mots quotidiens.
Daichi Mochihashi (持橋大地) daichi <at> by hns, version 2.10-pl1.

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2010年12月28日(火) [n年日記]

#1 ISM Talk

stats(統計学会メーリングリスト)やibismlに流れましたが, 来月1/19(水)の 統数研NOE統計的機械学習セミナーで話すことになりました。 [Link]

前半は Yee Whye で後半が僕という感じで, 僕は今やっている半教師あり形態素解析 の話をする予定です。
この話は外で発表するのは今回が最初です。 今年の言語処理学会2011 にも出す予定ですが(きのう申し込んだ), NLP2011は豊橋技科大なので, 東京方面でご興味のある方はどうぞお越し下さい。

Unsupervised and Semi-supervised Learning of Nonparametric Bayesian
Word Segmentation

For the second part, I extend the NPYLM to semi-supervised learning using
Conditional Random Fields (CRF). Although NPYLM can be regarded as a kind of
semi-Markov model, naive combination with semi-Markov CRF is prohibitive
and proves to work badly. To cope with this problem, we convert the
information between Markov CRF and semi-Markov NPYLM to yield a consistent
combination of discriminative and generative models.  We show the results
on segmenting twitters, speech transcripts, dialects based solely on
newspaper supervised data, as well as the results for standard datasets on
Chinese word segmentation.

* Latter half of the talk is a joint work with Jun Suzuki and Akinori Fujino
(NTT CS Labs).

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