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Daichi Mochihashi (持橋大地) daichi <at> by hns, version 2.10-pl1.

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2003年01月25日() [n年日記]

#1 形態論

Xerox の Lauri Karttunen 氏の "Applications of Finite-State Transducers in Natural-Language Processing".
まだちゃんと中身を読んでいないが, abstract によると
Stump's recent book, INFLECTIONAL MORPHOLOGY (2001), lays out a rich set of principles and notational conventions designed to capture important linguistic generalizations. In spite of the apparent complexity of Stump's formalism, the system as a whole is no more powerful than a collection of regular relations. Consequently, a Stump-style description of the morphology of a particular language such as Lingala or Bulgarian can be compiled into a finite-state transducer that maps the underlying lexical representations directly into the corresponding surface forms or forms, and vice versa, yielding a single lexical transducer.
Karttunen 氏はもともと言語学の出身で, 今は Xerox europe にいるが 結構お年を召したおじさんのようだ。ということに結構元気づけられたりして。
Stanford の NLP Reading group のMLのアナウンスより。

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