed in afghan insider attack 4.6 avalanche buries at least 100 pakistani soldiers avalanche buries over 100 pakistani soldiers 4.6 inflation falls to 15 month low what the analysts say inflation falls to 15 month low 3 komen wo not cut planned parenthood funding susan g komen in u turn over planned parenthood funding cut 2.2 forex & gold 25 august 2012 forex & gold 19 july 2012 2.8 iran says un nuclear talks will continue iran says nuclear talks with un constructive 4.2 agribusiness mad cow disease found in california usda confirms case of mad cow disease in california 3.6 bp sells some gulf of mexico assets for $ 555 bil bp sells gulf of mexico assets to plains for $ 555 bn 3.6 300 potential jimmy savile victims police uk 300 potential savile abuse victims emerge 4.6 armstrong steps down from livestrong armstrong standing down from livestrong 1.8 us drone strike kills 5 militants in pakistan us drone strikes kill 16 suspected militants in yemen 1 syrian govt wont stop attacks syrian opposition reports massacre 4.6 chinese stocks close higher midday friday chinese stocks higher at midday friday 3.2 myanmar opposition claims suu kyi win voters in myanmar hopeful as suu kyi 's party claims win 1 obama 's poll rating drops in boost for republican rivals obama 's big hispanic win worries republicans 1.2 two aust soldiers wounded in afghanistan 4 foreign soldiers killed in afghan east 1 new syria opposition chief wants no strings aid syria opposition unites as israel fires warning shots 0.8 south africa mine clash kills at least 30 south africa train crash kills 26 2.6 syrian forces bombard homs russia warns of civil war syrian forces bombard homs lavrov arrives for talks 4.2 egypt presidential election results delayed egyptian election result delayed 1.6 deadline passes with no new iran sanctions eu moves closer to new iran sanctions 0.8 arrested russian killer denies ties to pussy riot dozens arrested in russian tv tower protest 2.8 norway memorial honours 77 massacre victims norway marks anniversary of massacre 3.8 us afghanistan general linked to petraeus scandal senior us general linked to petraeus scandal 2 chinese stocks fall after rrr cut may 14 chinese stocks gain at midday monday 2.8 nkorea makes significant nuclear reactor progress iaea n korea vows to expand nuclear deterrent 3.4 maldives president quits after police mutiny protests maldives president quits after weeks of protest 0.8 nato strike kills civilians in afghanistan two nato soldiers killed in afghanistan 1.4 al qaida says it captures 70 yemeni soldiers in abyan 's battle al qaeda clashes blasts kill 35 soldiers in yemen 3.4 navy jet crashes into us apartments pilots eject us navy jet crashes into virginia apartment buildings 0.8 china stocks open higher wednesday us stocks open higher despite gdp miss 0 idf to deploy iron dome in central israel major snowstorm barrels down on central plains 3 4 killed in us drone strike in pakistan us drone strike kills 3 in pakistan 3.4 us teen held in chicago jihad car bomb plot chicago teen arrested in chicago car bomb plot 0.2 pc david rathband twin brother 's fears for his bestest mate david miliband my brother and a return to old labour 4.4 syrian forces move to retake aleppo syrian regime bids to retake city of aleppo 0 20 member parliamentary trade team leaves for india commerce secretary to take leave of absence 2 wall street opens lower wall street ends mixed 0.8 europe shares bounce as more china stimulus seen oil prices rise on hopes for stimulus 4.4 stock index futures point to lower start stock index futures signal early losses 1.4 man charged after mp hurt in attack man charged with murder in flat 0 nokia apologises for faked ad us waives riders for pak aid 3 us drone strike kills 5 militants in pakistan drone strike kills four suspected militants in pakistan 4.4 syria rebels leave besieged homs syrian rebels retreat from besieged homs district 4 us orders non essential staff to leave sudan tunisia us orders non essential staff to leave tunisia sudan 4.6 egypt 's mubarak critical egypt 's mubarak in critical condition 3.33333333333333 assad says mercenaries are behind syria unrest assad accuses us of fueling syrian uprising 0 japan pm dissolves lower house for election iran and world powers set for nuclear talks 2 two killed in new israeli strike on gaza medics 5 die in strikes on gaza militants barrage israel 3.2 navy jet crashes into virginia buildings injuring six navy jet crashes into virginia apartments9 hurt 3.2 one nato soldier killed in s afghanistan british soldier killed in southern afghanistan 4.2 spain jobless rate hits new high spain 's jobless claims hit new high 3.6 turkey scrambles jets near border turkey scrambles jets to syrian border 0 two die in syria violence after un monitors land two year doping ban for contador 1 civilian defector killed in syria says ngo syria gunmen kill three syrian officers ngo 1.2 taiwan rattled by strong earthquake china rocked by twin earthquakes 2.8 bank of england 's paul tucker tainted by libor mess bank of england deputy denies ordering rate rigging 4.4 red cross says negotiating halt to fighting in syria to take aid red cross negotiating syria ceasefire to bring aid 0.8 syrian forces shoot civilians on bus syrian forces rebels clash near turkey 4.4 german parliament overwhelmingly backs greek rescue deal german parliament endorses greek bailout 3.4 bombings clashes continue in syria bombings clashes as syria opposition seeks arms 2.4 burma 's reforms bring easing of us sanctions burma activists say go slow on easing sanctions 0.2 usain bolt wins 200m – steven howard reaction facebook mobile gains drive revenue growth reaction 0.4 dozens dead in taliban resort attack india police name 3 iranians in embassy attack 3.8 heavy fighting rocks eastern syria ahead of poll heavy fighting rocks eastern syria residents 2.8 china yuan weakens to 63282 against usd monday china yuan retreats to 62697 against usd thursday 1.4 7 dead in christian school shooting 5 wounded in ohio school shooting 3.2 indonesia anti terror squad kills two suspected militants indonesia police shoot dead suspected militants in bali 4 us election mitt romney concedes defeat as barack obama wins second term romney concedes election to obama in phone call 3.2 armenians vote in parliamentary elections armenia 's parliamentary vote a test for president 1.6 sachin tendulkar is sworn in as indian senator mp sachin tendulkar says no to govt bungalow 3.6 navy jet crashes into apartment building us navy jet crashes into virginia apartment buildings 1.5 romney wins big in puerto rico primary romney wins illinois primary 4.2 yahoo to name google 's mayer as ceo report yahoo names google exec mayer as ceo 2 us soldier accused of afghan massacre hires prominent criminal lawyer us soldier accused of killing afghan civilians identified 1.6 60 magnitude quake hits northern italy usgs 59 magnitude quake hits sunda strait indonesia usgs 4.4 us gov't officially designates haqqani network as terrorists us designates haqqani network as terrorists 3 motor racing button fastest in year 's first f1 practice button boasts best time after first practice 4.8 rangers voted into division three rangers voted into third division 4.2 newark mayor saves neighbor from fire newark mayor rescues neighbor from burning house 2.25 f1 protests in bahrain a day of rage in bahrain 3 new york stock exchange to reopen wednesday dealbook stock exchanges prepare to open 2.6 homs mortar fire kills 105 homs offensive kills 200 2 hundreds honor student killed in ohio shooting funeral set for ohio shooting victim 3 bombs in southern thailand kill 5 wound 50 bombs in thailand kill 14 wound 340 0.2 us lawmakers take next step on new iran sanctions somalia lawmakers to vote for new president 0.4 barack obama admits us has more nuclear weapons than we need french gunman wants to die with weapons in hands 1.8 2 rockets hit in the eshkol region no injuries 10 rockets in 20 minutes in eshkol regional council 0.6 betrayed disabled workers protest against remploy closures may day marked by protests against austerity cuts 4 dr congo rebels kill park rangers rebels kill two park rangers in eastern congo 0.8 nine pakistani troops killed in militant ambush trade pakistan india agree to take it a step ahead 3.2 74 dead in egypt soccer violence at least 73 die in egyptian soccer pitch invasion 0.2 unrest in tense nigeria leaves at least 95 dead southwest china quakes kill at least 50 3 hurricane sandy makes landfall in southeastern jamaica nhc hurricane sandy reaches jamaica 1.5 remarks with prime minister elkeib after their meeting remarks with foreign minister koichiro gemba 1.2 barrick in talks with china firm over african assets obama aide holds talks in china after syria veto 3 mall attackers used less is more strategy in kenya attackers used less is more strategy 3.8 weak earnings drag stocks lower weak earnings drag stocks lower on wall street 3.2 68 quake strikes off solomon islands magnitude 63 quake strikes off solomon islands usgs 4.6 liquid ammonia leak kills 15 in shanghai liquid ammonia leak kills at least 15 in shanghai 4 friends of syria recognizes opposition coalition as legitimate representative of syrian people us friends of syria recognise opposition as sole representative 3 weiner stays in nyc mayor 's race amid new sexting scandal weiner shrugs off latest online sex scandal 0 death toll rises in russia plane crash death toll rises to 39 in italy coach crash 2.8 indian media commonwealth summit indian pm snubs commonwealth summit 5 syria military police chief defects to opposition syria military police chief defects to rebels 4.6 boeing 787 dreamliner catches fire stock takes a beating boeing stock tumbles after fire on 787 dreamliner 2.6 yvette cooper backs gay marriage bill white house backs gay marriage 3.8 five killed in belgian coach crash teenagers among 5 dead in belgian bus crash 3.4 gunmen abduct seven foreign workers in nigeria seven foreign workers kidnapped in nigeria 5 swiss tourist gang raped in india swiss tourist gang raped in india say police 4.2 palestinians clash with israeli forces in west bank jerusalem palestinians clash with security forces in w bank 4.6 israel planes strike inside syria israel launches airstrike into syria 0.4 iranians vote in presidential election keita wins mali presidential election 2.8 100 killed in new darfur tribal clashes 9 dead in new darfur tribal clash 1.4 protest against us drone strikes in pak postponed 6 killed in us drone strike in nw pakistan 3.2 12 killed in bus accident in pakistan 10 killed in road accident in nw pakistan 5 carney sets high bar to change at boe carney sets high bar to changes at bank of england 2.4 8 arrested after deadly bangladesh building collapse four arrested as bangladesh building toll rises to 352 2.8 suicide bomber kills 3 at us base in afghanistan suicide bombers attack us base in afghanistan 0.6 afghans flock to colleges even as taliban loom afghan district governor defects to taliban 5 north korea postpones family reunions with south north korea postpones family unions with south korea 0.6 apple revenue misses again iphone disappoints us trade agency rules for samsung bans iphone 4 imports 3.4 gunmen kill 10 foreign tourists in northern pakistan gunmen kill 11 foreign climbers in pakistan 4.4 david beckham announces retirement from soccer david beckham retires from football 4 matt smith to leave doctor who after 4 years matt smith quits bbc 's doctor who 0 generations divided over gay marriage g20 summit ends divided over syria 1.6 23 killed in iraq car bombings 10 killed in iraq bomb attack 5 man who set himself on fire on national mall dies of injuries man who set himself ablaze on national mall dies 1.4 taliban attacks kill 17 civilians in afghanistan series of attacks kill 10 police in afghanistan 1.6 egypt minister survives assassination attempt syrian prime minister survives assassination attempt 4.6 ex first lady barbara bush leaves texas hospital former first lady barbara bush leaves hospital 4 schumacher in a coma after ski accident michael schumacher still in a coma fighting for his life following skiing accident 5 11 killed in chinese police station attack eleven killed in china police station attack 4 bradley cooper and jj abrams in talks about filming a lance armstrong biopic bradley cooper in talks to play lance armstrong in biopic 3.8 boeing airliner crashes in russia 50 killed boeing airliner crashes in russian city of kazan 50 killed 4.4 eu ministers determined to resolve horsemeat scandal eu ministers hold crisis talks over horse meat scandal 4.8 thai opposition party to boycott general election thai opposition announces election boycott 2.6 bangladesh building collapse death toll hits 540 army bangladesh building collapse death toll passes 1000 4.2 jagan reddy shifted to hospital power crisis continues in seemandhra telangana jagan to spend thursday in hospital blackout continues in seemandhra 2.6 central african republic president overthrown by rebels central african republic president pm stepping down 5 brazil tied 2 2 by england as maracana re opens brazil held by england 2 2 as maracana re opens 3.8 california wildfire 1900 on the lines as firefighters labor to limit damage +video california wildfire grows but officials say fire crews making progress 3 george w bush warns against bitter immigration debate george w bush weighs into immigration debate 3.4 mandela hospitalized responding to treatment mandela hospitalised after he stops talking 1.2 russia condemns north korean nuclear test south korea confirms that north korea has conducted controversial third nuclear test 4.4 hundreds of bangladesh clothes factory workers ill hundreds fall sick in bangladesh factory 2 yemen suicide bombing kills soldiers female suicide bomber kills 16 at russian station 2.8 18 trapped in russian coal mine blast ten killed in russia coal mine blast 4.6 thai protesters break into army headquarters thai protesters storm army headquarters 4.4 israel conducts airstrike on syria israel launches new airstrike against syria 2.2 police fire tear gas to disperse protesters in tunis police fire tear gas at protesters in cairo 3.8 egypt 's main opposition rejects president 's call for dialogue egypt opposition mulls response to morsi dialogue call 1.4 tokyo to host 2020 olympic games wrestling to feature in 2020 tokyo olympics 4.6 housing starts up 68 % in may may housing starts up 68 % 5 >cuba 's castro assumes celac presidency cuba 's castro to take over celac presidency 0.2 69 magnitude earthquake hits new zealand 56 magnitude earthquake shakes iran 3 dozens feared trapped in india building collapse rescuers race to find 20 still trapped in india building collapse 1.2 daily press briefing south sudan daily press briefing syria 3.2 islamists attack north mali city after suicide bombings islamists attack malian troops in gao 2.2 britain set to deport of abu qatada britain loses bid to deport radical cleric abu qatada 0.8 french parliament backs reform of law on prostitution russian parliament to consider ban on us adoptions 2.6 shots explosions heard as thais continue protest in bangkok gunshots explosions rock thai protest day ahead of polls 1.6 israeli military focuses on northern border egypt 's military takes control over muslim brotherhood supporters 1 north korea blocks kaesong access north korea vows to restart nuclear facilities 0.4 manning sentenced to 35 years in prison ariel castro sentenced to 1000 years in prison 3.4 us senate approves fiscal cliff deal it 's official deal reached on fiscal cliff 5 zimmerman stopped for speeding in texas released with warning zimmerman pulled over in texas for speeding given warning 1.4 iran 's rouhani warns of talibanisation in syria russia china concerned about israeli airstrikes in syria 0 syria denies reports of deadly damascus nerve gas attack us allies get help to repel iranian computer attacks 3.4 china stocks close higher after economic meeting china stocks close higher on wednesday 3.4 russia unveils $ 30 billion oil link to pacific russia unveils $ 25bn oil link to pacific 2 police kill gunman find 3 more dead in colo home 4 dead after police standoff with gunman barricaded in us home 3 dolce and gabbana convicted of tax evasion dolce and gabbana fined in italian tax case 3.8 72 magnitude quake hits pakistan cenc 77 magnitude earthquake hits sw pakistan 4.4 asteroid zips between earth and satellites asteroid passes earth in fly by 2 fight for mali town reflects islamist tactics eu to train mali army to fight northern islamist militants 0 two santa trackers competing this christmas spain turning back the clock on siestas 2.6 ships train for syrian chemical weapons transport syria loads chemical weapons into bombs awaiting assad order 2.2 2 killed 11 wounded in attacks in iraq 15 killed 90 wounded in fresh attacks in iraq 1 can the us trust syria to hand over chemical weapons us says syria may have used sarin gas in chemical weapons 3.4 mexican singer jenni rivera believed killed in plane crash jenni rivera mexican music star dies in plane crash 1.8 bangladesh court sentences first lawmaker to death for war crimes british pm pushes sri lanka on war crimes 4 mugabe declared winner of disputed elections zimbabwe mugabe declared winner in disputed vote 3.6 death toll climbs to 15 in indonesia boat sinking indonesia death toll rises to 11 in indonesia boat capsize 3.8 egyptian court bans muslim brotherhood egypt court bans muslim brotherhood activities 4.2 rouhani leads in iran presidential vote preliminary results rouhani leads in initial iran count 0.6 police attacked in belfast flag protests politicians in flag violence talks 1 skorea proposes final nkorea talks over kaesong north korea proposes high level talks with us 1.8 india gang rape victim struggling against the odds indian rape victim dies in singapore hospital 2.8 gunmen kill 9 foreign tourists 1 pakistani gunmen kill 11 foreign tourists in pakistan 3.2 statement by the spokesperson of high representative catherine ashton on the latest spate of attacks in iraq statement by the spokesperson of the eu high representative catherine ashton on the resumption of executions in iraq 3 egypt increases security before pro morsi protests egypt bracing for massive protests 2 yacimovich urges cabinet to approve palestinian prisoners release israel agrees to free 104 palestinian prisoners 0.4 palestinians build another west bank tent protest palestinians first ever un vote symbolic yet historic 3.6 bangladesh building collapse death toll hits 362 bangladesh building collapse death toll climbs to 580 2.5 israeli envoys summoned over settlement plans britain summons israeli envoy over settlements 5 2 dead 2 injured in nevada middle school shooting nevada 2 dead 2 hurt in middle school shooting 4.2 hamas mixed sex schools ban takes effect hamas in mixed sex school ban 0.4 man arrested after police officer shot in leeds navy panel urges ouster of officer who faked death 0.6 ukrainian prime minister resigns amid protests turkish prime minister signals return to hardline on protesters 2.2 obama to refocus on economy in state of the union factbox what to look for in obama 's state of the union speech 1 google launches internet beaming balloons google are playing international tax game 4.8 iraq backs egypt crackdown on morsi supporters iraq backs egypt crackdown on mohamed morsi supporters 3.8 russia gives initial ok to american adoption ban russia gives initial approval to adoption ban 2.8 five convicted in kosovo organ trafficking case kosovo 3 get jail time in organ trafficking case 4.4 hrithik roshan wife sussanne part ways hrithik roshan sussanne to divorce 5 gunman among 7 dead after florida apartment shooting gunman among 7 dead after fla apartment shootout 1 obama lauds progress on gay rights in inaugural address thousands protest gay marriage in france 2.2 wave of bombings kills 15 in iraq car bombs kill at least 49 in iraq 4.6 in shock move obama puts syria strike on hold obama puts syria strike on hold 1.8 israel strikes syria as tensions rise on weapons air strikes wound civilians in syria 's deraa 2.6 gunmen kill nine people in northwest pakistan militants kill 6 soldiers in northwest pakistan 1.2 the san francisco plane crash at a glance two dead 181 hurt in san francisco air crash 2.2 8 arrested after deadly bangladesh building collapse workers protest after bangladesh building collapse 0 x'mas cruise passengers hit by norovirus missing cruise passenger is a nsw ambo 3.5 murder claim over diana 's death new information which has been passed to the police relating to the deaths of princess diana and dodi fayed is thought to include an allegation that they were murdered diana and fayed death info received new the deaths of princess diana and dodi al fayed are being looked at again by police after they received information 1.4 snowden asks to stay in russia snowden releases first russia video 2.2 chinese shares close lower wednesday chinese shares close higher friday 3.4 stomach bug to cause ailing nadal to miss australian open rafa nadal to miss australian open 4.8 narendra modi pledges tough stand against pakistan india 's modi promises tough stance against pakistan 3.4 egyptian court considers mubarak 's release egypt court orders release of mubarak 5 boy scouts delay decision on admitting gays boy scouts of america delays vote on lifting ban on gays 1.4 2 car bombs kill 8 in southern iraq car bombing kills 14 in northern iraq 4 van der sloot to marry in prison joran van der sloots plans to get married in peru prison 3 tokyo stocks close down 026pc tokyo stocks close down 153 % 2.2 china stock index futures close higher dec 4 china stock index futures close lower jan 24 2.8 pictures of the day 7 august 2013 pictures of the day 11 april 2013 2.8 palestinians hit by israeli fire in gaza two palestinians killed in an israeli air strike on gaza 4.6 jesse jackson jr and wife to plead guilty to fraud jesse jackson jr wife to plead guilty to fraud 4.4 usa expels venezuela diplomats in row us expels venezuelan diplomats 3.4 bbc veteran hall admits child sex abuse stuart hall admits sex assaults on children 0.6 7 killed 3 injured in south china road accident 20 killed 44 injured in philippine road accident 3.4 ryanair reports record profits but warns growth likely to slow this year stansted ryanair reports 13 % rise in annual profits but warns of slower growth this year 3 stocks to watch at close on monday stocks to watch at close on thursday 4 50th anniversary of jfk 's death remembered on 50th anniversary of jfk death dallas holds its first memorial 1.2 63 magnitude earthquake hits taiwan 77 magnitude earthquake hits sw pakistan 0.8 books to help kids talk about boston marathon news report of two explosions at finish line of boston marathon 2.6 tech sector heats up google and ibm post strong earnings google shares soar past $ 1000 on strong earnings 1 profiles of kenya 's presidential candidates italian journalist picked as presidential candidate 3.4 israel frees palestinian prisoners gov't committee approves release of 26 palestinian prisoners 4 philadelphia building collapses 8 10 people may be trapped philadelphia building collapses reports of people trapped 3 obama meets with mandela family obama meets zuma and pays tribute to mandela 3.4 us senate sets off gun control debate us senate set to vote on gun control bill 1.4 car bombing kills 53 in damascus car bombings kill 13 civilians in iraqi capital 2.6 friends of syria in doha talks on arming rebels syria talks agree military aid to rebels 2 syria condemns israeli air strikes series of deadly attacks strikes iraq 5 egypt 's leader imposes state of emergency in 3 cities egypt president declares state of emergency in three cities 2.8 abvp protesters clash with police at jantar mantar throw stones protesters clash with police at jantar mantar 5 people detained 2.8 turkish pm urges to end protests in istanbul turkish police fire teargas at protesters in istanbul 1.8 two men charged with terrorism offences saudi born nigerian charged with terrorism in new york 3.6 eu receives nobel peace prize eu receives 2012 nobel peace prize 2.6 start of san fermin bull running festival briefly delayed as view obstructed by basque flag san fermin bull running festival starts 2.8 up to 21 mostly foreigners killed in kabul suicide attack briton among dead in kabul suicide attack 0 former lapd officer sought in irvine slayings former cia officer sentenced to 30 months in prison for info leak 0.8 tokyo shares close 088pc lower singapore stocks close 044 pct lower 0.6 pakistan court demands blasphemy rampage answers pakistan un report reveals alarming levels of drug use 3.8 intel 's mcafee buys cloud based networked firewall specialist stonesoft for $ 389m in cash mcafee to acquire firewall stonesoft for $ 389 million 1 41 magnitude quake strikes us 72 magnitude earthquake strikes philippines 3.6 bangladesh opposition leader sentenced to death for war crimes bangladesh fugitive sentenced to death by war crimes tribunal 4.2 alleged cop killer died from shot to head alleged cop killer died from gunshot 4.8 car bomb at swedish consulate in libya 's benghazi no casualties car bomb hits swedish consulate in benghazi none hurt 3 musharraf arrested in lal masjid case musharraf arrested in pakistan 4.4 iran hopes nuclear talks will yield roadmap iran nuclear talks in geneva spur high hopes 2.8 35 militants killed in afghan raids official 12 militants killed in afghan raids ministry 4 north korea reportedly test fires short range missiles north korea launches short range missiles 2.8 thai protesters obstruct vote 1 dead in violence thai protesters block polling stations in bangkok 1.8 venezuela 's hugo chavez dies of cancer hugo chavez venezuelan officials for unity 2.2 north korea 's third test brings it closer to nuclear power status nato says north korea nuclear test is grave threat to world peace 4.6 north korea conducts third nuclear test north korea confirms third nuclear test 3.6 indian stocks open flat indian stocks open lower 5 macau gambling revenue hits record $ 38 bn in 2012 macau gambling revenue hits record us$ 38b in 2012 3.8 israelis palestinians resume talks in us israelis palestinians begin talks 2.4 nelson mandela memorial service nelson mandela dies live coverage 3.8 nm county prepares for same sex marriages hearing some county officials pave the way for same sex marriage 4 four us air force helicopter crew members killed in uk crash us air force helicopter crew killed in british crash 4.2 tokyo to host 2020 olympic games tokyo wins race to host 2020 olympics 4 malaysia detains australian senator at airport malaysia detains australian lawmaker at airport 2.2 south korea says north fired missiles north korea launches short range missiles 3 britain shuts down plants as horse meat scandal reaches france eu ministers determined to resolve horsemeat scandal 3.2 us warns syria on chemical weapons us concerns grow about syria 's chemical weapons 1.2 37 killed in bus crash in italy 12 killed in bus accident in pakistan 3 china yuan strengthens to 62689 against usd chinese yuan weakens to 62816 against usd 2 us recognizes syrian opposition russia invites syrian opposition for talks 4.8 egypt votes in new constitution egyptians vote on new constitution 4.4 preston and england legend tom finney dies at 91 former england great tom finney dies at 91 3 car bomb kills one and wounds five in benghazi car bomb hits libyan foreign ministry in benghazi 3.4 roadside bombs kill 5 in afghanistan roadside bomb kills 3 policemen in afghanistan 0.4 sri lanka 's tamils vote for greater autonomy syria talks for cameron and putin 3.6 french led troops close in on timbuktu french led troops control access to timbuktu 1.2 nato airstrike kills two afghan kids nato solider dies in afghanistan 4 gunmen kill 11 foreign tourists in pakistan gunmen kill 11 foreign climbers in pakistan 4 n korea to halt work at joint industrial zone north korea blocks access to joint industrial zone 1.8 delhi gang rape suspect beaten poisoned delhi gang rape verdict deferred again 1.4 france pledges military aid in mali most french support military operation in mali 4 egyptians vote on divisive constitution egyptians vote on constitution change 2.8 reid cites tremendous progress in debt ceiling talks senate leaders appear close to us debt ceiling deal 2 62 magnitude quake jolts sarangani 43 magnitude earthquake jolts sw china 1.2 one dead 11 hurt in la car chaos 6 dead 33 hurt in cotabato blast 4.2 chairman of easyjet to step down chairman of british no frills airline easyjet to step down 0.8 obama renews offer to cut social safety net in big budget deal aide japan urges us to quickly handle budget deadlock 2.4 suicide bomber kills 14 at afghan province council suicide bomber kills 11 in afghanistan 3.4 committee nears final big immigration decisions senate judiciary committee nearing final big decisions in shaping immigration bill 3.8 us troops killed in afghan insider attack nato troops killed in afghan insider attack 1.8 mother arrested on suspicion of manslaughter after dog kills daughter man arrested on suspicion of murder after stabbing in suffolk 3.2 five dead 40 missing in canada train disaster 40 still missing in canadian train wreck 3 tunisian opposition politician shot dead tunisia opposition leader slain protests erupt 4.8 un presses need for major boost in syrian aid un chief presses for major boost in syrian aid 1.6 stocks soar on wall st lead stocks slump on wall street 2.6 george zimmerman found not guilty of trayvon martin murder protests and appeals for calm after zimmerman acquitted of trayvon martin murder 3.6 whistleblower edward snowden flies to moscow nsa whistleblower edward snowden leaves hong kong on flight to moscow 0.6 17 killed 133 wounded in bomb attacks in northern iraq 2 killed 6 wounded in clashes in northern lebanon 1.2 insiders reveal 2012 election secrets all eyes on capriles as venezuela election set 2.8 royal sorrow over nurse 's death radio prankster in tears over nurse 's death 4.2 n korea says it may delay controversial rocket launch n korea looks set to delay controversial rocket launch 4 critical gates memoir rocks obama administration gates blast rocks obama administration 4.2 jeff bezos bets $ 250 million on reviving washington post jeff bezos pays $ 250 million for the washington post 3.8 brooks pleads not guilty to hacking charges brooks pleads not guilty at phone hacking hearing 4 purge sends chilling message to north korea 's elite purge of kim uncle sends chilling message to north korea 's elite 1.4 south africans mark ailing mandela 's 95th birthday south africa 's former pm nelson mandela back in hospital 3 obama declares health care law is working obama pledges to make new health care law work 3 heavy rain raises threat of christmas day flooding fresh rain brings more flooding 3.6 thousands protest gay marriage thousands protest gay marriage in paris 0.4 taiwan gang leader nabbed at airport after 17 years zambia arrests ex leader banda over oil deal 3 iran nuke talks begin amid hopes of progress iran nuclear talks start in geneva 4.2 thai political protests paralyse more ministries thai protesters besiege more ministries 4.6 amazon 's bezos to buy the washington post for $ 250 million amazon 's bezos buys washington post for $ 250 m 1.8 obama economic tour buffeted by low expectations obama encourages boy scouts to end ban on gays 0.6 israel vows to deny hezbollah after air strike car bomb kills four in hezbollah beirut bastion minister 2.4 france welcomes us russia deal on syria arab league welcomes us russian deal on syria 2 more french soldiers to central african republic gun battles in central african capital create fresh panic 1 un resolution orders syria chemical arms destroyed germany ready to help syria chemical mission 4.6 exclusive update 2 egypt pro mursi alliance signals flexibility in talks exclusive update 1 egypt pro mursi alliance signals flexibility in talks 4.2 david beckham to retire at end of season david beckham retires from football 3.4 libya abruptly closes its borders with four countries libya closes borders declares martial law in south 1 60 magnitude quake hits greece usgs 50 magnitude quake jolts japan 0.2 search after man swept into sea lara plans visit to nepal 3 militants stage pakistan jailbreak taliban prison break 250 militants escape after attack on pakistan jail 3 meteorite hits central russia more than 500 people hurt meteorite hits central russia 400 hurt 4.2 blizzard brings us northeast to a halt blizzard wallops us northeast closes roads 1.6 nato protesters acquitted of terrorism charges nato protesters convicted on non terrorism charges 1.4 credibility on the line over syria obama congress world credibility on line 0 taliban on agenda for us in pakistan at least 33 dead as big quake hits pakistan 5 egypt interior minister survives bomb egypt 's interior minister survives bomb attack 2 china 's yuan weakens to 62767 against usd thursday china yuan weakens to 61818 against usd tuesday 1.4 obama holds talks over syria action cameron loses parliamentary vote on syria military action 5 egypt freezes muslim brotherhood assets egypt freezes muslim brotherhood funds 0 zen report ai not easy being high maintenance russian meteorite leaves building gaping open 4.6 tony abbott sworn in as new australian pm tony abbott sworn in as australia pm 4 egypt army cracks down on brotherhood egypt 's military cracks down on muslim brotherhood 3.4 venezuela assembly meets amid chavez health crisis assembly meets amid chavez crisis 2 syria opposition threatens to quit talks syria opposition agrees to talks 2.6 suicide bomber kills policeman in pakistan suicide bombers kill 3 soldiers in pakistan 0.8 anti government protesters storm the streets of kyiv ukraine protesters topple lenin statue 1 chicago man to be sentenced for terror convictions kabul bank heads sentenced for corruption 2.4 us drone strike kills three in northwest pakistan us drone strike kills seven in north waziristan 4.2 track fault disrupts train service between raffles place marina bay train service disrupted between raffles place and marina bay 1 manning sentenced to 35 years for leaking government secrets briton jailed for 10 years for selling fake bomb detectors 1 uk police say no terrorism link to helicopter crash china police seek eight suspects over crash 1.8 suicide bomber kills 13 in russia 's south suicide bomber kills 16 in russia 's volgograd 1.8 41 killed 22 wounded in violent attacks in iraq 15 killed 90 wounded in fresh attacks in iraq 2.5 kerry to visit jordan israel palestinian peace on agenda kerry postpones visit to israel in one week 4.4 eurozone jobless hits fresh record high eu jobless hits fresh record 1.4 nelson mandela 's real hero was not gandhi but nehru nelson mandela 's health unstable 3 facing bailout tax cypriots try to get cash out of banks bailout terms prompt run on cyprus banks 1.2 obama signs up for obamacare americans scramble to sign up for obamacare by deadline 4.2 lance armstrong confesses all to oprah lance armstrong confesses to doping in oprah interview 5 andy murray deserves knighthood david cameron says david cameron andy murray deserves a knighthood 2 hushen 300 index closes higher oct 14 hushen 300 index closes lower march 12 2.4 us state department faulted over benghazi state dept security chief resigns after benghazi 0 soccer france to host australia for first time in october nra official to face questions for first time since controversial remarks 3.6 honduran ambassador to colombia sacked after wild party honduras ambassador resigns after alleged embassy orgy 2.4 syria must destroy chemical weapons libya destroys last chemical weapons 0 moderate tremor in the central mediterranean iran moderate candidate wins presidential vote 3.6 three afghans killed in suicide attack three afghans dead in new blast at us base in east afghanistan 2.8 suicide bombs hit egypt military in sinai kill 6 suicide bombs hit egypt military in sinai kill 4 3.4 asian markets gain on upbeat us economic data asian markets lifted by positive us china data 1.6 suicide bomber kills 9 at pakistan political rally suicide bomber kills guard at us embassy in turkey 2.2 four morsi supporters killed in egypt clashes dozens injured as morsi supporters clash with security forces 0 students take a ride on airwaves 55 magnitude quake hits off taiwan 2.2 pistorius officer dropped from case pistorius officer on attempted murder charges 4 vinnie jones reveals cancer battle new vinnie jones reveals he has skin cancer 2.6 pakistani taliban chief hakimullah mehsud killed in drone strike pakistan taliban vows revenge to repay hakimullah 's killing in bloodshed 5 dozens killed in air strike on bakery in central syria dozens killed in syrian air strike on bakery 2 gunmen kill one soldier injure two others in pakistan gunmen kill 6 polio workers in pakistan 2.2 police confirm how suspect was captured raid on boston marathon bombing suspect captured on film 2.8 destruction of syria 's chemical weapons begins destruction of syria 's chemical weapons could prove difficult 0.8 flooding in canada forces evacuation of another city california wildfire forces evacuation of homes university 4.4 un says us drones violate pakistan 's sovereignty un us drone strikes violate pakistan 's sovereignty 4.8 obama praises mandela inspiration obama hails mandela 's inspiration effect 0.8 obama coming to listen to israel palestinians kerry welcomes arab plan for israeli palestinian talks 4.2 the e mails oil firm asked trader about meeting with minister oil firm asked rogue trader about meeting with minister 1.4 death toll in nigeria police attack rises to 30 death toll in kenya bus attack rises to six 2.6 syria to declare chemical weapons and sign convention russia syria work on concrete chemical weapons plan 0 australia to scrap soaring national debt ceiling australian pm insists no argument with indonesia 4.8 asian markets hit 3 wk high on hopes of us debt deal asian stocks hit three week highs on hopes of us debt deal 1.4 italian prime minister mario monti resigns palestinian prime minister fayyad resigns 3.2 south africa admits mistake over schizophrenic mandela signer south africa admits possible mistake over deaf signer at mandela memorial 1.6 iran says serious issues remain in nuclear talks iran vows to preserve peaceful nuclear program 2 crowds gather in bethlehem for christmas oh little town of bethlehem — for real 1.6 seven peacekeepers killed in sudan 's darfur peacekeeper killed in abyei clash 3.2 nato patriot missile battery operational on syrian border obama patriot missile batteries troops to stay in jordan near syrian border 4.6 us stocks tumble on third day of shutdown stocks fall on third day of government shutdown 3.4 guinea votes in long delayed legislative poll equatoguineans vote in legislative polls 3 nato 3 troops killed in afghanistan attack nato troops killed in afghan insider attack 1.2 israeli soldier hits palestinian child in hebron israeli soldiers kill palestinian woman in west bank 2.2 un voices alarm over israeli strikes on syria israeli official confirms second air strike at syria 3.4 egypt army launches new air raids on sinai militants egypt launches new assault against sinai militants 2.6 french forces attack al qaeda 's mali allies a battle to retake north mali hundreds of french troops drive back al qaida linked rebels 1.2 egyptian police fire tear gas at brotherhood protesters india tear gas fired at gang rape protesters 3 syria regime agrees to attend peace conference syria opposition agree in principle to attend peace conference 3.8 dozens injured as boeing 777 jet crash lands at san francisco airport asiana air boeing 777 crash lands at san francisco airport 4.6 13 children die in fire myanmar mosque fire myanmar police say 13 children die in electrical fire at mosque 2.8 us senate to vote on fiscal cliff deal as deadline nears fiscal cliff house delays vote on fiscal cliff deal live 2.2 man with knife arrested at entrance to buckingham palace man charged after buckingham palace arrest 2.8 5 people buried in colorado avalanche 5 snowboarders killed in colorado avalanche 3.6 ban ki moon to review syria chemical arms accord ban to review syria chemical arms accord 3.6 iraqi president in hospital due to health problem iraqi president in hospital after suffering stroke 3.8 malaysia 's long ruling coalition hangs on to power malaysia 's ruling coalition wins majority 4.2 explosions near the iranian embassy in beirut two blasts near iranian embassy in beirut 4.2 19 hurt in new orleans shooting police 19 hurt in nola mother 's day shooting 2.4 hagel laments political changes to us defence budget hagel defends proposed cuts in defense spending 4.4 us bans carry on liquids gels on flights to russia us bans carry on liquids on direct flights to russia 2.4 egypt 's brotherhood stands ground after killings egypt muslim brotherhood stands behind morsi 3 nato troops kill two afghan children nato strike kills 11 afghan children 2 iranian president calls for new nuclear talks iranian minister blames west for failed nuke talks 3.4 floods kill two forces 75000 from calgary homes flooding forces 75000 from canada homes 2.6 4 nato troops killed in afghanistan eight nato troops killed in afghanistan 3.8 typhoon fitow makes landfall in east china typhoon fitow slams into southeastern china 0.2 mandela to spend christmas in hospital mandela movie to open this month in south africa 3.4 exit polls suggest putin ally wins moscow vote exit polls shows putin ally wins moscow vote navalny cries foul 4 judge enters not guilty plea for james holmes not guilty plea for james holmes – but insanity option still on table 1 at least 45 killed in spain train crash at least 13 killed in triple car bombings in iraq 's diyala 0 chris froome rides to tour de france endgame chris brown concerts cancelled new 3.6 apple app directs drivers to alaska airport runway apple app sends drivers to airport 3.4 suspected us drone kills 3 militants in pakistan us drone kills 4 militants in pakistan 3.6 francis begins papacy with prayer pope francis slips out of vatican for prayers 3.6 us senate to meet as path out of fiscal impasse still elusive us senate has rare sunday session days amid fiscal impasse 1.8 egypt 's brotherhood as beleaguered as its leader egypt 's muslim brotherhood set for mass march 0.2 china 's new stealth frigate commissioned belarus latvia to set up border commission 2.2 iraq violence kills 11 iraq violence kills seven 1.6 protests continue in tense ukraine capital protests continue in brazil 3.2 britons released after kidnapping in egypt 's sinai sources bedouin release two britons seized in egypt 's sinai 3 syria welcomes iran 's nuclear deal iran six world powers clinch breakthrough nuclear deal 3.6 israel faces european backlash over settlement plan israel called to account over latest settlement plans by european countries 2.2 obama jokes about himself at reporters dinner obama pokes fun at critics during press dinner 4.2 allen responds to farrow 's abuse claims in letter allen defends self against farrow 's abuse claims 4.4 more than 1000 inmates escape from libya 's al kweifiya prison 1000 prisoners escape from libyan jail 1.2 what is the nuclear option photos show n korea nuclear readiness 2.6 forex & gold 6 march 2013 forex & gold 12 march 2013 1 islamists kill 21 in suicide attacks in niger car bombs kill 20 in turkish town near syrian border 2.8 us has determined syria used chemical weapons un votes to eliminate syria 's chemical weapons 4.2 snowden 's father arrives in moscow edward snowden 's father in moscow 2.2 pakistani taliban names new leader after drone strike pakistani taleban chief killed in us drone strike 1.2 twin bombings in pakistan kill at least 40 now militants battle pakistani police 3.6 muslim brotherhood supporter dies in cairo clash muslim brotherhood supporters die in egypt clashes 3.4 facebook earnings jump 63 % as mobile ads accelerate facebook profits jump as user base expands 2.2 syria envoy calls for national unity government syria envoy calls for political change to end conflict 3.2 thirty seven dead in italy tour bus plunge thirty dead in italian bus plunge 4.2 rogers videotron extend reach with network sharing deal rogers videotron reach network sharing spectrum deal 5 china stocks end lower thursday china stocks close lower on thursday 0.6 topless women protest against berlusconi as he votes in election bulgaria president backs protesters opposes snap elections 2.8 indonesia schoolchildren among 14 killed by indonesia volcano eruption indonesia six dead in indonesian volcanic eruption 3.4 deal reached on new italian government italy to swear in new coalition government 1.8 obama mourns death of icon nelson mandela south africans mourn celebrate mandela 0 goa first step in modis march to delhi for first time in history technion to teach engineering in russia 1.8 singapore stocks close 04 % higher indian stocks open higher 4.6 maldives holds fresh election for president maldives holds fresh presidential election 1.8 egypt announces arrest of 1004 muslim brotherhood supporters egypt orders arrest of brotherhood chief badie 4.2 new world trade center declared tallest building in us one world trade center named tallest us building 1.8 what the papers say mar 12 2013 what the papers say june 25 2013 3.2 israel green lights 1500 settler homes israel unveils 1800 more settler homes 3.6 piers morgan questioned by police piers morgan interviewed by police in hacking case 4.8 mumbai photojournalist gangrape case cracked five accused arrested mumbai journalist gang rape case all five accused arrested 1.6 israeli arrested in yemen mossad spy israeli forces detain 2 in hebron arrest raid 1.8 pakistani girls learn a hard lesson pakistani girl shot by taliban appears on video 2.8 egypt 's interim president appoints 2 advisors egypt 's interim president swears in new cabinet 0.6 china launches first air to air missile from chopper china court sentences bo xilai to life imprisonment for corruption 1.4 uk confirms fears over syria 's chemical weapons end near for syria 's chemical weapons 4.6 egypt crackdown draws condemnation egypt egypt crackdown sparks global outrage 0.6 egypt swears in new interim leader egypt army cracks down on brotherhood 2.6 car bombing kills 17 in pakistan suicide bomber kills 10 in pakistan 0.6 senior pakistani taliban commander captured in afghanistan pakistan shi'ites demand protection from militants 5 driver in spanish train crash faces questions from judge train driver in spain crash questioned by judge 1.6 stocks close 039 % higher singapore stocks close 031 pct lower 0 us releases initial report on fracking impacts on water men in china detained after taking girls to hotel 2.6 russia alone in blaming syrian rebels for chemical attack us russia asks un to consider its inquiry of syria chemical arms use 5 philippines rebels reach wealth sharing deal philippines and rebels reach wealth deal 1.2 death toll from west chinas violence rises to 35 urgent death toll from ne china fire rises to 112 4.75 imran to contest from four na seats imran khan to contest elections from four na seats 4.4 trailblazing israeli electric car company better place to fold trailblazing israeli electric car company to fold 2.8 houston texans head coach gary kubiak hospitalized after collapsing at game texans coach gary kubiak in stable condition after collapse 4.4 pro pak taliban warlord killed in us drone strike taliban commander killed in us drone strike 4.6 car bomb kills 20 in northwest syria car bomb in northern syria kills 20 1 south korean soldiers kill man trying to cross border into north north korea shuts last remaining hotline to south 3.4 up to 50 dead in spanish train crash over 70 dead in spanish high speed train crash 4.2 five foreigners sentenced to death for drug smuggling in egypt egypt sentences pakistani amid 5 to death for drug smuggling 1.2 french train derails south of paris french train passengers tell of crash ordeal 4.2 former spokesman for us president ronald reagan dies former reagan spokesman larry speakes dies at 74 3.8 egypt votes on new constitution egyptians vote on divisive constitution 2.8 obama meets mandela family as icon remains in hospital obamas to meet mandela family wont visit hospital 3.8 weak earnings drag us stocks lower in early trade weak earnings drag stocks lower on wall street 5 three feared dead after helicopter crashes into pub three feared dead after helicopter pub crash 3.4 nigeria lawmaker charged over alleged bribery nigerian mp charged with accepting $ 3m bribe 1.8 rupee down 8 paise vs dollar in early trade rupee up 22 paise against dollar in early trade 5 israel 's peres urges return to peace talks israel 's peres calls for return to peace talks 5 obama set to speak on syria from white house at 115 pm edt obama to deliver statement on syria at white house at 115 pm 1.8 indian stocks open lower indian stocks close lower 3.4 us readies possible solo action against syria us makes case for action against syria 1.2 brief clashes with police in belfast mourners clash with police in tunisia 1.4 china quake death toll rises china flu death toll rises to six 2.6 four arrested as bangladesh building toll rises to 352 owner arrested as bangladesh building toll reaches 372 2.6 ri condemns use of chemical weapons in syria questions arise over chemical weapons claims in syria 4.8 strong new quake hits shattered pak region powerful new earthquake hits shattered pakistan region 1.2 indian troops kill pakistani soldier along kashmir line of control indian troops raid pakistani military post 3.6 pope benedict xvi says goodbye to cardinals pope benedict xvi departs vatican for last time 1.2 china 's new carrier extends military modernization drive chinese vice premier meets australian governor general 1.6 brazilian leader holds crisis talks on street protests brazil leader promises reform vote 4 tropical storm andrea zipping up the east coast tropical storm andrea to slide up east coast 3.4 four dead in indonesia train accident five dead as indonesia train collides with fuel truck 3.8 israel advances plan to build 900 settlement homes israel unveils plans for new settler homes 5 miss new york wins miss america crown miss new york is crowned miss america 4.4 austrian found hoarding 56 stolen skulls in home museum austrian man charged after 56 human skulls are found at his home 0.4 us set for obama inauguration us house backs new sanctions before iran inauguration 0.4 suspected saudi militant dies in lebanese custody suspected us drone kills 6 militants in yemen 4.8 man sets himself on fire on the national mall man sets himself on fire at washington 's national mall 2 7 killed in attacks in iraq 27 killed in attacks across iraq 3.2 thousands protest gay marriage thousands protest gay marriage in france 1 india ink image of the day january 27 india ink image of the day march 20 4.8 us capitol hill on lockdown after shots fired watch live us capitol on lockdown after reports of shots fired 3.8 china 's 1st pilot free trade zone opens shanghai free trade zone begins operation 2.6 12 killed 25 injured in bomb blast in nw pakistan 6 killed 12 injured in blast in nw pakista 1.4 select images from bangladesh building collapse at least 200 killed in bangladesh building collapse 4.4 chinese court upholds death penalties for mekong murderers court upholds death sentences for mekong murderers 0 egypt protesters to be dispersed abduction teacher to be sentenced 3.8 gas cylinder blast on pakistan school bus kills 17 deadly gas cylinder blast hits pakistan school bus 2.8 north korean cargo reveals missile repair trade with cuba n korean ship carrying cuba missiles seized 4.8 israeli forces detain 5 palestinians in west bank israeli forces arrest five palestinians across west bank 4 protests sweep brazil despite concession protests planned across brazil despite concessions 3.8 angela merkel wins third term in german elections merkel wins big in germany election 3.8 south korean workers start leaving joint factory zone south korean workers set to leave joint factory zone 0 senate to vote on moving ahead on hagel nod benedict comes home to new house and new pope 3.2 15 killed and scores injured in suicide bombing at russian train station suicide bomber kills 14 at russian train station 3 cambodian opposition leader sam rainsy returns to stir up election cambodia opposition head turns to parliament in poll bid 2.6 west hails syria opposition vote to join peace talks syrian opposition to name delegation for talks 4.6 obama travels to tornado ravaged oklahoma obama visits tornado hit oklahoma 1 no deal on fiscal cliff as obama goes on holiday john boehner from humble origin fiscal cliff may be his undoing 1.8 syria car bomb kills at least 12 in rebel held town sinai car bomb kills at least 10 egyptian soldiers 0 kerry $ 4b palestinian economic plan could work kerry no deal yet in nuclear talks with iran 0.8 bangladesh building collapse death toll hits 359 indian building collapse death toll rises to 72 3.4 dozens dead in central african republic fighting 98 dead in central african republic after clashes 0.8 libya threatens army action against oil protesters bomb threat forces evacuation at princeton 3.4 2 turkish unions call for strike on monday in protest over police violence turkey unrest unions call for strike over police crackdown 3.4 [ticker] fitch upgrades greek credit rating moody 's upgrades greek credit rating 0 gunmen ambush police boat in nigeria oil region sudanese police block protest at human rights commission 2.2 russians leaving syria cross into lebanon russia delivers humanitarian aid to syrian refugees in lebanon 0.8 two us soldiers killed in insider attack in afghanistan 8 soldiers killed in bomb attack in nw pakistan 5 south african icon nelson mandela hospitalized south africa 's nelson mandela hospitalized 1.4 pope francis condemns global indifference to suffering pope francis commemorates dead migrants at lampedusa 4.4 top judge mansour sworn in as egypt interim president justice adly mansour sworn in as egypt interim president 2.8 blast kills 10 young girls in eastern afghanistan blast kills nine in southern afghanistan officials 3.2 kenyan police arrest key al shabaab recruiter financier kenya pair arrested by anti terror police 3.6 obama to announce gun control plans wednesday obama to set out gun control plans 2.2 bombs kill two people wound dozens at boston marathon only two bombs found in boston marathon attack 2.4 syria 's chemical weapons could end up at sea us to destroy syria chemical weapon stockpile at sea 2.6 president for early conclusion of eco partnership with sri lanka pakistan pm for deeper economic ties with sri lanka 0 three freed in centre abuse probe three storey building collapses in ebute meta 4.4 bomb explodes at greek shopping mall two people injured bomb explodes at athens shopping mall 2 wounded 3 six australians killed in laos plane crash dozens killed in laos plane crash 4.2 three dead including gunman in maryland mall shooting 3 dead in maryland mall shooting 3.4 un confirms sarin used in syria attack war crime un finds sarin used in syria chemical weapons attack 3.2 7 killed in monster truck crash 6 killed in mexico monster truck crash 3.25 merkel vies 3rd term in office in germany elections merkel wins big in germany election 3.8 ex virginia governor bob mcdonnell charged with corruption virginia 's ex gov bob mcdonnell wife charged with corruption 3.4 sprinters tyson gay and asafa powell test positive for banned substance us sprinter tyson gay tests positive for banned substance 1.8 63 magnitude quake hits honshu japan cenc magnitude 60 quake jolts santa cruz islands cenc 3.8 pakistan to release most senior afghan taliban prisoner pakistan to release senior taliban commander on saturday 5 egypt court orders release of mubarak egypt court orders mubarak freed 1.8 american investigators waiting to question arrested boston bomber police converge on street in search for boston bomb suspect 1.75 10 dead five injured in sw china road accident 1 dead 39 injured in e china road accident 4.2 bollywood cuts costs by a third as rupee collapse bites bollywood cuts costs as rupee crisis bites 5 women to face higher car insurance premiums women drivers to face insurance premium rise 3.2 tornadoes rip through midwest killing 6 and devastating neighborhoods tornadoes damaging storms hit us midwest killing 5 0.8 china gives us regulators access to audit records china opposes us arms sales to taiwan 2 singapore stocks end up 026 percent singapore stocks end up 011 pct 4.8 iran atomic agency in first talks since rowhani election iaea iran to hold first nuclear talks since rohani election 5 china 's new pm rejects us hacking claims china premier li rejects groundless us hacking accusations 2.6 dzhokhar tsarnaev pleads not guilty to boston bombing charges dzhokhar tsarnaev charged in boston marathon bombing 2.8 pictures of the day 7 august 2013 picture of the day 3.4 chinese general 's son gets 10 years jail for rape son of chinese army singers gets 10 years jail for gang rape 0 pg police seeking driver in crash that killed child police seek gunmen in new orleans mother 's day parade shooting 1.4 egypt to hold presidential elections before parliamentary polls egypt 's interim president swears in new cabinet 1 pentagon adjusts plans for more intense attacks on syria pope thanks public for joining his syria vigil 5 east timor bans martial arts clubs amid killings east timor bans martial arts schools amid killings 2.6 afghan legislators approve new election law afghan president approves new electon law 4.8 in pakistan army adamant on fighting the other taliban pak army adamant on fighting the other taleban 1.4 egyptian army pushes to attack kidnappers egypt 's morsi rules out talks as hostage video appears 2.8 south africans mourn as mandela buried south africa holds state funeral for mandela 3 witnesses hear loud booms at boston marathon report of two explosions at finish line of boston marathon 2.8 cryptic crossword saturday 27th april quiz crossword saturday 27th april 1.2 costa concordia captain to be tried for manslaughter costa concordia survivors detail experience one year later 4.6 israeli minister slams kerry 's boycott warning israeli minister slams kerry 's boycott warning 2.8 angelina jolie 's aunt dies of breast cancer angelina jolie and the complex truth about breast cancer 5 myanmar 's suu kyi urges party unity amid squabbles suu kyi urges party unity amid squabbles 3 10 things to know for wednesday 10 things to know for today 4.4 white house defense contractors discuss harm of automatic spending cuts white house defense firms discuss automatic spending cuts 3.8 venezuela 's hugo chavez dies of cancer venezuelan president hugo chavez dies of cancer at 58 4 former zambian president arrested zambia 's ex president rupiah banda arrested 4.2 us senate confirms yellen as fed 's next chair us senate confirms janet yellen as new central bank chief 1 26 palestinian prisoners released from israeli prison palestinian prisoner dies of cancer unrest in israel jails 4 asian shares rally after string of upbeat data asian markets up on strong us jobs data 2.8 17 killed 133 wounded in bomb attacks in northern iraq 15 killed 90 wounded in fresh attacks in iraq 4.2 officer injured in india anti rape protests dies indian policeman injured in gang rape protest dies 2.6 cyprus bailout remarks alarm markets why cyprus bailout is nothing more than usual euro nonsense 4.2 faction names bianca ojukwu apga national leader bianca ojukwu becomes apga national leader 4.8 us cannot conclusively determine chemical weapons use in syria us sees no conclusive evidence of chemical arms use by syria 0.2 twelve killed as gunmen raid village five killed in blasts in india 1.4 egypt shuts down muslim brotherhood newspaper egypt muslim brotherhood deputy head arrested 3 strong earthquake in western china kills 47 people strong earthquake in western china kills at least 75 5 snowden thanks russia for asylum snowden thanks russia for granting asylum 4.2 senate confirms yellen as fed head us senate confirms yellen as fed 's next chair 3.8 french forces take key mali town french forces seize key town 5 boston bombing suspect buried in virginia boston bomb suspect buried in virginia cemetery 1.6 large and extremely dangerous tornado heads towards oklahoma city mom and baby among five killed as tornadoes rake oklahoma city area 0.8 hostage drama drags on after alabama school bus shooting nevada 2 dead 2 hurt in middle school shooting 1.8 palestinian president assigns academic to form west bank gov't palestinian president wants israelis to talk peace 3.6 pakistan 's malala leaves hospital to await surgery malala leaves british hospital 4 two found dead in swimming pool at essex hotel man and woman found dead in essex hotel swimming pool 3.2 pakistan condemns us drone strike in shawal area pakistan condemns us drone strike in miranshah 0 residents return to texas blast site residents return to fallujah 4.2 south africa prays for nelson mandela south africa unites in prayer and song for nelson mandela 4.2 iran 's ahmadinejad may face charges over election appearance with aide ahmadinejad may face charges over election appearance 0 miliband pledges to strengthen minimum wage portugal china to strengthen scientific research ties 2.6 singapore stocks close 044 pct lower singapore stocks close 05 pct higher 0 sniper waiting for result of appeal new glories for china in striving for renewal 3.2 apple shares hit hard on iphone disappointment apple stock plunges 11 % after earnings disappointment 3 eu renews sanctions against zimbabwe eu lifts diamond sanctions against zimbabwe 1.4 occupied palestinian territory palestinians rebuff us peace talks blueprint occupied palestinian territory palestinians face a route to nowhere 1.8 owners others charged in bangladesh factory fire 50 survivors found in bangladesh factory 3.4 egypt set to lure gulf investors egypt seeks to lure investors 3.4 us russia reach agreement on syria us russia reach agreement on syria weapons 1.8 palestinians jordan coordinate stances on peace talks hamas senior denies gaza pa coordinated on peace talks 0 voting canceled in three provinces in tense thai election cambodian opposition rejects hun sen election win 4 obama cancels moscow meeting with putin obama canceled meeting with putin 3.6 klci futures traded mixed at mid day kl shares mixed at mid day 2.8 suspected us drone strike kills 5 in pakistan us drone strike kills at least ten in pakistan 2 egypt court orders mubarak release egypt court turns down mubarak 's release request 4 hollande threatens legal action after affair allegations françois hollande threatens legal action over affair claims 3 iranian exiles report deaths in iraq camp at least 47 iranian exiles killed at iraq 's camp ashraf 2 blade runner pistorius to dispute murder charge pistorius cop on seven attempted murder charges 2.25 israeli forces detain 2 in hebron arrest raid israeli credibility on line over iran nuclear challenge 1.4 egyptians vote on islamist backed constitution judge at polls directs voters on egypt constitution vote 0 mexico swears in president amid violent protests former new mexico gov richardson pressing north korean test ban 4 helicopter crashes near rail station in london helicopter crashes in london 3.8 indonesian capital prays for metro to ease traffic chaos jakarta prays for metro to ease traffic chaos 4 japanese planes flew into china 's new defense zone japan s korean military planes defy china 's new defence zone 1.2 typhoon survivors raid philippine stores typhoon bopha kills 15 in s philippines 3.2 car bomb wounds 15 in hezbollah stronghold in lebanon car bomb rocks hezbollah stronghold in lebanon 0.6 rf fm urges syrian opposition to assist in immediate release of all foreigners captured in syria s korea opposition candidate closes poll gap 0.6 five dead 40 missing in canada train disaster 8 dead 11 missing in sw china landslide 4.6 us senate confirms janet yellen as us federal reserve chief senate confirms janet yellen as next federal reserve chair 3.4 khan said named as new pakistani taliban leader after hakimullah mehsud killed in drone strike pakistani taliban chief hakimullah mehsud killed in drone strike 2.2 at least 66 killed in bomb blasts in iraq at least 47 killed in baquba blasts 1 russia destroys over 75 % of its chemical weapons stockpile britain sees evidence assad could use chemical weapons 0.6 iran earthquake death toll rises algeria hostage death toll rises 0.8 suarez set for cup comeback french set for mali ground combat 0.6 maldives team in india to observe an election testimony in trial of former fm liberman begins 3.2 death toll rises to 6 as storm xaver batters northern europe storm death toll rises as wind rain batters north europe 3.6 pakistan releases top afghan taliban prisoner pakistan releases seven afghan taliban fighters 2.2 mixed reactions to nz same sex marriage new zealand legalizes same sex marriage 3.8 tv weatherman fred talbot arrested over sex claims weatherman fred talbot held over sex abuse 3 us drone strike kills 5 in pakistan pakistan drone strike kills up to six 3 building collapses in india 25 feared trapped india building collapse kills 14 dozens trapped 1.2 somalia 's shebab claims responsibility for nairobi mall attack syrian rebels claim responsibility for killings in lebanon 4 syrian troops push into strategic rebelheld town syrian army pushes assault on rebel held town 2.8 israel agrees to release palestinian prisoners israel releases 26 more palestinian prisoners 3.6 dozens die as clashes erupt at morsi rally in cairo more than 70 dead in clashes at morsi rallies in egypt 4.8 thai opposition protesters begin bangkok shutdown thai protesters launch bangkok shutdown 3.8 spanish train crash driver to be questioned spanish train driver garzon to be questioned by judge 4 france hails breakthrough after us russia deal on syria weapons france welcomes us russia deal on syria 4 isaf soldier killed in afghan insider attack british soldier shot dead in afghan insider attack 3.4 about 60 crushed to death in ivory coast stampede 61 dead in ivory coast stampede 2.8 glasgow helicopter crash search ends glasgow helicopter crash at least six dead 1.2 three dead in us marathon bomb taliban denies involvement in boston marathon bombing 5 swiss tourist gang raped in india swiss tourist gang raped in india 2.8 india braces for massive cyclone india issues red alert for cyclone phailin 3.4 discipline against student gunman thought to have sparked colorado shooting discipline against student thought to be key to motive 1.2 many killed in japan road tunnel collapse many killed in syrian air strike 3.8 no plan to shut petrol pumps at night moily india govt rejects proposal to shut petrol pumps at night 3.8 clinton to testify this month on benghazi attack clinton returns to work plans to testify on benghazi attack 0.6 tens of thousands of ukrainians protest in kyiv tens of thousands line up to cast votes in bhutan 3.6 karzai to visit pakistan for taliban peace talks afghan president extends visit to pakistan for taliban talks 4 thieves snatch english channel swimmer 's custom made wheelchair thieves steal channel swimmer 's wheelchair 4.6 three die after car crash at tian'anmen three killed in crash at tiananmen square 2.2 singapore shares open lower on friday singapore shares open higher on thursday 2.6 obama pledges to reignite economy obama to press congress to act on economy 2.4 two earthquakes hit northwest china 11 dead twin quakes kill 89 in china 3.2 whitey bulger given two consecutive life terms whitey bulger gets life for racketeering killings 5 kenyan forces caused mall collapse official says kenyan forces caused mall collapse 1.4 pak missions in uae gear up for elections islamist parties in egypt unite for elections 3 bangladesh building disaster death toll passes 500 bangladesh building collapse death toll climbs to 580 3.8 algeria hostage crisis ends death toll unclear algeria hostage crisis ends in bloodbath 2.8 egypt ministry again urges end to pro morsi protests egypt child killed in cairo clashes after pro morsi protest 3.2 south africa 's mandela taken to hospital south africa mandela remains in hospital 3 china yuan strengthens to 62689 against usd china yuan strengthens to new high against usd 2.2 police question man in deadly la boardwalk crash police arrest suspect in deadly la driving attack 3.00 turkish riot police tear gas taksim square protest turkish riot police enter taksim square 5.00 chicago shooting shows gap in stepped up policing chicago shooting shows gap in stepped up policing 0.00 feds move to require car to car safety communication guatemala overturns former dictator 's genocide conviction 1.20 north korea shuns offer of talks north korea shoots 2 rockets 5.00 prince charles compares putin to hitler prince charles compares vladimir putin to adolf hitler 0.00 iran warns against military intervention in iraq explosion near damascus military airport 1.20 israel pm accuses iran president of hypocrisy greek pm accuses coalition of hypocrisy 2.80 police clash with youth in cairo after anti morsi protest egypt police clash with pro morsi protesters 2.40 top diplomats meet in munich at critical time top diplomats discuss iran 's nuclear program 1.20 snowden given refugee document by ecuador snowden poised to fly out of moscow 2.20 na president‚äôs message on the world press freedom day pakistan marks world press freedom day 3.60 eu foreign ministers to discuss syria arms embargo eu foreign ministers seek solution on syria arms 3.60 death toll from philippine earthquake rises to 185 death toll from philippines quake rises to 144 4.00 stocks to watch at close on monday stocks to watch on monday 3.20 army jets kill 38 militants in nw pakistan air raids us drone kills 4 militants in pakistan 4.00 egyptian police fire tear gas at protesters in cairo police fire tear gas at protesters in cairo 1.40 philippines holds second senator over corruption philippines recovering after powerful typhoon 1.40 german envoy optimistic about iran g5+1 talks iran cautiously optimistic about future nuclear talks 4.60 renowned spanish flamenco guitarist paco de lucia dies spanish flamenco guitarist paco de lucia dies at 66 2.00 chinese icebreaker changes course towards suspicious objects chinese search plane finds suspicious objects 5.00 snowden hits hurdles in search for asylum snowden 's hits hurdles in search for asylum 2.80 death toll in building collapse in south india mounts to 47 4 killed in building collapse in southern india 1.40 pakistan imposes temporary ban on 2 tv channels pakistan dismisses case against fbi agent 1.00 palestinian prisoners arrive at muqata in ramallah pakistani prisoner assaulted in jammu jail 1.00 10 dead five injured in sw china road accident 5 hurt in gaza city car accident 1.80 thai junta amasses security force to smother bangkok protests thai junta security forces stay in barracks as protests dwindle 0.20 aso refuses to resign over nazi comments spanish pm refuses to resign over corruption scandal 2.00 explosions kill 29 outside two mosques in lebanon 's tripoli 2 explosions rock city in northern lebanon 1.60 pakistan fighter jets bomb taliban hideouts pakistan wants arms supply to syrian sides stopped 3.00 gunmen kill eight in second kenya attack gunmen kill 15 in second kenya attack 2.40 us resumes search for missing british sailors after public us coast guard suspends search for missing british sailors 3.00 iraqi bomb attacks kill at least 13 iraqi car bomb near church kills at least 14 2.40 egypt forces set to block access to morsi protest camps egyptian forces move to clear pro morsi protest camps 5.00 nobel author doris lessing dies at 94 nobel laureate doris lessing dies at 94 0.00 japan 's opposition party chief criticizes abe 's economic policies zimbabwe‚äôs opposition mdc party challenges robert mugabe‚äôs election win 4.80 3 suspects taken into custody in boston bombing case boston police say 3 taken into custody in marathon bombing 2.40 ukraine 's opposition chief wants more protests ukraine protesters topple lenin statue 1.00 queen pays tribute to nelson mandela south africa 's rugby fraternity mourns mandela 0.40 declines in us stock market moderate tech sell off sends asian stock markets lower 2.60 latest anti muslim violence in burma kills 1 injures 10 world briefing | asia myanmar deadly anti muslim violence flares up 3.80 suspected us drone strike kills 5 in pakistan us drone strike kills 5 in pakistan 2.00 the note 's must reads for friday may 24 2013 the note 's must reads for tuesday october 29 2013 0.60 22 killed in mine accident in southwestern china 2 killed dozens injured by blast in southwest pakistan 4.80 nypd twitter outreach backfires badly nypd 's twitter campaign backfires 5.00 turkish search ends as last missing miners found turkish search ends as last missing miners found 1.40 iran predicts failure of israeli palestinian peace talks tentative deal reached to resume israeli palestinian talks us 4.40 olivia colman wins second bafta award baftas 2013 olivia colman picks up two awards 3.80 titanic violin nabs record $ 14 million titanic violin sells for $ 17 million 5.00 ankeet chavan granted conditional bail for marriage ankeet chavan granted bail to get married 3.00 jal 's first order from airbus is blow to boeing japan airlines orders 31 airbus a350s valued at $ 95 bn 3.00 sienna miller testifies at uk phone hacking trial sienna miller attacks press for ‚äėtitillating‚äô reports at hacking trial 2.60 israelis attack 2 palestinians in jerusalem area settlers beat up palestinian in jerusalem 0.40 eu extends sanctions against russia nigeria drops arms trafficking charges against russian sailors 0.00 cuba sees major role for foreign investment house set to vote on plan to reopen government 3.40 ‚äėglee‚äô star cory monteith found dead in hotel room cory monteith found dead canadian ‚äėglee‚äô star was 31 4.60 lebanon 's pm forms unity cabinet lebanon 's prime minister has formed a cabinet more than 10 months after taking office taking in a wide range of political groups after bridging serious divisions am beirut lebanon 's prime minister formed a cabinet more than 10 months after taking office yesterday including a wide range of political groups after bridging serious divisions among them mostly over 0.60 iranian president makes debut on world stage iran presidential candidate says western sanctions should be broken 0.00 cameron has no concerns over halal meat veterans health probe confirms cover up of care delays 4.60 world 's oldest man dies at 116 world 's oldest ever man dies aged 116 0.00 gm slow on recalls congress record shows mobile world congress future smartphone 2.80 death toll in lebanon bombings rises to 47 1 suspect arrested after lebanon car bombings kill 45 5.00 greek far right leader imprisoned pending trial greek far right leader imprisoned pending trial 3.20 bangladesh factory owners arrested as death toll nears 350 bangladesh factory owners arrested 3.20 4 egyptian soldiers killed in sinai ambush 3 egyptian soldiers killed in sinai car bombing 2.40 beijing 's aircraft carrier returns from south china sea china sends carrier to south china sea 1.80 egypt courts hear cases against mubarak islamists egypt court temporarily releases mubarak over illicit gains 2.60 moscow 's crimea success could lead to it redrawing ukraine 's eastern border merkel russian actions could lead to a catastrophe 5.00 nelson mandela dies aged 95 nelson mandela dies at age 95 4.20 belgian king albert ii to step down in favor of son belgium king albert ii to abdicate 4.80 nazi gestapo chief buried in jewish cemetery nazi chief buried in jewish cemetary 4.60 swiss vote on highest minimum wage swiss cast ballots on world 's highest minimum wage 5.00 kevin rudd sworn in as australian prime minister rudd sworn in as australia 's new prime minister 0.80 donetsk region protesters detain trucks carrying government rocket ammo come and get me says thai protest leader as anti government riots grow 4.20 easy rider star karen black dies aged 74 easy rider actress karen black dies of cancer 1.20 coronation street 's bill roache arrested coronation street stars hail amazing new set 4.40 red sox beat tigers to reach world series red sox beat tigers 5 2 to advance to world series 2.80 at least 22 dead after china earthquake at least 89 dead in china earthquakes 0.20 news is my business a new ipad is coming 0.60 glasgow helicopter death toll rises to nine earthquake death toll rises to 260 4.40 david beckham to retire at end of season david beckham retires from football 3.80 afghanistan suicide bomber kills eight in military bus blast roadside bomb kills eight afghan soldiers 4.60 n korea 's kim hails execution of powerful uncle north korea 's kim seen behind sacking of powerful uncle 1.40 eu myanmar work toward investment protection agreement china no longer top investment destination poll 4.20 tehelka editor embroiled in sex assault scam tehelka editor steps down after allegations of sexual misconduct 4.60 iron lady margaret thatcher dies at 87 former british pm margaret thatcher dies at 87 2.20 four morsi supporters killed in egypt clashes thousands of morsi supporters gather in egypt 4.60 un condemns ethnic killings in south sudan oil town un condemns ethnic killings in south sudan 2.60 feds drop morning after pill appeal us to allow morning after pill for girls of any age 3.00 police fire tear gas at protesters in bangkok police fire tear gas at protesters 3.60 shooting protests mar thai voting thai protesters disrupt advance voting 2.20 china stock index futures close lower april 23 china stock index futures close higher dec 4 0.80 seven filipinos slain in yemen attack syrian soldiers killed in bomb attack 1.40 israel ends airstrike case palestinians critical israeli gunboats fire at palestinian fishermen 4.40 protesters topple lenin statue in kiev ukraine protesters topple lenin statue in kiev 3.60 iran thwarts nuclear sabotage attempts iran says detects sabotage at nuclear facility 3.20 china yuan strengthens to 61184 against usd tuesday china yuan strengthens to 6168 against usd monday 1.20 protesters gather in brazil despite concessions protests continue in ukraine despite concessions 4.20 queen visits london soldier attack scene queen elizabeth ii visits barracks of uk soldier slain last week 4.20 india and china troops retreat to de facto border in face off deal india says china agrees retreat to de facto border in faceoff deal 2.40 relief in boston as second suspect captured police confirm how suspect was captured 4.60 syrian army retakes crusader castle from rebels syrian army retakes historic crusader castle 5.00 saudi to give lebanese army $ 3 billion saudi arabia to grant lebanese army $ 3 billion 0.80 red cross workers released in ukraine red cross members kidnapped in syria 0.60 syria envoy says no peace talks without opposition syria cameron and obama move west closer to intervention 4.20 queen to name biggest ever carrier queen names giant aircraft carrier 3.40 bangla militants escape from prison van in bomb ambush bangladesh prison van ambushed 3.40 wreckage of air algerie plane carrying 116 people found in mali wreckage from airalgerie flight ah5017 found in mali 0.60 influential palestinians seek one democratic state arab league backs palestinian stance in peace talks 1.40 dozens killed in russian plane crash ten killed in alaska plane crash 4.00 us retailers agree to bangladesh plant safety pact 70 retailers agree to new bangladesh factory safety pact 3.20 us government shutdown begins live updates government shutdown begins over health care feud 3.00 suicide bomber kills 14 in afghanistan suicide blast kills 1 in afghan capital 4.00 china launches probe and rover to moon china launches first moon rover mission 1.80 all eyes on khurshid‚äôs trip eu finance ministers‚äô talks b 3.80 australia cuts rates to record low australia cuts interest rate to record low 275 % 3.20 chinese news agency slams delays in search for jet ten chinese vessels on standby for jet search 1.60 classic crossword saturday 1st june classic crossword saturday 20th april 3.40 n korea test fires 30 short range missiles n korea fires short range missiles 5.00 palestinian diplomat dies in prague blast palestinian diplomat killed in explosion in prague 2.40 novice steered south korea ferry south korea ferry captain arrested 1.60 chinese president meets indian vice president chinese president meets us state secretary 4.60 teenage girl killed in east london shereka marsh was shot in the neck police say hackney shooting teenager shereka marsh bled to death after being shot in neck 1.60 death toll in nairobi attack rises to 59 death toll from egypt violence rises to 638 4.00 china 's peace ark departs for the philippines thursday china sends aid team to philippines 0.00 iran dissidents killed in iraq france loses influence in europe 0.40 james gandolfini dies aged 51 nelson mandela dies aged 95 4.20 nearly nine million people in severe debt britain 's debt timebomb nine million are in serious debt 5.00 updated two explosions near finish line of boston marathon report of two explosions at finish line of boston marathon 1.00 twelve killed in bomb blast on pakistani train five killed by bomb blast in east india 4.80 the new cold war a new cold war 5.00 cuba 's ladies to pick up eu prize 8 years late cuba 's ladies to pick up eu prize 8 years later 0.60 fourteen killed in brazil bus accident two killed in arizona skydiving accident 1.80 us assad used chemical weapons on syria rebels assad agrees to hand over chemical weapons 3.40 death toll in bangladesh collapse at 194 at least 200 killed in bangladesh building collapse 2.80 israeli teens missing in west bank israel finds bodies of three missing teens in west bank 3.40 president mourns death of mandela world mourns passing of mandela 3.20 two blasts near iranian embassy in beirut 7 killed blast near iran embassy in beirut 2.20 singapore shares open 031 % higher on monday singapore shares open lower on monday 2.40 suicide bomber kills 23 iraqi army recruits suicide bomber kills 13 iraqi army recruits in baghdad 4.60 deaf customers sue starbucks say they are mocked deaf ny starbucks patrons sue say they are mocked 4.80 thousands evacuated in moscow metro fire thousands evacuated after fire breaks out in moscow metro 0.40 38 killed in rains flash floods in pakistan three killed in brazil stadium collapse 3.00 7 killed by shiite al houthi fighters in northern yemen at least 5 killed in sectarian conflict in north yemen 0.40 iran excluded from syria peace talks un many killed in syrian air strike 0.40 kerry call on congress to end shutdown brazil 's congress approves internet legislation 1.00 canada train plot suspects reject charges canadians released in egypt not yet heading home 2.80 east ukraine separatists ask to join russia crimean parliament votes to join russia 0.00 rudd sworn in as new australian pm muslims in hiding as sectarian 0.00 moon rocks indicate earth 's orb born of collision indian minister killed in head on collision 5.00 blackberry loses us$ 965m in q2 blackberry loses $ 965m in 2nd quarter 1.60 egypt strongly opposes military action against syria reactions to the prospect of military action against syria 1.80 pro russia rebels downed malaysian plane ukraine russia preparing counterproposals over ukraine 0.40 no argument with jakarta on boats abbott no agreement at iran nuclear talks 4.60 us believes syria has probably used chemical weapons us believes syrian government used chemical weapons 0.00 egypt 's opposition criticizes president 's speech pakistan 's opposition party boycotts presidential elections 1.00 syrian war seen dragging on for years syria regime releases hundreds of prisoners 1.00 russia says ballistic missiles fired in mediterranean israel says it carried out joint missile test with us in mediterranean 3.00 volcano erupts in indonesia 100000 evacuated and airports closed volcanic eruption closes 3 airports 1.40 49 killed 148 wounded in violent attacks in iraq 2 killed 11 wounded in attacks in iraq 1.40 ukraine 's yanukovych says he does not plan to resign ukraine opposition demands yanukovich resign 0.80 flash floods kill 58 in eastern afghanistan bomb wounds 16 in eastern afghanistan 5.00 investigators probe motives of lax airport shooter investigators probe motives of los angeles airport shooter 5.00 outrage after reports emerge about 6 year old indian girl raped at school outrage after indian girl 6 raped at her school 4.60 janet yellen to become first woman to lead the federal reserve us senate confirms janet yellen as us federal reserve chief 3.80 world powers iran under rouhani revive nuclear talks world powers seek rare progress in iran nuclear talks 1.20 muslim brotherhood banned in egypt military holds upper hand in egypt 2.80 more deaths expected in canada oil train explosion five dead in canada train crash 0.40 philippines defers comment on taiwan fisher attack bin laden 's continuing sway shown in kenya mall attack 1.60 crowds dignitaries gather for mandela memorial service obama takes selfie at mandela 's funeral service 1.80 obama urges restraint from israelis palestinians obama meets israeli palestinian negotiators 4.20 russia releases greenpeace doctor russian court releases greenpeace ship doctor on bail 0.20 russian aircraft wreckage found after a year russia evacuates embassy in libya after attack 4.00 17 killed in us drone attack on yemen wedding party us drone mistakenly kills 14 in yemen wedding convoy 1.00 china manufacturing index at 11 month low hsbc china manufacturing expands in september 0.40 france to ban child beauty pageants facebook to test mobile payments service 1.80 today in history dec 2 today in history april 23 1.80 ships train for syrian chemical weapons transport un adopts syrian chemical weapons resolution 0.60 death toll rises to 29 in india 's mumbai building collapse death toll rises to 12 in indonesia mine collapse 1.40 extremists claim responsibility for niger attacks greek militant group claims responsibility for golden dawn killings 3.80 pro russians forces enter ukrainian naval base in crimea crimean forces storm ukrainian navy headquarters 4.20 body of missing south korean shipping tycoon found in field sewol ferry disaster body of south korean shipping tycoon found 2.20 no update on nelson mandela 's condition nelson mandela 's condition improves 2.00 ukraine nine people die in kyiv clashes ukraine pressured over kiev clashes 4.20 us flying surveillance missions to help find kidnapped nigerian girls us surveillance aircraft join hunt for kidnapped nigerian girls 3.80 prince george is christened at st james 's palace prince george christened in london 4.00 monty python to reunite for new show monty python to reunite on stage 0.20 italian foreign minister confers with ghana vp belgian prime minister sends condolences to victims 1.40 gunman who held suburban atlanta firefighters hostage now dead police say the lede video gunman takes firefighters hostage in georgia 5.00 bradley manning wikileaks case turns to sentencing manning wikileaks case turns to sentencing phase 2.40 egypt poll 98 per cent vote yes for new constitution egypt holding key vote on constitution 4.60 iran six global powers sign landmark nuclear deal iran world powers agree nuclear deal 1.00 israeli forces arrest 6 palestinians in overnight west bank raids israel classifies jerusalem natives as noncitizens 2.80 hague concerns over conduct of zimbabwe election zimbabwe grave concerns over election 0.60 hong kong stocks end higher indian stocks open higher 0.40 dignitaries pay tribute to paul desmarais stars pay tribute to james garner 4.20 southwest grounds flights due to computer glitch southwest flights delayed canceled after computer glitch 3.60 vatican embassy in syria hit by mortar fire vatican embassy in syria hit by mortar no injuries 4.20 north korea blocks access to joint industrial zone north korea blocks access to key industrial zone 2.80 islamic militants kill 9 foreign tourists 1 pakistani gunmen kill 11 foreign tourists in pakistan 1.00 western forces attack islamic militant base in somalia western powers scramble to befriend modi 3.80 hong kong set for huge democracy rally on handover anniversary hong kong set for huge democracy rally 3.00 suicide bomber kills 20 in iraq suicide bomber attacks primary school in iraq kills 15 0.40 five children buried alive in bohol landslide nine children die in attack in afghanistan attack 3.00 6 killed by hot lava as indonesia volcano erupts five dead in indonesian eruption 0.60 at least 11 killed in india building collapse at least 66 killed in bomb blasts in iraq 2.80 egypt 's presidential election begins egypt issues long waited presidential election law 4.40 son of us evangelist kills himself the son of popular us evangelist rick warren has killed himself son of popular us evangelist warren kills himself 0.00 italian parliament backs new pm train derailment kills 4 in new york 0.40 russian lawmakers pass new bill restricting internet russia says ballistic objects fired in mediterranean 3.40 super typhoon haiyan strongest of season slams the philippines super typhoon haiyan closes in on the philippines 0.00 nato condemns ukraine crackdown thai bonds best in region 1.20 china to investigate eu wine exports christie investigation heats up 3.60 conan o'brien at the white house correspondents dinner obama and o'brien cast their versions of dc white house correspondents dinner 3.00 boston bomb suspect charged religious motive seen boston bombing suspect charged in hospital bed 1.40 asian markets mixed on china trade data asian markets slump on central bank stimulus fears 4.80 world 's oldest person dies in japan at 116 jiroemon kimura world 's oldest person dies aged 116 1.40 foreign exchange rates in india foreign exchange rates in singapore 3.60 colorado wildfire destroys more than 90 homes as winds worsen colorado wildfire may be biggest property destroyer in state history 2.00 earthquake of 63 magnitude strikes off indonesia island earthquake of 6 magnitude strikes thailand 2.00 us afghan govt to hold peace talks with taliban pakistan holds direct talks with taliban 3.00 news of terrorism and the israeli palestinian conflict january 22 ‚äď 28 2014 news of terrorism and the israeli palestinian conflict july 31 ‚äď august 6 2013 1.60 it 's either too late or too early to intervene in syria un chief inspectors need 4 days to conclude probe in syria 1.00 iran 's nuclear negotiating team leaves for kazakhstan iran 's nuclear quest has cost tehran over $ 100 billion 0.80 us factory orders down 07 pct in january german factory orders rebound in january 5.00 gunmen surround libya 's foreign ministry to push demands gunmen surround libyan foreign ministry to push demands 0.60 typhoon death toll rises to 3633 egyptian death toll rises to 638 4.20 uganda 's president signs anti gay bill uganda 's president signs harsh anti gay law 1.80 russian parliament allows putin to use military in ukraine russia has no intention to incorporate southeastern ukraine fm 4.40 bradley manning acquitted of aiding the enemy wikileaks soldier bradley manning acquitted of aiding the enemy 0.60 g7 to intensify russia sanctions ukraine fears russian invasion 5.00 rock bands plane makes emergency landing in ill rock bands plane makes emergency landing in ill 0.80 russian prime minister on second day of crimea visit russia warns against setting preconditions for syria 4.60 judge oks force feeding california inmates us judge approves force feeding californian inmates on hunger strik 4.00 gang violence kills 16 in venezuelan prison sixteen killed in venezuela prison 3.40 us military deaths in afghanistan at 2153 us military deaths in afghanistan 1.40 israel palestinians seek another meeting monday us official palestinians we do not want kerry mission to fail 3.80 tropical storm karen targets us gulf coast tropical storm karen poised to make landfall 4.80 seamus heaney irish poet of soil and strife dies at 74 seamus heaney irish poet and nobel winner dies at 74 4.60 bangladesh islamists rally against atheist bloggers bangladeshi islamists rally to demand action against atheist bloggers 4.00 crash of malaysia airlines flight mh17 in eastern ukraine malaysia airlines plane crashes on ukraine russia border 1.80 suicide bomber kills 13 at restaurant in central somalia suicide bomber kills at least 4 in kabul 5.00 anthony weiner slips to fourth place in new poll weiner falls to fourth in new nyc mayoral poll 0.60 india accuses china of crossing de facto border senate house on collision course on border money 2.80 pregnant sudan woman who married a christian man sentenced to death for apostasy sudan frees christian woman sentenced to death for apostasy 5.00 us top diplomat kerry 's wife rushed to hospital us secretary of state john kerry‚äôs wife rushed to hospital 3.80 kerry pursuing quiet strategy in mideast peace process kerry meets israeli leaders to push mideast peace 3.60 north korea says to restart nuclear reactor north korea offers talks complex may re open 4.00 egyptian court considers mubarak‚äôs release egypt court orders mubarak release 0.80 suicide bomber kills eight wounds 13 in afghan capital police suicide bomb kills 4 in syrian capital 's old city 1.20 boston bombing suspect charged in hospital bed one week later boston honors bombing victims suspect unable to speak 0.40 more rain hampers indian flood rescue us tourist gang raped in northern india police 1.60 a look at major terror attacks in east africa un security council slams deadly terrorist attack in kenyan capital 0.80 russia responds to ukraine ceasefire cyprus probes ukraine assets 3.50 kim jong un executed his worse than a dog uncle nkorea executes kim jong un uncle 1.20 colourful support at world cup in brazil merkel to attend world cup final 3.60 mandela remains in hospital mandela remains in intensive care 4.40 south korea ferry crew members stand trial sewol ferry crew faces trial 5.00 egypt votes on new constitution egyptians voting on new constitution 2.80 us drone strike kills six in pakistan officials us drone kills 4 militants in pakistan 2.00 vietnam detects signals from missing plane china expands search area for missing plane 4.00 cricket england v australia fourth test scoreboard cricket england 155 4 v australia fourth test tea 0.40 birthday of dprk to be celebrated in peru curiosity rover celebrates 1 year on mars 2.20 powerful 76 quake strikes off solomons powerful 69 quake strikes off california coast 1.80 india ink image of the day may 21 india ink image of the day january 16 4.00 australia leader ousted in snap leadership vote australian pm gillard ousted in leadership vote 0.80 obama condemns egypt violence cancels military exercises pakistan condemns violence in egypt 0.00 argentina declares mourning for flood victims parents demands common forms for nursery admissions 2.20 prince 's christening a blend of old and new when is prince george 's christening baptism plan royal baby 's godparents and all the details 2.33 what the papers say may 20 2013 what the papers say nov 19 2013 1.00 google releases nexus 5 phone with kit kat google redesigns search results on pcs 4.20 bombing aimed at hezbollah hits southern beirut explosion hits hezbollah area south of beirut 3.00 us allies to add sanctions against russia over ukraine eu slaps new sanctions on russia over ukraine 1.00 factories that ran on korean cooperation go silent north and south korea break their silence with talks 0.00 chinese premier meets indian vice president hezbollah urges to elect new lebanese president 3.60 algerian president in france for medical tests algerian president in france for medical tests after minor stroke 3.20 islamists still holding some 30 hostages as kenya mall standoff continues death toll rises as kenya mall siege continues 3.80 manchester city wins second premier league title in three years manchester city win english premier league title 4.80 bodies of mh17 crash victims flown to netherlands mh17 dead flown back to netherlands 3.40 egypt policeman killed in sinai attack egyptian soldiers killed in sinai attack 1.40 extension likely for iran nuclear talks oil slips below $ 108 ahead of iran nuclear talks 3.60 fire kills 38 in russian psychiatric institution 38 feared dead in russian psychiatric hospital fire 1.60 russia warns it may not sign landmark un arms treaty un closes in on landmark arms treaty 1.60 didier reynders on syria obama 's day prime time on syria 0.80 north korea experts call for dialogue ‚äď and say china must play a part north korea cuts last ties with south by barring joint industrial park 1.00 china stocks open higher monday china stocks close lower on thursday 0.00 sony xperia z2 and nokia‚äôs x series unveiled court orders political ban on italy‚äôs berlusconi 3.80 new coronavirus can probably can be passed person to person who who new virus can probably pass person to person 5.00 mandela back in hospital in ‚äėserious but stable‚äô condition nelson mandela returns to hospital in ‚äėserious but stable‚äô condition 0.00 east harlem explosion death toll rises mexico storm death toll continues to rise 0.00 ukrainian prime minister resigns amid protests british prime minister condemns murder of teens 0.00 royal hoax dj takes action against station taliban bombs us base in afghanistan 2.20 arsenal v stoke city ‚äď live tottenham v manchester city ‚äď live 2.40 business news and markets as it happened april 17 2013 business news and markets as it happened june 20 2013 4.20 iran world powers begin new round of nuclear talks iran world powers pledge new nuclear talks 2.60 tropical storm karen targets us gulf coast tropical storm karen weakens as it nears us gulf coast 3.00 workers killed in india building collapse 76 killed in bangladesh building collapse 3.80 north korea fires three short range missiles n korea fires short range missiles 2.60 car bomb kills 37 in northwest pakistan bomb kills three in northwest pakistan 4.00 malaysia airlines loses contact with plane carrying 239 to beijing malaysia airlines plane vanishes on flight to beijing 5.00 microsoft says to cut up to 18000 jobs microsoft to cut 18000 jobs in overhaul 3.40 malaysians vote in polls for stability or change malaysia elections malaysians vote with power at stake for first time 4.40 fire destroys ancient tibetan town in china fire destroys tibetan town in china 5.00 yahoo agrees to buy tumblr for $ 11 billion cash yahoo to buy tumblr for $ 11 billion 5.00 india starts voting in world 's largest election india voters kick off world‚äôs biggest election 2.00 car bomb in northern syria kills at least 12 syrian airstrikes kill at least 18 in aleppo 2.80 philippine quake death toll climbs to 73 death toll in philippines quake jumps to 85 1.40 search ends for missing asylum seekers search narrowed for missing man 0.20 ukrainian president orders 7 day ceasefire in the east uganda 's president museveni agrees to sign anti gays bill 4.33 icc champions trophy india vs south africa champions trophy india v south africalive 4.40 supreme court takes on affirmative action in michigan ban case supreme court to hear michigan affirmative action case 3.00 headlines in major iranian newspapers on sept 30 headlines in major iranian newspapers on nov 21 2.40 cyclone leaves trail of destruction in india cyclone phailin evacuation kept indian villagers alive 0.60 taliban kill 15 police in west afghanistan us drone kills two in eastern afghanistan 4.60 thousands rally to support embattled tunisia government thousands gather to support islamist government in tunisia 4.80 south africa 's mandela taken to hospital nelson mandela taken to hospital 5.00 updated two explosions near finish line of boston marathon two explosions at boston marathon finish line 0.40 at least two killed in southern egypt clash at least 18 killed in north caucasus train station blast 3.00 winter storm ion state by state winter storm janus state by state 3.60 corpses of 53 men found south of baghdad iraqi officials 50 bodies found south of baghdad 3.00 bomb attacks kill 20 in baghdad 's christian areas bombs kill 35 in baghdad christian area 3.20 china sets bo xilai trial date china bo xilai trial in fourth day 0.80 muslims prepare for start of ramadan muslims pray for end to divisions 0.80 japan scrambles jets against russian military planes separatists down ukraine military plane several dead 1.00 thousands of britons claim dole in germany thousands of white clad amsterdammers march for mh17 2.20 suspected us drone strike kills 5 in pakistan suspected us drone targets islamic seminary in pakistan 0.40 obama to sign up for obamacare obama visits tornado hit oklahoma 5.00 general electric posts 9 % profit drop for third quarter ge posts 9 % profit drop for third quarter 2.00 china yuan weakens to 61535 against usd china yuan strengthens to new high against usd 5.00 russia finds dead lawyer magnitsky guilty in posthumous trial russia convicts dead lawyer magnitsky in posthumous trial 2.80 trayvon could have been me trayvon martin could have been 3.40 china sends largest fleet yet to disputed islands china ships enter waters off disputed islands 3.40 kerry 's plan for restarting talks calls for release of 103 palestinian inmates kerry plan to include prisoner release settlement freeze 2.00 police explosion in belfast cathedral quarter explosion in kabul a suicide attack in diplomatic area 1.40 syrians protest against erdogan in paris venezuelans stress support to syria turkey 's erdogan in iran to mend ties after split over syria 3.00 prime minister to seek nuclear deal investments during japan visit manmohan hopes to clinch nuclear deal with japan 1.20 us postpones missile test over n korea tensions embassies staying put in n korea despite tension 4.60 obama to meet privately with family of nelson mandela obama to meet with mandela family 0.40 at least six dead in us shooting rampage at least 20 dead in somalia attacks 0.60 gunmen kill 10 in philippine political violence five killed in philippines volcano eruption 5.00 israel downs drone from lebanon israel shoots down drone from lebanon 1.00 israel approves release of first group of palestinian prisoners ahead of peace talks syrian opposition confirms participation in peace talks 4.60 deadly clashes as egypt marks anniversary violent clashes mark anniversary of egypt uprising 1.60 nato 5 americans killed in southern afghanistan roadside bomb kills 3 policemen in southern afghanistan 3.80 conmen dressed as women steal cash cctv york conmen dress as women to trick pensioners 5.00 cleveland kidnapper ariel castro found hanged in prison cell cleveland kidnapper ariel castro found hanging in his cell 5.00 google unveils prototype self driving car google unveils concept self driving car 2.00 bangladesh garment factory fire kills 8 bangladesh garment factory collapse kills 149 4.00 us seeks to reassure wary gulf allies over iran deal hagel seeks to reassure jittery gulf allies after iran deal 0.00 ukraine hosts ‚äėunity talks‚äô pope hits out at ‚äėwar to sell arms‚äô in syria 2.40 pakistan 's musharraf under arrest in bhutto assassination pakistan 's musharraf arrives at court for first time 2.20 trial date set for egypt 's muslim brotherhood chief syria 's muslim brotherhood faces uphill battle 0.00 red panda‚äôs short lived zoo escape india‚äôs march to mars 0.20 israeli doctors could be tried abroad for force feeding palestinian prisoners israel 's west bank control costing palestinian economy billions 5.00 washington pot shops prepare for historic sales washington pot shops prepare for historic sales 5.00 rio airport workers strike on eve of fifa world cup rio de janeiro airport workers strike on eve of world cup 1.40 son of top muslim brotherhood leader killed egypt arrests muslim brotherhood leader badie 5.00 iran six global powers sign landmark nuclear deal iran six world powers clinch breakthrough nuclear deal 2.80 hot air balloon catches fire in virginia hot air balloon catches fire and crashes 2.40 quotes from leaders family at mandela memorial world unites for mandela memorial 0.00 mumbai indians puts t&t in its place indonesians vote for president in tight race 4.40 kl shares remain higher mid afternoon kl shares continue uptrend mid afternoon 2.80 what the papers say nov 20 2013 what the papers say oct 10 2013 4.20 amazon launches new device for streaming video amazon unveils new fire tv streaming video box 0.00 palestinian president receives jordanian foreign minister palestinian arrested for sexually harassing young girls 0.20 obama nominates new transportation secretary obama to meet embattled veterans secretary 1.60 china yuan weakens to 61059 against usd china yuan strengthens to 61070 against usd friday 0.20 french raid wine cellar for austerity auction us praises ukraine deal calls for concrete action 1.40 us russia agree on seizure of syria chemical weapons syrian rebels skeptical of chemical weapons deal 1.40 s korea mps to visit kaesong complex s korea demands talks with n korea on closed factory 0.00 algerian priest to lecture about christian heritage in n africa telstra applies to list china site in ny 3.00 headlines in major iranian newspapers on april 5 headlines in major iranian newspapers on august 18 0.60 implications of palestinian reconciliation belgian king to address nation amid abdication speculation 3.00 hijacker arrested after plane lands at geneva airport hijacked aircraft lands in geneva 5.00 pcb appoints waqar younis as head coach waqar younis back as pakistan coach 2.40 us makes case for action against syria saudi urges un action against israel strikes on syria 1.80 ankara protesters clash with police peru protesters clash with police 2.20 49 killed 148 wounded in violent attacks in iraq 15 killed 90 wounded in fresh attacks in iraq 0.40 puerto rican arrested for production of child pornography indian guru arrested on suspicion of rape 2.00 ukraine signs eu trade pact as russia finalizes crimea annexation ukraine 's top court dismisses crimea 's independence as unconstitutional 1.00 assad warns turkey of heavy price for backing syrian rebels cabinet at war over arming syrian rebels 1.80 indian stocks close lower hong kong stocks close 233 % higher 2.80 19 killed 42 wounded in violent attacks in iraq 43 killed 86 wounded in attacks in iraq 3.80 indian rape accused face verdicts indian rape accused found guilty 3.60 iran nuclear deal agreed at talks iran nuclear deal sealed after decades long dispute 0.00 egyptian military spokesman denounces incitement against army labor ministry announcement due on monday 5.00 snowden sees no chance for us fair trial snowden sees no chance to get fair trial in us 2.20 headlines in major iranian newspapers on dec 30 headlines in major iranian newspapers on july 6 0.20 dozens injured in connecticut train collision indian minister killed in head on collision 5.00 queen visits britain 's new prince queen meets britain 's new baby prince 1.00 ukraine three killed in parliament protests ukraine president calls talks to end protests 4.40 ride operator charged in nc fair accident nc state fair ride operator arrested after accident 3.60 transcript reveals confusion over evacuation of south korean ferry transcript reveals confusion over ferry evacuation 0.20 fallen us firefighters brought home wall street ends slightly lower 4.80 syria regime agrees to attend peace conference russia syria agrees to participate in conference 3.40 uk vote rejects military action britain rejects syria military action 4.40 new zealand set to legalise gay marriage new zealand votes to legalise same sex marriage 3.00 singapore stocks end up 037 pct singapore stocks close 041 pct higher 1.80 venezuelan president to visit china senegalese president to visit china 3.60 cairo protesters defy crackdown threat in cairo camps protesters dig in and live on 3.00 missing plane search turns to vietnamese islands missing malaysia airlines plane crashes off vietnam 1.00 official of malaysia airlines briefs relatives of missing flight passengers about search progress malaysia airlines investigating co pilot on missing flight 2.20 stars pay tribute to cory monteith stars pay tribute to james garner 5.00 los angeles airport worker charged with making 9/11 threats los angeles airport worker charged over 9/11 threats 2.20 the note 's must reads for friday may 24 2013 the note 's must reads for friday august 23 2013 4.80 cristiano ronaldo hat trick fires portugal to 2014 world cup finals ronaldo hat trick fires portugal to world cup 3.00 britain 's prince philip set for exploratory surgery uk 's prince philip hospitalized 3.60 japan starts hearing on sales tax ex bank deputy urges gradual rise japan starts hearings on proposed tax hike 1.00 three bomb attacks kill six soldiers one civilian school bomb attack kills two in southern thailand 3.80 italian pilgrims die in bus plunge passengers dead in italy bus plunge 5.00 strong new quake hits shattered pak region powerful new earthquake hits shattered pakistan region 4.60 syrian opposition offers assad truce in homs for duration of ramadan syrian opposition offers assad 's forces truce for duration of ramadan 2.20 at least 20 dead in somalia attacks at least 60 die in iraq prison attack 4.60 westgate mall attackers spent four months planning in nairobi westgate attackers spent four months planning in nairobi says official 4.80 un security council calls for humanitarian ceasefire in gaza un security council calls for unconditional cease fire in gaza 2.00 63 magnitude quake hits honshu japan cenc 67 magnitude earthquake jolts taiwan cenc 2.20 chinese shares close higher tuesday chinese shares close lower on wednesday 2.40 car bombs kill 58 in iraqi capital car bombings kill 13 civilians in iraqi capital 2.60 ukrainian protesters back in streets for anti government rally ukraine protesters topple lenin statue in kiev 2.20 canadian freight train blast death toll hits three to rise canadian government monitoring train blast situation 2.40 nigel farage calls on government to let syrian refugees into uk no plans to resettle syrian refugees in the uk 0.20 israel 's peres urges return to peace talks gonsalves keeps up pressure on dom rep 1.80 china yuan strengthens to 61184 against usd tuesday china yuan weakens to 61510 against usd 1.60 radio israel set to increase palestinian prisoner release us israel to delay palestinian prisoner release 2.40 morsi 's supporters reject plan morsi supporters march in egypt 0.20 egypt court sentences 10 brotherhood supporters to death sources turkish pm tells supporters to prepare for rallies 1.40 obama condemns killing of 3 israeli teens bodies of missing israeli teens found in west bank 0.00 men tried to behead soldier on london street court hears australia spied on indonesia president reports 3.40 ukraine protesters rebuild barricades putin speaks on ukraine protesters rebuild barricades 2.40 mel smith dead at 60 and uk mourns a comedy favourite griff rhys jones mel smith was a force for life 1.60 three dead 63 hurt as new york buildings collapse two dead nine hurt in french building collapse 1.60 chinese shares close higher tuesday chinese stocks close lower thursday 3.00 india ink image of the day july 2 india ink image of the day march 4 3.60 asian muslims celebrate eid as 14 killed in afghanistan asian muslims celebrate eid as 52 die in pakistan afghanistan 0.40 russian coal mines seek new outlets in china russian foreign minister to meet un chief 1.40 ukraine‚äôs pro russia protesters demand greater autonomy sudanese protesters demand the regime 's ouster 3.20 iraq army fights to retake tikrit iraq army claims victory in tikrit 1.20 iran condemns alleged israeli airstrike on syria democrats face divide over a strike on syria 2.60 israel agrees to extend gaza truce by four hours israel hamas reportedly agree to 12 hour truce 3.20 fire at south korean bus terminal kills 5 s korea bus station fire kills seven 3.40 four civilians three nato soldiers killed in afghanistan three nato soldiers killed in afghanistan 1.60 protesters swamp streets to reclaim revolution egypt protesters storm muslim brotherhood 's hq 2.80 tokyo stocks open down 024 % tokyo stocks open up 052 % 4.60 australia returns asylum seekers to sri lanka in sea transfer australia australia hands asylum seekers back to sri lanka 0.20 shankill blast victims to be remembered crocodile victim 's body recovered 1.40 118 people killed in twin blasts in nigeria ten killed in new blast in russia 4.40 glee star cory monteith found dead in hotel room in canada glee star cory monteith found dead 0.40 yolanda death toll climbs to 3621 kenya red cross says death toll rises to 68 1.80 tokyo stocks close up 013pc tokyo stocks close 075pc down 3.60 iran says ready for fresh round of nuclear talks iran 's khamenei renews support for nuclear talks 4.40 clashes continue between police and protesters in turkey turkish police fight protesters clear square 1.20 those refused medical cards urged to contact hse hse boss defends medical card plan 0.00 world‚äôs largest building opened in west china italy‚äôs centre left splinters in presidential vote 1.20 israeli lightly hurt by stones in west bank israeli troops kill palestinian in west bank raid 3.20 death toll from egypt protests rises to 49 death toll from egypt violence rises to 638 3.00 syrian opposition agree to landmark peace talks syria opposition pressed to attend talks 0.00 poverty stats doubt modi 's development claims gm to start taking recall compensation claims aug 1 0.00 pro russia rebels to hold vote in ukraine syria rebels we killed hezbollah men in lebanon 2.60 georgians vote for new president ally of georgia 's billionaire pm to be president exit polls 4.20 mers respiratory illness found in us officials confirm first case of mers a sars like respiratory illness reported in north america 4.80 eu declares hezbollah 's military wing terror group eu puts hezbollah military wing on terror list 1.80 germany welcomes iran nuclear agreement syria welcomes iran 's nuclear deal 2.20 what the papers say june 25 2013 what the papers say aug 19 2013 4.80 gunmen kill nine foreigners in pakistan gunmen kill nine tourists in pakistan 1.80 2 indian traders stranded in china sent back home 46 indian nurses stranded in iraq return home 3.60 california governor declares drought emergency california governor declares drought emergency as wildfires continue to burn 0.40 peace talks with palestinians would take months israel official 3yo palestinian girl killed in israeli raid 0.60 1702 23 killed in iraq car bombings 11 children killed in syria bombings 1.20 two dead more trapped in latest mumbai building collapse two are trapped as us building collapses 0.00 air strikes kills dozens in northern syria ukraine will not give an inch over crimea 1.40 chinese tourist abducted from malaysia china returns 10 children abducted from vietnam 2.20 un inspectors hail progress over syria chemical weapons us has not concluded syria used chemical weapons white house 0.00 two arrests made after protest against nigel farage kerry vows progress after latest intensive mideast trip 2.40 gunmen kill 15 libyan soldiers gunmen kill 3 lebanese troops near syria 4.40 pictures show completed costa concordia operation timelapse of costa concordia operation 5.00 iran nuclear talks enter third day iran nuclear talks enter crucial third day 5.00 protesters gather in brazil despite concessions protests sweep brazil despite concession 4.60 australian pm kevin rudd calls election for 7 september australian pm rudd calls sept 7 poll 3.00 iran nuclear talks expected to resume this week uk iran nuclear talks at a serious point 2.20 bangkok tense on thai election eve bangladesh crackdown escalates ahead of election 0.00 china ‚äėwill protect interests‚äô of foreign business obama in ‚äėdirect‚äô confrontation with putin on ukraine 5.00 dc votes to decriminalize marijuana dc votes to decriminalize pot 0.00 many dead as asylum boat sinks off australia mandela spends third day in hospital 2.60 north korea 's kim hails execution of powerful uncle north korean intrigue the execution of power 4.20 margaret thatcher dies after stroke margaret thatcher dies at 87 2.40 chinese president arrives in netherlands for state visit nuclear summit chinese president arrives in venezuela for state visit 2.40 israel sanctions palestinians in new blow to peace talks israel to release palestinian prisoners as part of deal to revive peace talks 4.80 uk sky news cameraman killed in egypt sky news cameraman killed in egypt 4.40 stocks rise in early trading stocks inch higher in early trading 1.40 fbi audio expert testifies in zimmerman trial jury selection begins in zimmerman 's trial 4.40 iranian nuclear talks to be extended to november iran nuclear talks extended to november 24 1.20 boston bombing suspect to appear in court boston bombing suspect buried 3.20 death toll in india building collapse hits 42 toll from india building collapse hits 25 0.40 obama announces creation of twin manufacturing hubs us stocks retreat on manufacturing data 4.80 five charged with terrorism offences five people charged with terror offences 0.80 president obama reveals plans to withdraw troops from afghanistan by 2016 us government shutdown obama tells republicans to lift threat to us economy if they want talks 2.60 us nato raise doubts russia pulled back from ukraine border no sign of russian withdrawal from ukraine border official says 3.40 ftse bursa malaysia update 1130am ftse bursa malaysia update 300pm 2.80 glasgow helicopter crash search ends glasgow helicopter crash woman pc is victim 3.20 quotations in the news quotations of the day 1.80 philip leaves hospital after 11 days mandela leaves hospital after 10 days 4.60 bone fragment could be king alfred remains in winchester could be king alfred the great 3.80 israel frees second group of palestinian prisoners israel releases 26 palestinian prisoners 3.80 two skydivers dead after colliding during us jump two skydivers dead after colliding during jump in arizona 3.80 iron man jetpacks spark concerns in hawaii iron man jetpacks spark concerns 4.60 israel frees palestinian prisoners israel releases 26 palestinian prisoners 2.60 france says wo not shirk responsibilities in syria france urges eu to be united on syria 3.40 boston bombing suspect identified on surveillance video no arrest boston bombing suspect was under fbi surveillance says mother 3.20 china 's anger at n korea overcomes worry over us china 's anger at north korea overcomes worry over us stealth flights 2.20 china yuan strengthens to new high against usd china yuan weakens to 61705 against usd 3.20 man held after teen shot in belfast man 40 arrested after shooting 1.20 police stop maldives presidential election keita wins mali presidential election 3.60 indian army kill 3 militants in indian controlled kashmir indian troops kill militant commander in indian controlled kashmir 1.20 car bomb kills 20 in northwest syria car bomb kills 40 in northwest pakistan 0.40 iran ups oil swap with eastern neighbors iran urges rapid release of diplomat 0.00 turkey president appeals for calm texas house provisionally approves abortion law 2.80 north korea test fires 30 missiles into the sea n korea fires 100 shells into the sea 2.20 man dies in co donegal house fire woman dies in co cork house fire 0.60 doha gas blast kills 12 injures dozens syria missile kills 26 including 8 kids 0.20 polling stations open at ukrainian presidential election nominations open for etv ghana most influential awards 2.60 india ink image of the day april 21 india ink image of the day may 2 5.00 two french journalists killed in mali france confirms two french journalists killed in mali 3.20 gunmen kill nine tourists in pakistan gunmen attack hotel in remote pakistani province 4.60 israel and hamas to observe brief gaza truce israel and hamas accept temporary truce 0.40 china 's troubled xinjiang hit by more violence china 's online population rises to 618 mln 3.80 relatives scuffle with police after china fire kills 120 angry families demand answers after china plant fire kills 119 2.40 iran rejects claim on chlorine bombs iran rejects mko claim on nuclear site 3.80 india minister 's wife died unnatural death after affair rumours minister 's wife 's death unnatural 0.20 3 dead 1 hurt in shooting at s carolina oceanfront motel 4 dead 30 injured in train collision near moscow 1.00 burial of boston bombing suspect appears legal aready to go home last boston bombing victim leaves the hospital 1.20 5 killed in s china road cave in 0241 156 killed in china earthquake 0.00 south africa president mandela is improving afghan president delays signing us deal 0.60 world news update what you need to know labour 's 50p tax rate what you need to know 1.20 syrian civil war in photos syrian civil war peace talks at risk from iran invitation 1.00 abdullah widens lead in afghan presidential poll explosions heard near afghan presidential palace 4.20 imran blames rival for colleague murder pakistans imran blames rival for killing party member 2.80 bangladesh honors factory victims retailers back bangladesh factory safety pact 3.00 man who set himself on fire on national mall has died man sets himself on fire on national mall flown to hospital 5.00 japan defends dolphin hunt after us criticism japan defends dolphin hunts after criticism from us 1.40 bomb blast rocks shopping mall in nigeria 12 killed bomb blasts before indian opposition rally kill 4 3.40 philippines typhoon death toll at 4460 un philippines typhoon death toll rises above 5000 0.60 police fire teargas on venezuelan vote protesters chavez heir maduro wins venezuela 's presidency 1.80 wave of attacks kills at least 95 in iraq suicide attack kills at least 12 in northern iraq 3.40 top chinese political advisor meets greek pm top chinese political advisor meets yemeni president 4.00 palestinian diplomat injured in explosion in prague palestinian ambassador injured in apartment blast 5.00 ukraine leader pledges crisis talks ukraine leader pledges crisis talks 3.00 7 killed in attacks in iraq 16 killed in series of attacks in iraq 1.20 us military presence in east asia nato ups military presence amid russian threat 5.00 us believes syrian government used chemical weapons us suspects syria used chemical weapons 4.00 world powers and iran to resume expert nuclear talks on dec 30 iran nuclear experts world powers to resume talks next week 1.40 egypt 's muslim brotherhood refuses to back down egyptian court sentences muslim brotherhood leader to life in prison 2.20 at least 6 dead in canada bus train crash at least 6 dead in paris train crash 1.80 chinese president meets greek pm calling for stronger partnership chinese president meets indian vice president 5.00 astrazeneca pays $ 41bn to buy bristol myers squibb out of diabetes alliance astrazeneca to buy bristol out of diabetes venture for up to $ 41 billion 0.00 italian fugitive arrested in dominican republic australian icebreaker arrives in east antarctica for new rescue bid 1.40 india us to hold talks on china next week egypt to hold more talks with imf on loan next week 4.80 israel carrying out ground offensive in gaza israel launches ground offensive in gaza 3.80 ehud olmert former israeli prime minister sentenced to six years in jail for corruption ehud olmert sentenced to six years in israel 3.80 brahimi apologises to syria over lack of peace progress mediator apologizes to syrians for lack of peace progress 0.40 egyptian protesters issue morsi resignation ultimatum ukraine protesters battle police in new clashes 0.00 5 things to know about the sochi olympics 7 things to know about ethanol 2.60 china stocks open lower on wednesday china 's stocks close lower on monday 3.40 us delays missile test as tensions rise william hague us decision to halt missile test sensible 5.00 fire in beijing kills 10 fire in beijing kills ten 3.80 india china ink border pact 8 other agreements india china ink agreement on trans border rivers 5.00 venezuela expels three us diplomats venezuela expels 3 us diplomats 5.00 heavy smog hits north china city flights cancelled heavy smog hits north china city flights canceled 1.40 russia claims to have foiled possible terror act russia says ballistic objects fired in mediterranean 0.40 3 chinese tourists killed in pakistan seven kidnappers killed in southern nigeria 0.00 sevens world cup within kenya‚äôs reach clash of styles in court opens trial in young man‚äôs death 2.60 gunmen kill 10 foreign tourists in northern pakistan islamic militants kill 9 foreign tourists 1 pakistani 3.40 austrian found hoarding 56 stolen skulls in home museum stolen skulls found in home museum 5.00 egypt launches offensive against sinai militants egypt launches offensive against sinai insurgents 4.00 record setting southwest heat wave turns fatal at least 1 dead 40 hospitalized in southwest heat wave 4.60 detroit eligible for bankruptcy protection us judge detroit eligible for bankruptcy protection 4.20 british nobel winning author doris lessing dies nobel prize winning author doris lessing dies 4.80 israeli government authorises new settlements ahead of talks israel approves new settlement homes ahead of peace talks 1.60 pakistani taliban chief killed in us drone strike funeral for pakistan taliban chief set to take place 3.60 putin signs crimea annexe treaty 0932 putin signs off crimea annexation 1.80 faa continues ban on us flights to tel aviv faa lifts ban on us flights to tel aviv 3.20 chinese envoy rebuts vietnamese philippine accusations over south china sea china 's xi tells vietnam wants peace in south china sea 2.80 four more people arrested over australia 's largest illegal tobacco importation syndicate police target illegal tobacco syndicate 0.40 obama moves to fill fed board taps fischer to be no 2 obama voices willingness to talk with gop on budget 1.60 iran 's president condemns use of chemical weapons in syria probe alleged use of chemical weapons in syria 0.40 a society fraying at the edges old tv alignments crack at the edges 5.00 un invites iran to syrian peace conference un iran invited to attend syrian peace conference 0.00 italy bus crash death toll rises starbucks clears college degree path for workers 4.20 soccer ref punched by player dies police utah soccer referee punched by player dies 0.40 angela merkel headed for narrow win in german elections malawi 's new president sworn in after disputed elections 1.20 israel detains 37 palestinians as arrest operation continues israel criticizes palestinian stance on settlers 1.20 rebels kill 21 civilians in syria alawite village bomb kills 18 civilians in afghanistan 5.00 world sends emergency relief to battered philippines typhoon haiyan world sends relief to battered philippines 1.20 palestinian hunger striker israel reach deal palestinian activist detained in israeli raid 4.80 assad says syria will comply with un arms resolution syria 's assad vows to comply with un resolution 4.60 south korean president sorry for ferry response s korean president sorry for ferry disaster 0.00 food price hikes raise concerns in iran american chris horner wins tour of spain 2.00 obama made last minute decision on syria approval obama mulls limited military action in syria 4 driver backs into stroller with child drives off driver backs into mom stroller with child then drives off 5 spain princess testifies in historic fraud probe spain princess testifies in historic fraud probe 5 senate confirms obama nominee to key appeals court senate approves obama nominee to key appeals court 5 un rights chief presses egypt on mursi detention un rights chief presses egypt on morsi detention 5 us senate confirms janet yellen as us federal reserve chief senate confirms janet yellen as next federal reserve chair 5 syrian rebel groups battle each other in north syrian rebel groups battle each other in north 3 mayawati demands president 's rule in kashmir mayawati demands presidents rule in jammu and kashmir 4 uganda 's president signs anti gay bill uganda 's president signs harsh anti gay law 5 rocks tear gas fly as thai protests heat up rocks tear gas fly as thai protests heat up 5 boston bombing suspect buried in virginia boston bomb suspect buried in virginia cemetery 5 six dead in philippine restaurant blast 6 killed in philippines restaurant blast 5 china army newspaper hits out at us 's prism programme china army newspaper slams us 's prism program 4 silvio berlusconi expelled from italy 's parliament silvio berlusconi expelled from parliament 5 two killed in bahrain car explosion two killed in bahrain car blast 5 russia warns it will respond if interests attacked in ukraine russia warns it will respond if interests in ukraine attacked 4 hosni mubarak retrial adjourned until 8 june mubarak retrial adjourned to june 4 egypt protesters defy cabinet threat to end sit ins egypt protesters defy cabinet threat 5 couple marry in the uk 's first scientology wedding couple get married in britain 's first scientology wedding 4 qatar 's emir hands power to his son qatari emir hands power to son tamim 3 philippines typhoon death toll feared to hit 7000 philippines typhoon death toll rises above 5000 4 egypt braces for friday of anger after carnage egypt braces for friday of anger after bloody crackdown 4 red sox beat tigers 5 2 to advance to world series red sox beat tigers to reach world series 4 china lands jade rabbit robot rover on moon china lands robot rover on moon 4 ukrainian parliament dismisses president ukraine 's parliament votes to dismiss president 5 venezuela lawmakers brawl amid election tensions venezuela lawmakers brawl over election 5 north korea warns foreigners in south advising evacuation north korea warns foreigners in south to evacuate 4 captain of sunken south korean ferry arrested captain of capsized s korean ferry arrested 3 cars drivers plunge into river after wash i 5 bridge collapse cars plunge into river as us bridge collapses 5 death toll in syria now tops 100000 death toll in syria over 100000 so far 4 communist rebels ambush philippine police kill 7 communist rebels kill eight philippine police 3 egypt 's morsi faces trial for prison break murder says prosecution egypt 's morsi faces trial for prison break 5 iran nuclear talks enter third day iran nuclear talks enter crucial third day 3 thai army declares martial law thailand 's army declares martial law denies coup 4 woman dies while riding roller coaster in texas woman dies riding roller coaster at texas amusement park 4 nobel author doris lessing dies at 94 nobel prize winning author doris lessing dies 5 over 100 dead as typhoon slams central philippines at least 100 dead as typhoon batters philippines 4 first post office savings bank atm opens in chennai india 's first post office savings bank atm inaugurated in chennai 3 israel agrees to 12 hour ceasefire israel agrees to 24 hour gaza truce 3 quake of 62 magnitude strikes off indonesia 's sumatra usgs earthquake of 69 magnitude strikes off indonesia island 4 british stuntman fell to his death in wing suit mishap british stuntman dies in wingsuit mishap in alps 5 what makes india vote jaipur lit fest debates what makes india vote debate at jaipur literature festival 4 white diamond breaks record in hong kong auction white diamond fetches record $ 34m at hk auction 3 chinese satellite spots large object in search area malaysia chinese satellite found object in ocean 5 hamas urges hizbullah to pull fighters out of syria hamas calls on hezbollah to pull forces out of syria 3 us and russia reach a deal on syria 's chemical weapons china welcomes us russia deal on syria chemical weapons 4 psni failed ruc officers tribunal told 1323 psni failed ruc officer families 5 stocks edge lower following retail earnings stocks edge lower after earnings from retailers 4 police helicopter crashes into scottish pub police helicopter crashes on top of bar in glasgow 4 us ups pressure on israel as un demands gaza truce us un up pressure on israel over gaza 4 australian pm says very confident signals are from black box australian pm confident sounds are from flight 370 1 mandela 's condition has improved mandela 's condition has worsened over past 48 hours 4 philippe becomes king of belgium philippe ascends throne of divided belgium 4 india anti graft party takes charge in new delhi india 's anti graft party forms government in delhi 5 spain approves new restrictive abortion law spanish government approves tight restrictions on abortion 2 obama orders syria gas attack inquiry un urges syria gas attack inspection 5 german ambassador 's athens residence shot at shots fired at german ambassador 's residence in athens 2 ukraine 's jailed opposition icon tymoshenko walks free ukraine 's opposition chief wants more protests 3 oklahoma examines what went wrong in botched execution okla inmate dies of heart attack after botched execution 5 napolitano elected for second term as italy president italian president napolitano elected for second term 4 un court convicts 6 bosnian croats of atrocities un war crimes court convicts six bosnians croats 4 saudi man with pressure cooker arrested at detroit airport saudi man traveling with pressure cooker arrested 5 north korea says to put us citizen on trial north korea says detained american tourist to face trial 3 thai protests escalate amid violence thai protesters call general strike 3 egypt imposes state of emergency after 95 people killed egypt announces one month state of emergency nationwide 4 rallies demand justice for trayvon across us people rally for justice for trayvon 3 un warns of plight of women children in syria 's homs unicef calls for immediate safe access to women children in homs 4 hagel dempsey face congress over defense budget hagel laments political changes to us defence budget 3 sony to sell pc unit and cut jobs sony to axe pc unit in major business overhaul 2 man kills 4 in calif before police shoot him dead police gunman killed 6 in california shootings 2 n korea deports elderly american north korea deports detained us war veteran 1 search leader urges caution in findings related to missing malaysian jetliner searchers hoping pings come from lost malaysian airliner 1 mandela remembered by family as stadium memorial service is planned mandela 's family thanks nation and world for support 4 ukrainian presidency says deal reached at crisis talks ukraine rivals sign deal to end crisis 2 obama mulls limited military action in syria obama urges military action against syria but will seek congress ok 4 syria 's pm escapes assassination try regime says syrian prime minister survives assassination attempt 3 jordan elected to take saudi seat on un security council jordan elected to un security council seat that saudi arabia rejected 0 at least 18 killed in iraq mosque bombing more than 60 killed at iraq funeral 3 police surround protesters in belfast ahead of g8 peaceful anti g8 protest held in belfast 1 george zimmerman found not guilty of trayvon martin murder george zimmerman verdict propels cable news into talkradio mode 3 ten rescued off waterford dublin coasts six rescued after boat capsizes in dublin bay 5 mandela spends third day in hospital mandela in hospital for 3rd day 2 one killed in clashes at muslim brotherhood cairo offices egypt protesters storm muslim brotherhood 's hq 2 saudi women to protest against driving ban saudi women drive in protest with little problem 1 russian parliament allows putin to use military in ukraine president obama warns russia to stay out of ukraine 2 nelson mandela hospital release reports incorrect nelson mandela goes home after hospital stay 1 world stocks rise on hopes fed to keep stimulus fed expected to maintain stimulus 1 no winners in a war of sanctions the impact of sanctions on russia 3 world cup hit by new stadium death worker dies at world cup stadium 1 tata nano and other indian small cars fail crash tests how does world 's cheapest car do in crash test 3 greece reaches agreement with troika bailout tranche expected within days debt inspectors reach agreement with greece 5 murray ends 77 year wait for british win murray wins wimbledon title ends britains 77year agony 0 malaysia airlines plane crashes on ukraine russia border live us russia massing troops on ukraine border 2 us to determine extent of chemical weapons use by syria what we know so far about chemical weapons in syria 's civil war 0 the covert war in pakistan new major earthquake rocks southwest pakistan 2 russia 's putin claims authority to invade ukraine kremlin putin yet to decide on using russian troops in ukraine 3 senior cpc official meets top dprk leader 's special envoy north korean leader sends special envoy to china 1 turkey unrest goes on despite end to park protest turkish pm erdogan says duty to order crackdown on istanbul park protest 5 pope calls for action on climate change in draft encyclical pope urges action on climate change in draft encyclical 2 singapore shares open 028 % lower on thursday singapore shares open 019 % higher on thursday 5 who is jihadi john who was jihadi john 2 headlines in major iranian newspapers on oct 4 headlines in several iranian newspapers on oct 19 4 us attorney general holder resigns us attorney general eric holder to resign 5 us eu widen sanctions on russia us eu boost sanctions on russia 1 top asian news at 230 pm gmt top asian news 125 pm gmt 2 how the dow jones industrial average did wednesday how the dow jones industrial average fared on monday 4 hajj to go ahead despite crane collapse officials vow hajj to go ahead despite crane collapse 3 us house republicans elect paul ryan as speaker us house republicans eye reluctant ryan for speaker 3 top asian news at 400 pm gmt top asian news 839 am gmt 1 singapore shares open 083 % higher on wednesday singapore shares open 006 % lower on tuesday 1 china treasury bond futures open higher tuesday china treasury bond futures close mixed wednesday 5 us attorney general holder resigns attorney general eric holder to resign 3 headlines in major iranian newspapers on sept 27 headlines in several iranian newspapers on oct 19 4 china on high alert for typhoon kalmaegi china issues yellow alert for typhoon kalmaegi 3 saudi led airstrikes hit yemeni capital saudi airstrikes in yemen 's capital kill 29 3 mali hunts jihadist nightclub killers militants attack un as mali hunts jihadist nightclub killers 1 73 magnitude earthquake strikes nepal 66 magnitude earthquake strikes off indonesia 4 tokyo shares open higher over buoyant us market tokyo shares open higher tracing us gains 1 iran 's parliament backs nuclear deal iran hardliners attack nuclear deal 5 hawaii preps for first hurricane in 22 years hawaii bracing as first hurricane in 22 years approaches 2 iraq bombings kill at least 26 iraq suicide bomber kills at least 12 3 sierra leone in ebola lockdown sierra leone reaches final day of ebola lockdown 4 tokyo shares open higher on buoyant us market tokyo shares open higher following strong us performance 0 4 killed several injured in sw china car accident two killed seventeen injured in raiwind road accident 3 more than 3400 migrants rescued at sea in mediterranean over 2000 migrants rescued from wooden boats in mediterranean 4 lewis hamilton takes pole for russian gp lewis hamilton wins inaugural russian gp 2 un security council hears yemen envoy 's final un security council urges yemen 's houthis to end 1 israeli forces arrest 21 palestinians overnight clash with locals israeli security forces arrest 8 palestinians in overnight west bank sweeps 0 4 dead 3 injured in east china road accident 2 dead 8 injured in central israel traffic accident 2 markets live waiting for china data markets live china drags 2 palestinians israeli police clash at jerusalem 's al aqsa palestinian shot by israeli police in east jerusalem dies 4 suspected boko haram suicide bombers in nigeria kill 24 suspected boko haram attacks kill dozens in nigeria 2 the end of the hong kong protests uk concern over hong kong protests 2 russian warplanes strike inside syria russian roulette in syria 1 cctv of gunmen in tunisia museum attack 19 killed in tunis museum attack 0 live blog ukraine in crisis live blog iraq in turmoil 2 nigeria votes in tight presidential election guineans go to the polls in presidential elections 2 prince william dons samurai gear on japan tour prince william of britain arrives in beijing 2 micronesia vice president to visit china vice president of bolivia to visit china 3 islamic state issues video of beheading of us hostage islamic state posts second propaganda video of uk hostage 2 iran ends cooperation agreement with pakistan iran tajikistan sign cooperation agreement 1 teenager tests negative for ebola texas hospital worker tests positive for ebola 1 texas sues over syrian refugees turkey exploits syrian refugees 2 new us sanctions target overseas cyber attackers china disagrees with us sanctions program on overseas cyber attackers 0 5 killed in israeli air strikes in gaza 38 is militants killed in clashes air strikes in iraq 2 deadly blast rocks coal mine in east ukraine 12 dead despite cease fire in east ukraine 3 greece bailout uncertainty weighs on global markets greece concerns drag on asia markets 1 rooney helps man united beat everton 3 0 in premier league west ham beats newcastle 2 0 in premier league 1 hard line jewish leader shot in jerusalem israeli leader urges calm in jerusalem 2 backstage moves intensify as fight against islamic state widens mixed progress reported in fight against islamic state 1 egypt ipi urges release of al jazeera journalist arrested in berlin egypt sentences al jazeera journalists to jail 1 occupied palestinian territory israeli forces continue to shed palestinian blood in opt occupied palestinian territory israel warns on security as gaza truce talks resume 0 libya un orders investigation into libya rights abuses india 's top court orders investigation into job scam deaths 2 taiwan coast guard launches new ships as south china sea tensions rise chinese military reaches out amid south china sea tensions 1 burundi police fire tear gas at protesters montenegrin police fire teargas to disperse opposition 3 nepal earthquake death toll surpasses 7000 death toll in nepal earthquake tops 8000 1 ashya 's parents arrive for extradition hearing ashya king 's parents freed from jail in spain 1 nigeria admits slow response in ebola case us ramps up response to ebola crisis 1 thousands cross austria hungary border thousands of russians stranded abroad 0 kranjcar leaves it late to rescue qpr against moses inspired stoke harry kane leaves it late to rescue a point for tottenham hotspur 0 oscar pistorius sentenced to 5 years in prison bookkeeper of auschwitz sentenced to four years in prison 2 pro palestinian activists march to un headquarters pro palestinian activists prepare flotilla to break gaza blockade 1 benzema faces possible charges in sex tape case menendez faces possible corruption charges 2 all 224 dead in russian airliner mystery crash heat flash detected at time of russian airliner crash 0 govt to hold talks with ftii students cameron to hold talks with sturgeon on uk future 0 li na to announce retirement us senator ted cruz to announce presidential bid 1 gunners fire but fail to advance in champions league epl clubs out to avoid champions league woes 1 iranian president praises nuclear deal iran arrests several spies near nuclear plant 1 boko haram disrupts nigerian elections press awash with nigeria\ 's general elections 1 south korea regrets north 's refusal of talks south korea reports 14th mers death 12 new cases 0 plane crash site search called off for the night tour de france pack sets off for stage 15 0 obama queries turnbull over china port deal spanish bulls gore seven to death 0 china 's generous 1mdb bid seen reaping it big returns in malaysia china keeps an eye on visiting tiger freed by russian president 0 hezbollah targets qaeda gathering along border with syria belarus tightens security along the border with ukraine 1 south korea reports seven new mers cases south korean woman in contact with mers patient dies 0 obama calls for international front against is obama vows to save iraqis stranded on mountain 1 us military says it conducts airstrikes against is in syria iraq observatory says russian air strikes kill 45 in syria 0 who abandoned 3 boeing planes at the airport police abandon posts in lesotho fear for lives 2 north korea to put us citizen on trial n korea hit with new us sanctions 2 hong kong officials resume work as protests thin hong kong student leaders mull protest retreat 0 ebola uk nhs staff panicked after suspected ebola cases uk says investigating 2 suspected mers cases 1 uk leader signals support for airstrikes on is in syria why cyprus backs cameron 's push for uk air strikes in syria 0 n korea agrees to talks with south johor crowns its fifth sultan 0 iran a large important partner for russia novak iran reiterates support for iraq syria 0 taiwan 's president charters plane to pay respects to lee poland president loses to challenger 0 two palestinians die in attacks on israelis ahead of kerry visit palestinian official slams israel 's stone throwing bill 0 thomas cook accused of putting costs before customers university of florida frat accused of spitting on wounded war veterans 0 narendra modi photoshopped image of chennai floods visit goes viral pm narendra modi speaks of non discrimination and equality 1 un chief welcomes peaceful presidential elections in guinea un chief condemns attack against peacekeepers in mali 0 pakistan executions draw international ire pakistan protests ceasefire violations by india 0 two australians killed in kenya after bus crashed into river permalink to two killed in germany train accident 2 france shuts mosque arrests man in crackdown after attacks security tightened at new delhi churches after attacks 2 russian plane reportedly crashes in egypt pilot killed as us jet crashes in england 0 severe gales as storm clodagh hits britain merkel pledges nato solidarity with latvia 0 dozens of egyptians hostages taken by libyan terrorists as revenge for airstrikes egyptian boat crash death toll rises as more bodies found in nile 0 president heading to bahrain president xi china to continue help to fight ebola 0 china india vow to further bilateral ties china scrambles to reassure jittery stock traders 0 putin spokesman doping charges appear unfounded the latest on severe weather 1 dead in texas after tornado